A Biker's Testimonial (5 page)

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I cut the bike off at the gas
pump and wait for her reaction.

She gets off the bike and says,
go inside for a minute." Yeah. I
know, she's has to pee. I chuckle lightly. I think to myself. This is her first
time and she’s not scared out of her mind! Fuck, yes! She has potential. I knew
it anyway.
She's my girl.
Yeah. She's the one. She exits the convenience store
looking refreshed.

She says: “You ready?”

I reply “Yeah. Let’s ride!”

We’re back on that shit!! I hit
that ramp onto the interstate hard as fuck and I'm digging that
mother-fucker-out! Sorry, my own biker terms.  This shit fuels my
sanity!!! I almost forgot. We are almost to our destination. Ha! Fuck it!! I'm
not done yet, so I passed that shit. 160mph. We still are riding because I know
she likes it.  In a sense, she provoked me.  Yeah, she did that.
 I was simply going exit to our destination but it was the way she grabbed
me while we were riding.

 She wrapped her arms around
me to encourage the beast in me.  So, I sped up and went the fuck faster.
 Stop squeezing me like that because she’s making my dick hard baby. She’s
encouraging the monster in me.  I
over in a rest stop and spend a moment or two kissing her.

I pull over to the next rest
stop. It’s pretty much deserted being that it’s two o’clock in the morning. We
pull into a dark area under a large tree. I turn the bike off and dismount. Now
I'm grabbing her ass.  I tell her, "I want this pussy, right here,
right now." She says, "My yoni has been wet ever since we got back on
the interstate. This motorcycle stuff has got me all moist in my panties."
So I sit her on my gas tank facing me. I then slide her panties to the side so
now she can ride ME for a little while...



We finally get to our
destination. “How are you? Did you enjoy the ride?” I ask.  She responded
with a disdained look on her face. "Sure. I'm fine." I knew she would
be a little weary after that hard ride and quickie at the rest stop. I grab her
hand and say, "Come on Miss Lady, let’s check in." She kind of stood
still with a curious look on her face and paused for a few seconds. I know she
can hear the beautiful sounds of the ocean. She then started to follow me
inside the place of our weekend stay... I continued to hold her hand then
proceeded to guide her to our quarters.

 "Is that ocean waves I
hear?" She asked and I said, "Why of course. Here we are.
House number 623.
I'm sure you'd like to get more
comfortable, so take your time and shower. I'll have your things ready by the
time you step out." I could tell that she was confused about everything.
This is exactly the way I want her to be....I want her to be surprised.
I want her to know that I’m a spontaneous one.
 We’re checking into one of my properties. It’s a nice, one bedroom
bungalow directly on Sunset Beach. This is where I come to clear my head from
time to time when I just want to get away from the city life and be by
myself.  The stars are amazing out here.

She walks in and gives the place
a once over. I had someone come in a week before hand and stock up on some
things that I thought she would love. Her favorite soaps, lotions, foods. Good.
I can hear the shower. What she doesn’t know is that I've been planning this
weekend getaway for two weeks. All she knows is that I’m a biker. I want to
show her more. I want her to wonder and wander in the discoveries of all of me.

 I’m so into her already.
She is flawless.  
. let me hurry and get
these items I purchased for her out of the closet.
Check. Womanly delicates, such as
deodorant, lotions, the oral needs are already inside the bathroom. I knock at
the bathroom door.  "Hey. I'm placing your things on the sink."
I said and she responded by saying, "Ok." After her shower she put on
her clothing and everything fit her perfectly. Before I knew it, I grabbed my
chest and almost lost my balance for a second when she stepped out the
room.  She is so beautiful. She blushed and I swear my heart
stopped.  "You... You look so beautiful!" I kind of choked to
get the words out. What in the fuck am I doing? Shit. I
pull myself together. Am I nervous? Awe shit!!! I am.  And I almost told
her I loved her again. Damn that would be the 5th time today. I don’t want to
overuse such a powerful word.  I
myself together.

 "I’m pretty sure
you’re wondering and questioning what my plans are for us this weekend. Come
and sit next to me on the sofa and allow me to unfold my plans for you." I
said. Then she says, "Ok. I’m sorry. I’m just a little nervous.
just. I mean,
doing a
lot. I mean...," she stumbles with her words but continues... "You’re
really sweet." She quickly wiped a tear away before it fell from her eye
then sat next to me. So I began to tell her what we were doing this weekend.
Well, some of it. Man.... I fell hard for this woman. I don’t trust so easy
either. What's going on with me?

As we sit beside one another on
the sofa, I’m being overloaded with thoughts of pleasure with her. "So,
how are you?"I ask.  "I'm ok. The bike ride was
She said.
"Did you enjoy it?" I replied. "Heck yes!" she said. I
begin telling her of our weekend plans. I didn’t tell her everything because
that would ruin the really cool surprise I have in store for her while we’re
here. Damn. My sexual urges are rising again. This is why I bought the
nightgown to help me control these inhibitions.  Calm down... Calm down...
Ok...breathe... I had stocked the fridge with the things I noticed her eating
since we've been together, like pineapples, apples, yogurt, carrots, and
mangos. Oh yeah, I must remember that I'm on a schedule so I
get up and prepare our meal. I'm sure she’s hungry. I
bought fresh fish fillets from the local market along with veggies and
potatoes. But before I start to walk over to the kitchen, I had to kiss her on
her forehead... I had too... So I did and then on her shoulder, neck, back, and
lastly her soft lips.  I kissed her lips slow just before she started to

Music is playing in the
background; something like some
and Anthony
Hamilton. Something we can chill too that creates a nice mood.  "Just
sit back and relax as I prepare our meal..." I said and she did just that.
She is so wonderful.
So beautiful.
We exchanged small talk while I prepared our meal.  I offered her a
Margarita while waiting on the fish to be done.  I opened the windows
while the ceiling fans blew the salty beach air in.  The smell of
delicious seafood began to fill the air.  I spent time telling her stories
of events and funny moments of my childhood. She has such a funny laugh, so I
kept the stories going, pausing when she wanted to ask questions or for her to
get her laugh out.  It’s unique as it completely compliments her divinity.
 She is, in her entirety, poetic.

We ate a wonderful dinner and
spent time exchanging stories of more and more laughter. She had some
interesting stories of her own.  The wine helped to make things more
relaxing I think because the stories just kept coming and coming. This is the
most we’ve talked in a while. So long to where we completely lost track of time.
I had no idea what time it was, but I had to show her something. So I took her
hand and walked her out to the beach on a full blue moonlit night. She doesn’t
utter a word. She’s just taking it all in.  So we sit on the beach while
leaning on each other. On this night, we had the most intense, deep, longest
conversation I've ever had with anyone in my life. We completely let ourselves
go and talking about any and everything.

 We made the exact most of
the moment with exchange of a comfortable, relaxed, reassured, company of
togetherness. I actually watched the moon move across the sky that night. We
had to have been out there for hours upon hours... ...
... I dozed off... And fell asleep... I was so tired and
tipsy... All I can remember is her saying is, "Let’s get you to bed."

The sun hit me in my eyes and I
smelled something good... I got up, brushed my teeth and walked to the kitchen
where she stood cooking breakfast in her panties!!!!! That meant I did
something right last night. She's digging me just as much as I'm digging her. I
was suspended in time wishing and wanting her to be forever mine. I want us to
come to this beach house and have these moments together for life.
Such a beautiful fantasy?


For a moment I got lost in time
because I mistakenly gazed into her eyes. She’s my living, breathing, real,
fantasy... A pulse of electricity rushed from the base of my spine and up to my
neck to then
into my mind...It just
happened, again. That pulse. The conversation we're having about life is
bringing a tear to my eye while watching her
her passion in words as we vibe. I speak, she hears me, and then subsequently
she responds with fervent words to further our projected thoughts. In the midst
of this happening I can't help but wonder and want to know more about her.

Then it happens.  She sheds
two tears because we both know what has now become crystal clear.
Love activating and overtaking the conversation.
penetrated her heart with my words just as she opened up my eyes. Our souls are
dancing together on the ceiling as we hold no account of time while it passes
by.  We both know what’s happening and we can’t resist it. My guard is
down and I can do nothing about it. There it is my heart. I’m falling deeper
and deeper. With her hand, she reaches in, through my body and into my chest.
Deeper does her hand travel.

 That’s it. She has found my
soul. I’m a little afraid, while this sweet sense of soulful pleasure
encourages me to let this continue. In this moment she makes contact with the
inner most me. And our two souls agree. This is love... Without even touching,
we made love.  Now we're connected and we now share a bond. I can’t help
but only lock eyes with her in silence. My natural eyes aren’t operating
because all I can now see is my galaxy. I'm seeing my world in her eyes.
 In this moment, I realize that she is my center.  Now that she’s
entered the inner-most part of my being. She is my Eve. 
My eve-
Hours upon hours
pass as we understand this relation of togetherness.

To complete this unity we
physically come together by means of the most overlooked action, a hug, and
just like that, this is how it happens. I stand, and then she stands. I step
toward her, and then she steps toward me... Lastly, we just hug each other in
embrace of this union as we engage in the utter most intimate kiss of love.



As we begin our day, I realize I
want love on her forever in this way. She is a special kind of love to me. Wow,
I can’t believe I’m saying that. I realize though, that I am the happiest I
have been in such a long time. I can’t stop grinning.

 While she’s in the shower,
I place the sundress that I purchased for her on top of the bed, wrapped so
fancy, by the department store’s staff.  Is that singing I’m hearing from
the shower...huh. I like it... A woman needs her space, and time to get ready,
so I walk outside to give her some time to take a moment and soak in the
powerful moments we had today.

 I must admit.  I'm
taken by the means of her beauty in its full consumption as it rejuvenates my
soul. This love is reciprocated. I'm so attracted to her. After a few moments,
I decided to walk back in and check on her.  I assumed that she had plenty
of time to get dressed as I walked back into the room. She was still in the
shower. I became concerned, so I went in the bathroom to check on her.

 I found Serenity grasping
heart in the shower. I wasn't sure how to respond so I remained quiet and tried
to slowly back away, but it was too late. She was looking dead at me. "Are
you ok?" I asked. "Yes. I just needed a minute. I don't know what to
say.  I’m trying to make sense of what my heart is saying. I'm sorry it's
taking me so long. Just give me a few more moments and I’ll be ready “Serenity
responded. I then said, "Take as much time as you need. I'm never leaving.
I’ll just be right outside waiting for you, beautiful."  These
feelings are unfamiliar. I think this is what it must feel like being on the
moon.  It feels like you are floating and can literally fly so high.
  Yeah, I guess I'm on the moon. Twenty minutes
later she steps out of the room. She looks down beaming at the sundress that I
brought her and does a twirl. I’m so glad she likes it.  

I made sure that my outfit was
coordinated with hers.
Again, with assistance from the
department store staff.
 My shorts, collared shirt, and low top
shoes are perfectly fitting for today. "Let’s head into town." I said
as I walked us to our scooter. She looks puzzled and says:  “What’s that?
It doesn't seem like the ride we rode here on last night!" I smiled and
said, "Oh... We're
' today! Besides I’m
sure you would like to pick out some accessories to match your sundress. Hop on
and lets head into town."

 Off we go!  The air is
so nice. The sky is a perfect blue. I take glances in the mirror to see the
wind blowing Serenity’s hair.  She has that natural curly fro, so she
doesn’t care about the wind blowing it. She looks so happy.  That only
means that I'm doing something right! We spend the entire day laughing and
doing silly things together. I even give her a quick lesson in driving this
scooter that I rented for the day. I let her drive us around for the rest of
the day. She does pretty well, actually.  I'm cracking up laughing at her
as she driving this scooter around like it’s a stunt bike!!! We have lunch and
ice cream. Her butter pecan ice cream looks
and easily she senses my desires to have a taste. Without me even having to
ask, she offers some to me.  Damn, my nose is wide open. After about two
hours of touring the town, I had to take over and drive because sitting behind
her like that was beginning to make my nature rise. I'll end this thought by
just saying,
I'm loving
on you.

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