45 Master Characters (58 page)

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Authors: Victoria Lynn Schmidt

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He doesn't want to sit back and examine things; he wants to go out there and do it.

He wants to get that reward.

He wants to succeed where others have failed.

He wants to be “immortalized” for his actions.

He hasn't faced any major fears at this point. Most likely he has come up against a formidable task or opponent, but it's only a hint at what he'll have to face later on. Sometimes his success can be at a skill he learns, something he never thought he could do before this stage.

In comedies the hero may perceive the event as a success when everyone else around him doesn't think he was very successful at all. They think he's crazy but he sees only what he wants to see. It all depends on the hero's reference point. A guy who's down in the dumps, never able to get a date, may see one smile from a woman as “love.” Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) in
Dumb and Dumber
comes to mind.

Examples of Stage 4

translated by Maureen Kovacs

Gilgamesh and Enkidu manage to slay the guardian, cut down the sacred cedar tree and achieve eternal fame. He is so pleased with himself he decides to go on a tougher mission.

Star Wars

Luke becomes very successful at his lessons. He is in awe of Obi-Wan as if he's the father Luke never had. With his help, Luke manages to rescue Princess Leia.

Three Kings

The men travel to a small village. They meet several of Sadam's soldiers who lead them straight to the gold. They fill their entire truck with gold bars.

Moby Dick
by Herman Melville

After many days on the ship they meet several other ships at sea, the captain of each spinning tales of Moby Dick. Captain Ahab is overjoyed. He demands they tell him exactly where Moby Dick was last seen. He knows he's on the right track now and that nothing will stop him in his quest.

The Long Kiss Goodnight

They have a lead and agree to meet someone at a train station. They're ambushed, and Samantha/Charly is able to save herself and Mitch with her smarts and strength. She then learns that she was an assassin for the government.


In this stage the hero gets a taste of success but hasn't really faced any of his fears yet.

What assets would his archetype use? What fears would he fall back on?

What do other characters think of his success? Are they jealous or supportive of him?

Does he become more confident and cocky because of his success?

Stage 5: Invitations

John stands looking up at the mountain. His fingers are cold and sore again. He watches the last of the men make the ascent to where he stands. He starts to wonder why he chose to do this at all.

A man comes over; John's wife is on the phone. She wants to know why he's doing this. He can't answer her. He just knows he has to perform and he wants to succeed. Her questions only annoy him. He doesn't want to look at his emotions or question his choices. She reminds him of his dream to swim with the dolphins in the warm sun.

This stage is unique in that it may start with the hero being invited on a feminine journey. He is shown his flaws and asked if his current goal is his true goal. He is given an opportunity to drop his outward goal and go through an inner transformation.

The Last of the Mohicans
, Nathaniel accepts part of the feminine invitation when he places his love and emotions above his own safety. He stays behind as the other men leave the fort knowing he may be hanged for sedition. He can't leave Cora. He chooses to face death and the descent for love, for his relationship to another and not for his own gain. It isn't just about protecting her anymore but about how he's gotten in touch with his own emotions.

Most heroes walk away from such notions and continue on their path, but the invitation is always extended. The descent doesn't look too appealing to him. Facing himself and his emotions may be too much for him, even though he can physically and mentally do it all. He hasn't fully awakened yet. He won't let down his defenses.

A character may ask him not to take part in the violence he's going to have to face.

He may be asked what it is he really wants out of life.

Friends may want him to give up.

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