A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (19 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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Can you?

she gasped dizzily, still completely in the dark, but she was listing towards him.  Moving until her bosom brushed his chest, which caused a thrill to shiver through Muira

s body.  She tilted her head offering her lips to him. 

Like- like when you kissed me?

she whispered shyly.


Lachlan chuckled, which sent further shivers ricocheting through his wife

s body. 

A little better than that I hope, lass,

he grinned predatorily.  He feigned a look of deep deliberation. 

Let me start by kissing you properly at least,

he murmured thickly. 


He dipped his head slowly, giving Muira the chance to pull away from him if she wished.  Only she didn

t pull away, and felt herself rewarded for standing her ground when Lachlan

s lips fluttered against her own.  There was something more insistent about their pressure this time.  He peppered her mouth with searing little bussing as he let his arms wrap around Muira

s waist. 


She shuddered when one of his hands came to rest on the small of her back, so large and warm, gently coaxing her to move a little closer towards him.  Until now, her own hands had been resting somewhat awkwardly against Lachlan

s chest, but very slowly, seizing her courage as she revelled in the delicate ministrations of her husband

s mouth, she looped them around his neck.  Lachlan murmured his approval, and then dared to intensify his efforts a fraction. 


Muira tensed, shocked when she first felt the warm, wet muscle of his tongue dart out of his mouth and tease the seam of her lips.  Lachlan didn

t force her to accept him however, simply flicked languidly, tracing the shape of her plump lips until Muira felt like she was melting, until it seemed the most natural thing in the world to part her lips and invite him to continue his tender explorations.


She tensed again, surprised and embarrassed to hear herself moan with a need she couldn

t explain as her husband

s tongue slipped inside her mouth, but Muira relaxed when Lachlan didn

t appear displeased by her enthusiasm.  His tongue surged deeper, and Muria thought that they must be standing far too close to the fire, because she felt like she was burning up. 


And then she stopped thinking all together, driven by instinct instead.


to move, she
to react.  She flicked her tongue in answer to Lachlan

s kiss, and shuddered when he groaned in response.  Her hands, similarly, refused to stay passive any longer, one moved from the nap of Lachlan

s neck to bury itself in his thick, dark hair, while the other stroked its way down his back. 


Somehow it wasn

t enough though...  There was an ache in the pit of her stomach and a fierce throb ticking between her- her legs, Muira realised, with a flush of humiliation that nevertheless didn

t stop her from twisting her hips against Lachlan

s body.  She heard his breath catch, and then she whimpered with regret when he pulled back, breaking their kiss.


I think we might be getting ahead of ourselves, don

t you?

he panted, trailing a thumb over Muira

s swollen lips.


I- I did something wrong?

she cried breathlessly, looking and feeling completely crushed. 


She had never experienced anything so breathtakingly wonderful, and somehow in her inexperience she had ruined it! 

t she

Muira looked up uncertainly when she heard Lachlan laughing.


Oh lass, you couldn

t have done anything more right,

he chuckled.



she said hesitantly. 

But you-



Lachlan whispered gently, running a hand up and then down Muira

s back.  Her skin prickled hotly under his fingers. 

Let me make it better,

he purred, tugging gently at the belt of her dressing gown as he eased the material off her shoulders, letting it puddle on the floor around her feet.


Make it better?

Muira gulped uncertainly, but then Lachlan

s mouth was on her neck, raining kisses down upon her throat, and she lost the ability to speak.  He nibbled lightly at her skin, feasting hungrily on the pulse pounding there, working his way slowly lower until he was nuzzling at the modest neckline of her nightdress. 


Muira gasped, shocked at where he seemed to be moving.



ll like this,

he murmured. 

I promise.  Just relax,

he begged gruffly, gently pushing her back towards the bed.


Lachlan I-

Muira stammered, suddenly feeling unsure of herself and her feelings as the memory of being pinned to a bed, back at Castle Cameron, under Tavish

s hard body, rushed back to the forefront of her mind. 


I won

t do anything you don

t want,

Lachlan whispered persuasively.  The back of Muira

s legs hit the side of the mattress and she fell backwards, landing sprawled upon the comforter. 

Just tell me to stop and I will,

he promised, his voice a husky drawl.


He crawled onto the bed beside her and dipped his head again, and Muira couldn

t contain a little squeal.  He was kissing her through the white cotton of her nightdress, his open mouth sending searing heat sizzling through her blood as he suckling on one conceal nipple.


Oh- oh my!

Muira puffed.  She

d never even thought- she stopped thinking once again when one of Lachlan

s hands tugged at her nightdress, pulling it slowly so that he could see her large breasts.  Muira blushed crimson, and tried to turn away, to hide herself, but her husband held her gently in place.




he rasped firmly. 


ve wanted to see you like this since I first spotted you on that grassy bank.



s eyes almost popped out of her head. 

You haven


she gasped, but she really didn

t sound terribly offended. 

But- you were so gallant!

she managed giggle.


Well, I was behaving myself,

Lachlan chuckled, moving up her body so that he could whisper into her ear.  His hands had travelled to caress her now exposed breasts, fingers splayed widely so that they could cup the full, heavy swells. 

Just because a man doesn

t pounce on you, doesn

t mean he doesn

t want to,

he whispered thickly.


A shiver raced the length of Muira

s body. 
Lachlan wanted to pounce on her? 
It was getting hard to breathe. 
And do what exactly?  This, or was there more?
  She moaned loudly when his lips moved again to suckle her breast, only this time there was absolutely nothing between the wet rasping muscle of his tongue and the sensitive dusky tip of her nipple.  Muira felt her body arch into his touch.  She felt achy and tender and in desperate need of



she panted.



he murmured, the low sound felt as though it rumbled straight through Muira

s pounded blood.  He raised his head, shooting her a wicked smile. 

You want me to stop?

he puffed, his breath raising goose bumps on his wife

s creamy white skin.


Muira shook her head, still too caught in the new thrall of the sensations that were rocking her body to voice her desire.



Lachlan breathed for her. 

Maybe you want more?

he panted.  Muira nodded her head, still wholly unable to speak. 

Maybe you want me to touch you somewhere else?

he whispered, laying a suggestive hand on her thigh.

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