55 Erotic Sex Stories (60 page)

Read 55 Erotic Sex Stories Online

Authors: Kelly Sanders,Kiara Keeley,Conner Hayden

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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Sheena was squealing in pleasure at the vibrations running through her pussy.
bent down and licked onto the teen girl’s clit. She worked her tongue around it and watched in close up as Morgan fucked the vibrator in and out. The excitement quickly overcame Sheena and she felt an orgasm burst inside her.


She moaned to be fucked harder as the gorgeous sensations took hold of her body and shook her hard. She didn’t want them to end and tightened her pussy around the sex toy to hold it in deep. It took her to an exquisite high that made her cry out in excitement. As Sheena came down from the high of her climax, the two older girls moved back from her.


“So,” laughed Morgan as she could see the teen girl trembling and breathing hard. “Do you want to spend more time with us?”


Sheena waited for her breathing to finally come under control again. “Oh fuck yeah. I want much more of this.”


“That can easily be arranged,” said
. “I’m sure we can find plenty of free time to have some fun together.”

Used as a Fuck Toy by the Dirty Therapist


Gail could feel her knee starting to ache a little as she made her way along
Houston Street
. She looked at the slip of paper in her hand and saw the therapist’s office was situated at number 177. She turned to look at the nearest door and saw she was at number 21. Oh great, she thought, a nice walk is just what my knee needs. By the time she had made her way along to number 177, Gail was starting to limp a little. Her heart sank when she saw the door was at the top of a flight of steps. Jeez, this must be a joke she thought as she struggled to the top. She looked at the nameplate beside the door and read Miss Dorel. It was the right place and so Gail rang the bell.


When the door opened Gail looked up at one of the most gorgeous women she had ever seen in her life. The hair and makeup were immaculate and the woman had a slim, gorgeous figure. She was wearing a short white skirt and tight white blouse, and Gail just stared.


“Yes, can I help you?” asked the woman finally.


“Oh, sorry,” said Gail suddenly finding her voice. “I have an appointment with Miss Dorel. I’m Gail Patterson.”


“Sure,” the woman said. “Come on in.”


The woman moved aside and Gail limped inside the hallway. She waited for the woman to close the door before speaking again. “Is Miss Dorel ready for me?”


“Yes, I’m ready,” laughed the woman.


“Oh,” said Gail in a surprised voice. “You don’t have a receptionist then.”


Miss Dorel laughed. “No, I tend to deal with only a few patients a day so it’s not really necessary. You can call me Kate. It’s this way.”


Kate led Gail along the hallway to a large office and showed her to a seat on one side of a desk. The therapist stepped around the desk and sat, then started shuffling some papers on her desk. Gail looked around as she waited. Apart from the desk, the office was set out with a more comfortable seating area of a couch and armchair, as well as a large massage table.


Kate finally looked up at Gail. “OK, your coach gave me a little information. You hurt your knee around one month ago.”


“Yeah,” answered Gail, “a bad landing during my gymnastics training. I thought I had just jarred my knee and it would be OK after some rest, but I can’t seem to shake the knock off. I can’t do any training and its driving me crazy.”


“And is this the first time you have sought treatment?” asked Kate.


Gail laughed. “Nope,” she said. “I have seen a couple of doctors but nothing seems to have worked.”


“Well, I guess I should have a look at your leg for a start,” said Kate, standing up and moving around the desk. She looked down at the jeans Gail was wearing. “It’s probably best if you take the jeans off, it will make it easier for me to check your knee.”


“OK, is there somewhere I can take them off,” asked Gail.


Kate pointed to a screen. “Behind there,” she said. “You’ll find a towel you can wrap around your waist if you want.”


Gail moved behind the screen and looked around. Unbuttoning her jeans, she pushed them down her legs slowly and stepped out of them. Gail looked at her little white panties and suddenly wished she had worn a nicer pair. She felt a little intimidated by the gorgeous appearance of the therapist and was sure she would probably be wearing beautiful panties. The sudden image of Kate in her panties popped into her head and Gail felt a little flash of excitement. She shook her head to rid it of the image and thought about wrapping the towel around her waist. Finally deciding there was no need, she stepped out from behind the screen and walked towards the massage table.


“If you just come over here,” Kate said.


Gail turned to see the therapist sitting on the couch. She walked over and as she sat, Kate moved onto the floor in front of her.


“OK then,” said the therapist. “Let’s have a look.” She slid her hand onto Gail’s lower leg and squeezed the muscle. “Does that hurt?” she asked.


Gail shook her head.


Kate then slid her hand up Gail’s leg, past the knee and onto her thigh. She squeezed hard again. “How about that, is there any pain?”


Gail shook her head again. The touch of Kate’s soft hand on her leg was nice and she felt another flash of excitement. Kate lifted Gail’s lower leg and swung it up and down a little, watching the younger girl’s face as it winced in pain. “OK, so that does hurt,” Kate said. She placed her hand on the knee and spent a little time manipulating it. Gail winced again and as her knee was moved around, she felt her thighs parting a little. She was sure that Kate was looking between her legs at her panties. The excitement inside her grew and she suddenly wondered if the therapist had more than a professional interest in her. The idea seemed a little weird and she pushed it out of her head.


“OK,” Kate said as she finally stood back up. “I think a little manipulation and massage therapy will help. If you come back tomorrow I will start the treatment.” The therapist reached out a hand and helped Gail to her feet. She stumbled a little as she stood, falling against Kate and could feel her body pressed against the older woman. Kate reached out to steady her and Gail could feel the therapists hand on her lower back, just above her ass. Kate made no attempt to let go and if anything seemed to pull Gail tighter against her. The embrace felt nice, but Gail suddenly felt embarrassed and moved back.


“Umm…, sorry,” she said and turned to walk back behind the screen. She could sense Kate’s eyes on her and wondered what the therapist was looking at. Stepping behind the screen, Gail pulled her jeans back on and then went to sit on the chair at the desk.


“So what time is good for you?” asked Kate.


“Same time as today,” she answered.


“OK then, come back tomorrow and we’ll get started,” continued Kate. “Hopefully we can get you back practicing your gymnastics in no time.” The therapist led Gail back to the door of her office and said goodbye as she left.


The next day as Gail was getting ready for her visit to the therapist’s office, she decided that she wanted to look good. The little flashes of excitement the day before had felt nice and she wondered if there would be more of the same that day. She searched through her underwear drawer and found a tight pair of pink panties with a heart motif on them. They looked cute and when she pulled them on Gail looked in the mirror. Nice, she thought, as she turned to look at the way the panties stretched tight across her ass. She decided to wear her jeans again, knowing that she would likely be asked to take them off, and matched them with a cropped t-shirt that showed a sliver of bare midriff. It looked sexy and she could feel her excitement rise a little. Standing in front of the door of the therapist’s office, she felt her excitement rise a little more. She knocked and Kate came to the door to answer it.


“Hi,” the therapist said. “Come on in.”


When Kate closed the door she pushed Gail ahead of her to walk to the office. The younger girl could feel the therapist’s eyes on her as she walked and wondered if she was watching her ass. When they stepped into the office Gail looked at Kate. Her skirt looked shorter than it had been the day before and much of her toned legs were on view. She also saw the therapist had a couple of the top buttons undone on her blouse and was showing a little cleavage.


Kate looked at Gail. “Wearing jeans again, huh?” she said. “Well you know the drill, so if you could take them off.”


Gail moved behind the screen and removed her jeans. She looked down at the cute pink panties and wondered what Kate would think. When she stepped out from behind the screen she saw the therapist’s eyes drop to her panties. The older woman seemed to be making no effort to hide the fact that she was looking and kept her eyes fixed on the panties as Gail moved towards her.


She sat on the couch and Kate again got on the floor in front of her. When the therapist leant forward Gail could see right down the front her blouse and realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. The heat grew between her legs as she looked at the gorgeous sight of Kate’s naked tits. She could almost make out the nipples and couldn’t tear her eyes away. Kate took out a tube of cream and worked some into her hands. “If you can slide forward and perch on the edge of the couch and then stretch your leg out straight. I want to work the whole leg to start with and then will concentrate on the knee.”


Gail did as she was asked and felt Kate rub the cream onto her lower leg and work it in. The cream put a little heat into her leg and it felt nice. The feeling got nicer as Kate worked her hands higher. They moved past her knee and onto her thigh working almost up to her panties. As Kate worked her upper thigh, Gail could feel the back of the therapist’s hands rubbing on her panties.


Shit, that’s nice she thought and pushed herself a little forward to force herself harder against the hand. Kate made no attempt to move away at first, letting her hand rub hard on Gail’s panties. She finally worked back down to the knee though and began to work her hand around. The heat of the cream felt nice on her knee and Gail could feel the pain easing a little even as Kate worked.


The therapist finally removed her hands and bent to pick up a small pad sitting on the floor beside her. She switched it on and Gail could immediately hear it humming as it began to vibrate. The pleasure ran through her leg as the vibrating pad was placed on her knee and she couldn’t help a small moan escaping her lips.


Kate looked up at her and grinned. “Feels good, huh,” she laughed.


Gail flushed a little but nodded her head. She could see the excitement in the older woman’s face and a dirty thought suddenly popped into her head. “It would feel better even higher up my leg.”


Kate’s grin grew wider. “You mean like this.” She worked the pad onto Gail’s thigh and slowly started to move it higher. Gail could feel the vibrations running up her leg towards her pussy and the higher the pad moved the stronger the vibrations got. She parted her legs slightly to let Kate work the pad onto her inner thigh and her moans got a little louder. Gail could feel how wet she was getting as the pad moved between her legs and her excitement surged as it was stroked onto her panties.


“Oh jeez,” Gail moaned. “That feels wonderful.” She looked at the therapist and could see the real excitement on her face. Kate’s eyes were glued to the pink panties and as she worked the vibrating pad around she could see the damp patch forming. It was a gorgeous sight and she suddenly wanted to taste it.


Kate pulled the pad away and bent her head down so that she could just stare at the growing wetness on the cute pink panties. She put the pad down and bringing her hand up, brushed her fingertips lightly across the damp patch. She could feel the wetness smear onto her fingertips and Gail felt a real jolt of excitement as the therapist lifted the fingers up and slid the tip of her tongue across them.


“Oh fuck that’s nice,” moaned Kate. The taste seemed to drive her a little wild and she bent her head down and traced her tongue lightly up and down the outline of Gail’s pussy lips. As she licked, she started to push her tongue a little harder and Gail could feel the material of her panties being forced between her pussy lips. The material got wetter still as it was pushed inside her pussy and Gail started to moan at the pleasure Kate’s tongue was giving her.

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