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5: Additional Reminders

Time management is a skill that you should consider investing in. Since time cannot be retrieved, you have to make the most out of the time you have. Balancing your activities and time can lead you to your success or failure. In properly following the do’s and don’ts of time management, you would eventually integrate these steps into your life. For best results, you can consider these reminders along the way.

Be Patient

Even if you have the urge to finish everything in one sitting, you should realize that it’s best to be patient with your tasks. Time management isn’t perfected overnight. You will have to experiment and test which schedule would best suit your needs. What is important is that you do this process slowly but surely. After all, haste makes waste. If you still find your work pace to be too slow, you can adjust your schedule to make it fit to your needs.

Be Prepared to Make Adjustments

Sometimes, your schedule still wouldn’t get everything done. You may have failed to anticipate the true difficulty of a certain task. External emergencies may also surface. Since you didn’t expect these to happen, your schedule might become invalid. When this happens, don’t be disheartened. You have to realize that all these are normal. Hence, instead of sulking over your unfinished schedule, just pick up the remaining tasks and plan how to fit them to your succeeding schedules. You have to get used to making adjustments to events that you don’t anticipate. Eventually, these spontaneous instances would be a hindrance to your time management.

Learn from Mistakes

There can be instances when you fail to follow the schedule even if valid excuses aren’t present. You may have forgotten about the schedule or felt lazy to follow it. In times like these, you can feel disappointed. However, this shouldn’t give you the reason to condemn yourself for your faults. Just face whatever consequences await you and begin again. In experiencing these, you would realize how you can further improve your time management skills to prevent similar problems from arising again. Remember, you are creating healthy time strategies for your benefit. Hence, you should at least give yourself a break if you do mess up. Of course, this assumes that the mess ups only happen occasionally. If you often fail to follow your schedule, you would have to reassess your priorities and goals.


Finally, even if the tasks can be daunting, try to enjoy them. Although they may require stressful hours every day, you should see them as learning experiences to improve yourself. Furthermore, enjoying your work can be beneficial to how fast you finish these. If you look past these activities as requirements, you would appreciate them and their value. Hence, you would feel more inspired and dedicated to get the job done. The results would significantly improve. In fact, with your increased passion for your job, your peers would notice your output. All of these are going to be possible because you are committed to your tasks.

If you’re only doing the job just for the sake of finishing it, you would have a difficult time doing so. Even if you have a set schedule, your lack of interest would result to you not really caring about the schedule. Eventually, you would just succumb to procrastination and submit whatever output you have. Obviously, this would produce less desirable results.


Thank you again for downloading this book! 

I hope this book was able to help you think of strategies on how you can manage your time properly. Remembering the tips and advices from the previous s, you are now equipped with the proper knowledge on how to apply these into your life. With dedication and patience, you are bound to master this skill. If ever you may feel down despite your efforts, just don’t quit. The important part is that you are trying your best to change for the better. Eventually, you will see the results and reap the rewards you deserve.

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“Organic Foods: Easy recipes that are on a budget”

This book contains easy steps to prepare organic foods that are on a budget.

By reading
Organic Foods: Easy recipes that are on a budget
you will learn:

  • Easy recipes organic foods
  • Tips to find out how you can save money getting all of the benefits of organic.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

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1-Eat Your Way to Health


Growing up, you probably had your parents or guardians constantly tell you to “eat your vegetables”. They were right of course, as vegetables are naturally good for you.

However, it’s about time you rephrase that reminder: eat your
vegetables. In fact, eat your meat, poultry, and dairy organic too, and every single thing in your menu plan if you can. Why? Because it’s the best decision you’ll ever make for your health.

All about Organic Food

Eating organic food is more than just a fad. The term
essentially means being
Organic food, therefore, is food and products derived from sources without any artificial processes or supplements used. Food is produced out of renewable sources and sustainable methods, from the soil used all the way to the packaging.

Organic vegetables and fruits are grown minus the use of conventional pesticides and herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, radiation, or bioengineering. Organic poultry, eggs, dairy, and meat come from animals that have not been treated with any type of growth hormone or antibiotic.

The labeling process of organic food is not done in haste. In countries like the United States, inspections are conducted at the farm where the food was grown and harvested.  This is done by certifying bodies approved by the government. Companies that take part in the handling and processing of organic food should also be certified.

Eating organic food means staying away from chemicals that may cause harm to your health. Majority of conventionally-produced food are genetically engineered (GE) or contain genetically modified organisms (GMO). GMO foods are linked to diseases such as cancer, and going organic is tantamount to disease prevention.

Certified organic foods have a label in its packaging indicating that the country has approved the product as organic. This is the case in the United States as well as in most countries.

Why do organic food and products cost more than conventional ones? The answer to that lies in the very nature of both processes.

Conventional farming and food production are practiced by companies and corporations that focus more on mass production, which means that the time, resources and man power are deliberately cut down to produce as much as possible in a short period. The main goal of this process is to meet demands and produce in large quantities. Quantity is prioritized more than quality.

In contrast, organic food and products are cultivated, grown, raised, manufactured, and packaged in tune to the natural inclination of the food source and the process’s impact to health and the environment.

Organic food can often be bought at supermarkets and grocery stores, farmers markets, and specialty stores. Although organic food and products tend to be a bit pricier than ones that are conventionally produced, there are ways to cut down significantly on cost. This will be discussed in this book, in 5.

Meanwhile, s 2 to 4 will be filled with organic food recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These recipes are low-cost and easy to prepare, perfect for those without the luxury of time who do not want to sacrifice their health and wellbeing.

Enjoy cooking, savor the lovely flavors, and reap the benefits of an organic diet!

2 - Organic Recipes for Breakfast

Health experts emphasize the importance of eating a good, hearty breakfast every day. Breakfast is the meal that you and your body need to jumpstart the day, so skipping it would mean missing out on your fuel.

In fact, research has shown that eating a good breakfast helps regulate your metabolism and eating habits for the day. Missing breakfast increases the tendency to binge-eat throughout the day, and binge eating (especially processed, unhealthy food) is something you should avoid if you want to stay healthy overall.

Health experts stress that everyone should eat a
breakfast, not just anything that you can stuff into your mouth as you dash out the door. Many items in a typical American breakfast are not really great for the health. Examples of these are packaged sugary cereals and calorie-filled bagels. If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, why not maximize it and make it as healthy as it can be?

Eating a healthy, organic breakfast doesn’t mean completely changing your habits and routine. No doubt that there are changes to be made such as the use of certain ingredients or junking processed cereals for good, but generally eating healthy does not have to be such a chore. Simply incorporate new practices and items into your routine, and you’re on your way to a healthier breakfast-loving you.

Here are some organic, easy recipes that you can make for you and your family for breakfast.


5-Minute Fiber-Filled Breakfast Bowl

Makes 1 serving


Organic rolled oats

A handful of raisins

A handful of almonds

1 banana, sliced

1 apple, chopped, core removed and skin unpeeled (wash thoroughly)

1 ½ cup organic skim milk


Prepare organic rolled oats according to package instructions. Put in a large bowl and stir in raisins, almonds, banana, apple, and organic skim milk. Enjoy.


15-Minute French Toast with Fruit

Makes 2 Servings


4 pieces organic wheat bread

2 cups organic skim milk

2 organic eggs

Pure Honey

1 table spoon organic butter

4 slices watermelon

2 bananas, chopped

4 slices pineapple



Beat eggs until then add skim milk. Stir in one direction until the texture is thick. Dip in wheat bread, dipping both sides of bread without making it soggy. Heat butter in a pan and cook both sides of each piece of bread. Remove from heat once golden brown and drizzle with honey. Add fruits and relish your breakfast.


30-Minute Organic Pancakes

Makes 10 servings (10 pieces of pancakes)


1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Himalayan salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ cup organic buckwheat flour

½ cup organic rice flour

1 cup milk

1 tablespoon organic sugar

1 egg, separated

Frozen blueberries and raspberries



Sift both buckwheat and rice flour with baking powder and add Himalayan salt and sugar. Create a well in the middle of the mixture. Pour in oil, milk, and egg yolk. Whisk everything together. Meanwhile, whisk egg white in a separate bowl until a peak forms. Fold into the batter. In a heavy pan, melt the butter and pour in some batter. Cook until bubbles form, flipping the pancakes to the other side. For the sauce, place blueberries and raspberries in a pan. Heat gently until broken down. Drizzle the sauce on the pancakes.

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