A Abba's Apocalypse (2 page)

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Authors: Charles E. Butler

BOOK: A Abba's Apocalypse
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deposit in your own food bank.

              My heart goes out to these intruders. These people were my American brothers and sisters, but there’re now enemies towards my new country’s survival. These people

refused “Trinity’s” identification brand and are left to starve. They’ve been named the Irreverent by “Trinity,” and classified as enemies of the world. Now they’re desperate enough to chance certain death in the desert with their families. They’ll brave the extreme heat of the day and intense cold of the night while risking military marshal attack. They’ll do all of this just to get some food. Almost all are caught, destroyed, or die in the miles and miles of desolate badlands. Their goal is to try and get to central New California’s fertile farm land. They don’t stand a chance though. Some think it’s their inherent former American pride keeping them going. I know it’s something more. It’s that hope inherent in each of our soul’s to the belief that there must be something more and something better. I know where this divine yearning comes from, and why it urges each one of us to continue on. I am blessed to live in New California, and I am Irreverent.

              My heart bleeds for these abandoned souls. Most of the infiltrating Irreverent come to New California from the former United States. They attempt to sneak in via the sovereign country of Liberty (which is the combined former states of Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and most of Utah). These states were some of the first to succeed from the union. There are several reasons why this happened. The first reason was all three branches of the federal government battled over power while trashing the people’s constitutional rights. New tyrannical leaders were appointed by the executive branch bypassing the checks and balance system of congress. These leaders introduced their own laws and rules to govern the people according to their ideological beliefs. This is not what their forefathers believed in, but just the opposite. Their idea of justice lacks mercy and is cruel. Well, government grew too big and bureaucratic for its

citizens to fight back. The Judicial branch decided to take its bite out of the people’s contract, further disabling its citizens. The U.S. Supreme Court savored every chance to chew off the last dangling shreds holding the holy document together.

“Tolerance” drooled down their foolish faces as they legislated to what they thought was right. Their ruling wisdom constantly opposed the majority of the people. In the end, these judges’ wicked hearts redefined what was good and godly. What was traditionally regarded as good became intolerable and against the law. Those with power shouted “Victory,” while true liberty drowned under their thunderous applause.

              The next reason came through moral decay leading to ignorance and want. People did what was right in their own eyes, proudly justifying their actions through the pulpit of the media. Pleasure and pride were their two major commandments. They worshiped themselves and the lustful things of this world. Hearts grew cold and selfish as ambition turned into laziness. Over half the country decided it was better to have fun and let others supply their needs. The politicians used this as their tool to get elected and reelected. The government bankrolled these unproductive patrons in exchange for their entitled votes. Every candidate protected their voting bloc under the liberal law of tolerance for those less fortunate. The infestation of division festered over the land. Hard working people were punished while the mostly lazy and covetous were rewarded. I learned one thing about greed; it has a self destruct mechanism built in to it. Once it starts eating it never knows when to stop. Eventually, it will lead to its own demise. Taxes shot up along with government regulations. The protected poor demanded more entitlement, but the national debt and workers couldn’t handle any more load.

              The last straw came as our President began selling portions of the country to those foreign countries holding our enormous debt. Little sovereign countries were allowed to

form inside the states without any legal recourse. More than half the states decided this was enough! The states started subsiding from the United States before the growing debt crushed them, and before the President destroyed each states

sovereign right. The states also realized the federal government was looking for any excuse to use marshal law and bury their last chance of true democracy. The destructive catalyst came right after “Harpazô Day.” That day all blessing fell away from the United States, and chaos began its reign. It happened a little over fours ago. 

              California was the first former state to close its borders. The governor declared one day after the catastrophic event to enact all military guard to defend against the fear of more mass disappearances. A third of its population vanished in a second on “Harpazô Day.” A week later California’s leadership decided to succeed from the former United States. It did this while proclaiming its sovereign right under “New California.” It was a feeble attempt to protect its assets and limited natural resources. Next, marshal law followed. It governed the state until “Trinity,” its LD, and Demons took over power. They are the law now!

              Many come from the remaining alliance of the U.S. known now as the Fed’s. Some professional experts and laborers are allowed passports to come in. This new country needs help replacing the workforce needed to harvest its resources and maintain military stability. Only those with the brand-that is.

              Others try coming from around the world to sneak in. They make attempts at entry through abandoned sea ports and airports. New California hides many of these through its sheer size, vast deserts, and inability to monitor them all. There are two categories of culprits. The first are those whom have taken the brand, but denied pass ports. These caught are “Demonized” by permanently relinquishing their bodies to the will of these unholy hosts. Not all LD sporting the brand has a Demon, but they do give them the right of

passage to occasionally occupy their body. The demonic occupation process seems to cause extreme pain, which the LD overwhelmingly enjoy. I still have not figured out why brothers of the brand would turn on each other. I guess it is

their evil selfish nature to enjoy pain no matter what its source.

              The infiltrating Irreverent are a different story. They do not have the brand. They have either evaded the branding process, or refused it and ran from the brand. If caught, they are given one last chance to accept the brand and sacrifice their souls and be slaves to these spirits of evil. Refusing souls are usually kept alive and fed a constant staple of torture. Hideous Demon spirits enjoy swirling around their scared prisoners’ just for the pleasure of their pain. They get great satisfaction devouring Irreverent cries for “mercy.” They’ll promise them possible release from their anguish if they’ll reveal the location of other Irreverent. The best you can hope for from these laughing liars is a slow death. I’ve seen this firsthand.

              I see “Project T,” or “T” for short. It is nothing more than a burned-out pile of rubble with a secret. I visually command Dave to “Move out,” as we begin circling the perimeter of “T”. We take turns observing and looking for signs of Demons or LD. They would love to destroy this place and torture us. I move back to the forest to find temporary cover. I conceal myself by squatting down behind a bush. We wait motionless for several minutes while intensely listening for any unusual sounds. We take one last look for anything out of place. I motion Dave to proceed cautiously to enter as I continue observing. If I detect any evil I’ll whistle to Dave to run for it. This is part of our early detection system; one observes while one plays the part of bait.

              Just to the side of the pile of debris, where a church once stood, is a rectangle stone with a cross cut in it. It lays flat like a grave marker. On it is a verse chiseled. The stone simply reads “2 Timothy 2:11-13.”  The “T” in “Timothy” gives this

place its name. The verse itself details our mission. Dave moves out and stops just short of the stone, and then pans over to me for a final confirmation. I view a quick 360 degrees observation, and then affirm with my hand gesture, “It’s safe.”

Dave first pounce’s the stone down to unlock its hidden locking mechanism. Then, he moves the stone by sliding it away along its concealed rolling track. This reveals the hidden compartment just under its surface. He leaps in and motions to me to, “Move out.” He continues checking the surroundings as I “head out.” I keep my profile low as I run. I leap to where Dave is. We quickly grab the stone’s under side handle and slide it back to its original resting place. Lights’ lining the tunnel turn on as the stone jolts forward, and then mechanically locks in place. We descend into the refuge of its musky depths.

              I grab Dave and firmly slam him against the corridor wall. I look him square in the eyes and shout, “What the heck were you thinking by breaking in my house?” The grimmest look takes over Dave’s face, and then begins turning gently into a smile. The only thing I can do is hug him. I repeat, “What were you thinking you crazy fool?” He replies “Demons, Demons forced me!” He remembers something so terrible it causes him to tremble and shake loose our embrace. Dave is the closest thing I call family now. I murmur, “We’ll talk about this later buddy.”

              The man who created this labyrinth must have been divinely inspired. It seems it is supernaturally protected and prophetically supplied. I think to myself the Demons and agents of “Trinity” surely should know about this refuge. They have the resources to see everything and everyone. Demons have the ability to jump from victim to victim sporting “Trinity’s” seal of damnation. They learn all their host’s memories and use them as soldiers and spies in this dark war. I’ve seen the power the brand gives mortal bodies. The possessed body is given super strength. I saw an old lady lift a truck off a car to get to the Irreverent trapped inside.

              “Trinity” titles its members as Eternal Vestures in the Legion (E.V.I.L.). They choose “Trinity’s” mark for the power to buy, eat, and survive. They are also promised unnatural extended life spans. “Trinity” requires all its followers without

question to obey its every command and worship its leaders. We are called Irreverent, because we refuse to worship this evil institution. We Irreverent, title the bunch as “Members of EVIL,” for short. They sold their souls and worship its “Trinity.” We refer to these living damned as LD. We call all who ran from the brand, “Brothers of LIVE.” We are also referred to as the Irreverent for violating acceptance of “Trinity’s” worship.

              This place is a fortress. One of our members discovered it shortly after “Harpazô Day.” That day a bright flash of light penetrated everything everywhere. All the news that day was reporting disaster after disaster. Their scientific experts stated the light came from some type of gamma ray burst from what must have been from a nearby star explosion. Then, the news noticed people just evaporated. Last count was about one in ten Americans vanished. About 350 million others were reported vaporized throughout the rest of the world. I didn’t believe the lie, because I knew the truth.

              I remember my liberal professors denying any legitimate Christian teaching. One stated, “These ‘wing nuts’ believe one day their God will come back from Heaven and snatch them all away. They call this event the ‘rapture’. This word is not even found in their Bible.” They were wrong like so many of us. That’s exactly what happened. That word is found in the scriptures by a different name. “Harpazô” means to quickly and suddenly snatch away. It’s like pulling a child from the path of a speeding vehicle.

              My idiot professors failed to perform any real digging before making such claims. I knew many intelligent fools teaching their unempirical views, damning those who’d trust their opinion. They’re all dead or LD now. I found out the term does exists. It is found in the 1,600 years old “Latin

Vulgate Bible.” Harpazô translates into the Latin word for rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 explains this event in detail. I believed all my tolerant liberal professors, with their tons of quick wit, but not a drop of real wisdom. I am learning a lot

now while sorting through all the learning materials the former pastor left. There is a library of information down here.



































Chapter 2: The Chamber’s Secret


              We reach the end of the door-less corridor. There are only three things here. At eye level is a chiseled cinderblock. A cross and scripture reference to “2 Timothy 2:11-13” were carefully dug into it; in the same design as the entrance stone. Just below it, sits a bulging cloth atop a plain rustic altar. Lifting the cloth reveals a much worn Bible. A red string marks the page to that prolific passage. The words are: “If we have died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He will also deny us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful.” I realize these words to be the key to everything.

              This passage from “Timothy” is intended to touch the very soul. The safeguard to this system is a series of things that must be done to reveal its hidden treasures. “EVIL” could not and would not ever do the following. It seems the pastor knew this. Only a repentant response will start the unlocking procedure.  And, only a truly repentant heart will find the hidden chamber. It starts by kneeling in repentance. Pressing the attached knee rest down moves the unlocking device. A truly repentant heart will then lean forward while clasping their hands in prayer on the altar’s table top. The combined continuous pressure on these devices set into action a simple mechanical timer. A secret passage clicks unlocking its entry way when a prayer continues for one minute. This sound echoes throughout the chamber making its origins impossible to find, thus the entrance is impossible to find. The secret is in the cross. It took Paul a week to figure this out and what to do next.

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