5-Minute Mindfulness (30 page)

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Authors: David B. Dillard-Wright PhD

BOOK: 5-Minute Mindfulness
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as mindfulness tool, 3
niyamas of, 139, 143–46
paths of, 136–38
pranayamas of, 139, 150
pratyahara of, 139, 151
samadhi, 139, 152
yamas of, 139, 140–43

Yoga Sutras
(Patanjali), 138–39

Zalman, Shneur, 163

Zen Buddhism, 119–20

Zen gardens, 207

Zircon, 191

Copyright © 2012 by F+W Media, Inc.
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Published by
Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc. 57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.
ISBN 10: 1-4405-2979-5
ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2979-5
eISBN 10: 1-4405-3264-8
eISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3264-1
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is available from the publisher.

Contains material adapted and abridged from
Best You Ever
, by Rebecca Swanner, Eve Adamson, Carolyn Dean, MD, Rachel Laferriere, MS, RD, and Meera Lester, copyright © 2011 by F+W Media, Inc., ISBN 10: 1-4405-0657-4, ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0657-4;
The Everything
Guide to Chakra Healing
, by Heidi E. Spear, copyright © 2011 by F+W Media, Inc., ISBN 10: 1-4405-2584-6, ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2584-1;
The Everything
Guide to Meditation for Healthy Living
, by David B. Dillard-Wright, PhD, and Ravinder Jerath, MD, copyright © 2011 by F+W Media, Inc., ISBN 10: 1-4405-1088-1, ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1088-5;
The Everything
Guide to Stress Management
, by Melissa Roberts, copyright © 2011 by F+W Media, Inc., ISBN 10: 1-4405-1087-3, ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1087-8;
The Everything
Yoga Book
, by Cynthia Worby, MSW, MPH, RYT, copyright © 2002 by F+W Media, Inc., ISBN 10: 1-5806-2594-0, ISBN 13: 978-1-5806-2594-4;
Train Your Brain to Get Happy
, by Teresa Aubele, PhD, Stan Wenck, EdD, and Susan Reynolds, copyright © 2011 by F+W Media, Inc., ISBN 10: 1-4405-1181-0, ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1181-3.

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