500 Days (101 page)

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Authors: Kurt Eichenwald

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: Some details of the Blair government reaction from the January 21, 2010, testimony of Jack Straw and the January 29, 2010, testimony of Blair before the Chilcot Inquiry. Also see the Campbell diaries.


: Details of the working group report from the original document.

: Some details about the discussion of resignation by Blair from the Campbell diaries.


: Some details of the flight taking Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to Poland from the Marty Report and the U.N. Detention Report. Some information about his treatment on arrival
from undated report, “Background Paper on CIA’s Combined Use of Interrogation Techniques.”

: While the Polish government has, at times, denied the existence of a secret prison inside the country, that statement has been proved false. For example, the head of Polish intelligence for 2002–2003, Zbigniew Siemiatkowski, confirmed the landing of CIA flights and the use of secret prisons in Adam Krzykowski,
“Politycy Przecza,” Rzeczpospolita,
April 15, 2009. Also see Edyta Zemia and Mariusz Kowalewski,
“Polski wywiad w sluzbie CIA,” Rzeczpospolita,
April 15, 2009; the December 17, 2010, letter from Danuta Przywara, president, Helsinska Fundacja Praw Czlowieka, to Andrzej Seremet from the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw. Also see the application in
al-Nashiri v. Poland,
filed under Article 34 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Rules 45 and 47 of the Rules of the Court with the Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme, May 6, 2011; and Central Intelligence Agency, “Memo to DOJ Command Center—Background Paper on CIA’s Combined Use of Interrogation Techniques,” December 2004 (
CIA Rendition Background Paper


: Some details of the issues surrounding the Blix-ElBaradei report from the Australian WMD Report and the CRS WMD Report. Also see House of Commons Iraq Paper.

: Details of the State Department fact sheet from U.S. Department of State, “Fact Sheet on Unresolved Disarmament Issues,” March 10, 2003; details of other attacks on Blix from Steven R. Weisman, “U.S. Says Blix Played Down Details of Banned Weapons,”
New York Times,
March 11, 2003; John Donnelly and Elizabeth Neuffer, “U.S. Questions Blix Report; Omitted Examples of Banned Weapons,”
Boston Globe,
March 11, 2003. Cheney’s statements from a transcript of his March 16, 2003, appearance on
Meet the Press.
Also see the War College Monograph.

: Some details of Goldsmith’s partial—then full—reversal from David Brummell, “Iraq: Legal Basis for the Use of Force—Note of Discussion with Attorney General,” March 13, 2003; Brummell letter to Matthew Rycroft at 10 Downing Street, “Iraq,” March 14, 2003; Goldsmith’s schedule book for March 13, 2003; Goldsmith, “Iraq: Interpretation of Resolution 1441,” February 12, 2003; Simon McDonald, “Note for the Record; Iraq: Meeting with Attorney General,” March 17, 2003; Jack Straw letter to Goldsmith headed “Iraq: Second Resolution,” February 6, 2003; Chilcot Inquiry: Memorandum by the Right Honorable Jack Straw, MP, January 2010; and January 21, 2010, testimony of Straw and January 29, 2010, testimony of Blair before the Chilcot Inquiry.


: Some details of the annual awards ceremony that honored Ivins from “Western Maryland in Brief,” Associated Press, March 18, 2003; and photographs from the event.


: Some details of the questioning techniques used on Sheikh Mohammed from CIA/OIG Report; the CIA Medical Guidelines; Steven G. Bradbury, “Memorandum for John Rizzo, Acting General Counsel for the Central Intelligence Agency: Re: Application of 18 U.S.C. §§2340-2340A to the Combined Use of Certain Techniques in the Interrogation of High Value al Qaeda Detainees,” May 10, 2005; Bradbury memo for Rizzo, “Re: Application of United States Obligations Under Article 16 of the Convention Against Torture to Certain
Techniques That May Be Used in the Interrogation of High Value al Qaeda Detainees,” May 30, 2005; CIA/OIG Memorandum for the Record; CIA Numbered Report; CIA Interrogation Background Paper; and ICRC Report.


: Details of Deuce Martinez’s interrogation of and relationship with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were first reported by Scott Shane, “Inside a 9/11 Mastermind’s Interrogation,”
New York Times,
June 22, 2008.


: Some details of the information obtained from Sheikh Mohammed from CI/DI Report; partial version, CIA Directorate of Intelligence, “Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Preeminent Source on al Qaeda,” July 13, 2004; Bradbury memo for Rizzo, “Re: Application of United States Obligations Under Article 16 of the Convention Against Torture to Certain Techniques That May Be Used in the Interrogation of High Value al Qaeda Detainees”; undated investigative summary for Mohd Farik bin Amin, alias Zubair; undated investigative summary for Riduan Isamuddin, alias Hambali; and “Classified Statement for the Record,” General Michael V. Hayden, given April 17, 2007, before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Also see CIA/OIG Memorandum for the Record.


: Some details of the Azores meeting from contemporaneous notes of the events. Also see Raymond W. Copson, Congressional Research Service, “Iraq War: Background and Issues Overview,” April 22, 2003; “Report in Connection with Presidential Determination Under Public Law 107–243”; the Campbell diaries; and Bush,
Decision Points.

: Bush’s conversation with Campbell from the Campbell diaries.

: Details of the press conference from a transcript of the event. Also see Bush,
Decision Points.


: Some details of the parliamentary debate from the official transcript headed “Iraq: 18 March 2003: House of Commons Debates.”


: Some details of the final hours before Bush’s decision to strike Dora Farms from notes of a background briefing provided by a senior White House official, March 20, 2003; Bill Adair, “Last Hours Show Bush’s Resolve,”
St. Petersburg Times,
March 21, 2003; Rob Hotakainen, “Bush’s Command: ‘Let’s Go,’ ”
Star Tribune
(Minneapolis), March 21, 2003.

: Some details of the minutes before Bush’s speech from a video feed of the event. Bush’s statements from a transcript in
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: George W. Bush,
2003, Book 1, Office of the Federal Register, United States National Archives and Records, 2006 (
Bush Public Papers, 2003, Book 1



: Some details of the second anniversary ceremony from “Ground Zero Readings,” Associated Press, September 11, 2003; Ruth Padawer, “Dad Missing from Picture for 9/11 Victim’s Son,”
June 16, 2002; video summary, NBC News; Michael Powell and Dale Russakoff, “In New York, Roll of Names Is Part of Quiet Remembrance,”
Washington Post,
September 12, 2003; “9/11 Commemorated at Ground Zero,”
September 11, 2003; Andrea Elliott, “One More Chance to Say to Dad, ‘I Love You,’ ”
New York Times,
September 12, 2003.

: Bush’s poll numbers from Richard Benedetto, “Bush’s Approval Rating Plummets,”
USA Today,
September 12, 2003.


: Details of the reaction to the report about Blair from Glenn Frankel, “Panel Warned Blair of War Risk,”
Washington Post,
September 12, 2003. Details of Blair’s troubles and decision to step down from Sebastian Borger, “The End of the Tony Show,”
Der Spiegel,
May 10, 2007; and Neal Lawson, “A Decade of Blair Has Left the Labour Party on Its Knees,”
April 19, 2007.

: Statistics regarding Bush’s mention of bin Laden, Saddam, al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, and Iraq from an analysis of Bush Public Papers, 2003, Book 1.

: Tenet made his accusation against Cheney in
At the Center of the Storm.

: Gallup poll on Cheney was conducted January 9–11, 2009.

: Powell’s call for the CIA and Pentagon to explain why they had not told him of Curveball’s unreliability from Ed Pilkington, “Colin Powell Demands Answers over Curveball’s WMD Lies,”
February 16, 2011.

: Wolfowitz’s troubles at the World Bank stemming from his relationship with Shaha Ali Riza from Steven R. Weisman, “Wolfowitz Resigns, Ending Long Fight at World Bank,”
New York Times,
May 18, 2007.

: Jack Goldsmith described his hiring and subsequent withdrawal of the Yoo memos in
The Terror Presidency.

Background of the OLC Report from the OLC Report.

: The quote from Yoo’s interview was cited in the OLC Report.


: Goldsmith quotes from
The Terror Presidency.

: Details of Syria’s level of cooperation from the November 9, 2005, testimony of Flynt Leverett, senior analyst with the CIA and senior director of Middle East Affairs at the NSC during the Bush administration, before the Arar Commission.

: Quotes of Harper’s letter of apology from the original document.

: Graham disclosed Powell’s complaint about having been misled in his May 30, 2005, testimony before the Arar Commission.


: Details of the release of Almalki and El-Maati from the Iacobucci Report and the O’Connor Report.

: The House of Commons vote to offer an apology and compensation to Almalki and El-Maati from “Bungling ‘Terror’ Cases,”
June 21, 2009.

: Details of the release of Abu Omar, and the convictions of Lady and the other CIA officers, from Rachel Donadio, “Italy Convicts 23 Americans, Most Working for C.I.A., of Abducting Muslim Cleric,”
New York Times,
November 5, 2009.


: The Supreme Court ruling for Rasul came in
Rasul v. Bush,
no. 03-334, decided June 28, 2004. For Hamdi, in
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld,
no. 03-6696, decided June 28, 2004. For Hamdan, in
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld,
no. 05-184, decided June 29, 2006. For the Algerian Six, in
Boumediene v. Bush,
no. 06-1195, decided June 12, 2008.

: Details of the Military Commissions Act from Public Law 109-366, October 17, 2006, Military Commissions Act of 2006.

: The results of the lie-detector test conducted on Ahmed and Rasul’s decision not to participate from a videotape of the documentary
Lie Lab,
broadcast June 2, 2007.


: The sentence of Hamdan in his military commission trial from a transcript of the sentencing hearing.

: The changes in the case against the Algerian Six from Boudella CSRT Decision Report, Exhibits D(a) to D(jj), undated. Also see Craig Whitlock, “At Guantanamo, Caught in a Legal Trap,”
Washington Post,
August 21, 2006.

: The quote of Leon’s ruling from Memorandum Order,
Boumediene v. Bush,
civil case no. 04-1166, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, November 20, 2008.

: Details of the advancement in detecting anthrax mutations from press briefing by background official at the Justice Department, August 18, 2008; the Amerithrax Report; and the Anthrax Panel Report. Also see National Research Council of the National Academies of Sciences Independent Report Conducted for the FBI, “Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI’s Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Letters,” prepublication copy, 2011.


: Details of the FBI review of Ivins’s decontamination effort in April 2002 from FBI Electronic Communication from Washington Field Office Amerithrax-3, “Title: Amerithrax; Major Case 184,” May 24, 2005. Also see Amerithrax Report and Anthrax Panel Report.

: Information about the codes from the Amerithrax Report and the Anthrax Panel Report. Some understanding of such codes can be learned from Douglas Hofstadter’s astonishing book
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid,
Basic Books, 1979.

: Findings in the search of Ivins’s garbage from the Anthrax Panel Report.

: Ivins’s statements on his YouTube account from archived copies of the writings. Also see the Anthrax Panel Report; the Amerithrax Report; and “Application and Affidavit Search Warrant,” signed by FBI special agent Marlo Arredondo, August 2, 2008, case no. 08-489-M-01, filed in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia (
second Arredondo affidavit


Some details of Ivins’s ravings during his group therapy session from Officer Reed Preece, Frederick Police Department, “Petition for Emergency Evaluation”; Protective Order filed by Jean C. Duley on July 24, 2008, from the FPD Victims’ Services Unit; Loumis Gene Alston, Frederick Police Department, “Supplemental Report,” OCA 2008044096, September 9, 2008. Also see the Anthrax Panel Report; the second Arredondo affidavit; and Application and Affidavit for Search Warrant, signed by Marlo Arredondo, August 7, 2008, case no. 08-497-M-01, filed in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia (
third Arredondo affidavit

: The list of items found inside Ivins’s house from the Amerithrax Report.

: Details of Ivins’s purchases at Giant Eagle from the purchase log at the drugstore for July 24, 2008; and Alston, “Supplemental Report,” August 13, 2008, entry, September 9, 2008.

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