A Bride for Tom

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Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin

Tags: #romance, #love, #comedy, #humor, #historical romance, #novella, #historical western romance, #virgin heroine, #virgin hero, #clumsy hero

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Nebraska Series: Book 2



Bride for



Ruth Ann Nordin

Wedded Bliss Romances, LLC


A Bride for Tom

Published by Ruth Ann Nordin

Copyright © 2010 by Ruth Ann Nordin

All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the copyright owner.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places and incidents are either the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any
actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely

Cover Photo images Copyright Shutterstock
Images LLC. All rights reserved – used with permission.

Cover made by Stephannie Beman.


Table of Contents


















January 3: Richard Larson’s Romance!

Chronological Order of Ruth Ann Nordin’s

Out More About Ruth

Ruth’s Email List



Dedicated: This is for everyone who has stuck with me through the
years. You make writing worthwhile.



Chapter One


September 1868

Omaha, Nebraska


Margaret Williams nudged her friend in the
side. “Don’t look now but Tom Larson is coming over here.”

Jessica Reynolds looked. Of course, she had
to look. Whenever someone said, “Don’t look,” they secretly hoped
you would, and Jessica had to oblige her friend. She directed her
attention to the tall blond who asked Daisy to dance.

Daisy shook her head.

His shoulders slumped, he turned toward the
next lady in line. He, however, was not a graceful young man for,
in the next moment, he succeeded in toppling into Beth, and they
both fell onto the barn floor.

People around them chuckled, and yes, Jessica
was one of them. She’d never seen a clumsier person in her entire
life. Whatever was Tom Larson doing working on his pa’s farm? He’d
be better off not working with anything sharp.

Tom stood up and offered to help Beth to her
feet, but Beth shoved his hand away. “I’ll do it myself, thank you
very much.” Then she got up, dusted the dirt off her skirt and
stormed off.

Tom’s face was red, but to his credit, he
didn’t give up. He just proceeded down the line to the next lady
who happened to be Rachel.

Margaret grabbed Jessica’s arm and dragged
her across the barn. “There’s no need to stand in line like a sheep
waiting for the slaughter,” she whispered.

Jessica secretly agreed with her, though she
had to admit that she felt sorry for him. At the rate he was going,
he’d never find a wife, and everyone knew he was hoping to get
married and get his own farm. He was trying too hard, she thought.
She shook her head as another lady rejected him. Someone had to
teach the poor man how to act around women.

As she turned toward Tom, Margaret gasped and
pulled her back. “What are you doing? He’s done with this side of
the barn. He won’t ask us to dance.”

“He needs help.”

“But not yours.”

“Then who’s going to help him?”

“Who cares? As long as it’s not us.”

Jessica put her hands on her hips. “Really,
Margaret. Just the other day you were teaching your little sister
about manners. Is it good manners to leave this man in the state
he’s currently in?”

“What will Peter think?”

“He’ll think I’m doing Tom and the woman he
ends up marrying a great service. Besides, Peter couldn’t make it
tonight. What am I supposed to do? Spend my time moping in the

“Yes. You are engaged to him.”

“And this won’t change that. Now, go find
someone to ask you to dance.” She smiled and pointed to Ethan.
“He’s been staring at you. Go over there. Maybe we can be in the
same square dance.”

Margaret loudly groaned but made her way past
the refreshment table.

Jessica turned around and saw that Tom was
walking her way. She glanced down and saw that a napkin was stuck
to his boot.

“Hello,” he greeted as he ran his hand
through his wavy blond hair. “My name is Tom Larson.”

“Yes. I know.”
Everyone knows who you
are...and not for a good reason.
“You have something stuck to
your boot.”

He looked down. “Oh. So I do.”

When he was ready to touch the sticky candy
that was responsible for gluing the napkin to his boot, she stopped
him. If he touched that and then her... Well, that would just be
gross. “Hold on. I’ll get another napkin and wipe it off.”

She hurried to the table and glanced back to
make sure he wasn’t touching his boot. Good. He wasn’t. She
snatched a cloth napkin and returned to him and scraped the candy
and napkin off his boot.

“Oh, well, I could’ve done that,” he

“I know.” She just thought this way would be
safer. What if he was trying to clean off his boot and lost his
balance? She’d been watching him stumble around all evening. “I’ll
be back.”

As she made her way to a trashcan, she caught
Margaret’s eyes and saw her friend shaking her head at her. Jessica
shrugged and returned to Tom.

“I never got your name,” he said.

“Jessica Reynolds.”

“I’ve heard the name Reynolds before. You
live in town, don’t you?”

“Yes. My father used to make shoes and

“That’s it. I bought these boots from him. No
wonder your name seemed familiar.”

She nodded.

“So...would you like to dance?”


“That’s alright. I under-” He stopped and
gave her a cautious look. “Did you say ‘yes’?”

The very fact that he seemed shocked by her
answer brought a smile to her lips. In some ways, he was a little
cute. He was like a clumsy puppy.

“Yes, I said yes.”

A wide smile crossed his face. “That’s great!
Come on.”

She raised an eyebrow as he headed for the
dance area without her. He obviously didn’t know he was supposed to
take her hand and lead her there.

When he turned around, he appeared startled
that she wasn’t right with him.

She waited for him to come back. If he was
going to find a wife, she had to teach him what to do and what not
to do. This was one of those ‘not to do’s’ on the list.

He came over to her. “Did you change your

“No, but you didn’t take my hand. See?” She
pointed to Ethan as he took Margaret’s hand and led her to one of
the squares where people were getting ready to square dance.
“That’s what gentlemen do.”

“Oh. I hadn’t noticed that before. I’m

As he extended his hand to her, she chuckled.
“I guess it’s not that big of an issue, but some ladies won’t dance
with a man unless he does that.” She accepted his hand and thought
he had a nice firm grip. Not too tight but not lax either. Really,
it was just right.

They went to the same square that Margaret
was in, and Margaret gave her a ‘you poor thing’ look. Jessica
simply shrugged. When the music started, it occurred to her that
Tom had two left feet. He bumped into other people and tripped
twice. It was up to her to prevent him from falling. Still, he had
a big smile on his face and eagerly followed the commands. One
thing was for sure: he had enthusiasm. And that was refreshing. He
probably enjoyed life more than most people.

When the music ended, they returned to their
original position in the square and clapped their hands. Jessica
chanced a glance at Margaret and saw her nod in Tom’s direction.
Wondering what had her friend worried, Jessica looked over at him
and saw that he was fiddling with the button on the cuff of his
shirt. She didn’t know why such a thing should bother Margaret, so
she decided to ignore it. Maybe it was the fact that Tom was even
waiting for the next round of square dancing that had her friend
upset. He did, after all, spin Margaret too fast when she had to
switch partners.

The poor man needed to learn to dance. It
just wasn’t right to make him continue on like this. She didn’t
believe he was intentionally being a bad dancer.

She nudged him in the arm. When he turned to
her, she whispered, “Let me lead this one, alright?”

He seemed concerned. “Am I that bad?”

She hesitantly replied, “You just need a few
pointers. Really, it’s minor things.” And that was true. If he
could master the basics, he’d be better off...and so would those
who’d dance with him in the future.

When the music started up, she took the lead,
which caused some odd looks from the others, but she pretended not
to notice. Tom fell in step and managed much better. Good. That
meant he picked up on things quickly. Just as they got to the last
command in the square, he raised his arm and her hair caught onto
something from his shirt cuff.

Her head jerked back. “Ow!”

“What? Oh no! I’m sorry.”

She couldn’t see exactly what he was doing,
but she reached up and felt his free hand trying to undo the button
on his cuff.

“I had a loose string,” he explained. “It
must have gotten tangled in your hair.”

She groaned, wishing she had worn a braid
instead of letting her hair hang loose.

“Move away from her!” Margaret snapped and
shoved him aside.

Jessica shrieked and stumbled against him.
Boy, that hurt!

“Her hair is attached to me,” he told
Margaret. “See?”

“You big oaf!” Margaret yelled. “Only you
would be so clumsy.”

“I-I’m sorry. It was an accident.”

“It was an accident,” Jessica quickly assured
her friend.

“Well, both of you stop trying to get out of
this mess,” Margaret demanded. “That hair is too wound up in that
cuff and you’re making it worse. Go over there and I’ll bring back
some scissors.”

“Scissors?” Jessica gasped. She didn’t want
to cut her hair! “Can’t you just yank off the string?”

Margaret pulled them off the dance floor so
they wouldn’t be in anyone’s way. “Jessica, your hair is wound up
in his button. There’s no saving it. You ought to be glad it’s not
your neck.”

“I...I’m so sorry,” Tom said.

Jessica blinked back her tears. She brushed
her hair a hundred times every night...and all for what?

When Margaret returned, she ordered for them
to remain still.

Jessica heard the devastating sound of the
snip that set her free. When she stood up and saw how long the
strands were that had been cut, she sharply inhaled and touched her
head and let her hands slide down her neck. The damaged hair
reached a little past her shoulders. It had been past her mid-back.
Her beautiful hair. It was ruined!

“Jessica, I-I don’t know what to say,” Tom
rambled, his eyes wide. “I didn’t mean to...I mean, I wasn’t

Margaret set her hands on her hips and glared
at him. “I think you’ve said enough. Fine. It was an accident. Will
you please leave before you do any more damage?”

He lowered his head and walked away.

“My hair.” Jessica felt the tears fall down
her cheeks before she realized she was openly crying.

Margaret clucked her tongue and shook her
head. “Peter’s not going to like this one bit. He’s going to be
upset when he realizes what happened and why.”

“But I was only trying to help.”

“And look at what good that did you! I warned
you that there was a loose string.”

“I didn’t see it. I had no idea what you were
trying to tell me.”

She sighed. “Well, what’s done is done.
There’s no use in crying over spilled milk. Come on over to my
house and I’ll cut the rest of your hair.”

Jessica took note of Tom as he left the barn.
As bad as she felt for him, she hated to cut her hair. It took her
years to get it just the way she wanted it. Well, this was a hard
lesson. Sometimes when someone tried to help someone else, it only
made things worse.

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