31 Days of Autumn (14 page)

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Authors: C.J. Fallowfield

BOOK: 31 Days of Autumn
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‘I just dispensed it, you don’t want it now?’
Dan frowned.

‘Of course I still want it, but unless you want
him to get frost burn on his neck as well, I need a bag to put it in. Honestly,
what’s wrong with you?’

‘It’s been a tough day,’ he replied, heading
off to grab me a bag.

‘Half a day,’ I reminded him. ‘And you
shouldn’t have taken Oliver with you if you were that busy. What were you
thinking and how could you be so callous earlier? If being away from work and
this project has you this stressed that you take it out on me and your son,
then I’d rather go back to Scotland without you. You can stay here in London
and get on with it on your own.’

‘Ellie,’ he sighed, ‘don’t make this into

made this into something, Dan.
Don’t you ever show a lack of sympathy to any of our children when they’re
upset again, or I
make this into something so big you’ll wish you’d
never met me.’ I snatched the bag out of his hand and quickly tipped some ice
into it, tied it, then held it over the plaster on Oliver’s neck. ‘There you
go, Oliver, another minute and it should help, ok?’ I softened my tone. I
didn’t want him to see his parents arguing. He nodded and I bent down and
kissed the back of his head. When I looked back up, Dan was leaning against the
range, one hand over his mouth as he watched us. He’d been fine this morning,
but a whole other man had returned, one I didn’t like. It was like I was
looking at Stan all over again when he’d stood in the study doorway. Right now,
though, it was Dan, and he had anguish written all over his face. He was upset.
I took a calming breath before I spoke. ‘You’re under pressure, I get it, but
take that out on me, not on our children. Talk to me, don’t bottle it all up.’

‘I can’t, it’s classified,’ he sighed. ‘I’m
sorry, Ellie. I just … I’m sorry,’ he repeated sincerely, holding my gaze. I
nodded my acceptance, I could see it in his eyes that he was sincere now. ‘Will
he be ok?’

‘He’ll be fine. Right now I’m more worried
about you. You know I hate being apart from you, but I want to go home, to get
the boys back into their routine. If you need to stay and work, I’ll

‘No,’ he responded, quick as a shot. ‘I’m not
being separated from you. I did what I needed to do here this morning. I can
work from home from now on. The critical stage of this project is over, it’s
just a case of monitoring it now.’

‘Then go and pour yourself a drink, you look
like you need it. I’ll do the boys’ lunch. Magda’s made a lasagne for dinner,
I’ll plate you up a large portion now and we can have something light to eat
later and have an early night, ok?’

‘Ok,’ he nodded, stepping towards me and sweeping
my fringe back as he kissed my forehead scar. ‘I love you, Ellie. I’d never let
anything happen to you, or my family, tell me you know that.’

‘Of course I do. What’s going on, Dan?’

‘Nothing. I’ll sort the lasagne while you do
the boys’ lunch, ok?’ He kissed my forehead again, then ruffled Oliver’s hair.
‘Feeling better, son?’

‘Yes,’ Oliver sniffled.

‘There’s my brave boy. Daddy’s very proud of
you.’ He headed off to the fridge as I frowned after him. Whatever project he
was working on had better be of global importance, as I didn’t like the effect
it was having on him. Being exhausted was bad enough, but I’d never seen him
irritable with the children and I never wanted to again.


Day Ten

Saturday 19


‘Luiza, you look amazing,’ I exclaimed as she headed
into the lounge. She was wearing a pair of slightly-cropped, flared black
trousers, with a pair of elegant red heels, a black silk blouse, a thin red
belt, and a gorgeous long set of red Murano glass beads. She’d tucked her long
hair up into a loose chignon and had accessorised with a patent red and black
leather clutch.

‘Thank you,’ she beamed, giving me two sets of
kisses on each cheek. ‘It’s nice that someone appreciates the effort I go to,’
she added, tossing the remark over her shoulder to her husband as he strode in.

‘I always tell you that you look nice,
darling,’ he frowned, raising his eyebrows with a mild shake of his head at me
when she looked away.

‘Nice,’ she huffed. ‘You say I look nice in my gym
doesn’t cut the ketchup for a tailored outfit or cocktail

‘Cut the mustard,’ he retorted. ‘Hello, Ellie,
good to see you back on your feet. How are you feeling?’

‘Much better, thank you,’ I nodded, giving him
a peck on the cheek.

‘Excellent, now where are my grandchildren?
I’ve been looking forward to seeing them all morning.’

‘Eva’s having a nap and the boys are playing in
Oliver’s room. I can either call them down, or you’re welcome to go up to see
them, they’ll be so excited to know that you’re here. Can I get you a drink

‘I’m good at the moment, thank you, Ellie. I’ll
go up, anything for a bit of peace and quiet.’

‘You won’t get that from the two of them,’ I

‘Anything’s better than another Portuguese
ranting session,’ he replied, casting an unimpressed look at his wife. She
rolled her eyes before shooing him up to the top floor, then turned to look at
me and shook her head.

‘Is everything ok?’ I asked, feeling more than
a little concerned.

‘He is driving me around the loop lately,’ she
replied, throwing her hands in the air dramatically. ‘He is stubborn and opinionated,
 and he always has to win every argument and pick faults. I am at the end of my
rope with him.’

‘But isn’t he always like that?’ I asked,
linking arms with her and guiding her over to the kitchen. Now wasn’t the time
to point out that it was “at the end of my tether,” rather than “rope.” She
needed a drink to try and calm herself down.

‘Yes, but lately it is getting on my nerves,’
she sighed. I pulled out one of the leather barstools for her to perch on and
went to get the bottle of champagne out of the fridge.

‘Then what’s changed?’

‘I don’t think he finds me attractive anymore.’

‘You can’t be serious?’ I gasped, tossing her
an incredulous look over my shoulder. ‘Luiza, you’re stunning.’

‘I’m old. I have wrinkles.
she moaned. ‘He gets better looking with age and I do not. I think he is seeing
someone else.’

‘I don’t believe that for a moment,’ I replied,
shutting the fridge door and grabbing the ice bucket to fill. ‘With the
exception of your little spat that’s put you both in a mood today, I see the
way he looks at you. He adores you and I’ve never seen a woman as attractive
for her age as you are. You look years younger and you’d easily have twenty
year olds lining up to be with you. What makes you think he’s seeing someone

‘We haven’t had sex all week.’ Her shoulders
slumped as she sighed.

‘And?’ I prompted. She looked up at me, aghast.

‘That’s not enough?’

‘No,’ I laughed, popping the bottle in the ice
bucket and reaching for the flutes. ‘I would imagine most couples would be over
the moon to have sex once a week, not lamenting the fact. Has he been staying
out late? Making excuses? Making more of an effort with his appearance?’

‘No,’ she replied. I smiled over her shoulder
as Dan came out of our study. ‘But this lack of sex is very unusual. We have
always been extremely passionate, sex every day or two, he has a very large appetite
for me and goes like a … steam locomotive when he is aroused.’

‘Mother!’ Dan groaned as he walked up behind
her. ‘I really didn’t need to hear that.’

‘You father is having an affair, he no longer
wants me,’ she muttered, not at all embarrassed.

‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ Dan replied, bending to
kiss her temple. ‘He adores you. What are you basing this on,
any more of the disturbing sex talk please. I need bleach to erase that from my

‘Trust me, when a man’s sexual appetite fails,
all is not well,’ Luiza stated firmly, shaking her head. ‘And he’s been
spending more time in his study.’

‘Maybe he’s busy with work?’ I suggested,
picking up the champagne bottle.

‘Allow me, baby,’ Dan smiled, taking it off me
and popping the cork.

‘No. I rang his assistant Hilda and asked her,
she said he was slowing down, trying to prepare himself for retirement. Maybe
he is watching pornography secretly. He is, how do you say, jerking off?’ she
asked, doing the hand motion, making me explode with laughter and clutch my
tender stomach, and Dan drop, then quickly catch, the bottle of champagne
before it hit the granite worktop. ‘Yes, he is jerking and this is why he no
longer wants me.’

‘Mother,’ Dan spluttered, trying to regain his
composure. ‘He’s not doing whatever you’re imagining he’s doing. Trust me.’

‘Trust you? What are you not sharing, Oliver
Davenport,’ she demanded, spinning around to fix him with the most intimidating
of glares. I grimaced at Dan with a giggle. I knew where he got that look from
now and all along, I’d thought it was from his dad.

‘Just take my word for it, he’s not having an affair
or developed a porn addiction, Mother.’

‘Who’s got a porn addiction?’ Brooke called as
she opened the baby gate.

‘Daniel,’ Luiza groaned, throwing her hands in
the air again.

‘My best friend’s not good enough for you?’
Brooke demanded, giving Dan a stern look.

‘Not me,’ he uttered. ‘My father.’

Mr. Davenport’s
addicted to porn?’ she
gasped, then turned to look at Molly heading up the stairs. ‘Molly, would you
have imagined Mr. Davenport was addicted to porn?’

‘Mr. Davenport’s addicted to corn?’

‘Porn,’ called Brooke and Luiza at the same

‘Well, he doesn’t look the type, if there is
such a thing, but I’d never have guessed that,’ Molly replied, shaking her

‘Guessed what?’ John smiled as he and Edward
joined us, too.

‘Daniel’s got a porn addiction,’ Brooke nodded.

‘With a looker like Ellie for a wife? I have to
say I’m surprised, Dan.’ John shot him a disapproving look.

‘I haven’t got a porn addition, they’re talking
about my father.’

‘Really?’ Edward piped up. ‘I’d never have seen
that coming either, not with a woman as attractive as Luiza. I’d be tempted to
stray from the gay side for a woman that attractive. She’s fabulous.’

‘Thank you, Edward,’ Luiza beamed. ‘But I’m
still no clearer how I’m going to handle this problem.’

‘Has he thought about joining PAA?’ John

‘What’s PAA?’ Molly asked, accepting a glass of
champagne off Dan.

‘Porn Addicts Anonymous,’ John nodded

‘There’s a PAA?’ Brooke asked, looking

‘Darling, there’s an AA for every type of
addiction nowadays,’ Edward confirmed, to a chorus of nods from everyone as I
leaned back against the fridge, wondering how Luiza’s probably unfounded
concerns had suddenly become the lunchtime gossip for everyone. ‘A friend of
ours has a shopping addiction, he can’t stop buying butt plugs. I’ve never seen
so many.’

‘BPA, butt plugs anonymous, I’ve heard it all,’
Luiza replied, shaking her head. ‘Did they get to the bottom of the problem?’
she asked, her eyes widening as we all roared with laughter. ‘What? What did I

‘Butt plugs, bottom of the problem,’ Brooke
giggled, spelling it out for her with a tap of her bottom.

‘O my,’ Luiza laughed. ‘Then my husband being addicted
to porn seems quite tame.’

‘My father doesn’t have a porn addiction,’ Dan

‘You said he did,’ Brooke shot back, snatching
the next available glass of bubbly off him. Molly and I gave her a stern look,
alcohol and diabetes weren’t a good mix. She sighed, rolled her eyes, and
handed it over to John.

‘No, I didn’t.’

‘Yes, you did,’ Brooke, Molly, John, and Edward
replied in unison.

‘No,’ Dan repeated. ‘I said they weren’t
talking about me, they were talking about my father. I never actually said that
my father was addicted to porn.’

‘Mr. Davenport’s addicted to porn?’ Jenny questioned,
as she appeared with Andy and James. I started giggling as I went to get
another bottle of champagne from the fridge. This was getting out of hand.

‘No,’ Dan replied, as everyone else called back

‘I think he needs to go to PAA. He’s been
jerking in the study,’ Luiza called, complete with hand gesture again, knocking
back her entire glass of champagne and holding it out for Dan to top up. I was
laughing so hard I had to clutch the granite countertop, while Dan just groaned
with embarrassment and poor Andy and James just looked at each other, wondering
what they’d walked in on.

‘Who's been twerking in the study?’ Magda asked
as she appeared carrying a large pan of pasta and a ladle from the utility
room, which doubled as an overflow kitchen. ‘I twerk quite well.’

‘Jerking,’ came a chorus from nearly everyone
as Dan looked at me in despair. I was laughing too hard to say anything as I
pushed another two bottles over to him.

‘My Ollie's been jerking in the study? With
young children about? Naughty, Ollie,’ Magda scolded Dan, waving her pasta
ladle at him.

‘I haven’t been twerking, jerking,
watching porn in the study,’ he protested. ‘They’re talking about my father.’

‘Mr. Davenport?’ Magda uttered, her eyes
widening in surprise. ‘No!’

‘Yes,’ nodded Luiza with a heavy sigh.

‘For the last time,
no one
is a porn
addict. Well, some of you might be, some of you might even be looking up pay-per-view
tonight after all this talk, but my father is not a porn addict, I can assure
you,’ Dan stated firmly, with Luiza trying to explain her problem to Magda,
Jenny, Brooke, and Molly.

‘Who said I’m a porn addict?’ Mr. Davenport
frowned as he came down the stairs and opened the baby gate. Everyone went
quiet and turned to look at him.

‘Daddy, what’s a porn addict?’ Oliver called as
he weaved through everyone’s legs.

‘Jesus Christ, I give up,’ Dan huffed, shoving
the bottle towards me. ‘Mother, Mother!’ he yelled, making Luiza look around as
a hush descended on the room. ‘Father isn’t having an affair. He isn’t
twerking, jerking, or watching salubrious material in his study. He’s been working
flat-out on planning a surprise, long, romantic getaway for your wedding
why he’s been holed up in his office. As to why  …
steam engine
isn’t running at full power, I’d really prefer you
discuss that in private. Now, can we please all move on from this topic of
discussion and gather around the table and enjoy lunch and each others’
company?’ He cast a stern eye towards his mother and she pulled a face.

‘I thought he was having an affair, how was I
to know,’ she huffed. Daniel strode over to put his arm around her and kiss

‘I’d never have an affair, darling. You’re more
than enough woman for me to handle, that’s a full-time job in itself. I’m sorry
I didn’t say you looked stunning this morning, I didn’t think it needed
stating. You’ve always been the most beautiful woman in any room to me.’

‘Daniel,’ she moaned, throwing her arms around
his neck and kissing him, with tongue. Dan screwed up his face and looked over
at me as I wiped tears of laugher from my eyes.

‘Daddy, what’s a porn addict?’ Oliver repeated.

‘Someone who can’t stop eating corn,’ Brooke
chipped in, sweeping him up for a kiss.

‘I can’t stop, I love it,’ he nodded.  ‘Don’t I,

‘Yes, you do,’ chuckled Dan, shaking his head.

‘Mummy, will I be a porn addict if we have some
for lunch?’ Oliver asked, looking confused as everyone burst out laughing.

‘That’s it, Mother, you’re never having the
children again,’ Dan warned with a pointed finger.

‘What did I do?’ she protested, looking like
butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.


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