A Bloody London Sunset (Sunset Vampire Series, Book 2) (47 page)

BOOK: A Bloody London Sunset (Sunset Vampire Series, Book 2)
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Caleb awoke to the sunlight in his face and groaned as he rolled over in bed. He stretched his body and thought he heard voices talking downstairs. It took only a second before registering that it was Katrina and Paige. He smiled, surprised that his mate had made the journey out to California so quickly.

He rolled out of bed and took a moment to appreciate the sun shining in through the window. Quietly moving to the bedroom door, he slipped out into the hallway, closing the door behind him. Try as he might, he still wasn’t quiet enough to evade the acute hearing of the vampires downstairs, and their conversation stopped abruptly. He shook his head and sighed as he descended the stairs. He stopped halfway downstairs to stare into Katrina’s eyes while she sat on the edge of the couch next to Paige.

The childhood memories that seemed so recently acquired rushed through his mind, and he felt a warmth flow through him as he recalled the short-haired brunette who had saved him from the hands of his abusive father.
Angel Amber
, he thought fleetingly. Finally, his love for the redhead before him cascaded over those memories.
My Kat, my vampire

Katrina noted the emotions washing across his face in those few seconds and smiled at him warmly.
That’s a look I would walk through hell for
, she realized.

Paige’s eyes darted to Caleb, then to Katrina, and back to Caleb as she watched the brief, silent exchange between them.
I’d give anything to have someone look at me that way
, she thought forlornly. It was then she realized the difference between how she looked at Caleb and how her best friend did. She also understood in that instant just how devoted he was to Katrina. A moment of clarity followed, and she mused,
Maybe Red’s right. Maybe I’m not in love. But it’s the closest I’ve come to it so far, and I do love him.

“You two belong together,” Paige muttered under her breath. It was a hard concession for her, but at that moment she believed it to be true.

Caleb and Katrina looked at Paige nearly simultaneously and back to each other with astonished expressions.

“Well? Don’t just stand there, tiger,” Paige insisted with a smirk. “Get down here and hug your old lady. And I mean the redhead, of course.”

Katrina cast her friend a withering expression she rose from her seat, returning her attentions to Caleb, who walked into her opened arms. She placed a light kiss on his lips and embraced him.

“You got to California fast, Kat,” he whispered in her ear. “How long have you been here?”

She parted from their embrace and pulled him down to the couch to sit next to her.

“Not long. A couple of hours ago, actually,” she replied.

He glanced over to Paige to try to gauge her emotions. “It was the phone call, wasn’t it?”

Katrina smirked knowingly as she placed her arm across his shoulders. “Face it. You’re not much of a poker player, my love.”

She reads me like a book
, he considered with a roll of his eyes. Paige smirked back at him, but her expression quickly faded to a more sedate one.

“Is everything okay?” he asked tentatively.

“We’re fine,” Paige offered, but gazed at Katrina with a mildly curious expression.

Katrina looked at both of them and agreed, “Yeah, we’re all okay now.”

Relief washed through Caleb as he silently appreciated not having to continue the line of conversation from the previous night. He honestly had no idea of where to begin, and it was better that Kat and Paige talked it out.
After all, women understand each other better, right?

“So then, is Paige going to…?” He regrouped. “Did you ask her about what we discussed in London?”

Paige frowned at him. “What is it you think I’m going to do, exactly?”

Katrina’s eyes twinkled, and she gazed over at her friend with an expectant look, which immediately unnerved the youthful vampire.

Paige’s gaze shifted from Katrina and back to Caleb.

“Well, you’re moving out to Georgia, actually,” he began. “Like somewhere in or around the Atlanta area, perhaps?”

Paige’s eyes flashed with surprise.
Georgia? Where the hell did that come from?

“Yeah, I’m not so sure about that,” she objected.

He adopted a pleading expression and reached out to grasp Paige’s hand in his own. She didn’t pull her hand away, but her eyes went directly to Caleb’s with a sharp look.

you in Atlanta,” he urged. “I mean, a true babysitter has to be close to the kids, right?” he asked with a smirk.

“But --” Paige began to protest.

He squeezed her hand and stated emphatically, “No, no buts. You. Atlanta. Soon.”

Paige studied his face silently for a moment and read the urgency in his eyes. She looked over to Katrina. “Red?” she asked.

Katrina shrugged. “I already gave my blessing. And it would be a lot easier if you were closer. You
his surrogate vampire, after all.”

“But Devon --” Paige began.

“He’s growing on me, I suppose. But he isn’t
,” Caleb interjected emphatically. “I need
. You’re one of my best friends, remember?”

The sense of hopefulness that passed through Paige’s mind was replaced by a moment’s hesitation.
We just got through the emotions part of the problem, and now this?

As if sensing the doubt in her mind, he added, “There’s nothing in California for you now. Your family is in Georgia, which is where you need to be, too.”

“Family?” Paige asked. “I thought you just said we were best friends.”

Katrina’s eyebrows rose. “Close friends are really just extended family, right?”

Caleb smiled at the tact Katrina took with the topic and sensed victory on the horizon.

“Well,” Paige considered out loud, but in an uncommitted tone.

He squeezed her hand in his own and made a simple, final bid on the subject. “Please? For me?” he asked with an innocent, pleading look. His heartbeat raced a little bit, a fact not lost on either vampire.

Paige thoughtfully regarded him at length and shook her head.
You’re quite the master manipulator, it seems.

“Well, okay then. Atlanta it is,” she conceded. Then another instant decision entered her mind, “But.”

Caleb accepted her first statement, then frowned. “But what?” he asked guardedly.

“I’ve decided to accept a contract job offer for the early summer, so it won’t be until after that’s over.”

He looked displeased.
Early summer? That’s two months away still.

“What kind of job?” he pressed.

Katrina seemed quite interested in her answer, as well.

“Never you mind,” she said. “Just something that was offered to me recently, and I’ve decided that I could use the additional funds to replenish my savings.”

“Anything dangerous?” he pressed.

Paige shrugged. “Dangerous? Nah, just a quick contract security job.”

He considered the vague explanation and looked at Katrina with a silent question in his eyes.

She shrugged back at him and appeared unconcerned. “Paige is an accomplished alpha now,” Katrina explained. “She can handle herself. But it’s agreed, then? You’ll move to Atlanta at the end of that job?”

Paige smiled smugly and nodded. “Yep, I’ll move when I return. No sense packing up and moving, only to leave a few weeks later.”

Caleb considered the logic of that and conceded that it seemed sound.
It’ll have to do, I suppose.
At least she’s moving by summer’s end
. “Okay, it’s a deal,” he agreed before changing the subject. “Now that that’s all settled, I’m kind of hungry.”

Katrina rolled her eyes, while Paige merely shook her head.

“Well, I made a quick trip out to the store before Katrina arrived,” Paige offered. “There’s frozen waffles in the freezer for breakfast.”

“Great,” he replied happily, rising from the couch with a lurch. “Where’s your toaster?”

“Uh, toaster?” Paige asked with a frown. “Can’t you just microwave them on a plate or something?”

He slapped his forehead with his palm and shook his head, while Katrina chuckled.

“Got a lot to learn about human food again, I see,” the red-headed vampire observed.
Yeah, like I’m an expert already

“How about a ham sandwich?” Paige offered helpfully. “I bought mustard.”

“For breakfast?” Caleb asked incredulously.

Katrina stifled a laugh and covered her mouth with her hand as Paige adopted a dark expression. The petite vampire crossed her arms in front of her and cast an irritated glance to the ceiling.

“Sorry. That’s okay,” he apologized after seeing her reaction. “I appreciate your buying food for me. That was very kind, actually.”

Katrina smirked at the exchange and suggested, “Last night on my drive from the airport, I noticed a fast food restaurant that serves breakfast about a mile up the road from here.”

He beamed with renewed optimism. “Great! Perhaps I could borrow Paige’s car?” he asked with a hopeful expression.

“Ha!” Paige retorted. “Not likely, kiddo.” She envisioned her car being raced through the city streets by him, not to mention an expensive traffic citation.
He’s a twenty-six-year-old male, after all.

Katrina picked up a set of keys from the coffee table and passed them to him. “Here, take my rental car that’s in the driveway. It’s parked in front of the garage, anyway.”

“Oh,” he replied with a hint of disappointment. “Thanks.”

Paige grinned victoriously, while Katrina suggested, “Now, go upstairs and get dressed. Paige and I still have some catching up to do regarding our trip to England. And please shutter the windows from the sunlight when you’re done up there, too.”

Caleb pattered halfway up the stairs, and then paused. He turned and looked back at Paige and Katrina with a satisfied smile.
And the ship pulls safely back into harbor from rough seas
, he mused silently.

Paige’s bright, blue eyes caught his, and she winked at him while flashing one of her classic mischievous grins.

* * * *


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A Bloody London Sunset
, Caleb Taylor learned that vampires are everywhere. Soon, he experiences firsthand the mounting scale of that revelation.

Powerful vampire Katrina Rawlings and her human mate, Caleb Taylor, are once more drawn into dangerous circumstances. Representatives of the most powerful and influential vampires from around the world converge upon a scenic mountain retreat located in Slovenia’s Upper Bohinj Valley for a summit of historic proportion. Mystery leads to treachery, and events quickly spiral out of control. With the fates of both vampires and humans in jeopardy, Katrina desperately struggles to reconcile the balance of worldwide vampire power against honoring her commitment to the love of her life. Unwilling to be rendered helpless, Caleb initiates a desperate gamble that leads to a mortal decision. Meanwhile, the sexy and sassy vampire, Paige Turner, spearheads her own mission involving both surprising revelations of heart and grave circumstances for those around her.

Summit at Sunset
, unlikely alliances will be sought, eternal bonds of friendship will be tested, unrequited love will be unleashed, blood will be shed, and one pivotal person’s fate will collide with destiny.

Get ready for
Summit at Sunset
, the exciting third novel in the
Sunset Vampire Series

Coming from Rutherford Literary Group in January 2012.

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About the Author


Jaz Primo is an author, history aficionado, “pun-master”, and all-around fan of things vampire and urban fantasy. He has enjoyed a fulfilling background and career in higher education, including teaching U.S. History classes during evenings. He is a native of Oklahoma where he lives with his wife and a long-lived cat. Visit his website at www.jazprimo.com.

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BOOK: A Bloody London Sunset (Sunset Vampire Series, Book 2)
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