7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances) (53 page)

BOOK: 7 Degrees of Alpha (a collection of seven new BWWM, Alpha Male Romances)
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“This is for you. I know how you love caramel macchiatos,” he says smiling, extending the cup of Starbucks premium coffee. I simply look from his face to his hand and back to his face again. I’m perplexed. First of all, I can’t even fathom how he knows where I live. Secondly, why is he even here?

“Evan, why are you here?”

“Aw, don’t be like that, baby. I’ve missed you.” He throws me a smile that used to have my panties moist in seconds. Right now it’s just annoying me. I look down the hall behind the door to make sure Landon isn’t up before I turn back to Evan.

“You need to leave and forget you know my address.” I attempt to shut the door, but his arms jut out, stopping me.

“I see you’re still upset with me. Listen, Mel, if we could just talk—”

“I think she made herself clear the first time she told you to leave.” A deep voice sounds from behind me, and although this isn’t the time for it, my nipples harden and my pussy’s lips clench.

“And who the—” Evan’s comeback is cut off as his eyes widen in recognition. “Landon Rogers!” he says in wonderment.

I cringe as Evan’s eyes dart from me to Landon and back to me again. I’m sure he’s wondering what the famed football star is doing in my apartment at nine o’clock on a Saturday morning with tousled hair, dressed in only a pair of boxer briefs.

Damn he looks good first thing in the morning,
I think as I bite my lip to keep from groaning at the picture Landon is painting. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what we’ve been doing.

“I see you know who I am, and you are?” Landon asks, stepping close to my side, reaching over me to grip the edge of the door.

“Evan…Evan McDaniel,” he says arrogantly.

“Oh, you’re the
that let this wonderful woman get away.”

Evan’s smile immediately drops.

Landon simply looks down at me and gives me a bright smile.  “I probably should be thanking you. If you hadn’t let her get away, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to sweep her off her feet.  Thank you,” he says in a friendly tone right before his gaze turns dark. “But now it’s time for you to go.”

Landon glares at him before pulling the door from my grasp and slamming it in Evan’s face. He locks it and then turns to me.  “That’s

“That’s him.”

“Schmuck,” Landon mumbles, before scooping me off the floor and easily striding down the hallway to the bedroom.

All thoughts of Evan are left right at the door when Landon grips and pulls the waistband of my sweatpants down. The rest of the day is spent making up for the last seven days apart. In between lovemaking sessions, we manage to order Chinese takeout and eat it before it gets cold.

Landon spends the entire weekend at my place. Sunday afternoon, we eventually venture out to see a new movie that has just been released. He sports a low-fitting baseball cap to shade his appearance until we’re in the theater. When we enter, it’s completely empty, and I wonder out loud if we’ve entered the wrong theater.

“I rented it out for privacy,” he informs me.

I smile at the gesture, but a tiny part of me wonders if he did it for privacy or simply because he doesn’t want to be seen out in public with me. Those thoughts are pushed to the back of my mind, when before the previews even end, I am straddling Landon’s legs, my back to his chest, dress up around my waist, and him slowly pushing into me.

I couldn’t tell you a thing that happens in the movie.


Chapter Six




Damn my woman looks good,
is all I can think when she answers the door dressed in a black, long, curve-hugging Adrianna Pappell ball gown. She matches the dress with red heels, a red clutch, and red lips I can’t help but kiss.

“You’re going to need another coat of that,” I tell her as I wipe the red lipstick from my lips with my handkerchief.

“I was already prepared for that,” she says, laughing, holding up a tube of lipstick from her clutch.

“Re-apply it in the car. I’m going to kiss you more before we arrive,” I promise. “Ready, baby?” I ask, holding out my arm for her to take it. When I feel her fingers grip around my bicep, I feel like I’m ten-feet tall. I can’t wait to show off this woman and give her the surprise I’ve cooked up for her.

“Ready,” she answers, and we’re off.

I wave off the driver of our waiting limousine, wanting to do the honors of holding the door open for her. I lick my lips when she bends to get in the car. The dress is doing its best to conceal all those curves, but I know what lies underneath and can’t wait to unveil it later on tonight.

              When we pull up in front of the Franklin Institute where the charity event is to be hosted, I step out first and then wave the driver off. I help my woman out of the limo. When she takes my hand and steps out with a huge smile on her face, my heart nearly stops. I don’t see anyone but her. I don’t even register my movements, but before I know it, my lips are on hers.

“Landon!” she gasps as she pulls back. “You’re going to smudge my lipstick again,” she chides me, but I just throw her a smile I know moistens her panties.

I’m so damn tempted to drag her back in the car and have the driver go back to my place, but I can’t do that. I want to…no, I
to show her that I’m not like her ex. I want this woman on my arm any and everywhere I go except for the football field. I’d prefer she have box seats for my games, which she will next season. 

She gives me a glare as if she’s immune to my smile, but I see the twitching of her lips as if she’s trying to hold her own smile in. It’s amazing how after only a few weeks I know her moods and facial expressions. Ordinarily, this level of intimacy so soon would scare the hell out of me. But with her it feels

“If I can’t kiss you, the least you can do is allow me to properly escort you inside,” I say, holding my arm out for her to take hold.

“I’ll allow that,” she smiles and takes my arm.

Again, I feel as if I’m floating as we walk into Fels Planetarium.

“Oh, my,” Mel says, bringing her free hand up to her chest, as she takes in the banquet-style scenery in one of the nation’s oldest planetariums. I have to admit, it is a sight to see.

“Is this your first time visiting the planetarium?” I ask.

Mel nods. “I’ve lived in the city all these years, but I’ve never even thought about coming here. Now I think this would be a great place to bring my students for a field trip,” she says, looking around the room.

This is one of the things I love about her. Her commitment to the children she works with is unbelievable. She often makes comments about how her students would enjoy this or that while we’re out. Ever since the first time she talked about what she does for a living, I could sense the passion she has for it. I can tell she’s not trying to game me. She truly loves what she does. That’s also why I have a little surprise for her tonight.

“I think they would like that,” I say in response to her comment.

I see my assistant, Walter, walking toward us. “There’s someone I want you to meet.”

“Walter, this is the lovely, Melody James. Mel, this is my assistant, Walter,” I introduce her. Walter’s been my assistant for a few years now, and he’s extremely efficient.

“Ms. James, it’s a pleasure to finally put a face to the name,” Walter greets her, taking her hand into his and pressing a kiss to it. It’s not an overly suggestive move, but seeing another man’s lips anywhere near her has me raising an eyebrow in warning at Walter.  

“Nice to meet you as well, but please, call me Melody,” Mel answers.

“Absolutely. And you may call me Walter.”

“You’re standing a little too close, aren’t you?” I say, pulling Melody snuggly to my side.

Walter is taken aback by my comment at first. His eyes widen a bit, and he opens and closes his mouth as if trying to formulate a response. He looks back and forth between Melody and me.  His eyes sparkle subtly when he sees my protective hold on her hip. His look of confusion turns to one of knowing humor. I guess he’s just figured out how taken I am with this woman. I’m not one to wear my heart on my sleeve, and I know Walter has never seen me possessive over any woman until Melody. Luckily, he heeds the warning in my voice and takes half a step back and turns his attention to me.  

“Landon, Michael is already here and has asked for you twice. He really wants to introduce you to the reps from the PR firm I told you about.”

              Michael is my manager, and he has really been pushing this PR firm, McDaniel and Associates down my throat. I still haven’t met with their reps yet because I’ve been too busy with Melody since I returned from Puerto Rico and my pit stop in Florida. I will start training camp in a few weeks and I want to spend all the time I can with her before camp and the new season.

“Here he is now,” Walter says, smiling as Michael Richardson joins us.

“Hey, champ.” Michael gives me his usual greeting and a handshake, and then claps Walter on the back much to Walter’s chagrin. These two have a testy relationship.

“And who is this lovely specimen?” Michael asks, looking directly at Melody.

He doesn’t even wait for me to do the introductions. Instead, he grabs Melody’s hand, kisses the back of it, looks into her eyes, and gives her an enchanting smile. “Please forgive Landon here for failing to introduce us. Allow me to do the honors. I’m Michael Richardson, his manager. And you are?” His tone holds a hint of seduction.

“Hmph,” I snort, clearing my throat and not so gently removing Melody’s hand from his hold.  “Easy there.” My tone is almost menacing. “This is
woman, Melody.” I purposely introduce her as
my woman
and not simply my date to let Michael know to back off.

“Oh, Melody… That’s a lovely name for a lovely woman. Nice to meet you,” he says, still somewhat seductively, but he’s taken a step back.

“Thank you, Michael. It’s nice to me you as well. Landon has told me a lot about you both,” she says looking between Michael and Walter.

It’s true. I have discussed Michael and Walter with her. They’re important people in my inner circle and my career.  I want her to know the roles they play in my life. For the first time ever, I want no secrets between me and a woman. I can hardly believe this is me.

“He has, has he?” Michael eyes me with a smirk on his face. The needling motherfucker.

“Anyway, gentlemen, thanks for stopping by to say hello. If you’ll excuse us, I want to introduce Mel to some important guests.” I reach for Melody’s hand, which she willingly gives me.

“No problem, Champ. Go mingle for a bit. I’ll find those PR reps and introduce you to them a little later on.”

I nod, and with Mel’s hand in mine, we stroll off. For the next twenty minutes, I introduce Mel to a number of other guests, some of whom are teammates of mine, including Tank, my left tackle and best friend. I’ve told her about Tank as well, but seeing her face when she takes in his massive frame is humorous. Seriously, the guy is built just like his name. You’d never guess a man his size could be as fast on his feet as he is. It’s what makes him so damn good at his job, which is to protect my back on the field. We’ve been a duo since college on and off the field.

“It’s nice to meet you, Tank. Landon speaks very highly of you,” she tells him, and I can tell Tank immediately likes her. I’ve told him about her.

“He better or else I’m going to let his skinny ass get sacked all season,” Tank teased.

I’m nowhere near skinny, but compared to his massive three hundred and fifty-pound frame, I am. “Whatever, Tank. Just make sure you have your ass ready for training camp in three weeks. You were looking a little slow last postseason.” I never get enough of pulling Tank’s leg. We’ve been doing this same back and forth for over ten years, through two collegiate championships and three Super Bowls.  

“Aw whatever, man.”

Tank’s wife, Lydia and Melody take the jibing in stride. Lydia’s used to us, having been married to Tank for the last three years. They’ve been together since college. Mel, seamlessly fits right in our group, and the conversation between the four of us flows easily. Throughout our chat, I can’t keep my hands off her, continuously stroking her back or seeking out her hand to hold it just to make sure she’s near. Tank notices and eyes me knowingly, but other than a few smirks he remains quiet on my obvious infatuation with this woman. He knows to tease me in private about it, and I’m sure I’ll get an earful the minute we’re alone.

“Landon.” I hear Michael’s voice call me a while later. Tank and Lydia, have gone off and are mingling with some other people. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Michael coming up to us with two gentlemen.

“Landon, these are the public relations representatives from McDaniel and Associates.”

As soon as the name escapes Michael’s lips, I feel Melody’s body stiffen next to mine. When I look from Michael to the men standing by his side, I see what has her so alarmed.

“Evan McDaniel of McDaniel and Associates,” I say looking directly into the eyes of the man whose face I slammed a door in a week ago. 





My whole body is tense as Evan stares at me with a satisfied smirk. I want to smack that smirk off his face, but I remain quiet. Michael makes the introductions between Landon, Evan, and Evan’s father, Gerald McDaniel. Evan’s family owns one of the most successful PR firms in Philadelphia, but I never made the connection that they would cross paths with Landon and me. I should’ve known of course. Landon is one of the most famous athletes in the nation, of course PR firms are clamoring to get his attention. McDaniel and Associates would be no different.

“I see you’re already acquainted,” Michael surmises from Landon’s comment, “So you’ve spoken previously?” Michael inquires.

“In a manner of speaking.” Landon says, before taking a sip from his champagne flute.

I sense that Michael and Evan’s father, whom I’ve never met before, can feel the tension. They appear to be confused by it. I need to diffuse this situation.

“Um, I’m going to go refill my drink, while you gentlemen talk business,” I speak up, pasting a fake smile on my face and attempt to step away.

Landon, however, is not having it. His hold around my waist tightens, and the look he gives me lets me know he is not letting me go anywhere.

“That won’t be necessary, baby.”

I don’t want to make a scene, so I remain where I am.

“I don’t have anything to discuss.”

I see the surprise on the three faces around us. Evan’s eyes bounce to me, and there is a hint of accusation in them as if I’ve somehow influenced Landon’s decision. If he knew Landon at all, he would know that very few people are able to convince him to do anything he doesn’t want to do.

“Lan, these gentlemen are from the PR firm I told you about. They believe it would be beneficial to your image if you would do more charity work. You agreed that you wanted to participate in more charity—” Michael’s explanation is cut off by a wave of Landon’s hand.

“I remember. Like I said, these gentlemen and I have nothing to discuss. I’m not sure they’ll be good for my
.” Landon places emphasis on the word, image, and I know he’s mocking Evan’s ridiculous excuse he gave me for mistreating me.

Heat suffuses my cheeks, and I can’t help but lower my head.

“If you all will excuse us now.” Landon abruptly ends the little meeting and pulls me impossibly closer to his side before we stroll off toward the bar.

“Don’t ever put your head down like that again,” Landon chides me as soon as we make it to the bar. “He’s not worth your emotion,” he growls close to me.

“I know. I just didn’t want you to miss a business deal because of me. If Michael thinks they’ll be good for your career, maybe you should work with them,” I say trying not to cringe. Truth is, I don’t want Landon to work with Evan, but if it’s best for his career, I can’t be selfish and let my personal hang ups get in the way.

“I meant what I said. McDaniel and Associates and I have nothing to discuss. I’m good as long as that prick stays away from you.” He nuzzles my cheek with his nose, pulling me in close.

I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning out loud. Quickly, my body fills with a different kind of heat. Instead of the heat of embarrassment, it’s now a craving heat. I clench my thighs and pull away slightly. “I think it’s almost time to be seated for dinner and the speeches,” I tell him, looking over at the guests taking their seats.

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