A Broken Beautiful Beginning (9 page)

BOOK: A Broken Beautiful Beginning
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I take off my shirt
and head to one of the back rooms where a boxing bag is set up. I don’t bother with gloves or any wrapping.

The fi
rst punch already gives my body a sense of relief, second punch releases the tension and by the third punch I can’t stop. I feel the skin breaking on my knuckles but I continue on with only short pauses every now and then.

Fighting and boxing was the only way to ease the
sexual tension inside me all those years that I abstained from having sex. I came close to it a couple times don’t get me wrong but every single time I was with another girl I would see Harley’s distraught face when I opened that door after she caught me fucking Ashley.

I had a couple crazy drunken nights during my first year of college, a few
girls were able to get me off with their mouths or hands but I never let it go further. I always felt disgusted with myself after, even sometimes during and I was never able to return the favour or follow through. Avery was the only girl I was able to get intimate with more than once but it never lasted long. Harley was always the one for me and her body was the only body I yearned for...

Beating the shit out of a boxing bag got old and soon enough it was another person I was
punching on in the ring. It helped a shit load and I dedicated my life to beating shit up and winning. It was never really about the money even though it brought in more than what I earned working for my mother. I saved everything with the goal of opening up my own gym one day and now I have finally done it.

I smile to myself as I hold m
y fists in a ready stance, I’m breathing heavy and all the anger in my body has somewhat released. I still have a little tension left over but I’m sure Harley will be able to help me out with that later tonight.

Chapter 5


“No use arguing about it? Daddy’s gone mad! Of course I’m going to argue about it! Madness... I tell you.” I shake my head talking to myself and slam the closet door shut. I hear chuckling behind me and find Caleb leaning against the bedroom door with a huge grin on his face.

I place my hands on my hips
as I try to keep myself from smiling, his smile is contagious. “What are you...” I look down to see blood on his shirt then follow the blood stain to his knuckles, they’re all split and bloody.

“What the hell happened to you Caleb?” I
rush up to him, pull his hand into mine and carefully inspect them. I drag him to the bathroom holding his hand gently.

“Nothing serious babe, don’t stress it.” He chuckles at my worried expression as I look his face over for any more injuries but there’s nothing, only his knuckles are torn up. After cleaning up his hands, I move to lift his shirt over his head.

I’m fine babe.” He says casually as I throw his shirt in the laundry hamper and start inspecting his chest.

“God… I’m so sorry Caleb, I hate fighting with you. You asked me why I kept taking him back after the way he treated me and I couldn’t answer you… I still don’t have an answer for you Caleb
because I really don’t know why I kept allowing him back into my life, I cared for him and I know deep down I still do but I love
Caleb and I don’t want anything to ruin what we have. We just found our way back to each other… I don’t want my problems with Jace coming between us. I continue to look his skin over as I speak. His body softens with each word I say and when I’m finally done apologising I look up and meet his eyes. The corners of his lips curve and a small smile forms, his eyes looking at me with such love and tenderness; I can’t help but lean into his warmth as he kisses my forehead.

“I hate fighting with you too
babe. I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you. I didn’t mean to get angry with you, I was just frustrated and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.” He kisses my forehead again then moves away from me, his smile is bigger now.

yelp when he moves to take my shirt off.

“What are you doing?” I reach out for my shirt that he holds in his firm grip. I smack his hands away
but he only laughs louder and throws my shirt on the floor away from me. He pulls me against him and as soon as his bare skin touches mine I get butterflies, his laughing stops and the bathroom is suddenly too quiet. He smiles down at me and rubs his nose against mine. I let out a deep breath, my entire body is now at ease and all questions about his appearance are lost on me.

“Jace is still alive and kicking
Harlz. These…” he lifts his fists up, “…were the result of not using gloves when I took my frustration out on a punching bag.” I let out a deep breath and relax against his body. He runs his hands up both my arms then brings his warm hand up against the back of my neck as he pulls my face towards his. He bends his head down to meet mine but he doesn’t kiss me.

“Willow?” I ask rubbing my lips against his gently.

“Fast asleep baby...” he mumbles against my lips in a gruff voice.

He picks me up and I rest my hands on top of his shoulders while his hands are firmly holding my ass. I cling to him while he walks to our bedroom door, shuts it and locks it. He walks over to our bed and gently places me down. He sits on the edge of the bed and leans down to take his shoes off.

“Wait, let me.” I climb off the bed and bend down to take them off.

His hand rests on my cheek and he smiles lovingly down at me. “You don’t have to do that baby.”

“I want to...” I whisper as I give him a soft kiss then kneel down
on the floor and take his shoes and socks off. I run my hands up his jean clad legs and smile when I see his excitement. I look up to meet his eyes which are sparkling with love and watch as he gives me a soft smile with those lips I love so much. I reach for his pants and carefully pull down the zipper. He lifts himself up and I pull both his boxers and jeans down in one go. Once they’re off and he’s fully naked, seated on the bed staring down at me, I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips as I look at his beautiful erect manhood. He leans back with both hands on the bed and continues to look down at me.

I move both my hands up his calves, knees then upper thighs until I’m standing upright looking down at him. I place my thumbs underneath the thin fabric of my night shorts on either side of my hips and pull them down my legs slowly. Leaving me standing in front of him in only a bra.

“Jesus...” he whispers as he looks up at me, his erection lies against his belly twitching with anticipation.

His one arm reaches out to my waist and he pulls me so that I’m straddling him. He sits up and both his hands go to my ass cheeks where he squeezes hard eliciting a deep moan from my throat. His mouth
slides along my throat sucking and licking, leaving his mark on me. He squeezes my ass grinding me against him. His kisses go down further and further until he reaches the swell of one breast. His one hand leaves my ass and rises up to my bra clip at the back where he snaps it open in one quick motion. My bra falls down my shoulders and he grabs it, throwing it behind him over the bed and onto the floor.

slowly slide my hands all over his smooth skin, from his broad shoulders and into his long silky hair. I pull him closer against me until his moist lips finally reach a nipple and when I feel his teeth gently tugging, I pull on his hair, chuckling he grinds me against his body with his hands on my ass once again.

I can feel him
at my entrance and moving my body I guide him inside me.

“That’s it baby...” He says
into my ear as he licks and sucks on my earlobe triggering tingles to dance down my body.

I take him
inside fully and he moans against my mouth while his tongue clashes with mine. I rest my hands on his strong shoulders and I feel every muscle tensing and moving underneath my fingertips. I move my body against his and he runs his hands up and down my back.

That’s it...” he whispers. My hips don’t stop and I can feel my climax building. I grind even harder against him and squeeze his shoulders, digging my nails into the muscles. His hands go back down to my ass as he moves me up and down harshly only turning me on more.

My muscles tense,
I moan out and squeeze him tight as my orgasm washes over me. His hands that cover my ass move furiously and I feel the moment he releases into me, he lets out an animal like groan and his mouth latches onto my neck and he gently bites down and starts sucking.

It’s a sweet pain.

His movements turn jerky and his hands on my ass squeeze incredibly tight until he slows down completely. He brings his lips up to mine again and gives me the softest and most sweetest kiss. I smile against his mouth.

I push him down so that he’s resting back on the bed looking up at the ceiling with a content smile on his
face. I gently lean on him and rest my head on his chest making sure not to break our connection, keeping him inside me. I kiss his sweaty chest and relish in his scent. His one hand comes up and rests in my hair. He runs his hands through my messy mass and the other one takes my hand and threads his fingers with mine.

“I still want to know
where you disappeared to and why you ended up punching the shit out of a boxing bag.” I mumble and he chuckles.

After we both shower, Caleb explains to me what happened when he went to see Jace and how he told him that he would let him see Willow and I when he sobers up and gets his act together. I wasn’t happy to hear that, I have love for the man and I know he would never hurt Willow but I still don’t fully trust him with my daughter.

realize Jace and I have a lot to discuss and I want him to be happy but I don’t know if I’ll ever allow him to see Willow again.

also told Caleb about what happened when I went to see my father and how he didn’t think anything was wrong with allowing Jace to see Willow. My stubborn father also told me that Jace was part of his club and he paid his dues with the brothers, they punished him and now it’s his time to earn their loyalty, trust and respect back.

So basically Jace is on a time
-out for hitting and kidnapping me.

I wasn’t too happy
to hear that either.

my father has a soft spot for Jace too. I was furious and couldn’t stand arguing with my father any longer, it’s a losing battle with him. It’s impossible talking to my father about any of his brothers, they will
come first. They can’t do any wrong in his eyes. I feel childish even thinking about him loving his club more than me, I wouldn’t admit that out loud either but sometimes it feels that way.

Caleb and I
make love in the shower and again early the next morning. Every time was different, less like love making and more like hard fucking. He was rough and fast and it only made me climax quicker. When we were younger Caleb and I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary so to say I wasn’t used to this type of love making was an understatement.

These last few times we’ve had sex
was carnal and animalistic, filled with dirty whispers and things he wanted to do with me. I’ve never seen him like this but I’ve loved every second of it. Our bodies can’t get enough of each other’s.

I woke up to
Caleb making pancakes which naturally ended up in a disaster I had to fix. He had even gotten our daughter dressed and ready for her play date with a friend from the preschool.

We decided a while back to place Willow in the preschool nearby, she needed to spend time with kids her own age since she was already four years old.

fetches her from preschool every day and they get to spend quality time together. Sometimes Anna will visit Holly’s house so she can get some quality time in there too, I don’t allow Willow near the bar or the apartments where most of Daddy’s boys stay. The lake house was a few hours away and that is the only place I allow my parents to look after my daughter. Willow had grown attached to Holly rather suddenly and even though Anna wouldn’t admit to it, I think she is feeling rather left out. Connor was also around more often spending time with his mother and Willow. He’s now started working at Anna’s tattoo parlour. My mother is still travelling with her new boyfriend, but she sends us postcards whenever she lands in a new town and Willow has all the postcards pinned up on the board in her room.

Today I start working at Caleb’s gym, he’s asked me to help manage the gym and today I have to hire a receptionist for the front desk. I was more than pleased to do so, anything to be near him all day long. I haven’t spoken to my father since my argument with him last night, usually we speak everyday but I haven’t bothered answering his calls. Anna came to visit early this morning and apologised on his behalf but that wasn’t good enough for me and I told her so, she understood.

went to drop Willow off at her play date before going directly to the gym and I will meet him there.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans with one of the tight vests that have the gym’s logo on. I decide to wear a pair of black wedged sneakers. My look is sexy and definitely not formal… I’ve never been one to dress formally in any case. I placed my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head with only a little makeup keeping it natural, I look at myself one last time before I grab my purse and head out the front door.

Arriving inside the huge gym I head upstairs toward the offices, greeting a couple of the guys that Brent and Caleb have already hired as trainers. Today I’ll be interviewing for the receptionist for the day shift as well as a cleaning crew.

Walking along the top floor
, looking over the railing at the gym area below I notice it’s pretty busy. I’m so proud of Caleb for getting his gym up and running and how quickly he managed to do it all.

I yelp when arms wrap around my waist and I’m being pulled into an office. Caleb closes the door and pushes me up against it. He covers my mouth with his hand and I raise an eyebrow.

“Looking good baby
” He says. I look down his body noticing his hair is all wet and that he hasn’t got a shirt on, he’s only wearing a pair of gym shorts and from the fresh smell coming from him I can tell he’s just got out of the shower. His tattoos and muscles are on full display. I smile underneath the hand that covers my mouth.

This man is
all mine...

He removes his hand
slowly and replaces it with his mouth. Both hands lean on the door on either side of my head as he pushes his body against mine. His one hand goes to my hip then underneath my shirt toward my bra. I pull my mouth away from his and he trails kisses down my neck then leaves one soft kiss just under my ear where the hickey I had to cover-up with makeup lies.

I need to do the interviews Caleb.” I whisper.

“I know baby….” He smiles at me. “You just looked so good and I m
issed you.” He gives me one more kiss then walks toward the sofa in his office where a shirt lies.

“You good to go with
those interviews? You need me with you?” He says taking a sip of his energy drink.

BOOK: A Broken Beautiful Beginning
11.02Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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