A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire (69 page)

BOOK: A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire
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Kundera, Milan
ladyboys: see transsexual
Lady Gaga
Lambert, Douglas
Leonardo de Vinci
Letourneau, Mary Kay
Lippa, Richard
See also
erotic writing; romance writing
Live Journal
Livingstone, Margaret
Louis. K.
Love, Sex, and Intimacy
Lucas, Michael
Lynn, Regina
Madame Bovary
Magic Hoo Hoo.
irresistibility cue
male sexuality.
See also
psychological cues; visual cues; and age-related interests; and anatomical interests; and anime; and authenticity cues; and body type interests; and breasts; and conditioning; and cuckoldry; factors shaping; and feet; and female ornamentation; and female sexual pleasure; and imprinting; and Internet porn; and novelty cues; and penises; and romance writing; and transformation fiction; and transgression cues
Manson, Charles
Martini, James
masculinity cues
mate guarding
mate preferences
Maxwell, James Clerk
McGregor, Richard
McGurk, Teresa
McNaught, Judith
Meana, Marta: on gender differences in desire; on irresistibility; on multi-cue thresholds; on research difficulties; on study of human desire; on variability of sexual psychology
medical fetishes
medical profession
Meyer, Stephenie
Michaels, Theresa
Midnight Run
Milam, Marin Scott
Milgram obedience experiments
Miller, George
mind-body problem
Miss Marple Detective Agency
mixed mating strategies
Money, John
Monson, Christine
Moore, Demi
Moore, Julianne
Morgan, Robin
Morley-Souter, Peter
Mosher, Clelia Duel
Naisho, Erika
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Natividad, Kitten
natural selection
negative reactions to porn
New Girl Effect
A New Look at Love
Next Door Hookups
Nifty Erotic Stories Archive
North, Peter
novelty cues
objectum sexualis
O’Brian, Patrick
Oher, Michael
OkCupid data set
“omega” heroes
Once an Outlaw

One Rape, Please (to go
)” (Egan Morrissey)
ornamentation, female
Ortigue, Stephanie
Owen, Chris
Palin, Sarah
Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded
paranormal romance
party porn
Passionate Ink: A Guide to Writing Erotic Romance
Pavlov, Ivan
paying for porn and erotic materials: and BDSM interests; and female porn interests; and gay men; gender differences in; and male visual cues
penises: and anime; and gay men; and gay porn; and Internet searches; male interest in; and measuring arousal; and romance writing; and sex reassignment; and T-girl porn; and transformation fiction; and visual cues
Petit, Phillipe
phantom limbs
Phillips, Susan Elizabeth
phosphodiesterase inhibitors
physical arousal
physical attributes
physiological adaptations
Pickup Artist culture
Pinker, Steven
plasticity of sexuality
Platt, Michael
Plaud, Joseph
point-of-view porn
political messages
popularity cues
PornHub: and accessibility of porn; and age-related sexual interests; and compilations; and cuckold porn; and female interests; and group sex porn; and male mental partitioning; and male visual cues; and sexual-cue thresholds; and “squirting” searches
Pound, Nicholas
Power of And/Power of Or
Prison Talk
privacy issues
Proxmire, William
psychological cues; and adorability; and authenticity; and BDSM; and coercion/rape fantasies; and conditioning; and cuckoldry; and domination/submission cues; and female dominance; and female sexual pleasure; and gender differences; and irresistibility cue; and male desirability; and MILFs; and the mind-body problem; and multi-cue thresholds; and novelty cue; and romance writing; and transformation fiction; and transgression
Psychopathia Sexualis
race issues
Radway, Janice
Ramirez, Richard
rape fantasies
Reading the Romance
reality porn
Real Sex for Real Women
Reimer, David (Brenda)
Rentzel, Lance
Rice, Anne
Rice, Lisa Marie
Rig Veda
risk analysis
Roberts, Nora
Rogan, Joe
romance writing.
See also
erotic writing; psychological cues: and adorability cues; and age gaps; and “bodice rippers,”; and coercion/ rape fantasies; and data collection; and female sensory cues; and gender differences; and ideal male traits; and male-male romances; and male protagonists; and material wealth; and paranormal romance; and popularity cues; popularity of; romance Web sites
Rowntree, Angie
Rowntree, Colin
Rozin, Paul
Rule 34
Ryan, Meg
Sable, Ellen
Salmon, Catherine
See also
data acquisition
Savita Bhabhi
Scott, Anna
sensory cues
serial killers
The Serpent Prince
sex drive
sex reassignment
sexual advances
sexual attraction
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
sexual identity
sexual selection
Shakespeare, William
shemale porn
Silver, Michael
Sims, Ruth
slash stories
Sleeping Beauty fetish
“Slow Justice,”
social inputs/pressures: and amateur porn; and complexity of female desire; and dominance/submission; and fan fiction; and female sexual pleasure; and networking; and objections to porn; and popularity cues; social conditioning; “social inputs” hypothesis
Soderbergh, Steven
Sonzogni, David
Spanish fly
Spencer, LaVyrle
sperm competition
squicky interests
squirting porn
Stael, Anne Louise Germaine de
Standen, Freddy
Stanford prison experiment
Stathopoulos, Perry
steroid hormones
Story of My Life
Strauss, Neil
Stryker, Jeff
Stumbling on Happiness
submission, sexual: and animal research; and BDSM; and brain physiology; and cuckoldry; and facials; and female desire; and foot erotica; and gay porn; and group sex; and intromission; and sexual inventiveness; social vs. sexual submission; and sub position; and transformation fiction; and transgression cues

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