5ive Star Bitch (3 page)

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Authors: Tremayne Johnson

BOOK: 5ive Star Bitch
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Marlon smiled. I could see his dick getting hard through the dress pants he wore. I had him.

“Alright, c’mon, but be nice,” he said, palming my ass.

I finished taking his shirt off and then I told him to put his hands behind his back so I could put the cuffs on. “You ready for gift number two?” I asked, and he nodded yes. I pulled the second box out of the bag and put it on the table.

“How am I supposed to open it with these cuffs on?”

“With your teeth,” I told him. “Here,” I put the small box to his mouth and he ripped the wrapping paper off of it with his teeth.

“Condoms?” he said.

“Yeah, condoms,”

“But what do we need condoms for, Cherish, I thought we were past that stage?”

“I thought we were too, but you can never be too safe,” I smiled. “You know what they say, ‘safety first’.” I could see he wasn’t feeling that idea by the vague expression on his face, but hey, he wasn’t the one in charge here, I was.

“Handcuffs, condoms… this wasn’t exactly how I planned to spend my day.”

“Who you telling,” I mumbled.

“What you say?”

“Nothing, babe,” I reached in the bag and pulled out the third gift. It was a red envelope addressed to Marlon. I placed it on the table in front of him. “You ready for gift number three?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Nope,” I grabbed his belt and started taking his pants down.

“Whoa, whoa… what you doing?”

“Relax, Marlon. I’ma take care of you. Just sit back and enjoy the show,” I said, pulling his dress pants off.

“You could’ve told me to turn the heat on if you knew what you had planned.”

“Oh, the heat is about to get turned up; believe me.” I smirked. Marlon was sitting at his kitchen table naked and handcuffed, exactly the way I wanted him.

“What’s that?” he asked, looking at the envelope.

I grabbed the envelope off the table. “I’ll open this one for you,” I said. Right before I went to open it, my phone rang. I looked at my caller ID and saw it was Raquel. “Hey, Raq,”

“You alright, Cherish? Where’s Marlon, tell that no-good-muthafucka I’ma fuck him up when I see him,” she cursed.

“I’m alright, Raq. I’m with him now.”

“What did he have to say?”

“He doesn’t know that I know yet,” I whispered. “I’m about to give him a nice surprise. I call you back after I’m done.”

“Okay, bye,” she hung up.

“Cherish,” Marlon called out. “How long you are you gonna keep me in these cuffs, it’s starting to get uncomfortable.”

“Not long,” I lied. I walked back to the kitchen table, picked up the envelope and ripped it open, “Happy Valentine’s Day, babe!”

There were two things in the envelope; one was his check book and the other was a piece of paper. I shoved the piece of paper in his face so he could read it.

“What the fuck is that?”

“Oh, you can’t read now?”

“I can read, but what the fuck is Suprax?”

I shook my head. I was on the verge of explosion; ticking away, like a fucking time bomb. “It’s the fucking prescription for the STD you gave me, you dirty dick muthafucka!” I cocked my hand back and slapped the side of his face as hard as I could. It didn’t do much because Marlon was a big guy. He was six foot three and weighed over two hundred pounds.

He looked at me like I was the crazy one. “What are you talking about, Cherish?”

“Don’t play stupid now, Marlon, you might as well come clean.”

“Come clean about what? I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Take these fucking handcuffs off me!” he shouted.

“You lied to me, Marlon… you fucking lied!” I screamed and the tears just came out of nowhere. They were pouring down my face and I couldn’t stop them. I didn’t want to stop them. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find out the drawer.

“Cherish, calm down…” Marlon watched me get the knife. He tried to stay calm, but I could see the nervousness in his eyes. I could see the bitch in him.

“No, Marlon,” I said, gripping the long, stainless steel weapon. “You calm down. Who’s the bitch!”

“What bitch!”

“The bitch you been fucking that burned your stupid ass!” I snatched his boxer briefs down and put the sharp blade to his limp dick. “Keep fucking playing with me and I’ma cut this muthafucka off!”

“Okay, okay… Cherish, stop… please…”

Yeah, I had his ass begging now. The ball was in my hands, literally. I really didn’t give a fuck if he didn’t tell me who the bitch was, because eventually I would find out. And when I did, I was going to fuck that bitch up too! But for now, his ass was going to pay. He was coming out of his pocket for every tear that fell from the wells of my eyes. Every sob that escaped my lips would be compensated; oh yeah, his ass was going to pay and he was going to pay big time.

“What’s her name, Marlon?” I put the tip of the blade on his meat.

“Cherish, if you don’t get that fucking knife off my dick, I’ma fuck you up,” he tried to ice grill me.

“Are you fucking serious? You’re gonna talk shit to me while I got this knife in my hand, like I won’t cut yo’ ass!” I swung the blade and cut him in his chest. It wasn’t a deep wound, but the blood spilled instantly.

“What the fuck is wrong with you! Bitch, you cut me!” he yelled.

“Yeah, I cut you muthafucka! You better stop playing with me, Marlon… who the fuck is she!”

“Help, somebody help!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.

I laughed, “Nobody can hear you, Marlon, we’re on the top floor, stupid.”

“Cherish, you fucking cut me,”

“So what, Marlon… I’ma do a lot more if you keep acting like you don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.”

He just stared at me and I watch the blood trickle down his chest.

“Okay, take the handcuffs off first.”

“No, Marlon!” I grabbed my phone, snapped a bunch of pictures of him in his birthday suit and backed them up on my phone.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Shut up!” I got the check book out of the envelope. “Since you’re playing stupid, we’ll do it the hard way.” I wrote a check for two million dollars and showed it to him. “If you don’t want these pictures to get anonymously leaked to every media outlet in the world, I suggest you sign this check.”

“Two million dollars, you must be kidding me!”

“Oh, that’s too much?” I wrote another check and showed it to him.

Three million dollars?
Cherish… you’re out of your fucking mind. What are you on, drugs or something?”

“Now I’m on drugs?” I ripped that check and wrote another one. “I can do this shit all day, and yes, I’ll keep going higher,” I said, shoving the check in his face.

Marlon looked at the check and then looked me in my eyes. He was searching them to see if I was serious. He glanced at the knife I held in my hands. It had his blood on it. He knew I was serious, but he wouldn’t budge.

“I’m not giving you anything, fuck you!” he yelled.

I clenched the knife, raised it and slammed it hard into the wooden table chair Marlon was cuffed to. The blade was only centimeters away from his dick. “Well, you sit here and you think about it,” I said. The box he brought me caught my eye, so I grabbed it and opened it. It was an engagement ring; a nice one too. I couldn’t believe this nigga. “I guess this ring was your special surprise, huh? You were gonna ask me to marry you?”

He nodded yes.

“Well, my answer is hell fucking no! But I will keep this. Maybe I’ll pawn it or give it to someone who can use it.”

I grabbed my bag and his house keys, got my coat out the closet, and left Marlon handcuffed to a chair, butt naked and bloody in his own apartment. I thought I’d give him a few hours alone to really grasp the situation. I’m pretty sure he would come to his senses after some ‘me’ time.

“Bye, Marlon,” I waved, “Happy Valentine’s Day, babe!”

“Cherish!” I could hear him yelling my name. “Cherish! Don’t leave me like this! Cherrrrishhhh!”




































Twelve Hours Later


“Marlon, are you here?” I hollered, entering his apartment. I didn’t see him, but it smelled awful. “God, it stinks in here,” I put my hand over my nose. “Did you take a shit, Marlon?” I walked through the living room and I saw him in the chair, on the floor. He must have knocked it over trying to get free, I guess. The closer I got, the stronger the stench was. “Eww, Marlon… that’s disgusting,” I almost threw up when I looked down.

It was shit and piss in the middle of the kitchen floor and he was lying in it, sleeping like a baby. I kicked his arm. “Marlon, wake up!” I saw his chest moving up and down, so I knew he was still alive. He moved around a bit and then his eyes popped open.

“Cherish…” his voice was groggy and faint, “Help me…” he said.

I pulled the check out of my bag. “Are you ready to sign this, because if you’re not, my next offer is ten million… try me,” I looked at him. He was pathetic; lying in his own feces, miserable, scared and in desperate need of assistance.

“Yes…” his voice was low, barely audible, but I heard him. I just wanted to make him say it again.

“I can’t hear you, Marlon, speak up!”

“I said yes, Cherish! Yes, I’ll sign the fucking check. Please take these cuffs off me,” he begged.

“And you better not try any funny business either,” I reached into my purse and pulled out my twenty two automatic. It was a birthday present from my grandmother. I hadn’t used it since the time Marlon took me to the gun range a few months back, but I knew it worked well, and I was ready to use it.

I sat Marlon up in the chair and unlocked the handcuffs. I had my gun pointed at his head the entire time. To my surprise, he didn’t fight.

“Five million dollars, Cherish? What are you going to do with five million dollars?”

“Don’t worry about it. Just sign the muthafucking check so I can be on my way,” I told him.

He grabbed the pen and put his John Hancock on the hefty check. I smiled wide. I had done it. I had defeated Marlon the monster and I felt good. I felt relieved. I was also five million dollars richer.

“So, what now?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes at his stupid ass question. “Now,
go and spend

“What about us?”

“There is no us, Marlon. You should’ve thought about that when you were fucking that nasty ass bitch!” I grabbed my purse and walked to the front door. “And if you try to stop the check you might as well say goodbye to your career, because I will end you,” I walked out the door.







“Raquel, you ready?” I asked, looking at myself in my full-length mirror. It had been a month since the incident with Marlon and I hadn’t heard a peep from him, but I was cool with that. It didn’t bother me that we no longer spoke, what bothered me was the fact that I still hadn’t found out who the bitch was that he was fucking. But my bank account; my bank account was great.

I pushed the negative shit out of my thoughts; tonight was ladies night out. It was actually our first ladies night of the New Year and I was too excited. We were getting older and everyone had their own agenda. Raquel had her seven year old daughter and had recently gotten married, and Jillian was in a fulltime relationship, getting ready to tie the knot. Time was limited, but through it all we found a way to get together once in a while to be the bitches that we are; and that’s a Five Star Bitch.

“Yes honey, I am ready to go,” Raquel started twerking in the mirror.

“You a fool,” I laughed. “What did Jill say?”

“She said call when we get close to her house.”

We jumped in my truck and drove to the Bronx to pick up Jillian. When we got there she was ready to go. She hopped in the backseat and we hit the highway; just me and my girls. I was the driver, Raq was ridin’ shotgun and Jill was in the backseat, making us drinks. Turn down for what!

“So, Cherish, what happened with that Marlon situation?” Jill asked.

“Yeah,” Raquel jumped in. “You never really said too much about it. What, you ain’t gon’ put your girls on?”

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