9781631054747HerstoBearHoffa (4 page)

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couldn’t hold back the growl that rumbled in his throat. “Speak. What message
do you have for me?”

Drake wishes to extend his congratulation to you on meeting your mate. He wants
you to know that he considers the mate bond sacred and will not interfere.”

bear did not like this
he smelled a lie on him.
He couldn’t tell if it was the wolf in front of him who lied, or if the lie was
being reiterated from the Wolf alpha. However, politics dictated
at least pretend to accept the wolf’s congratulations.

tell Von Drake I appreciate his good wishes.”

wolf reached into his back pocket and removed an envelope.
invitation for you and your mate,
The wolf nodded and backed away. “I will take my leave now.” The wolf continued
to back away, never turning his back to Bern. Once through the front door he
shifted to his wolf form and took off at a full run.

How the
hell had the wolf made it past the guards at the clan border without detection?
Bern was not a happy bear. He turned the heavily embossed envelope in his hand,
and broke the wax seal. Jenna and Andy came up to his side. “What’s that?”
Jenna asked.

invitation, apparently.”
He pulled a sheet of stationary from the envelope, and unfolded a hand-written


The honor of your presence is
requested at a formal dinner

Saturday, September 26, 2014

6:30 pm

1239 Von Drake Place





Oh man,
Martin was going to have a coronary when he heard about this, but how could he
say no? It would be an insult to the alpha of the wolf pack.

A million
thoughts raced through Bern’s mind, but first and foremost was the safety of
his clan. He needed to call Martin, but the soft hand of his mate rested on his
arm. He looked down into her confused eyes. “I’m sorry, little one. I promise I
will explain all this when we get back to your house. I must make a call now.
Why don’t you get the things we need for dinner. Andy will help you.” He lifted
her hand from his arm and kissed her palm, and then placed her hand on Andy’s

sweet Jenna, tell me what delicacies you seek for your dinner this evening,”
Andy said with his easy smile as he led her away.

looked back over her shoulder at Bern, but allowed herself to be directed to
picking out the salmon and the rest of the ingredients for dinner.

speed dialed Martin and he picked up on the first ring.

Ja, Sippe

“I just
had a visitor at Andy’s market.”


Somehow a Von Drake wolf made it past all the guards,
without notice, to deliver an invitation to my mate and me. Make sure he has
left clan lands.”

“Was it
a threat sir?”

simply an invitation to dinner.
However, Von Drake knows of my mating already. How, I do
not know. That makes me nervous. And the fact that this wolf made it past our
guards undetected…that is unacceptable.”

agree, sir. I am sorry.” Bern could hear the contrition in his second’s voice.
“I will see to it.”

“I know
you will. I will be with my mate tonight. I do not wish to be disturbed unless
it is an emergency. Do you understand?”


Bern hung up without further discussion and went in search of his mate. He
found her at the register checking out with her purchases.
He snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist,
nuzzling her neck and kissing the sweet smelling spot behind her ear. Jenna
shivered and he licked the shell of her ear and whispered, “You taste like

delicate blush crawled across her cheeks and Bern leaned in and brushed his
cheek against hers. He wanted to feel her warmth against his flesh. Her skin
was soft as eider down and he closed his eyes in bliss.
God the peace of touching his mate.

giggled and it pulled him from his trance. “That tickles,” she said.

waggled his eyebrows and Jenna
a deep rich
sound that grabbed him by the balls and pulled. He couldn’t resist and turned
her in his arms, pulling her in for a blistering kiss.

melted into him, her arms going around his neck. She stretched up on her tip
toes and molded her entire body to his. Her breasts pressed into his chest, his
throbbing erection pressed into the tender swell of her belly, and it was all
he could do not to grind against her. God his mate was perfection. He needed to
get her out of here and somewhere private. He slowly gentled the kiss and used
every ounce of willpower he possessed to pull back. Now was not the time or
place to ravish his mate.

cleared his throat, “That will be thirty-five dollars and forty-two cents.”

started to open her purse, but Bern stayed her hand. “Here you go.” He handed
Andy a fifty dollar bill and picked up the two bags, “Keep the change, my
friend.” He put his arm around Jenna and led her from the store. “Come, little
one, let’s go home.”


* * * *


thousand thoughts ran through Jenna’s mind as they stepped out onto the street.
What in the hell was with everyone calling Bern
? What did that mean? Who was Von Drake, and why would he want
them to come to dinner? Why did it matter that there was a wolf in Andy’s
store? There where wolves all over town. Bern had some explaining to do and
he’d better get to it or he was going to see one pissed off Jenna.

“I can
see the wheels turning in your head, my mate. I promise I will explain when we
get home, but it is complicated and I don’t want to get into it on the street.”

“Am I
that transparent?”

crooked a brow, “No, my mate, but I can feel your anxiety and smell the burning
of your anger.”

can smell my anger? That’s kind of creepy. And what do you mean you can feel my

we are not mate bonded, yet. My bear knows you as his mate and when we are this
close he can sense your feelings. Once we are fully mated I will be able to
sense your feelings even when we are apart.”

I’m not sure I like that idea.
I won’t have any privacy.”

will be able to sense my feeling too. It is a wonderful feeling of closeness.
My parents often shared tender looks from across the room that shut out
everyone else. I can’t wait to experience that myself.”

parents are gone?”

colored Bern’s features, “Yes, Four years now. They passed together in a train
accident in Prague.”

sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

all right, little one. They are not bad memories. I mourn their passing, but I
have only fond memories of my parents. They were wonderful people, wonderful
parents. They loved us well. They are remembered with love.” He kissed her on
the forehead. “Tell me about your parents.”

“My dad
is a bank examiner and my mom is a stay at home mom. Unusual I know in this day
and age, but she loves it. She likes to garden and grows beautiful roses and
orchids. Dad built her a green house. They live in a little town about forty
miles west of Nashville on five acres of land. Daddy works in Nashville,
Although he travels to some of the surrounding area
banks too.”

you close to them?”

we’re very close. I lived at home until college. They weren’t happy at all when
I chose to go away for school. They wanted me to go to MTSU and stay at home,
but I needed to branch out on my own.”

did they think about your moving to Honey Corners?”

weren’t happy that I decided to settle someplace other than Tennessee, but at
least West Virginia isn’t too far away and they can visit easily enough. They
plan to come for Christmas.”

I can’t wait to meet them.”

felt her cheeks heat, she’d never had a boyfriend to introduce to her parents.
What would they think of Bern? He was so handsome. Would they wonder what a man
like him saw in a girl like her?

is that



never had a boyfriend before.”

think perhaps then all the men you have met before have been blind and stupid,
but I am glad they were because it saves me from having to hunt them down and
kill them.” Bern growled.

stopped dead in her tracks and gazed up at him in stunned silence. He was
serious. Bern shrugged his shoulders and planted a kiss on the end of her nose.
“I cannot help it. I am a jealous man.”

continued walking in companionable silence and reached Jenna’s house in a few
minutes. She unlocked the front door and Bern held her back from entering. “Let
me check the house first please.”

He left
her standing on the front porch while he took the bags into the house. She saw
the lights flip on methodically throughout the rooms and then Bern returned to
the porch. “All clear,” he said and pulled her into the house. He attempted to
pin her against the wall and kiss her senseless, but Jenna put her hands on his
chest and pushed. It was like pushing against a brick wall!

no you don’t, Mr. Bear.
This honeycomb is closed until I get some answers. Get your furry butt to the
kitchen and you can talk while I make dinner. I want to know what the hell is
going on around here.”

had the good grace to look sheepish. “Yes, ma’am,” he said and strode toward
the kitchen, leaving Jenna to follow that delectable and at the moment, not in
the least bit furry backside
. Oh yum.

pointed to a kitchen chair. “Sit.

little one.
Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I promised I would tell you everything and I
will. What do you want to know first?”

is this ‘
’ business, and why did
Andy act so weird around you?”

would ask the hardest question first,” Bern mumbled.

arched a brow at him.

I was hoping we could start with something less intimidating, but we may as
well get right to it.
Sippe Leiter
my title. It loosely translates to clan leader.”

mouth fell open.

the clan leader? Head bear?
Numero uno
Head honcho?
Big Kahuna?”

It was
pretty funny to see a seven foot grizzly blush, but Bern did, all the way to
the tips of his ears.
“Um, yeah.”

flopped into a chair across from him. “Wow. Shit. So, if I mate with you I’ll
be like the first lady, or some such shit?”

growled. “There is no if, you are my mate.”

burned in Jenna’s chest. “You better slow your roll, mister. That crap might
work on bears, but I’m a human.
to choose who I
. Not fate and

took a deep breath and she watched as his fists clenched and unclenched at his
sides. Sadness washed over his features and his entire body stiffened. “You are
quite right, little one. I apologize. It is your choice, but you must
understand how I feel. I have waited for you for over two hundred years. Finding
you is
a dream come
true for me. If you reject me, it
is likely I will die of a broken heart.”

gasped in shock because the look on Bern’s face said he was not being
melodramatic, he was serious. He looked so forlorn and so
she went to him and dropped to her knees on the floor in front of his chair.
She threw her arms around his waist and hugged him tight. Bern’s hand gently
stroked her hair and then slid under her chin to tilt her head up until she was
looking into his eyes.




Chapter Four



beautiful blue eyes gazed up at him swimming with unshed tears. He reached down
and pulled her onto his lap, kissing her eyelids, temples, cheeks, and then
down to the corners of her mouth. He teased and coaxed at her lips until they
opened for him like a flower to the sun and dipped inside to taste her honey
sweetness. God, she was exquisite.

hand held tight to the braid in her hair while the other roamed her back,
pulling her ever closer as his mouth plundered the depths of hers. He could
feel her nipples peak against his chest and smell the scent of her desire.

A small
moan escaped her lips and Jenna tugged his shirt loose from the waist of his
pants so she could slip her soft hands underneath. Bern could not stop the
growl from his bear at the feel of her running her hands over his chest.

reached behind and pulled his shirt off with one hand, giving her free access
to his upper body. Jenna purred in appreciation at the revelation and Bern
preened with pride. Jenna kissed down the side of his neck to his chest and
swirled her tongue around one of his nipples. The flat brown disc stood up in
notice, and an electric jolt shot straight to Bern’s cock.

kissed Jenna’s neck, the delicate spot just behind her ear made her shiver. He
continued down, pushing the collar of her peasant blouse off her shoulder and
baring her lacey bra. The swell of her breast above the cup received the same
treatment, and then he used his teeth to lower the cup and expose her beautiful

licked the strawberry nipple and then drew it into his mouth and sucked. Jenna
bucked so hard she almost fell off his lap.
“Oh my God.
That feels so good,” she murmured.

we should move somewhere more comfortable?” Bern said pulling back to look
deeply into her eyes.

stared at him for a long moment, finally she nodded. “Yes, let’s go to my

was surprised. He had been thinking of the couch in the living room. He didn’t
think Jenna was ready for a full mating, but his little mate was constantly
surprising him. “Are you sure, little one?”

sure. Just…remember I’ve never done this before.” She licked her lips.

“Oh, my
sweet Jenna, that’s something I would never forget. I am so honored to be your
first. I promise I will make it good for you.” He leaned in and gave her a kiss
full of all the passion and love that was filling his heart.

stood with her in his arms, never breaking the kiss and carried her to the
bedroom. He kicked the bedroom door closed with his foot and didn’t bother to
turn on any lights. It wasn’t fully dark outside yet. So, the room was lit by
the twilight.

bedroom was like her, bright and colorful.
Feminine and
A queen size bed sat against the far wall covered in a quilt of
greens and blues, cherry night stands sat on either side of the bed. Two
bookcases overflowing with romance novels took up one wall and a small dressing
table with a blue stool graced the side of the room. Throw pillows of every
color of the rainbow adorned the top of the bed.

allowed Jenna to slowly slide down his body until her feet touched the floor. He
pulled the tie from her braid and ran his fingers through her hair, spilling
the thick tresses over her shoulders and then he proceeded to gently peel off
her clothing one item at a time. He wanted to worship his mate. He removed her
blouse and bra, caressing her shoulders and neck, kissing and touching, trying
to keep her nerves from overrunning her desire.

dropped to his knees and removed her shoes. Her cute little toes were painted
pink and he had to kiss each one. He slid his hands up her calves and over her
thick thighs, he had to stop there to squeeze, oh God, those thighs, what they
did to him, and then her luscious ass. He couldn’t wait to see that ass. His
hands slipped around to the front and he undid the button on her trousers,
sliding down the zipper, he pushed her slacks and underwear to her ankles.

leaned in and kissed her stomach and Jenna trembled. He rested his head against
her middle and just held her close for a moment. She sifted her finger through
his hair and sighed. Bern looked up and smiled at her. “Step out of these for
me, little one.”

complied stepping out of her garments and taking a step back at the same time,
this caused Bern’s hands to slip from her waist to her ass and he left them
there, crawling forward on his knees he nuzzled at her mound and Jenna gasped.

for me, baby,” he said and he moved his hands to the back of her thighs and
applied pressure to spread her legs apart.

widened her stance and Bern kissed the curls at the juncture of her thighs. He
darted his tongue out and swiped it across her opening.
Damn, she tastes good
. He took a long lick from the bottom of her
slit to the top and then swirled his tongue around her clit and Jenna

my God, Bern.”

good, baby?”

that again.”

chuckled. He used a finger to tease her slit, back and forth, back and forth
and slowly dipped it inside. All the while licking and sucking her clit. Jenna
was moaning now, thrusting her hips in time to the movement of his finger. He
added a second finger and her moans turned to chanting his name. Her cream was
coating his hand and his tongue. His dick was so
he was about to cum in his pants like a randy teenager. She tasted like heaven,
like nothing and no one else in the world.
His mate.
His life.

She was
panting now.
Calling his name.
He added a third finger
and bit down on her clit. She came screaming his name. His arm around her waist
was the only thing that kept her upright. Bern slowly brought her down from her
climax. Making sure she got every moment of pleasure possible and then he
lowered her to the bed and lay down beside her. Cupping her face and kissing
her deeply, his hands thrust into her hair, holding her head in place for his

When he
pulled back she looked at him with passion glazed eyes. “You are beautiful when
you come, little one,” he said.

blushed all the way to her pretty pink nipples. “Thank you, I think.
But, what about you?
You didn’t come.”

not finished my pet. We’ve only barely started.”

Jenna laughed and turned to snuggle into his side. “Then I guess it’s my turn
to play,” she said as she began to run her hand up and down Bern’s chest.


* * * *


Oh my
God, Jenna had never orgasmed like that in her life. She felt like her world
had split into a million pieces and then come back together again, and that was
just with his mouth! God, what was it going to be like when he was actually
inside her? She couldn’t wait to find out.

now, she had her sexy bear mate in her bed and his express permission to
explore at her will and, oh boy, was she going to take advantage of that. She
was curled up into his side and running her hands up and down his furry chest.
God, it felt so good. His chest hair was wiry and
she bet it would feel marvelous rubbing against her bare breasts.

sought out his nipples in the pelt of hair and was thrilled to see them pucker
and stand at attention when she twirled a finger across the small nubs. Did a
man get the same pleasure as a woman from having his nipples played with? She
leaned forward and licked one of the small brown discs and Bern moaned. Hmm, it
appeared he liked that. So, Jenna sucked his nipple and nipped it lightly with
her teeth. Bern growled. Oh, he really liked that.

kissed down his chest and followed the happy trail that lead to the waistband
of his pants. Just how bold did she dare to be? Bern had performed oral sex on
her, could she do the same for him? She’d seen it done on porno videos. He was
she’d give it her best shot.

popped the button on his pants and the head of his cock popped out.
Why wasn’t she surprised? She gingerly slid down
his zipper over the large bulge underneath. Damn, that couldn’t be comfortable.
Tentatively she kissed the bulbous head and a drop of pre-cum leaked from the
slit. She swiped it with her tongue, salty and musky, but not bad tasting.

slipped her hands into the sides of Bern’s pants and worked them over his
he lifted to help her slide them down. She removed his
shoes and socks when she got to his feet, tossing them off the side of the bed,
followed by his pants. Then she stared at the naked man before her,
out on her bed like a smorgasbord and decided she was
really hungry.

at his feet she kissed and caressed her way up his body. She wanted to touch
and taste every part of him. Bern was so handsome. Solid sculpted muscle, not
an ounce of fat on him, covered in that glorious pelt of man fur.
God how she loved hairy men.

rubbed her cheek against his thighs and nuzzled the crease between his thigh
and groin. A low groan came from Bern and he spread his legs wider on the bed.
Jenna licked the crease, teasing. With one finger, she traced the line on his
sac between his balls, then up the thick vein on his cock, before cupping him
in her palm.

tongue followed her hand and she licked along the vein and then engulfed him in
her mouth. “Jenna,” he groaned.
“Sweet heaven, baby.
Your mouth is so hot.”

pulled back and licked the slit teasing the opening of his dick and stealing
the pre-cum that was leaking from it. Then she took as much of him as she could
into her mouth, establishing an up and down rhythm that had Bern thrusting his
hips off the bed and panting within moments. He grabbed her by the hair and
pulled her off his dick.

mate or we will be finished before we start,” he said, pulling her up the bed
and kissing her until her toes curled. He flipped her to her back and kissed
down her neck, finding that spot behind her ear that made her shiver. His beard
tickled and aroused at the same time, she loved the way it felt scraping across
her skin.

As he
kissed his way to her breasts, one of his hands slid down her body to toy with
her mound. She was already slick with cream, pleasuring him had turned her on
big time. He slipped a finger inside and sucked a nipple into his mouth at the
same time. Her body was receiving so many pleasurable signals it didn’t know
what to do. She arched and squirmed, crying out for Bern. She needed something,
but she really didn’t know what at this point in time.

so wet, little one,” he said as he added a second finger. He pressed his thumb
to her clit and she mewled.

“I need
you, Bern. I want you inside me.”

leapt from the bed and extracted a condom from his wallet. He was sheathed and
back between her legs before she had drawn a breath. When Jenna felt the huge
breadth of his cock at the entrance to her pussy she felt a moment’s

my pet. It will be fine. I’ll go
. Just relax” He
kissed her gently and all the nervousness left her body.

pushed forward gently and Jenna felt a burning sensation,
, but it wasn’t too bad. He kissed and caressed her, murmuring
words she didn’t really hear or understand, nonsense words, love words. He was
moving very slowly back and forth, pushing forward a little more each time, it
was uncomfortable, but not horrible, then he pulled back and slammed forward,
and there was a stabbing pain. Jenna cried out.

sorry, baby. It will stop in a minute. Just let your
.” Bern kissed her eyelids, her temple, her cheek her neck, Jenna
slowly relaxed and the pain subsided.

now?” Bern asked.

She nodded

began to move.
Slowly sliding in and out.
The hair on
his chest rubbed against her nipples and she was right, it did feel good, damn
good. Now that the pain was gone the feeling of Bern moving inside her was good
too. Jenna began to pick up the rhythm and move with him. She locked her legs
around his hips to draw him closer. This changed the angle of his penetration
and his pelvic bone hit her clitoris with every forward thrust. She ground her
hips against him, straining for that last spark of sensation needed to come.
Bern reached for her breast and pinched her nipple and that was it, she
exploded like a star going super nova.

Her pussy
clamped down on Bern and milked him to his climax and he came with her,
shouting her name in ecstasy as he shot his seed into the latex covering inside
her. He collapsed onto his elbows above her and rolled them to their sides.

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