A Broken Bond (5 page)

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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

BOOK: A Broken Bond
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She immediately grasped his waist to stop his retreat. Her hand tightened around his cock as she continued to stroke him. With an innocence he found endearing, she glanced up to him. “Can I lick it?”

Words could not form in his mouth. All he could do was nod and watch as her wet, slick tongue swept across the head of his cock. His head fell back as he groaned deeply.


* * * *



Rylie’s tongue hit the silky, salty liquid on the end of his erection and she drew it back into her mouth to savor the taste of him. Nerves may have been present at first, but as he watched her with powerful eyes, ran his hand along her body, and kissed her with enough passion to stop her heart, nerves had left her.

She had been longing for this. Since she’d turned eighteen, she had been waiting to feel a man, to be turned on like this, and now that she was experiencing it, she was enthralled. She enjoyed the fact that her movements made his hips thrust forward and his eyes darken with pleasure. But it was more than that. It was him.

Their mate bond only solidified her attraction to him and she could spend hours doing just this. Lord, he was sexy. The problem, she wasn’t a dreamer. The situation was only to help her. He had lost his mate, and he had already loved. He wanted nothing of her except this night of pleasure. She could only hope when the time came, she would be able to let go of him without showing just how much she wanted to stay.

Her mouth lowered back to the tip of his erection as she brought the head of him into her. She sucked while she took as much of him in her mouth as she possibly could. His groans above her came loud as he twined his fingers gently through her hair to guide her, to teach her the way to do this. Long, slow strokes of her mouth played with him, teasing him, enticing him, and when she joined her hand below her mouth, his body vibrated in response.

Only three more plays of her mouth, and he stepped back, nearly shouting. “Stop.”

“No,” she said, firmly, grasping his hips with both hands as she brought her mouth back to him. In quick, fast movements, she sucked, pulled her cheeks in around him and gave him all she had.

His hips began to follow her movements, and his hands tightened around her head. His groans came louder with each pull of her mouth. His body trembled as h
is breathing increased into near pants, then her mouth filled with his release¯a sweet, salty liquid that washed down her throat as she swallowed it greedily.

Slowly, she released her mouth and lifted her gaze. His head was bowed, eyes closed. Then, they snapped open. For the first time in her life, she saw the wolf within the man, exposed and raw. Hungry with pure animal need.

Quickly, he lifted her from the bed into his arms. He kissed her, tasted every part of her mouth, not caring for a moment that his seed had just been deposited there. Her body came tight against his semi-hard erection. He lowered her down on the bed, shifting her into the middle, then came over top of her, leaving her mouth to kiss her neck, her shoulders, all over her, tasting her skin as if he needed to learn every piece of her.

He reached for her hands, slowly raising them over her head and locking them with one hand. After a grin of promise, he kissed his way down to her breasts where her taut nipples eagerly waited his attention.

With a groan, he ran his face across each nipple, almost as a way to introduce them to his closeness. Moments later, he took one into his mouth while his hand played and tweaked the other. He drew the tight bud into his mouth and Rylie arched upwards. Arousal rushed through her. She fought against his hands to grab onto his head, demanding more, but he held her firm.

With his mouth still at her nipple, he lowered his free hand, undid her jeans, reached in her panties, then brought his hand down to her warmth. He groaned deeply as he ran his fingers along the wetness and up her folds.

Her hips arched upwards as he found her little nub and began to circle it. She gasped. Never had her body experienced anything like this. When she played with herself, she never had this sensation from it. She squirmed, moaned, panted like a wild animal as he pressed against her clit in a way that could make her forget her own name.

Just when she thought she could take no more, he slid in a finger inside her, then another, and she was undone. He brought his mouth back up to hers. His lips became demanding as he worked his fingers within her body. Again, she fought to free herself from his hold, but it was pointless. He was in control of her body now.

Her climax began to peak, a release she couldn’t even fathom. No orgasm she’d experienced alone equaled what she felt now. Before she could relish in it, he removed his hand from inside her, gave her clit a minute more of attention, which left her shaking beneath him, then brought his hand out of her jeans.

His gaze connected with hers. He let go of her arms and moved between her legs. He reached up, tucked his hands under the rim of her jeans and began to pull them off. She raised her hips to assist him, and moments later, she was left exposed. Her knees came together and rested on his lap.

“Don’t be afraid,” he said softly, running his hands up her calves until he came to her knees, where he encouraged her to open for him.

Doing as he asked, she spread herself wide. His gaze hit the center of her for a long moment, then it snapped up. If she had any doubt that he wouldn't be pleased by the sight of her, those worries instantly vanished. His dark, hooded eyes declared she was beautiful.

With a deep groan, he lowered himself between her thighs and ran his tongue over her sensitive flesh. Startled by the intensity, she sat upright and grasped his head. This was a man with a purpose. He had been so gentle with her to this point. Now, that care no longer applied. His only job was to make her come, and by God, she was going to.

His mouth closed around her clit. He sucked hard, circled it, flicked it with his tongue. She was left to quiver, scream, nearly laugh as her mind was overcome with pleasure.

Suddenly, his lips connected with hers, and only then did the world come back to her. Her release was intense enough she hadn't even known she was in it. The scent of woman came strong
through her nose as his tongue swept against hers in rough demand. Her arousal heightened¯her climax lived on his mouth. It made her want more.

He brought his hips close to hers. She raised them to meet him. Gently but swiftly, he entered her. Pain stole her breath for a few moments as her body adjusted to his girth. But as he pulled out slightly and slid back in, pleasure won over anything else.

Their mate bond was completed.

A warm, happy feeling washed through her as Layne’s presence evaporated and Cash’s settled in. Even though she knew this wasn’t forever, she let herself believe it now. Believe that she belonged to him, that his face was what she would wake up to and that he would be there to always protect her.

His forehead rested against hers as he relished in the moment of the bond just as she had. Then, his hand cupped her cheek and his eyes locked in on hers as he began to thrust. Slow and sure. She moaned. His groans mirrored hers. The scent of desire and sex came heavy in the air as his thrusts began to quicken.

Her mind continued to swirl with rightness. Her heart pounded against her chest, and sweat formed between their skin as his thrusts grew more urgent.

“Can you take more?” he growled.

“Hell yes,” she shouted.

Her words barel
y got out before he went hard, fast¯the bed beating against the wall. She had no control now. Keeping her eyes open was impossible. Her screams of ecstasy couldn’t be stopped. Now, all that lived were two bodies in the heat of a moment, only existing in a
complete and total state of bliss.





Chapter Five




Cash pulled Rylie in closer, spooned her body as she lay sated in his arms. Her scent of summer flowers filled him as his nose rested against the soft skin of her neck.

His selfish reasons kept her here. It had been years since he’d cradled a woman in his arms and the feel of her completed him. Her breath grew deeper as she was swept away to sleep. He may have joined her if his mind hadn’t been so captivated by his thoughts. As much as he understood this mating was out of convenience and she didn’t belong to him, for the moment, he had let himself believe that she did.

He deserved that little bit of luxury.

His moment of bliss abruptly ended when the scent of wolves came sharp through his nose, equaled by the raw stench of anger. He lifted his head in the exact moment the front door slammed open. Rylie gasped and shot up in bed. Cash followed.

“What have you done?” A man shouted, lunging forward in lengthy strides.

Rylie scrambled to pull the blankets up over her naked skin. “Layne...I-I—”

Cash sighed to himself at the scent that came from this wolf. It was unmistakable. In a second, the reality of Rylie’s situation dawned on him and every unanswered question blasted into his mind. He glanced at Rylie. “Your former mate is an Alpha?” He felt much more irritated with her than his tone let on.

“I-I—” she sputtered, glancing between Layne and Cash.

For one moment, she let down all of her walls and Cash witnessed something he hadn’t expected to see. She looked to him for help. Not only that, but in the presence of Layne, she should be frightened. She wasn’t. Her gaze formed a question. Did he care enough to protect her?

Blaine quickly entered through the door, out of breath. Apparently, he’d just run like a bat out of hell to get here. “What is the meaning of this?” he shouted at Layne.

Layne stood, shaking, trembling with the need for revenge. “I was about to ask that same fucking question.”

Blaine’s gaze swept with confusion then, just as Cash experienced, awareness came to him. His expression not only showed remorse, but worry as he looked to Rylie. “You were mated to an Alpha?”

She nodded. Tears filled her eyes. “He killed my parents¯he—he was horribl
e to me.”

Her tears ate at Cash and he had an urge to protect her. But Blaine had it right. Cash was a stickler for the rules. Her betrayal to her Alpha was not something he could interfere with. What she had done was the gravest of mistakes and would come with severe consequences. She had sealed her own fate.

Blaine stepped in closer, his tone soft but firm. “If you had told me the truth to this situation, I would not have welcomed you.”

“Damn right you wouldn’t have,” Layne roared. “She is my mate, and now, what is left? A broken bond.” He pointed at Cash. “I demand you destroy him for taking what was mine.”

Cash sighed, throwing the blanket off him. He reached down and pulled on his jeans, then stood. He nodded toward the door. “Mind waiting outside so Rylie can get dressed?”

“Fucking right I mind,” Layne growled. “She is mine. It is my right to see her nude.” He lunged forward to grab Rylie’s arm and she screamed out. “Put some fucking clothes on, you slut.”

Cash gritted his teeth, but held himself firm. His mind swirled with confusion. The way Layne handled her, spoke to her, was enough to make him crazy with rage. But he knew his place. What she had done was wrong. He took a quick glance at Blaine, who held a look that surprised him. His eyes spoke of bewilderment and shock.

Rylie quickly dressed as tears ran down her face. Once presentable, she sat back on the bed and kept her gaze to the ground.

Blaine cleared his throat slightly before he spoke. “What are you planning to do with her?”

Layne grabbed Rylie by the neck, which caused her to release another squeal. “I’m returning to Wyoming with her immediately and she will die for her betrayal of me.”

Blaine let out a soft breath, then asked, “You are set in this decision?”

Layne nodded. “A gathering has already been called.”

Cash’s mind had trouble comprehending all this. Her betrayal in wolf culture did deserve death. This was their way¯their rules. He had never once doubted the method of how they had done things. He’d upheld the oa
th their kind lived by. Now, he hesitated. She was not deserving of this fate.

Rylie’s eyes lifted to Cash’s as if she’d read his mind. “I deserve this,” she whimpered, then her voice came cold. “I would rather die than return to him.”

“And so you will,” Layne roared as he gather her up and dragged her from the cabin.

The door slammed closed. Cash’s breath gasped out. She was gone. Forever. The woman had come so quickly into his life and was removed just as fast.

“For fuck’s sake, Cash.” Blaine stepped forward, took him by the shoulders and shook him. “Where have you gone?”

Cash shook his head, confused. “What are you going on about?”

“You just let another man walk in and take your woman¯your fucking mate¯to her death.” Then, he sucker-punched hi
m and sent Cash straight to the ground.

“She’s not mine,” Cash retorted, grasping his throbbing jaw.

“Wanna bet?” Blaine retorted. “My hands were tied here. I might have welcomed her, but interfering would have been seen as a challenge to Layne for his status. Something I doubt my mate would agree with. She needed you to defend her, and you have failed her.”

Cash jumped to his feet. “I am powerless here. You, of all, should understand the rules. She has betrayed an Alpha. What am I to do?”

Blaine lunged forward, knocking them both to the ground. “What are you to do?” he shouted, attempting to get another hit. “Are you that dense?” Then, he pinned him in a hold that left him unable to move. “Fate has stepped in and given you a second chance and you just let her walk out the door to die.”

With the inability to move, Cash’s instinct to fight fled him and now Blaine’s words began to settle in. This little woman had done the unimaginable. She had made him smile, made him need, feel something other than his pain. It was she that had brought him home. It was she who had bandaged up his soul.

Blaine’s hold loosened when Cash went limp in his arms, defeated. He flipped him over and met his gaze as he held his shirt in his hands. “
Now I ask again¯where have you gone?”

Cash grinned, his brow arched arrogantly. “I’m right fucking here.”

A slow smile spread along Blaine’s face. Then, he gave the side of Cash’s face a hard smack before he jumped off him. “It’s about bloody time.”


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