4 Bad Boys to take to Bed (4 Book Bundle Set!) (27 page)

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Trinity sat at her desk and tried not to stare at Laszlo’s closed office door. Three days had passed since he had called her in to see him and she was going nuts.
What the hell was he doing in there?
Granted, she’d told him to back off, but damn it, she hadn’t expected him to listen. That’s not how he operated. If he wanted something, he got it. Maybe he didn’t want her anymore. The thought made her stomach flop and her heart sink. She shouldn’t have pushed him away.
No. You know it was the right thing to do.
Getting involved with her boss any more than she already had been was a bad idea. Her mind wandered to that night…the feel of his lips on hers, his hands on her body, the way his voice had sounded when he whispered to her. She felt her face getting warm.
Knock it off!

She seriously didn’t know what was wrong with her lately, but she was horny
the time. In the past, in between relationships, she’d gone weeks, sometimes months at a time without sex and never once thought twice about it. What changed recently she had no idea. All she knew was that it was severely affecting her ability to concentrate on anything. Her mind was always thinking about having sex—and not just sex, but sex with Laszlo. Trinity propped her elbows on her desk, dropped her head into her hands, and groaned.
This is so bad. I’m so screwed.

The charity ball was in two days. How the hell was she going to spend an entire evening with him and not jump his bones every chance she got? Maybe she could get out of going, tell him she was sick. It would be a total lie. Her stomach had still been acting funny. One minute the mere mention of food made her throw up and the next minute she was so damn hungry she ate everything in sight. Last night, for dinner, she’d eaten a bacon cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, a chocolate milkshake, a stack of peanut butter cookies, and a hot fudge sundae. Thinking about it now made her feel nauseous.

Taking a deep breath she smoothed her hands down her hair and stretched her neck.
Think, Trinity. You can figure this out.
Okay, if she went to the ball with Laszlo she would end up in bed with him. Of that she was certain. She was also certain that having sex with him again was a bad idea. If she told him today or tomorrow that she still wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to go, he could find another date. That thought made her pause—Laszlo taking another woman, touching her, kissing her, and knowing him, sleeping with her—no way in hell was Trinity going to allow that to happen. That meant she’d have to wait until the last minute, call him an hour or so before the ball, tell him she was too sick and couldn’t go. But then that meant he’d have to go alone and she knew how important this event was to him. Man, had she really backed herself into a corner this time.

At that moment Laszlo’s office door opened and he emerged looking like the perfect replica of a male model, just like he always did. He stopped at Sarah’s desk and set a pile of folders in front of her. Then he came toward Trinity. The enticing scent of his cologne reached her before he did. Since she’s been sick, his cologne was the one smell that didn’t make her want to vomit. Laszlo stopped in front of her desk and she slowly lifted her head to meet his gaze. Sweet Lord that smile. It made her insides turn to mush. “Good afternoon, Mr. Cstary.”

“Ms. Collins.” He nodded. “Do you have a few moments so that we can discuss the itinerary for Saturday night?”

“Yes, of course.” Finally, she thought, he’s going to ask me to go to his office.

“Good. I’m heading out for a meeting. Walk with me?”

Trinity stifled a disappointed sigh and stood. “Sure.” Silently they walked to the elevators and got in. As soon as the doors slid shut, Laszlo pushed her against the wall and crushed his mouth over hers. She allowed her body to meld to his, her fingers coursed through his hair, and she moaned. His tongue darted around in her mouth, exploring, probing, and tasting every inch.
God he tasted good.
His body felt like heaven against hers.

Laszlo kept her pinned between him and the wall and abruptly pulled away from the kiss. He looked at her with those piercing eyes of his. “You’re not pushing me away.” He sounded shocked and confused.

She shook her head. “No, I’m not.”


Because I want to fuck you senseless,
is what she wanted to say. But she refrained. She really had no idea how to answer that question. She shrugged.

“Have you changed your mind about us?”

“Us?” She laughed. “I didn’t realize there was an ‘us.’”

“There could be if you’d stop pushing me away.”

“You’re the one who has been avoiding me all week.”

“This is why I’m avoiding you, Trinity.” Laszlo took her hand and put it on his crotch. “I haven’t had sex with anyone since the night I was with you and I’m ready to explode. I knew if I called you into my office I’d end up bending you over my desk and fucking you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk out afterwards.”

Her breath caught in her throat at the visual image his words just invoked. She wanted that. She wanted to feel him inside of her again. Trinity loved the feel of his erection filling out the front of his pants. She massaged him with a firm gentleness and he groaned, bringing his mouth back down over hers. His hand, which had been on her hip, coursed up her body and stopped on her breast, holding it in his palm and kneading it. The touch sent a bolt of fire through her body that erupted between her thighs. “Laszlo,” she whispered.

“Fuck, Trin, I want you so much.” He dragged his mouth from her lips, down her jaw, and to her neck.

The elevator slowed and came to a stop. Laszlo backed away from her and cleared his throat as the doors opened. Several people from the first floor piled inside, each one giving Laszlo a greeting and a smile. Trinity was having a hard time catching her breath and calming her racing heart. It was mildly irritating the way Laszlo seemed to go from a horny groping lover to a calm, cool, and collected executive. He turned to Trinity. “We’ll finish this later,” he said before exiting the elevator.

She swore she held her breath the entire way back upstairs and to her desk, exhaling only once she was seated. A smile formed on her face. At least she knew he still wanted her. She decided to go to the charity ball with him—and to have sex with him once more—but only once more. Then she’d distance herself from him, give her two weeks’ notice, and move on. She’d been here too long anyway. Staying for any longer would surely lead Jason straight to her and she couldn’t risk that. Trinity took a deep breath, satisfied with the fact that she had a plan in place.




Laszlo paced back and forth in front of the sliding glass doors in his kitchen. He was bored. He’d considered going for a swim in his pool, but it hadn’t been cleaned since Monday. He made a mental note to call the pool company and find out why the hell they hadn’t sent someone out this week. He walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a cold beer. Twisting the top off and throwing it across the room into the trash can he took a long pull from it. His gaze settled on the hot tub out on his porch. The hot water would feel really good tonight. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to actually go get in it. He hated sitting in that damn thing alone. It would be so much better if he had someone to share it with…no, not someone, Trinity.

He blew out a breath. That woman had gotten under his skin. It drove him nuts. Laszlo Cstary did not chase women, but that’s exactly what he was doing with Trinity. She was making him work for it, too. No matter what she said or how many times she said, he knew without a doubt that she wanted him. Why the hell wouldn’t she just give in to him? She was on the verge today. He smiled at the memory of how she’d responded to him in the elevator earlier. God, she’d been so hot. His dick twitched.
Now on top of being bored he was horny too.
Fucking perfect!

Laszlo put his beer in the sink and snatched his cell phone from the counter. He scrolled through his contact list until he found Trinity’s number, but hesitated calling her. It was almost midnight. Chances were good that she was sleeping. He huffed and put his phone down. It sucked not getting what he wanted. It was a foreign concept to him and he decided rather quickly that he didn’t like it one bit. Well, at least he’d convinced her to go to the charity ball with him. He had every intention of bringing her back here after and making love to her all damn night. Christ, his dick was so fucking hard. He reached into his boxer shorts and touched himself. Closing his eyes, he pictured Trinity and how she’d looked with her lips wrapped around his cock. “Oh, god,” he groaned and stroked himself faster until he came. It relieved some of the frustration but he was still horny as fuck. He looked around and couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped from him. So, this is what he’s been reduced to—jerking off in his kitchen because he can’t have the woman he wants.
To hell with that!
Things were going to change and soon. 


Laszlo arrived at the office the next morning to find Trinity in his office waiting for him.
The day was off to a good start
, he thought. “Ms. Collins,” he said with a nod and a smile as he closed the door and went to sit behind his desk. “Is there something I can do for you?” There were a lot of things he wanted to do to her and he hoped to hell that she was about to suggest a few of them. She folded her hands in her lap and looked at him pointedly. She had that look in her eyes again—the same look she’d given him when she told him they couldn’t be together. He tried to prepare himself for whatever it was she was about to say.

“I gave HR my two weeks’ notice and I just wanted to tell you personally.”

He hadn’t expected that. His jaw dropped and he felt both fear and anger seep into his pores.
She was quitting? Over his dead body!
Although, if she wasn’t an official employee he could pursue her more freely—then again, if she wasn’t working here, he’d have no way of knowing where she was. He loosened his tie and cleared his throat. “Why? Are you unhappy with your job here? Your salary?”

“No, the job and money is fine. It’s just time for me to move on and pursue other things.”

“Such as?”

Trinity shifted in her seat. “Well, I was considering moving back home and working in the family business for a while.”

It took a lot of self-control for him not to jump across the desk and shake some sense into her. There was no way this was happening. She was quitting
moving? He dragged his hand through his hair and blew out an agitated breath. Overreacting wouldn’t do him any good. He had to stay calm. “Is there anything I can do to convince you to stay?”

She stood. “No. My mind is made up.”

Laszlo was out of his chair and blocking the door before she could read it. He put his hands on her shoulders. “Please don’t do this, Trinity.” There was a desperation in his voice that sounded strange to him. He’d never had to beg before. Hell, he shouldn’t have to beg now.

“Do what? I’m quitting my job, Laszlo. People do it all the time.”

He licked his lips. “Okay, fine, you want to quit, then quit. I can’t stop you. But please, at least have the decency to tell me the truth. Why are you really leaving?” She chewed on her bottom lip and looked away from him. He turned her face back to him. “Trinity?”

“It’s because of you, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?” she snapped.

“Me?” He dropped his hands from her shoulders and shook his head. That made no sense. “What have I done? You asked me to back off and I did.”

“I know and thank you for that, but it’s hard to work here every day and not…”

“Not what?”

“Nothing. Never mind. I’ll still go to the charity ball with you tomorrow night.”

He didn’t become a successful businessman and billionaire without having killer instincts and an ability to read people. And right now, his instincts were telling him that she was hiding something from him. “Don’t do that,” he said firmly. “Why is it hard for you to work here every day?”

“Because all I do is think about that night and it’s impossible to concentrate on anything but—”

Laszlo took her face into his hands and kissed her hard. It was nice to know he wasn’t the only one who’d been driving himself crazy over the memory of that night. Besides, if she was thinking about it that much, to the point she felt the need to quit her job, then that meant she wanted him more than she let on. And that was all the encouragement he needed. His laid back, hands-off, indifferent approach to getting her was over. All bets were off now and by tomorrow, Trinity Collins would be his. “It’s all I think about too, Trin,” he said releasing her lips but not her face. “Don’t you think that means something?”

“Yeah, it means we had great sex.” She laughed.

He sighed. “It’s more than that and you know it.”

Trinity stepped out of his reach. “No, I don’t know that.” she crossed her arms over her chest. “What I wonder, though, is why you’re pushing the issue? It was one night, Laszlo. Let it go.”

He gritted his teeth. It felt like she was purposely trying to piss him off. Well, if she thought pushing him like that would deter him, she was sorely mistaken. “No, I will not let it go. And I’m not letting you go either.”

Her eyes widened. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She closed her mouth and then tried again. “What’re you going to do? Tie me up? Keep me locked up in your office?”

“If I have to, yes, that’s exactly what I’ll do.” He fought to keep from smiling when he saw the look on her face.
Did she really believe he’d do any of that? Was his spoiled, rich kid, get whatever he wants reputation really that bad?
He found it humorous. He could tell she did not. “Okay, okay.” Laszlo held his hands up in a show of surrender. “I won’t tie you up or lock you in my office. But c’mon, Trinity, what the hell is going on?”

“Now is not the time or place to discuss this.”

She pushed past him and headed for the door. He grabbed her wrist and spun her around to face him. “Fine, then let me take you to dinner tonight. We can discuss it then.”

Trinity stared at him and he wondered what she was thinking. “Can I ask you something?”

That was unexpected. “Yeah, of course, ask me anything you want.”

“Why me? You can have any woman you want. Why are you chasing me when I made it clear that I didn’t want you to? Is it the thrill of the chase or something? I mean, really, Laszlo, do you get off on obtaining something you can’t have?”

His nostrils flared and the tips of his ears burned hot.
How dare she think that this was just about the chase?
Okay, so maybe part of it was, but he really did care about her. It was frustrating that she couldn’t see that. He took a calming breath. “Is it that hard to believe that I care about you and just want to get to know you?”

She laughed. “Yes.”

Now that just pissed him off. He yanked her into his arms and crushed his lips over hers. His tongue dipped into her mouth and she responded in kind, her desperation and desire rivaled his own, her soft mewls of pleasure encouraged him to deepen the kiss. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. For a woman who claimed she didn’t want him to pursue her, who claimed she wanted to leave, she sure was responding to him like a woman who wanted him. And he knew damn well that she wanted him. He just had to figure out why she was telling him one thing and then doing another.

He slid his hand up from her waist to her breast, taking the tender mound into his hand, kneading it softly. She moaned and leaned into his touch. He released her lips long enough to scoop her up into his arms and carry her to the couch on the far side of the room. Laszlo sat and brought her down with him. She adjusted and straddled him. They found each other’s lips and resumed their kiss as if they hadn’t been momentarily interrupted. His hands coursed up and down her back, loving the feel of her sitting on his lap, of her body pressed to his, of her hands in his hair. Trinity shifted slightly and his cock jerked.
Son of a bitch he needed to fuck her so bad.
Trinity wiggled on him, grinding down on his erection. As if that alone wasn’t bad enough, she was wearing a dress today, without stockings, so the only barrier between him and her were her panties and his pants. She moved again, a little more forceful and he groaned.

“Laszlo,” she moaned and reached between them. Her fingers went straight for his pants and she undid them. Reaching inside, she grabbed his cock and freed it. The contact sent a thousand fiery bursts through him that erupted in his balls. It was a small miracle he didn’t come right then and there. “I want you.” She nipped at his bottom lip as she slid her panties to the side and adjusted her body so that his cockhead was pressed against the clenched opening of her pussy. “I need to feel you in me.” Her voice bordered on a whine.

Like he was going to stop her or tell her no. “Take me, Trinity, I’m yours.” It shocked him just how much he meant that. Inch by agonizing inch she slid down on his cock. Not grabbing her hips and slamming his dick into her was hard, but this was her show and he was going to let her take the lead. His head fell back against the couch and he let out a low throaty rumble. “Fuck, baby, you’re wet.”
God, her pussy felt like heaven.
It had been way too long since he’d been inside of any woman, let alone Trinity. All he wanted to do was fuck her hard and fast, to take out all of his sexual frustrations on her. But holy shit the way she was doing him so was good.

She moved on him in slow circular motions, moaning each time her clit rubbed on him. “Oh god.” Her hands were on either side of his face, clutching the couch behind his head. “Laszlo…”

He took hold of her hips and held her still for a moment luxuriating in the warmth and wetness of her inner walls. “Feels good doesn’t it, love?”

Trinity nodded. “Yes, so good.”

Laszlo released his hold on her and she began to move again. He palmed the back of her head and brought her lips down over his, kissing her in the same soft rhythmic way that she rode him. He couldn’t imagine not ever feeling her lips on his again, or her pussy wrapped around his cock, or her cries of passion.
Fuck. He had to stop her from leaving. She had to know they had something good going on here.
  “Shit, Trinity, baby, ah god, yeah…” The base of his spine tingled and his balls felt heavy.

She buried her face in his neck and cried his name repeatedly as her body tensed from her orgasm. He hugged her tight and plunged his hips up, thrusting his dick in her as far as he could and then he came inside of her. His body jerked once and then trembled from the sheer pleasure of it. Trinity was the first woman he’d ever made love to without a condom. He knew it was stupid and reckless, but that first night they’d been together he’d just been so damn eager to get inside of her that he hadn’t thought about it. And now, well, she’d taken him by surprise. Plus, he didn’t keep a stash of condoms in his desk drawer or anything. Besides, he loved the feel of coming in her as opposed to a condom. It was so much more intense.

He placed a few soft kisses on the side of her head. “We’re good together, love. Please don’t leave.” Laszlo expected her to protest and give him more lame excuses about how it was wrong and it was time to move on.

But then she whispered two words he never dreamed he’d hear: “I’m pregnant.”

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