9781631055874TexasHoldEmHoltNC (2 page)

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Chapter One



I can do this. I can do this.

Sage repeated the sentence over and over to herself as she walked from her parked car to the door of Club Fantasy. Dipping her toe in the scene again after months of absence had been a little scary. No matter how badly she wanted it, she hadn’t been sure she could handle it after Andrew. However, she’d given in to the craving and taken a chance. Club Fantasy had been recommended by the owner of her club in Dallas. Knowing he was familiar with her background, she was also aware he would fill Reulas, the Dungeon Master, in so she could be properly cared for.

Reulas had made her feel at home right from the beginning. Safe. And welcome. Very welcome. That was the atmosphere he created and she had no reason in all this time to believe anything differently. And he always took very good care of her, letting her visit and observe, making sure no one approached her unless she wanted them to. And each time she visited, she felt a little bit better about being there.

Her new life had turned out to be better than expected. Good job. Nice apartment. Even a few casual friends, although she was very careful not to share anything of her true self with them. People not in the life had a hard time understanding. She had thought about staying away from it completely, but it was so ingrained in her that she felt as if she was only living half a life.

Visiting Club Fantasy had taken courage the first time. The fear and diminished self-worth Andrew had left her with still clung to her but it grew less and less each day. For three months now she had come here once a week, sitting in the lounge, sipping a cold drink or coffee and chatting with the members and guests.

She hadn’t played in a scene yet. Tonight she had finally decided it was time to step out of her self-imposed exile where active play was concerned. She wanted to submit. It was in her blood. The big question was, could she after the damage Andrew had done to her?

“I will take very good care of you,” Reulas assured her several times. “You are safe in my hands as you will be with the Dom I will choose for you. Whenever you are ready.”

She certainly hoped so. She wasn’t stupid enough to believe she would find instant love inside the walls of Club Fantasy. She had made that mistake with Andrew, equating total dominance with total dedication. Then it had all fallen apart and left her running from an intolerable situation.  She would be on guard that it didn’t happen again.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she pushed open the door and walked into the sensuous environment of Club Fantasy. Lila, the greeter who checked in the guests and the members, greeted her with a smile.

“Good evening, Sage. It’s so nice to see you tonight.”

“Thank you.”

“Reulas is waiting for you in the lounge,” the woman told her. “He has a special evening planned for you.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Sage replied.

And she was, albeit with a huge case of nerves. She stepped into the dressing room area and found a locker where she stashed her coat and purse. One last look in the mirror, one last fluff of her hair, a check of her bustier and thong and she headed toward the lounge. Reulas was lounging against a wall but came forward as soon as he spotted her.

“I’m so glad you didn’t change your mind,” he said, taking both of her hands. “I promise you won’t regret it.”

“I’m trusting you, you know.”

“I do.” He squeezed her hands. “And I won’t let you down. Come. I have someone for you to meet.”

“Already? I thought—” She broke off her words.

“Thought what?” Reulas cocked an eyebrow at her. “That I’d just point out my recommendations to you and let you watch them at play for a while?”

She gave an unsteady little laugh. “Well, yes. I guess.”

“If you’re ready to move forward, Sage, then you need to take that step. If not, just tell me and we can spend a pleasant evening with you observing. There is a performance scheduled later that you might enjoy.”

Sage nibbled her lip. If she changed her mind now, when would she get the courage to do it again? She’d let fear keep her from the role of submissive too long already. She wanted this. Needed it. So it was time to take that step forward, and she trusted Reulas to have her back.

“No. I’m ready.” She smiled at him. “Really. I’ve missed this, Reulas, more than I can tell you. And I have the feeling that if I back out now it will be a long time before I have the courage to try again.”

“Okay.” He dropped her hands and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Then come with me. I have the ultimate Texas experience for you.”


“I don’t know how close to real cowboys you get in Dallas but around here we grow them authentic. And you’ll love this one.”

Sage gave him a tiny smile. “You said you would and you always keep your word.” She blew out a tiny breath, calming the quiver of excitement wriggling through her.” So tell me about him.”

“I’ve known Garrett for a long time. He used to rodeo but retired while his body was still in one piece. Now he raises stock for the shows.”

“Has he—” She cleared her throat. “Has he been living with a submissive?”

Reulas shook his head. “No. He didn’t think it was fair to tie someone to him while he traveled the country. But now that he’s settled down he’s ready for a more permanent situation.”

“And he didn’t have someone in mind?” she asked.

“Do you think I’d have arranged tonight if he did?” He clapped a hand over his heart and grinned. “You wound me, Sage.”

“Sorry, sorry, sorry. I’m just…” She sighed. “Nervous, I guess.”

“No less than I expected,” he assured her. “But trust me on this. He’s free, looking for just the right sub, and a longtime friend. And way better than that asshole who nearly destroyed you.”

“Did you tell him all about me?” she asked. “You know…” She flipped a hand in the air.

“I thought it only fair, both for your safety and his wellbeing. He’s looking for just the right sub.”

She frowned. “And you think I’d fit the bill?”

“I think tonight will be a good chance to test that.” He gave her a little squeeze and whispered in her ear, “I handpicked him for you myself. He’s more than just an excellent Dom, Sage. I think the two of you will have great chemistry together. I don’t know what will happen after tonight any more than you do, but I think it will be an excellent experience for you both.”

“Then let’s do this.”

He led her into the lounge, nodding at the small groups of people they passed, exchanging a word or two with some of them, until they reached the bar against the back wall. Although Club Fantasy had a No Alcohol policy, they did serve a variety of nonalcoholic drinks. The bar had become a comfortable place for unattached players to hang out. Reulas nudged her all the way to the end, to the last stool and the man who lounged there comfortably.

The moment she laid eyes on the man Sage felt as if she’d been struck by a thunderbolt. She had no idea exactly what she’d expected in the man but Reulas had been right about one thing. There was definitely chemistry but that was a pale word for her reaction to him. Her pulse began to beat erratically, heat exploded in the air between them and trapped her breath in her lungs. Deep inside her something throbbed and expanded.

Sage took in every sensual, hot inch of him. A royal blue silk shirt and dark dress jeans fit nicely on the narrow shoulders and lean hips that defined his body. In a very unsubmissive-like act she lifted her gaze to look directly into his eyes. Even in the subdued lighting she could see the vivid blue of them, a deep color that matched his shirt and highlighted his narrow cheekbones, thick brows, and black hair that hung just past his collar.


This was more than just a physical reaction. Something slammed into her with an invisible force as more emotion than she’d felt in a long time hit her with the force of a tornado.

The first thing she thought was,
I am in trouble.

The second was,
but wild horses couldn’t drag me away.

For one very brief moment she clawed for the edges of her sanity, remembering how long it had taken her to get back to where she was now. Remember Andrew, she told herself. But even in their most intimate moments Andrew had never impacted her like Garrett did. Not even close. And mixed with all that hot emotion and erotic sensuality a feeling of trust floated out and wrapped itself around her.

Could she take this chance? A better question was, could she not?

Reulas looked from one to the other, trying his best to hide a tiny knowing smile.

You knew this, Sage wanted to tell him. You know me so well by now you knew I’d react to him this way. What are you doing to me, Reulas? You know my situation.

And so he did. A man she had developed such a deep friendship with, one she trusted so completely, made her believe one thing. He would not let her come to any harm, either physically or emotionally.

Now the erotic dream in front of her nodded at the two of them. “Evening, Reulas.”

“Evening, Garrett,” the Dungeon Master said. “Meet Sage.”

She stood there, watching him, as his eyes traveled slowly the length of her body. He took in the sight of her breasts swelling over the top of the bustier, and her cinched in waist, pausing at the tiny triangle of red satin that just barely covered her mound. She forced herself not to tremble under his close scrutiny. Her thong was soaked with the sudden rush of liquid and when his nostrils flared she knew he’d caught the scent of her musk. Did he find it pleasing? Did he find
pleasing enough to take her back to one of the private rooms?

Lord, she hadn’t been this nervous since her very first scene as a neophyte sub. And this wasn’t just about her physical assets.

When he nodded his head at Reulas’s silent question she relaxed but just fractionally.

“Hello, Sage.” His voice was deep yet soft, with a rich timbre that vibrated through her body. Her name sounded like music on his lips

“H-Hello.” God, did her voice actually waver? What would he think? That she might be too timid for him? She expected Reulas had given the man every detail about her but why hadn’t he done the same for her? She had no idea what he liked. What he wanted. What appealed to him. Damn! She knew she should have asked a lot more questions.

“I like the name.” One corner of his mouth hitched up in a tiny grin. “And the rest of you. Although I can’t quite see everything.”

“I’m sure Sage will be happy to remedy that for you,” Reulas said with a smile. He handed Garrett a key card. “Your room is ready when you are.”


Reulas nodded and moved away.

“Well, Sage.” That warm voice brushed over her. “I think I haven’t seen quite enough of you yet. Come here.” He motioned for her to stand between his legs.

As she moved, her eyes automatically dropped to the significant bulge between his legs barely concealed by the dark fabric of his slacks. When she looked up Garrett was watching her.

“People tell me I have more than my share.” He looked directly into her eyes. “But I promise you’ll be able to take it. Obey me, Sage, and I will give you more pleasure than you’ve ever known.”

A shiver skated over her skin. “It will be my pleasure to serve you, Master.”

“I prefer Sir,” he corrected. “On the chance that our connection extends beyond tonight, you should start addressing me properly.”

“Yes, Sir. Of course.” The slight command made her pussy throb in anticipation.

“Let me look at you.” He tugged on the lacings of the bustier, loosening them and finally pulling them completely free. The garment fell to the floor. “Leave it for the moment.”

“Yes, Sir.”

She stood there completely still while he cupped and shaped her breasts with his hands, tweaking her nipples with thumb and forefinger, pinching them until she sucked in her breath. Sharp little arrows of pain shot straight from those pebbled buds to the core of her pussy, sending another flood of cream to her thong.

He exuded such an air of authority, of command. Not the arrogant one that she had come to realize Andrew wore, but one that came from inner strength, from being a good and respected Dom and having that confidence in himself. Now her nerves jittered for a different reason. She was sure this man was used to accomplished subs, not ones that came with a boatload of baggage. What if she didn’t please him? What if she turned out to be a total failure?

What if she didn’t and he wanted more from her? All of her?

Holy hell, Sage. Get a grip. Until five minutes ago you weren’t even sure you could handle submission again.

Garrett drew in a deep breath, even as he continued to pinch her nipples hard, his nostrils flaring. His eyes never left her face as he watched her reaction to everything he did. Was she fooling herself that this was more than just the testing of a sub by a Dom? Had she learned nothing from Andrew? God, she couldn’t do that again, but the electricity between her and Garrett was so strong it threatened to buckle her at the knees.

“You smell delicious,” he told her. “I can’t wait to run my tongue through your slit and taste all that cream for myself.”

His words made her tremble with anticipation. She had to curl her hands into fists to keep herself steady as she stood there before him. She didn’t know if people were watching them or what they could see, edged into the corner the way they were, but it didn’t bother her. Many Doms like to show off the assets of their subs, a silent bragging that they’d snagged a treasure. She was used to this.

“You may pick up your clothing and follow me.” He rose from the stool and headed through the lounge, knowing she would follow him.

As they moved through the lounge, she kept her gaze lowered as befitted a sub. She was conscious, however, of the muted whispers and the hum of conversation. She would bet her last dollar that Garrett was one of the most sought after subs at Club Fantasy. That subs lined up for scenes with him. That being chosen by him was an honor. Everyone who had watched her sitting quietly these past weeks, doing nothing more than observing, was wondering, she was sure, why on earth he had chosen her.

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