9781618857279MakeMineaCowboySullivanNC (11 page)

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we did. We’ve been dancing.”

rode the bull,” she said, moving a little further away from Joel. She needed
the breathing room. Being close to him did all kinds of funny things to her

did? Wow.
Great job!”
Josh exclaimed. “Did Joel?”



I got busy congratulating Mesa and forgot.”


look on Joshua’s didn’t face bode well for their continued anonymity. She
really didn’t want his family knowing about their shared kisses or the fact of
her wanting to get him in bed. She needed to forget about that part. He really
should be beyond her reach. Girls like her didn’t get guys like him. Women like
Brandy roped in guys like the triplets, with their penetrating blue gazes, rock
hard bodies, and kissable, full lips.

with me, Mesa,” Joshua said, holding out his hand. “Please?”

warn you, I step on toes.”

she doesn’t,” Joel added. “She just learned to two-step though, so take it easy
on her.”

course, brother.”

scooted out of the booth, allowing Joshua to take her hand and lead her to the
dance floor. The whole time, she felt Joel’s gaze on her back. The moment they
reached the wood flooring, Joshua swept her up in his arms, bringing her in
close…too close. She pushed on his chest to put more space between them. “Ease
up on the hold buddy, or you’re gonna lose something precious to you.”

on. You like Joel. I can see it in your eyes. We’re identical.”

looks maybe. But you need to think about what you’re doing here.” She pushed

I’m dancing with a pretty woman.”

happens to be here with your


don’t get it, do you? Do you guys always fight over women?”

He grinned and winked. “I usually win.”

Because you’re an ass if you ask me.”

put one hand on his chest. “I’m hurt, Mesa. I thought you were a nice girl.”

am, but I don’t put up with bullshit like what you’re trying to pull. Let me

could make it good for you. Joel won’t go against the wishes of our mother and
I think you want a good, hard lay.”

pushed out of his arms, pulled back her arm and slapped him as hard as she
could. “How dare you! Someday you’re going to find a woman who will put you in
your place, Josh, and I’m going to laugh my ass off when I see it. Joel is
twice the man you are.”

going on?” Joel asked, sliding to a stop between her and Josh.

Josh was just leaving.”

I’m not.”

you are brother. You’ve obviously insulted my lady friend and I won’t put up
with it. Go home before I kick your ass.”

can try.”

it outside boys,” the bartender hollered from behind the bar. “No fighting in
here. You know the rules.”

Josh asked, egging on his brother by smiling
at Mesa.

it on, bro. I can kick your ass anytime.”

this!” she shouted, pulling on Joel’s arm. “Don’t do this. Don’t fight over

He insulted you or you wouldn’t have slapped him.”

followed Josh to the door with Mesa following close on their heels. A crowd of
people trailed behind her. Surely it wasn’t anything unusual for the Young
brothers to fight? With nine of them, it couldn’t be that big of a deal, right?


Mesa. He’s been asking for this since he came onto you at the barn this
afternoon. He thinks he can do whatever he pleases and there aren’t any
consequences. Well there will be tonight.”

moment they cleared the parking lot, Joshua spun around to rush Joel, pushing
him up against the side of someone’s pickup.


my ass, brother, and leave my girl alone.”

ain’t your girl, dumbass. You’ve known her what, six hours?”

pushed Joshua back and swung, connecting with his jaw. Mesa flinched at the
bone jarring sound, not sure if it was Joel’s knuckles or Joshua’s jaw. Josh
took a swing, splitting Joel’s lip. Blood spurted everywhere.

pay for that.” Joel jabbed Josh in the ribs, doubling him over as he grunted in
pain. “I told you I could take you down, asshole. Just go home.”

gonna kick your ass,” Joshua wheezed, rolling over onto his side.

can’t even get up, Josh. Just stay down.”


not worth it. Go home.”

go when I’m damned good and ready!” Josh rolled to his stomach and pulled his
knees under him as he attempted to stand. One hand braced his ribs. “You
’ broke my ribs!”

asked for it by being a jerk to Mesa.”

just a piece of ass, Joel.”

swung again, connecting with Joshua’s jaw. The blow took Josh flat on his back
and out cold.


At least he won’t get up again.”

can’t leave him like this.” Mesa dropped down on the ground near Joshua’s head.
Josh moaned but didn’t open his eyes.

hell I can't!”

least call one of your other brothers to come, Joel. He’s your brother.”

deserved it.” Joel wiped at the blood on his lip with the back of his hand,
smearing it across his chin.

know he did, but please?”

Joe grabbed his brother’s arm and hoisted him over his shoulder. “He’s
’ in the back.”


in. I guess our night is over.” He sounded disappointed.

moments, they were speeding down the road back toward the ranch with Joshua in
the bed of the truck. He’d regained consciousness from what she could tell by
looking out the window, but he didn’t sit up or anything, just stared at the

be fine. Mom will take care of him when we get home.”

sorry,” she murmured, feeling like shit for causing Joel and Joshua to fight.
Of course, she’d never had two men fight over her before, much less two who
looked like they did.

He glanced her way, then out the windshield of his

causing you two to fight.”

asked for it, Mesa. Besides, it’s not like it’s the first time we’ve fought.
We’ve done it for years off and on. It’s what brothers do.” He banged his hand
on the steering wheel. “You didn’t do
’. He
treated you like shit and I won’t have it. He can be a nice guy when he’s not
drinking, but get a little alcohol in him and he turns into a jerk.” He glanced
her way again. “Why are you being so nice to him? He called you a piece of ass.”

not going to let it bother me, Joel. He’s a guy. It’s what guys do. Since I
know it’s not true, it doesn’t matter to me.”

what about all the people at the bar? They probably think we’re having sex.”

do I care? I’ll probably never see them again. You and I know we aren’t.” She
placed her hand on his thigh. “They are people. Nothing more.”

a better person than I am then. I don’t like worrying about what other people
think but it’s in my nature, I guess. I’ve always had to fight to be an
individual since I’m a triplet. It’s hard to make people realize you are who
you are rather than just one of the Young boys and a troublemaker.”

suppose you got into trouble a lot as a kid?”

I’m the middle of us triplets so it was pretty rough.”


to be sorry for. It’s how it was.”

pulled up to the gate of the ranch, the headlights reflecting off the wrought
iron fence. Joel punched in the code and the bulky piece of metal slowly slid

are we?” Josh asked from the back while they bumped along the road toward the

slid the window on the back open. “Home, you jackass,” Joel called from inside
the cab. “You’d better apologize to Mesa. What you said was totally


accept your apology. You know
if you act this juvenile
when you drink, maybe you shouldn’t drink.”

a damned minute. I don’t act like a kid.”

raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Are you sure?”

right maybe a little, but it’s only in fun.”

not fun when someone’s feelings get hurt.”

I hurt your feelings, Mesa?”

not important.”

it is. If Mom found out you acted like an idiot, she’d tan your hide,” Joel
answered even though the question wasn’t directed toward him.

too old for a

from Mom. You know how she is about disrespecting women.” Joel stopped the
truck before he went around to open her door.



my door.”

I don’t think about it. It’s been ingrained in us since we were old enough to
know manners.”

still a nice gesture and I appreciate it.”


headed to my place. If Mom sees me, she really will tan my hide.” Josh touched
his chin. “Damn, dude! Did you have to hit me so fuckin’ hard?”

think I’m not tellin’ her what you did and yes I did. You were an ass.”

already apologized, Joel. Let it go.”

placed her hand on Joel’s arm to get his attention. “It’s fine. He did

kissed her cheek before he headed off toward what she assumed to be his house.
She could see a small, cabin like structure outlined in the distance. She’d
have to check it out in the daylight although she didn’t want to encourage
Joshua, only Joel. “Let me clean up the cut on your lip.”

touched it and winced. “You don’t have to. It’ll be okay.”

were gallant in standing up for me the way you did. It’s the least I could do.”
They walked toward the main lodge in companionable silence. She really wasn’t
sure what to think with Joel. He acted like he was attracted to her, but then
he wouldn’t go against the rules of the ranch it seemed. They could be friends
only, she supposed, although she wanted him hot between the sheets.

they walked in the side doorway, she caught a glimpse of a cowboy walking out
through the front door and wondered who he was. She thought she’d met all of
those working the ranch during dinner. “Do you have someone not in the family
working as a wrangler at the ranch?”


thought I saw someone I didn’t recognize walk outside.”

shrugged. “It was probably one of my brothers.”

He looked older.”


have been I guess.”

me grab your key from the office. Your room is upstairs.”

she answered although he’d already walked away. A chill raced down her back and
she rubbed her arms.
still like seventy degrees outside even though her watch read eleven when she
glanced at the dial.

came back with a grin on his face but frowned the moment his lip started to
bleed again. “Damn Josh. My lip hurts.”

baby. You’ll be fine. He got the worst part of the deal, I think.” She grabbed
his hand and said, “Lead the way.”

walked toward the wooden staircase at the back of the room hand in hand, but
she stopped to look behind her for a moment.


thought…” She shook her head and started walking again. “Never mind.”

led her up the first flight of stairs to the door in front of them and handed
her the old fashioned key on a tag. “Wow. I haven’t seen one of these in a long
time. I didn’t think anyone used these anymore.”

do. We don’t have the fancy credit card sliders like most other hotels and
motels. This is a small, family run dude ranch.”

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