A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (28 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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He glanced at the two Cameron men, both were making a very obvious effort not to listen what was going on between the couple, clanking the horse brasses, talking louder, and generally being conspicuous.  After a disparaging shake of his head in their direction, Lachlan went after Muira.


Go away,

she whimpered, when she heard his approach.


And leave you out here all on your own?  I don

t think so, lass,

Lachlan said, his tone returning to its typical gentle drawl.


to be left out here all my own!

she snapped tearfully. 


She was standing stubbornly with her back to him, and when Lachlan moved around to look at her face she deliberately avoided his eye. 


he sighed wearily, catching her hold gently by the arms, though she still refused to meet his gaze.


Lachlan, I said-!

she began furiously, and in her anger she finally did raise her head.



s breath caught in her throat and Lachlan could instantly feel
.  There was
simmering in the air between them, sizzling between their bodies, drawing him towards her.  For a second, as he listed into her enticing heat, he thought that she was going to slap him, and he knew he wouldn

t have stopped her, because the only thing he could think about was feeling her mouth moving underneath his own.


He groaned, unable to tell who had closed the last hairsbreadth of distance between their lips, knowing only that it
closed, and that he never wanted it to be opening again.  He kissed her, hard and deep, his anger having turned, in a flash, to a fierce passion that was fuelling his actions.


Muira seemed to be similarly entranced.  Lachlan grunted as she answered his advances with an intensity that she hadn

t dared before.  She was hungry and needy, and Lachlan wondered it there was any possible way that he could have her here, on the ground, against a tree, with her clan men only a few feet away?


He heard Muira gasp when she realised his state.  It was frankly embarrassing how enthusiastically his body responded to her touch!  But in spite of that, Lachlan couldn

t resist the urge to grind against her, pushing her back against a thick oak, and pinning her between the trunk and his body.



she squealed, her eyes wide and glazed with a spark of fear in a fire of lust. 

Not here?

she panted, as if she doubted it was possible. 


Lachlan wondered if he was up to the challenge of proving her wrong?


Why not?

he panted, breathing hotly against the delicate skin of her neck.



ll see!

Muira gasped, her eyes were growing wider by the second. 


ll hear!



ll have to be quick and quiet then, won

t we?

Lachlan grinned wickedly. 


He didn

t think that the first criteria would be too hard to achieve, the second maybe more so, but now that the idea had presented itself to him, he knew that there was no way he was going to be able to leave and return to the carriage without following through. 



t you want it, Muira?

he whispered, daring her to lie, to contradict the longing he could read so plainly on her face. 

To feel me inside you?

he rasped, beginning to hike up the folds of her skirt. 

You know that

s where I want to be,

he grunted, tilting his hips, as if she could have forgotten the huge bulge that was pressing against her.


Oh God,

she whimpered, wrapping her arms around his neck, twisting her fingers into the long, thick locks of his hair. 

We shouldn


she puffed, but it was said with the clear understanding that they


Lachlan chuckled deeply, capturing her mouth again, still tugging up her skirt, leaving her creamy white calves and thighs exposed to the elements.  He shuddered when one of Muira

s own hands slipped from his shoulder down his chest, making a fast beeline for the askew fabric of his kilt.  He was once again surprised, but not at all displeased by her enthusiasm.


Muira delved under the tartan, palming his cock heavily, drawing a rumbling groan from deep in the back of Lachlan

s throat.



ll hear you,

she purred into his ear, intensifying her efforts. 


ll know what we

re doing.


Lachlan couldn

t stop a curse falling from his lips.  Was he completely mindless with desire, or did she sound
that it might be so?  After ripping up her dress, exposing her completely and testing her readiness, he decided it might actually be both.


I can

t be gentle,

he panted raggedly, parting her legs and impatiently arranging his kilt.



t be,

Muira gasped. 



and then Lachlan

s hand was pressed tight against her mouth, muffling the scream she wanted to make when he thrust into her cunt, forcing her to take him to the hilt in one swift motion that had him knocking up against her womb as he stole the breath from her body.


It was always so good, every time surpassed his memory of the last. 


Lachlan lifted Muria clean off the floor, pounding into her with almost animalistic need.  She whimpered softly as the rough bark of the tree dug into her back, but locked her legs around her husband

s waist, pulling him deeper into her wet heat. 


He wasn

t going to last any time at all, Lachlan could already felt his muscle twisting in anticipation of release.  He slipped a hand between their bodies, and pinched the raised nub of clit between his thumb and forefinger, and feeling her immediate, answering shudder. 



s it, lass,

he groaned, still pumping into her sheath at a furious pace. 

Come for me,

he begged.


She cried out against his hand, (which was still clamped over her mouth, stifling her moans), and to Lachlan

s huge, disbelieving, relief, shattered around him, clenching just once around his sex before he exploded, and then milking his cock as he spilled himself into her womb.


Oh- oh, Lachlan,

Muira puffed.  In the swirling dizziness of his release he had let his hand fall away from her mouth.  She was taking great gulping breaths of air, in an attempt to recover from her earth shattering orgasm, but she was also still clinging to her husband tightly. 

That was-

she gasped senselessly.


I know

he groaned, looking as though he could hardly manage to stand.  He gently pulled back, slowly letting Muira find her feet. 

You- you


he stammered, but seemed not to know how to carry on. 


Muira looked up at him for a moment, and then, blushing now that the passion, which had swept them both into madness, had cool, tried to straighten her clothes.  There was nothing to be done about her flushed skin or kiss swollen lips however.


Do you think they

ll know?

she asked quietly, nodding back towards the camp.  Muira

s blush heightened when she realised that she could actually just about make out moving figures through the forest of tree trunks.



s wicked grin sent heat flaring in her so recently sated womb. 

Do you care?

he purred.


Muira opened her mouth but couldn

t find an answer.  She knew that she should say
, but something deep and primal within her, something Lachlan had only awoken a few days beforehand, was screaming
!  Besides, when she was pregnant everyone would know.  Muira audibly gasped, fortunately Lachlan was attending to his kilt and shirt and seemed not to notice. 
When she was pregnant?
  From where had
thought sprung?

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