45 Master Characters (8 page)

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Authors: Victoria Lynn Schmidt

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Getting behind a cause she cares deeply about invigorates her. She needs to be challenged and stimulated, otherwise boredom sets in along with depression. She admires all the women who fought for the right to vote, risking their safety for the greater good.

Saving a woman's or child's life gives her purpose and enormous self-esteem. She's like Xena rescuing Gabrielle. She feels like a big sister to all women, a martyr for the female cause as well as environmental causes.

How Do Other Characters See the Amazon?

She doesn't think too much about her clothes. She loves to wear loose-fitting clothes that she can move around in easily. In Greek mythology Artemis asks her father Zeus for a short tunic to wear, not because it's sexy, but because it will allow her to run fast.

Her athletic figure is sometimes alluring but also intimidating to both men and women.

Other people sometimes see her as cold and totally absorbed in her own tasks. She has an ability to focus so intently on her goals that it leaves her looking distant and aloof at times, but when she's enjoying nature she plays like a child. She never wears a watch because time is meaningless to her.

Developing the Character Arc

Look at your character's main goal in your story and then at the fears you have selected to use against her. What does she need to learn to help her overcome her fear? Does she need to raise a child? Does she need to use her intellect and come to terms with city life? Does she have to come to terms with not being able to save someone?

Joan of Arc's willingness to fight for a cause she believed in is typical of the Amazon archetype.

Very often an Amazon wants a place of her own with a small group of close friends who come and go. She wants to be recognized for her efforts and all the help she gives. She needs to learn to trust men most of all.

What happened to her at an early age to make this archetype dominate her personality? Was she raised without a mother and sisters, making her take on attributes from her father? Was her mother an Amazon? Did she play sports instead of dress up? Did she watch as someone she loved was hurt? Was there a heroic female character she idolized and wanted to be, like Wonder Woman?

To grow, this archetype is best paired with one of the following:

The Protector —
can teach her to trust others to help her.

The Fool and The Maiden —
can teach her about fun, adventure and how to be easygoing.

The Nurturer —
can teach her the value of giving birth and being a mother.



  • Loves to be outside with animals and nature.

  • Prefers female friendships to male, but often winds up with more male friends.

  • Values women and children.

  • Is a feminist even if she doesn't say she is in your story.

  • Is unafraid to be out alone at night.

  • Is willing and able to fight to the death to defend herself.

  • Stands up for her causes.

  • Prefers function to style when it comes to her clothes and appearance.

  • Wants to be self-sufficient.

  • Prefers to live with a man instead of marrying him.


  • Can be very opinionated and thickheaded.

  • Puts blinders on; everything but the goal at hand is forgotten.

  • Can become irrational because of her need to win at all costs.

  • Can be boastful.

  • May take on the traits of her aggressors in order to feel equal to them.

The Villainous Side of the Amazon: The Gorgon

As a villain she would do anything to come to the aid of another woman, even if it meant killing an innocent man by mistake. Her rage at injustice is swift, merciless and sometimes aimed at the wrong person.

She is Medusa, the Gorgon, the woman of fury and rage, especially if she's been violated. She can turn deadly when she feels threatened and is capable of using extremely physical means to express her anger. Most men don't expect a woman to be as strong as her rage can make her.

She'll fight to the death like a mother lion protecting her cubs. In her fury she won't think about her own life and survival. She sees red and fights like someone who struggles for air; nothing else matters. All thoughts of democracy, diplomacy, and right and wrong are irrelevant to her. She'll be avenged at all costs. If her cause is just she feels the Goddess will support her, make her efforts successful and forgive her for her brutality.

She's antisocial with irresponsible behavior that lacks morals and ethics. She exhibits unlawful reckless behavior, refusing to conform to social norms. She seems to have no emotional reactions and shows no remorse toward horrific events. She is physically aggressive, erratic and irritable, and disregards the safety of herself and of others.

She feels justified in her actions because she feels basic rights have been violated. She wants to enable women to be strong and defend themselves at all costs. Sometimes one person is unjustly killed but she believes if it saves many then so be it. She doesn't care if she becomes just like the aggressor she hates. She believes in fighting fire with fire. She doesn't care what anyone else thinks, and she'll destroy herself before she lets anyone else do it for her. She feels she is the master of her life and destiny.

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