31 Days of Winter (44 page)

Read 31 Days of Winter Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Mystery, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: 31 Days of Winter
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‘I’d love that,’ I replied, then squealed as he
rolled onto his back, taking me with him so I was stretched down his front, him
still inside me. He hooked his legs over mine and dragged them apart. Snaked
one hand down to palm my backside making me wince slightly, it was sore. I soon
forgot about it as he reached up with his other hand to push my hair back from
my face as he cradled it in his palm, lifted his head and kissed me again.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ he whispered.

‘You’re not so bad yourself,’ I smiled and dipped
my head and kissed him back.

‘That was …’

‘Incredible,’ I finished for him.

‘Yeah,’ he nodded.

‘It’s really been three years for you?’

‘Yes. Sorry I came so fast.’

‘I’m impressed how long you held off after so

‘You’d be really impressed with how long I can go
when I’ve had some practice to rebuild my stamina.’

‘Feel free to practice all you need on me, I’ll just
lie back and think of England just to help you.’

‘Totally selfless,’ he chuckled.

‘Of course. There’d be nothing in it for me at

‘I beg to differ,’ he reminded me with a small
thrust of his hips.

‘Ahhh, you’re still hard,’ I observed as the tiny
movement sent shockwaves through my tender flesh.

‘I am, and I don’t think it’s going down anytime
soon, not while you’re naked in my bed,’ He frowned suddenly and I bit my lip,
he was about to retreat. ‘Are you feeling warmer?’

‘Much,’ I giggled with a flush to my cheeks.

‘Come down here and sleep for a while then, you’ve
been through an ordeal.’

‘A very pleasurable one,’ I replied as he forced
me down onto his chest and cradled the back of my head as he kissed my hair,
surprising me.

‘Not the sex, the sex was …
was no
ordeal. I meant falling in the loch.’

‘I know,’ I nodded. I dared kissing his throat as
my fingers stroked his chest, over his heart. I smiled as I heard him let out a
contented sigh. I thought he’d have fled by now, I’d never felt happier. ‘Are
you a roller or a cuddler after sex?’

‘A roller?’ he sounded puzzled.

‘A guy that rolls away and doesn’t like any form
of physical contact after the event.’

‘Huh. I guess I’ve always been a roller.’

‘O,’ I exclaimed, taking that as my cue I was
pushing him too hard. I went to move and he tightened his grip on me.

‘Where are you going?’

‘I thought … you just said that you don’t do
physical intimacy.’

‘I said I always was, this is nice,’ he replied as
he kissed my hair again. I smiled and felt myself blush as my stomach flipped.
It was nice,
nice. ‘Are you a roller?’

‘No,’ I laughed, I could hear he was teasing me,
he knew very well I was a tactile person. ‘But Matt and Zac were.’

‘Do we have to talk about them while I’m still
inside you?’ he sighed.


‘Come on have a sleep, you’ve had a traumatic

‘Yeah, amazing sex always traumatises me. I better
move off you.’

‘Why? You’re light as a feather, stay there.’

‘I might fall asleep on you,’ I warned him. ‘You
make me feel safe.’

‘Good, so sleep or do I have to spank you again?’

‘I can’t believe you did that,’ I yawned.

‘You pissed me off, plus you spanked me too, with
your bloody shoe.’

‘I did, I’m sorry,’ I kissed his throat again.

‘Me too, come on Ellie, sleep for me or I’ll be
ready for round two.’

‘I don’t have a problem with that.’

‘Sssshhhh, sleep,’ he whispered as his one hand
caressed my backside and the other stroked my hair. I closed my eyes, with a
stupid grin on my face. I’d just had sex with the sexiest guy I’d ever lain
eyes on, and he wasn’t just holding me in his arms, I was sleeping on him while
he was still inside me. Dan had a real soft side, buried deep, deep under his
hard shell. I could hardly believe I’d broken through. I struggled to keep
myself awake, wanting to savour every second of just lying here feeling his
heart beat under my cheek, before it all went back to inevitable shit in the



I lay there with a huge smile plastered on my
face, trying to concentrate on how good it felt to have Ellie in my arms, to be
buried inside her at last, to feel her heartbeat flexing against my naked
chest. Anything to try and hold back the guilt I was feeling for letting myself
be so weak to act on my selfish impulses to finally have her. However good I’d
imagined sex with her could feel was nothing compared to the real deal. Her
body had slotted against mine perfectly, my cock filled her perfectly, her
heated cries had spurred me on and making me feel invincible, drowning out that
nagging voice that was telling me that what I was doing was wrong. It didn’t
feel wrong, not when I was inside her, feeling her beneath me, where she
belonged. How had this woman gotten under my skin so quickly, making me forget
everything I promised to never do again until all I could think of was her?

I tried to remember if I’d reacted so quickly to
Rebecca. She’d been the only woman who’d ever gotten to me in my life until now,
we’d been together two years when she announced she was pregnant. I hadn’t
wanted kids, but when I’d placed my hand on her stomach I felt an overwhelming
sense of pride to know that my child was growing inside her. I’d proposed
immediately, wanting to do the right thing, but she’d declined. She’d told me
that I was only acting out of a sense of obligation and she wanted it to be out
of love. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. I’d never told her that I
loved her, I hadn’t been sure if what I was feeling was love, until it was too
late. I finally realised as she and our unborn son lay dying in my arms and our
last moment was a tear of happiness that rolled down her cheek to offset mine
of sadness as I whispered it to her. I vowed to never say it again, she’d
ripped part of my heart out that day. I’d used sex as a distraction, losing
myself between the legs of countless women, never allowing myself to feel
again. The shock I’d had at seeing Ellie, at feeling memories of what it was
like to really care for someone had taken me totally by surprise. Not least
given my current predicament. I sighed and kissed her hair as she slept on my
chest. What I was doing with her was wrong, but I wasn’t strong enough, or
ready to let go. I just knew that Ellie was the one woman who could replace Rebecca
and heal me, but it was inevitable that this was going to have to end as
quickly as it started. At some stage I was going to have to take a step back
before it went too far, before she started to care for me too much. She
deserved better than me, I was fucking toxic.

Day Twenty Four


 ‘Good morning, Miss
Baxter,’ came his voice as I felt a kiss being planted on my lips. I sighed
happily, I’d so not expected him to be here when I woke up. I wasn’t on his
chest anymore, but on my side nestled up against him, his arms wrapped around
me. ‘How are you feeling?’

‘Amazing, if not a little sore,’ I replied as I
snuggled up closer, not leaving any room between us. I didn’t dare open my eyes,
I worried that if he saw how happy I was he’d switch off again.

‘Your arm hurts?’ he asked, his voice full of

‘A little, but I was referring to other areas.’

‘You hurt yourself when you fell?’

‘Hmmm, I smacked my backside on the edge of the
jetty and my head and the back of my shoulders on the ice, but I was actually
meaning I ached from some impeccable sex last night.’

‘Impeccable?’ he chuckled. ‘That was just a trial
run after a three year dry spell to see if I remembered what to do with it.
Impeccable comes after I’ve tested you out a few more times.’ He laughed again
as he heard me gasp and I pulled my head back to look up at him in amazement.
Part of me wanted to ask why it was suddenly ok for us to have sex, after he’d
been so adamant it was never going to happen, but a little voice in my head
screamed at me to keep quiet and just enjoy it.

‘We’re really doing that again?’

‘Right now if you’re feeling up to it.’

‘I really want to, but I haven’t showered or
brushed my teeth.’

‘Neither have I.’

‘Well, you’re not full of me,’ I objected.

‘Shit! We never used protection,’ he uttered as a
look of panic crossed his face.

‘I’m on the pill and you already know I’m clean.’

‘Me too. Clean that is, not on the pill.’

‘I’d hope not, you definitely don’t want female
hormones coursing through this body,’ I replied with a shake of my head as I
ran my fingers over one of his pecs. ‘It’s too beautiful to mar, plus I don’t
think I’d be attracted to you if you had moobs.’


‘Man boobs. There’s a guy in our office who
seriously needs a training bra his are that large, and when he’s in a hurry to
get to the photocopier, everyone has to stifle a laugh as they swing like a
pair of  …’ Dan cut me off by pulling my hair, tilting my head back, and
kissing me.

‘You talk too much,’ he murmured as he took
possession of my mouth and I melted in his arms. This power cut had turned out
to be a blessing in disguise. This was the most relaxed I’d seen him since I
arrived three weeks ago. As I nudged a leg between his and reached down to grip
his taut backside, I marvelled that I’d only known him for three weeks, yet in
moments like these, he made me feel …
a woman should feel
when she was with a man, a
man. He was domineering and controlling,
but when it came to me he also had a tender, loving, protective side and was
prepared to go as far as to risk his life for me. I kissed him back as I
kneaded his bottom and felt my eyes fill with tears. I had no idea how I was
going to say goodbye to him, he’d already wormed his way so deeply into my
heart. ‘Are you ok?’ he whispered as he worked his way across my lips, kissing
from one corner to the other.

‘Perfect,’ I sighed.

‘I want you again.’

‘I want you too,’ I confirmed.
So much you have
no idea.
He eased me onto my back and surprised me by inching his way into
me gradually, with a gentleness I wouldn’t have expected a giant like him to
possess. It was borderline painful given he’d stretched me so much last night,
but knowing what rewards awaited me if I persevered only strengthened my
resolve to continue. He gazed down at me and I bit my lip at the intensity in
his eyes, and tried to pull his face down to kiss me, but he grabbed my hands
and held them over my head as he gently moved inside me. He was full of
surprises, for a man who hadn’t had sex in three years, I had visions of him just
wanting sheet clawing, raw, frantic fucking, but he seemed to be making love to
me. I begged myself not to cry as I felt my eyes watering again and he frowned
down at me, his face full of concern. ‘It’s been so long,’ I managed to utter,
hoping that would be enough of an explanation for him.

‘Only about eight hours,’ he teased.

‘You know what I meant.’

‘I do, even longer for me and I plan on taking my
time and savouring it before we get to do it again.’

‘Again?’ I smiled up at him, before crying out as
his thick shaft caressed my internal nerves, making me tighten around him,
causing him to groan.

‘Many times. I hope you’re feeling limber?’ he
grinned and sealed his mouth over mine preventing me from responding. I felt
cocooned, pinned below his large frame, my breasts aching, his pubic bone
skimming over my sensitive clit as he slid in and out of me, continuously treading
that fine line between pleasure and pain, as he filled me completely. His
tongue sensuously made love to my mouth at the same time as my body and I
whimpered with pleasure. Sex had never felt this good before, and I really thought
I’d had it good at the time. I wondered how many women were out there thinking
the same, thinking that they were having the best sex of their lives when
actually they weren’t even at fifty percent capacity of what a guy who knew
what he was doing could make them feel.

’ I mewled as I started to stiffen,
the prickling of my skin that precedes my ascent to an orgasm warning me of its
impending approach. I felt him stiffen as well, but not in a good way.

‘Don’t say that, please,’ he whispered as he moved
to kiss my neck. It wasn’t the first time he’d asked that and while my naturally
inquisitive nature wanted to know more, I didn’t want to risk him stopping.
There was a glimmer of hope that we could spend a perfect day in bed together
if I just kept my mouth shut and ignored all the questions swimming in my head.

‘I’m … coming,’ I groaned.

‘I know, I can feel your body tightening as your
cheeks flush and your breathing becomes more erratic. Come for me, Ellie.’

‘You … too,’ I pleaded as I kissed his neck and
his fingers tightened around mine.

‘No, I promised you stamina, you’ll come more than
once. Damn it woman, you feel incredible inside, no one’s ever felt this good.’

‘O, God,’ I moaned, the seemingly reformed man
whore was telling me I was his best lay? If anything could lay those inadequacy
ghosts that Zac had created inside me to rest, Dan’s reassurances could. I felt
myself fill with pride as my toes curled and I started to thrash below him, it
was too fast, I didn’t want this to ever end. ‘Noooo.’

‘Yes, don’t make me tell you again, Ellie. Come
for me,’ he ordered. I exploded on command, fragments of my senses splattering
on the painted sloping ceiling boards above me as my mouth juddered.
He was … I had no words for how good he was.

‘O. My. God,’ I whined as my mind and body tried
to reconcile again.

‘I could listen to you come all day. I want
another before we do it in the shower and I make you breakfast.’

‘You’ll make
breakfast,’ I giggled,
before groaning as he powered into me again.

‘I have a bread and bacon mountain from the
freezer that’s defrosted and needs eating. I do good bacon sandwiches and I
plan on working up an appetite,’ he chuckled as he tugged on my ear lobe,
before rolling onto his back and using his hands to push me upright on him, the
duvet cascading down my back, leaving me naked from the waist up for him to
observe. ‘You have an amazing body, how the fuck did that arsehole resist you?’

‘Please don’t talk about him while you’re inside

‘Was sex with him amazing?’

‘I thought so until … until last night,’ I replied
as I gazed down at him with heated cheeks. A smile of satisfaction spread
across his face. I tentatively moved on him, circling my hips and my lips
parted as I took an inhalation of needed oxygen, his eyes were hooded as he watched
me working on top of him, our fingers still entwined as he anchored me with the
strength of his arms.

‘Faster,’ he growled, the reverberations shaking
me to my core.

‘I’m sort of exhausted from a sensational orgasm
earlier,’ I reminded him as I tried to keep pace with his hips moving below


‘Mind blowingly sensational,’ I smiled before
crying out again as he thrust his hips upwards, spearing me. ‘You’ve ruined sex
for me now, no one will ever compare.’ He frowned again and crushed my hands in
his. ‘What?’

‘I don’t like the idea of you fucking anyone

‘Agree to see me in London and I won’t need to,’ I
countered, hoping he’d take the bait. His frown deepened and he suddenly sat
up, released my hands and gripped my hips then lifted me up and slammed me down
onto him making me scream. I grabbed his shoulders as he did it again, over and
over, his biceps bulging as he powered me up and down on his swelling cock. If
he got any bigger I was going to tear. I dug my nails in, breaking the surface
of his skin and he grunted and moved me faster. ‘O, shit,’ I cried.

‘I’m close, Ellie. Fuck, you completely wreck me,’
he groaned. I reached up and clasped his face and our teeth clashed as I kissed
him, over and over before wrapping my arms around his neck, needing full body
contact as I climbed towards another crescendo. The light dusting of dark hair
on his chest tickling my nipples, his hard abs grating against the soft swell
of my stomach, his strong arms suddenly circled my waist, clutching me closer
to him as I swivelled my hips and rocked back and forth. I was exhausted, but I
wanted that orgasm, I wanted to make him come in me again, to feel that
connection. ‘Ellie,’ he sighed as he tensed below me.

‘Come for me, please come for me,’ I pleaded as I
went lightheaded and stars filled my eyes. I was going to pass out from
pleasure. Even the parts of my body he wasn’t touching were sparking.

‘I could come all day for you, Miss Baxter.’

‘All … part of … the service?’ I panted.

‘For you only, yes,’ he chuckled then groaned and
bit my neck as he fell backwards, taking me down in his arms. ‘Come. Now.’

‘Yes,’ I screamed as my orgasm detonated,
shockwaves radiating outwards as I quaked in his arms and nestled my face in
the crook of his shoulder. Holding in the words “
I love you”
when I was
feeling like this was just torture.

‘O God Ellie, O. My. God,’ he groaned as he flexed
his hips again and we shook in unison as he came, warming me from the inside.
He hooked his ankles over mine and ran his lips up and down my shoulder and
neck as I tried to recover. ‘You cripple me Ellie Baxter, you bring me to my
damn knees. I don’t want you to leave.’

‘I can’t stay, I have a life to get back to. Work,
a new house, Brooke. Besides, I’m just your winter fling. You’ll soon forget me
now you have your sexual appetite back.’ Vocalising it hurt, I loved that he
felt so strongly about me right now, but it wouldn’t last, not when I was back
in London and we went back to our regular lives. I doubted it would last the
minute he pulled out of me and regretted our night of pleasure.

‘I’ll never forget you, you made me feel again,
you made life worth living. I don’t know how I’ll feel without seeing you every

‘Me neither,’ I sighed as I clung to him harder.
My stomach did gymnastic flips at his declaration, while it hurt my chest to
hear his words. We stayed silent, our laboured breathing the only noise, other
than the constant dripping of the snow melting on the roof and the occasional
rumble as sections of it slid down the tiles and landed in a heap against the
wooden walls. Eventually I felt him kiss my neck again, and one hand reached
down to squeeze one of my buttocks and I winced again.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘Just a bit tender, that’s all. It’s nothing.’ I
kissed his salty skin, just below his ear and heard him groan as he tilted his
head to let me do it again.

‘I want to see. Lie on your front for me.’

‘I don’t want to move. I’m happy here,’ I murmured
as I continued to work on the spot that elicited more groans from him.

‘Me too, but I need to see.’ He sat up again, just
using his powerful stomach muscles, kissed me on the lips and lifted me off
him, placing me at his side, kneeling on the bed. ‘Lie down,’ he ordered. I
sighed and did as I was told and felt him move my hair out of the way as he
placed a gentle kiss on the back of my neck. I smiled and turned my head to the
side on the pillow as I felt him run his fingers down my spine. I heard him
hiss through his teeth.

‘What? What’s wrong?’

‘You have a nasty bruise across your backside, in
a line.’

‘It definitely hurt when I landed.’

‘The back of your shoulder’s bruised as well,’ he
observed and leaned down and placed a kiss on it. ‘Does it hurt?’

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