500 Days (90 page)

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Authors: Kurt Eichenwald

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: Details of Ashcroft’s arrival from Dan Eggen, “Ashcroft Jet Had Scare on Sept. 11,”
Washington Post,
September 28, 2001; and John Ashcroft,
Never Again: Securing America and Restoring Justice,
Center Street, 2006.

: Details of the work on Bush’s speech were first reported in Balz and Woodward, op. cit. The author also reviewed notes that were taken during the discussions, and drafts of the address.

: Bush’s words in the Oval Office address from a transcript in
Public Papers of the President,
Vol. 2.


: Some details of the meeting from contemporaneous notes maintained by one of the participants. Also see Bob Woodward,
Bush at War,
Simon & Schuster, 2002.


: Some details of Salim Hamdan’s experiences from FBI 302s of interviews with Hamdan, conducted in Guantanamo Bay detention center on June 26 through July 9, 2002; August 6, 2002; August 19, 2002; August 24, 2002; November 13, 2002, from cases numbered 262-NY-277013 and 265A-MM-C99102. Also from CITF,
Report of Investigative Activity,
activity no. 99221031841338, May 17, 2003.

Chapter 2


: Some details of the COBRA meeting from the Campbell Diaries; Blair,
A Journey: My Political Life;
and the January 29, 2010, testimony of Blair before the Chilcot Inquiry. Also see House of Commons Home Affairs Committee,
The Home Office’s Response to Terrorist Attacks,
Sixth Report of Session, 2009–2010.


: Most details of the NSC meeting from contemporaneous notes taken by one of the attendees, and confirmed by another participant. Also see Woodward,
Bush at War;
and George Tenet,
At the Center of the Storm,
HarperCollins, 2007. Bush’s position is also reflected in an October 1, 2001, State Department Cable to all American embassies and missions, “Subject: September 11: Working Together to Fight the Plague of Global Terrorism and the Case Against Al-Qa’ida.” Also see untitled memo of Rumsfeld to Bush, dated September 23, 2001.

: Some details of Addington’s background were first reported by Jane Mayer, “The Hidden Power,”
New Yorker,
July 3, 2006.


: Some details of the 1991 Iraq resolution, and its revisions into the 2001 version, from copies of the original 1991 document, a draft of the 2001 version, and the final 2001 resolution.

: Details of the CIA’s review of the performance at the Counterterrorist Center from the CIA Office of the Inspector General, “Inspection Report of the DCI Counterterrorist Center, Directorate of Operations,” August 2001.


: The meeting at Salah’s house was described by Salim Hamdan in the FBI 302 notes of the August 4, 2002, interview conducted at Guantanamo by Ali Soufan, for file No. 262-NY-277013/265A-MM-C99102. The heading of the document incorrectly gives Hamdan’s first name as “Salem.”

: Details of original proposal by Sheikh Mohammed from “Substitution for the Testimony of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,” Defendant’s Exhibit 941,
United States v. Moussaoui.
Also see
the 9/11 Commission Report; FBI Electronic Communication from New York I-49, “Title: Manila Air; AOT-IT; OO:NY,” June 10, 2002; and FBI Electronic Communication from New York I-49, “Title: Manila Air; AOT-IT; OO:NY,” July 8, 1999.


: Most details of the September 13 meeting from contemporaneous notes taken by one of the attendees, and confirmed by another participant. Also see Woodward,
Bush at War;
and Tenet,
At the Center of the Storm

: Information about the War Powers Resolution, and its controversy, from Noah Feldman, “Our Presidential Era: Who Can Check the President?”
New York Times,
January 8, 2006.

: The timing and location of the meeting from the scheduling book of one of the attendees.


: The depiction of the events on the floor of the Senate from a C-SPAN video recording from that day.

: Dashle’s response to the White House request for authority to use force in the United States from Barton Gellman, “Daschle: Congress Denied Bush War Powers in U.S.,”
Washington Post,
December 23, 2005.


: Some details of the Bush-Blair conversation, and the subsequent discussion between the prime minister and his aides, from the Campbell diaries. Also see Simon McDonald, “Iraq: Options,” a December 3, 2001, paper prepared by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office at Blair’s request.


: The description of Camp David from W. Dale Nelson,
The President Is at Camp David,
Syracuse University Press, 2000.


: Some details of the Camp David meeting from the contemporaneous notes of one of the participants. Also see Woodward,
Bush at War;
At the Center of the Storm;
and National Archives, “9/11 Photographic Timeline from George W. Bush Library,” undated.

: Details of the history of and potential damage of smallpox from Stefan Riedel, “Edward Jenner and the History of Smallpox and Vaccination,”
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings,
January 2005; Steve Connor, “How Terrorism Prevented Smallpox Being Wiped Off the Face of the Planet Forever,”
January 3, 2002; and Richard Preston,
The Demon in the Freezer,
Fawcett, 2002.

: Some details of Ivins’s psychiatric and personal history, including his obsession with Kappa Kappa Gamma, from a confidential analysis prepared by the Expert Behavioral Analysis Panel at the request of Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth of the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia (
Anthrax Panel Report
). For the report, the panel was permitted to examine all of Ivins’s psychiatric records and to interview his former psychiatrists and counselors. Other information from Officer Robert Wayne Pierce, Incident/Investigation Report, July 27, 2008—the formal report assembled by the Frederick, Maryland, Police Department in its investigation of Ivins’s suicide that month. Also see the first Arredondo affidavit. His use of Celexa from FBI Electronic Communication from Washington Field Office AMX#3, “Title: Amerithrax; Major Case 184,” June 7, 2005.

Chapter 3


: Details of the September 17 meeting from contemporaneous notes kept by one of the participants. Also see Woodward,
Bush at War;
and Tenet,
At the Center of the Storm.

Details of the structure of a Memorandum of Notification from National Security Decision Directive 286, signed by Ronald Reagan on October 15, 1987. Some details of National Security Presidential Directive number nine from a limited summary released by the White House on April 1, 2004. Also see “Sixth Declaration of Marilyn A. Dorn, Information Review Officer, Central Intelligence Agency,” January 2007, from the case
American Civil Liberties Union v. Department of Defense,
no. 04 Civ. 4151, filed in Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York.

: Details of the Bush meeting with reporters, including the location and time, from
Public Papers of the President,
op. cit., and a video recording of the event.


: Details of the military’s efforts to secure regional bases from a Pentagon report from the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth entitled “The United States Army in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF),” October 2001–September 2005; “A Different Kind of War,” June 2009 (
Combined Arms Center Report
); and Center for Army Lessons Learned, “Handbook: Operation Enduring Freedom III,” no. 05–06, January 2005 (
OEF Handbook

: Details about the difficulties in the relationship between the Americans and the Russians from James Kitfield, “Putin’s Leap of Faith,”
National Journal,
October 6, 2001.

: Details of the
incident from Major A. J. C. Lavalle, USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series, Vol. 3, Monographs 4 and 5,
The Vietnamese Air Force, 1951–1975,
Office of Air Force History, United States Air Force, 1976; and John L. Frisbee, “The
Air Force Magazine,
September 1991.

: Some details about the Nazi saboteur case from Louis Fisher, CRS Report for Congress,
Military Tribunals: The Quirin Precedent,
March 26, 2002; and United States Supreme Court opinion,
Ex Parte Quirin,
317 U.S. 1, 1942. Also see Lieutenant Colonel Judy Prescott and Major Joanne Eldridge, “Military Commissions, Past and Future,”
Military Review,
March–April 2003; and the November 19, 2001, memo from William J. Haynes II to Rumsfeld headed “Info Memo.”


: Information about the classified Canadian report of September 18, 2001, from the original document.


: Some details of Almalki’s encounters with CSIS from the Iacobucci Report; the O’Connor Report; BC Civil Liberties Association, “Abdullah Almalki: Chronology”; and Kerry Pither,
Dark Days,
Viking Canada, 2008. Also see State Department August 4 telex.

: Details of Schroen’s experiences on the last day before his departure were first reported in Gary Schroen,
First In,
Presidio Press, 2005. Also see Richard A. Best Jr. and Andrew Feickert, Congressional Research Service,
Special Operations Forces (SOF) and CIA Paramilitary Operations: Issues for Congress,
as updated December 6, 2006, Order Code RS22017.

: Some details of Chamberlain’s experience from Casey Chamberlain, “My Anthrax Survivor’s Story,” September 19, 2006; and Tom Brokaw’s testimony of September 10, 2008, before the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism (
the Brokaw testimony
). Details of the letter from a copy of the original document.

: Some details of the Feith draft memo from a footnote in the 9/11 Report.

: Details about the actual contacts between Saddam and al-Qaeda from Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence, “Postwar Findings About Iraq’s WMD Programs and Links to Terrorism and How They Compare with Prewar Assessments,” September 8, 2006 (
Senate Postwar Report on Iraq
). Details of the administration’s military plan for Iran from November 27, 2001, Pentagon memo. The document is unsigned and has no subject line.


: Some details of the Blair-Bush dinner from the Campbell diaries.


: Details of Huden’s experience from Eric Lipton and Kirk Johnson, “Tracking Bioterror’s Tangled Course,”
New York Times,
December 26, 2001.

: Details of Arteta’s performance from an opera review by Joe Banno, “Così: Playing It Safe,”
Washington Post,
September 15, 2001.

: The destruction of the Buddhas from Barry Bearak, “Over World Protests, Taliban Are Destroying Ancient Buddhas,”
New York Times,
March 4, 2001; and Bearak, “Afghan Says Destruction of Buddhas Is Complete,”
New York Times,
March 12, 2001.


: Bin Laden’s meeting with the reporter, and all of the dialogue, from the Foreign Broadcast Information Service with the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology, “FBIS Report: Compilation of Usama Bin Ladin Statements, 1994–January 2004,” January 2004 (
FBIS Report
and “Usama bin Laden Says the Al-Qa’idah Group Had Nothing to Do with the 11 September Attacks,”
Ummat Karachi,
September 28, 2001.


: Some details about the operations and requirements of FISA from Majors Louis A. Chiarella and Michael A. Newton, “So Judge, How Do I Get a FISA Warrant? The Policy and Procedure for Conducting Electronic Surveillance,”
Army Lawyer,
October 1997. Also see
Congressional Record—Senate,
February 26, 2003, p. 4542.

: Details of the detection on Sana’a phone line and its importance in developing other intelligence from the 9/11 Report; a classified report from an intelligence agency dated December 29, 1999; the prepared statement of Cofer Black for his testimony before the Joint Intelligence Committees of Congress of September 26, 2002.


: Some details of the rules allowing for the NSA to monitor calls coming into the United States from U.S. Department of Justice, “Legal Authorities Supporting the Activities of the National Security Agency Described by the President,” January 19, 2006. The existence of this element of the program was first reported by James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts,”
New York Times,
December 16, 2005.

: Some elements of the e-mail interception program were first disclosed in an article by Daniel Klaidman, “Now We Know What the Battle Was All About,”
December 13, 2008.

: The code name for the NSA program was first disclosed by Michael Isikoff, “The Fed Who Blew the Whistle,”
December 13, 2008.

: Details of the appearance of Stevens’s spinal fluid and Dr. Bush’s experience were first reported in Preston,
The Demon in the Freezer.


: Information about the fax from the original document. Some details about Almalki’s work from the Iacobucci Report. Also see the O’Connor Report.

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