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Authors: Sandrine Gasq-Dion

A Beat in Time (14 page)

BOOK: A Beat in Time
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“Then we will.”

Chapter 18


Vince was true to his word. We spent every weekend with each other. I went to Tucson and stayed with him, and he came to Flagstaff and stayed with me. We hadn’t had sex yet, but the other stuff was quite interesting. Vince knew just how to set me off and he did it as often as possible. I invited him to my parents’ house for Mexican night and he agreed. My family all together was a lot to take in. We were kind of crazy sometimes, so this was a huge test of how much Vince could take.  I was still getting packages in the mail and I finally figured out that they were part of my stories. Maybe I had a really dedicated fan? Most of the gifts given to the couples in my books had been arriving on my front step.

I hadn’t seen Jensen since the night at the Green Room and I hadn’t heard from him either. Maybe he’d finally gotten the hint? Who knows? All I knew was that I was going to move forward with my life. I was waiting for Vince to come home. He’d gotten called in at the last minute and couldn’t get out of it. I made him my specialty, lasagna, while I waited for him to come back. I heard the distinctive roar of his diesel and made myself comfortable on the couch. The front door opened and Vince stopped mid walk when he noticed me sitting there. I was naked-save for an apron.

“Hey, Sexy,” I taunted.

“I don’t know whether to go for the enticing aroma in the kitchen or the enticing half-naked woman on my couch.”

“You could get the enticing food and smother it over my enticing body,” I leered.

Vince threw off his coat and with two long strides, was over me on the couch. His mouth descended on mine and one hand wandered between my legs while the other played with my nipples. I arched into his touch, my legs shook as he began a nice slow fuck with his fingers. I reached between his legs and palmed his rock hard cock. Jesus, he was huge. I pushed Vince back and he laid out on the couch, watching me curiously. I pulled the zipper down on his pants and reached for his dick. He was leaking precome already and I smiled as I lowered my mouth onto the heated rim of his prick.

Vince’s head fell back, a low groan left his lips and his hands fisted into my hair. He didn’t pull or push, just kept a grip on it. I couldn’t take all of him, there was no way in hell I could swallow his fire hose, so I gripped him at the base and slid my mouth down as far as I could go. I almost gagged as Vince’s hips thrust as I bobbed up and down on his length. I didn’t know why, but I loved giving head. Maybe it was my partner’s moans that set me off, or the way they writhed under me. Vince’s breathing had become labored and I swallowed him down, then flicked at the sensitive rim before taking him deep into my mouth again. I laved his slit and rolled his balls in my palm, slightly squeezing them when Vince would moan a little louder. Fuck I loved hearing him!

“Fuck…shit, fuck! Serena!” Vince warned.

Hot cum raced into my mouth and I swallowed, taking my time and keeping at him until he pulled me off gently.

“Sensitive,” he gasped. “Holy fuck! That was so fucking good.”

“Yeah?” I asked, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

“Yes, let me return the favor,” Vince suggested, waggling his brows.

I was flat on my back in two seconds as Vince ate me like I was the greatest dinner. Every flick of his tongue, every nip at my lips and thrust of his tongue inside me had me holding onto his hair like an “oh shit” handle in a car. I came with a cry and then Vince was kissing me. We stayed on the couch wrapped up in each other for what seemed like hours. Vince was kissing my neck and murmuring in my ear.

“I’m hungry, but I can’t move.”

“Well, it should be good for a little while longer,” I assured him. “I’m pretty comfortable myself.”

Vince rose up on his elbow and traced my lips with his finger. “So the parents, huh? Ready to go there with me? My mother will feed you until you explode.”

“Same here. Wear loose pants.”

“I like you here. You fit.” Vince kissed my chin.

“I like being here,” I admitted.

“So, tomorrow I meet the fam,” Vince stated with a little waver to his voice.

“Hey, they’ll love you. You’re Italian.”

“I thought you all were French?”

“Ah, mais oui! But we also have Italian in our family.”

“Speaking of Italian, I could really go for some food now.”

“Stay here, I’ll get it.”

“Hey,” Vince took my hand as I moved to get up. “You don’t have to wait on me.”

“I look at it as mutually taking care of each other. You’ve been at work and you’re tired. Let me take care of you for a bit.”

“I think you just did,” Vince motioned to his softening cock.

“I can do that again later.” I kissed him and Vince pulled me tightly against him. I breathed heavily and Vince lifted my chin.

“What is it?”

“Seriously, there
to be something wrong with you.”

“I’ve been known to leave the toilet seat up.”

“That’s it. I’m out,” I joked.

“And for some reason, there’s always a glob of toothpaste in the sink after I brush my teeth.”

“I’m going now.”

“Sometimes, I fall into bed fully clothed after work stinky and sweaty.”

“You see the vapor trail?”

Vince laughed.




I headed out to my parents’ the next morning. Vince was going to come out right after he checked on things at the firehouse. I took the almost mile long driveway to my parents’ house. Either side of it was lined with large Mesquite trees and curved half way down. You couldn’t see someone coming until they were there. I parked in the front and crossed the brick pathway to the back door.

My mother was shredding beef for the chimichangas when I walked into the kitchen. We had a different style of food once a month. It was a way for all of us to get together and taste different cultures. My mother was all about culture. I’d forgotten how much I’d missed my mom’s cooking.

“Need help?” I asked.

“I am almost done. Your sister said Vince is very handsome.”

“Yes, he is.”

“Did you buy him a kik—”

“No, mom. I haven’t bought him a vibrator.”

“So he found your G spot,” my mom teased.

“Okay, can we not talk about vibrators tonight, please?” Marisol walked into the kitchen with Remy in tow.

I smiled at my brother-in-law and held my arms out. “Come here, you!”

“Uh huh,” he narrowed his eyes at me. “Now whatcha gotta say about my matchmaking skills?”

“Thank you?” I snickered.

“Serena, is that Vince’s car pulling into the drive?” my mother asked, peering out the window.

I moved to her side and stared out the window. “No, he has a huge truck.” Anger boiled in my gut. “That would be someone else,” I hissed under my breath.

I flew out the side door and ran into the driveway where Jensen was just getting out of his car. He had flowers in one hand and a sheepish grin covered his face.

“What are you doing here?” I practically shouted. “Vince is on his way!”

“I told you I wasn’t going to give up, Serena. I made mistakes, but I know we can be happy together. A love like ours doesn’t just go away.”

“You chose Noelle, Jensen! That can’t be forgotten either!”

“I told you we are no longer together. It’s permanent, I made sure of it.”

“Again, I have to ask, why are you here and how did you find me?”

“I’ve always known where your parents live, Serena.” Jensen approached me. “I’m throwing the gauntlet down. I’m going to fight for you Serena, because I truly believe we were meant to be together.”

“You have to go,” I explained, exasperated, threading my fingers through my hair. “I can’t deal with this right now.”

“Just tell me you don’t care about me anymore. Say it, Serena.” Jensen narrowed his eyes as I fidgeted. “That’s what I thought.”

“I just need more time to put you out of my head. I have a chance to be happy!”

“I can make you happy, Serena. You know I can. So we’re grown up? So we haven’t been together in years? Who cares? I still love you. I never stopped loving you!”

“You need to leave,” I whispered brokenly.

I couldn’t let him in again, I just couldn’t survive another round of him gutting me to my soul. He’d ripped me apart twice before and I wasn’t going to invite another turn in that hell. Jensen handed me the flowers and stepped back.

“We will never be done, Serena. You and I both know it. There’s too much history. I loved you then and I love you even more now.”

I heard a diesel truck coming up the road and then my family walked out to the driveway. God, this was so bad. It was like every bad movie wrapped into one scene.

“Serena?” my mother called out. She eyed Jensen and smiled. “Jensen Pratt?”

“Hello, Mrs. Devane. It’s lovely to see you again.”

“I haven’t seen you since you were sixteen. Look how grown up you are!”

I wanted to crawl into a hole. Vince’s truck pulled up the drive and he jumped out of the truck, looking from me to Jensen.

“Did I get the wrong day?” he asked, confused.

“No. Jensen was just leaving.” I glared at Jensen. He stepped up to me and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. He leaned into my ear and my skin broke out in a wave of bumps.

“Open your heart, I’m coming home,” Jensen murmured in my ear.

Jensen walked over to Vince and my heart stopped in my chest. That was all I needed, a huge fight in the middle of my parents driveway. Jensen tilted his head at Vince.

“Nothing against you, but I’m going to fight tooth and nail to get her back,” Jensen warned.

“I expected nothing less,” Vince answered.

Jensen got in his car and I swore I heard a huge breath of relief from my family. They probably thought the same thing I did. That we’d be rinsing blood off the concrete.

“Well! That was fun.” Robbie broke the silence.

“Let’s go inside.” My mother began walking back to the house.

I stood in the driveway with Vince. He looked calm as ever. I took a step closer and reached for his hand.

“I didn’t invite him here.”

“I didn’t think you had. He’s not going to give up, Serena.”

“Well, that’s his problem now, isn’t it?”

Vince took my hands in his. “God help me for saying this, but I care too much about you not to. You and Jensen, you have so much history and he still loves you, Serena.”

“What are you saying?” I backed up a bit.

“You owe it to yourself to at least try. I don’t want you to be with me and always be thinking about ‘what if’. What if you’d gone to him? What if you had worked everything out? I want to be with you. I think you’re smart, funny, and beautiful, but I want all of you, Serena, not just a piece.”

“I ..can’t,” I whispered.

“Yes, you can. I know he hurt you, but that’s all part of love. Nothing in life comes easy and sometimes you have to work hard at the things you want.”

“But you and me, I mean, we’re good together. I can see us together.”

“So can I, but I refuse to be the consolation prize. Go to him, Serena. See where life takes you.”

I stood in the driveway completely numb as Vince left. What the hell had just happened? Damn Jensen for coming here and putting me through this! I wanted to find him just so I could slap the shit out of him! I’d been standing there for at least ten minutes when my brother came out. He put his arm around me and sighed audibly.

“Well, Dorkus? What do you plan to do?”

I looked down to see I was still holding the flowers in my hand. After all the ruckus, I hadn’t even paid attention to them, they were sweet peas. I gasped as the anvil fell on my head. Shit! Jensen had been the one sending me all the packages. My startled eyes met Robbie’s and a grin formed on his lips.

“This is it, Serena. You have a choice to make. Are the tarot cards what you are going to base your life on? Or are you going to make a decision for yourself concerning your heart? Who makes you laugh? Which one can you see spending the rest of your life with?”

I stared at my brother, my mouth agape, totally frozen to the spot.


Chapter 19

I jumped into my Jeep and navigated my parents’ circular drive. By the time I got to the end of the driveway, I had two choices. I could either turn left or right. Both ways took you to the interstate and I had no clue as to which direction they’d gone. I closed my eyes and willed the answer to come to me. Left or right?  Either way I went, it would lead me to the man I was supposed to be with. I was literally at a crossroads in my life. I knew who I wanted, I just hoped I was going the right way.

I took a deep breath and turned right.

I drove the speed limit, which I never did, looking for any sign of the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I passed by a gas station about fifteen miles up and slammed on the brakes as I noticed Vince’s truck parked off to the side. My heart actually pounded in my chest as I pulled up next to his truck. I looked around for him, but there was no sign of him. I was walking up to the double doors of the convenience store when Vince walked out. We both stood there staring at each other.

“What…what are you doing here?”

“Looking for the man I’m supposed to be with.” I smiled.

“Did you find him?” Vince searched my eyes.

“Yeah, I did.” I took his hand. “It’s you, Vince.”

“But Jensen—”

“I will always love Jensen, but he’s my past. You are my future. When you left, the way you left, I think my heart knew then that it’s you, Vince. You were willing to let me go, and for that, I’m
letting you go. So tell me, do you still want me?”

Vince grabbed me and crushed me to his chest. He kissed me so passionately, I almost wet myself. I moaned in his mouth as his tongue flicked my teeth, sucked on my tongue, and nipped at my lips.

“Get a room!” someone shouted from behind us.

I laughed and Vince put me back down on the ground. He eyed the area and then took my hand. We walked back to our cars and Vince pushed me up against his truck.

“We can go to my place?” he asked hesitantly.

“We’re going back to my parents house first.”

“We are? Why?”

“Because they need to meet the man I’m going to be spending lots of time with.”



My brother was waiting for me as I pulled into the driveway. I’d called him to let him know I was coming back with Vince. He chuckled as I jumped from my Jeep.

“The hose won, huh? Must be packing quite the picnic basket.”

“The picnic basket has nothing to do with my choice, Robbie,” I glared at him.

“Yeah? But it helps.” Robbie extended a hand to Vince as he joined us. “Nice to meet you, Vince. I’m Robbie, Serena’s brother.”

“Ah, the one we’re escaping to when the zombie apocalypse comes?” Vince shook Robbie’s hand.

“Yes,” I snickered.

“I’m ready for it,” Robbie said seriously.

“Come on,” I laughed, dragging Vince into the house. My whole family was standing in the kitchen, smiling when I walked in with Vince. I regarded them all seriously and then smiled.

“Everyone, this is Vince. Vince, this is my crazy family.”

They all introduced themselves and then my mother dragged Vince to the stove after he admitted to knowing how to cook. I leaned against the kitchen island with a goofy grin on my face. My man was talented in so many ways, I was actually proud of him.

“That’s just,” Marisol’s eyes wandered over Vince’s backside. “Wow.”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep your hands to yourself!” I joked.

“My husband is a genius!” Marisol beamed.

I had to agree. Vince fit in so well, I couldn’t stop smiling at him. He was so engrossed in his conversation with my mom, he had no idea that my sister, Brit, and I were drooling over him. My brother put his hand over Brit’s eyes and tsked us.

“He’s not a piece of meat!” Robbie whispered jokingly.

“No, he’s so much more,” I said almost dreamily.

Vince glanced over his shoulder just then and winked at me. I smiled back and crooked a finger at him. He walked over to me, enveloping me in his strong arms.

“Having fun?” I asked.

“Yes. Your mother is going to teach me how to make some French food.”

“It’s not too much?”

“They are no worse than my family, Serena.”

“Oh God, you mean your family is nuts, too?” I asked in mock horror.

“Yeah, and they’ll be nuts about you.”





We stayed until late and then I went home to Vince’s house.

Vince stood in the middle of the room with me, undressing me slowly. His eyes perused my flesh as my clothing dropped to the floor. My heart beat wildly in my chest as his hands slipped up my torso, touching me gently. I removed his shirt and let my hands wander over his expansive chest, brightly colored with beautiful tattoos. Vince took my mouth in a slow, seductive kiss and I whimpered when his hand closed over my breast. I tried to get his pants off with one hand while the other was wrapped in his hair, keeping our  mouths tethered. Vince’s pants and boxers fell to the floor and his hardened dick rubbed up against my naked abdomen. I couldn’t breathe or think, I just wanted him inside me, filling me.

We kissed, touched, and nibbled all the way down the hall to his room and then I was flat on my back with Vince admiring me from the end of the bed. His massive chest rose and fell, his eyes wandering over my body, his hands twitching at his sides. I’d never wanted him more than I did right then. Vince crawled up my body, stopping to kiss and nip at my thighs as he did. I trembled beneath him and he caressed my cheek with his thumb.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes. I’m positive.”

Vince dipped between my thighs and I swore my whole body liquefied at the first touch of his tongue. He expertly flicked at my clit, dove inside me, and kept me right on the edge for what seemed like hours. His fingers entered me and rubbed my G spot until I was almost screaming on the bed. I couldn’t wait anymore, I needed him and I needed him right the fuck now. I pulled on his hair and he lifted his head with a smile. No words were exchanged as Vince pulled out a condom and put it on, his eyes watching me intently as he did.

I spread my legs out further to accommodate him and then he was inside me. Fire raced through my body as his girth stretched me, filled me—completed me. We were moving as one, each of us meeting the other thrust for thrust. Our lips molded perfectly, bodies writhing in tandem, I was riding a wave of total and complete bliss. Vince nailed my spot over and over until I saw stars and then I was coming. My fingernails broke the skin on his back as I let out a wail of satisfaction. Vince came less than a minute after me, his heat scorching me from the inside out. We laid there, both breathing hard, my fingers in his hair, his breath on my neck.

“Wow.” I finally broke the silence.

“Yeah?” Vince lifted his head. “Did I make you cum? Or are you that great of an actress.”

“Oh hell no. I came, babe.”

Vince chuckled. “Good. I did too.”

“I noticed.” I kissed his temple.

Vince searched my eyes. “Am I really who you want? After everything that happened with you and Jensen, you’re just going to walk away?”

“There’s a reason it’s called your first love. He wasn’t my last.” I stared into Vince’s eyes, hoping he’d get my message.

A small smile graced his lips and then he kissed me.

BOOK: A Beat in Time
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