A Burning Secret (4 page)

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Authors: Beverly Montgomery

BOOK: A Burning Secret
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It’s Wednesday morning again and as Sasha
prepares to meet her clients for the day, she is
reminded by
Steve is
coming and
bringing along two of his friends.

She is somewhat amused and excited because
she was partly kidding with Steve but secretly she
has always had a desire to be with more than one
man in what she calls a decent way.

So after she met with one client, she showered
and prepared for Steve and the two guests he was
bringing along with him.

Steve hadn’t told Sasha anything about the men
except that they enjoy doing Call Girls and both
were very involved in these types of hook ups.

He did indicate that one was married but that
was all Sasha knew about the men.

A knock came at the door and Sasha opened it
to see Steve, another man and of all people her
husband! They were both in shock and didn’t
know quite what to do but Justin blurted out
abruptly, “I can’t stay here and left.”

Steve didn’t know what was going on until
Sasha told him that Justin was her husband and the
other man just stood there looking like okay, so
what do we do now?

Sasha swept it aside and said, “Let’s finish
what I started.” “I said I wanted a threesome and
we don’t have that but let’s go with it!”

How Sasha could sweep her feelings under the
rug and not let anything rattle her was something
that usually worked in her favor because by the
time she reaches home, you can bet that she will
have a feasible story for Justin and he can like it or
not but she will stick to her story.

For now though, she is all about business and
pleasure so she Steve and Leroy had a great time
with Steve kissing her clit and Leroy played and
fondled her breasts and other parts of her body for
two hours.

As they switched positions and Leroy began
kissing Sasha all over, they were so absorbed in the
moment that none of them seem to be at all
concerned about Justin.

Probably, because Steve and Leroy knew that
Justin was no saint.
He was having a variety of
sexual encounters regularly with women in

According to Steve, Justin is known all over
the country as a player because he uses his business
trips to fool around with different women.

In fact, Sasha knew Justin was seeing other
women but not to the extent that she learned from
Steve and Leroy.

Steve and Leroy were fed up with Justin’s high
and mighty attitude. The only reason Steve had
even asked Justin to participate in the threesome is
because he knew that he would be up for it.

“It is a case of who can out do the other in
this situation,” Sasha remarked calmly shaking her
head at the entire situation.

Sasha decided that she would remain at the
Manteca for the night because she wanted to give
Justin a chance to cool down before she returns

When she thought about the whole situation,
she didn’t know what Justin was so angry about
because they both knew the other was seeing other
people but Sasha just was seeing a tad more than
what Justin expected.

Nevertheless, from
what Sasha
heard from
Steve and Leroy, Justin wasn’t too much better
than her so she
not worried about any
ramification to their marriage but she still wanted
to chill out overnight. She tried phoning Justin to
tell him that she would be home the following day
but despite the numerous calls she made to his
office, he refused to take her call.

His secretary who was also was having an
intimate relationship with him, according to Leroy
and Steve, answered his phone and told Sasha that
Justin was unavailable to take her call.

“Well, tell him I phoned and I will be late
coming home!” Sasha remarked angrily.


Sasha was getting angrier by the minute over
Justin’ sanctimonious attitude.

When Sasha returned home, she found several
spectacular home but Justin as usual was nowhere
to be found.

However, he left Sasha a note that indicated he
would not be returning to their home. Just at that
moment, several movers arrived to pick up the
packed boxes that Justin left behind and Sasha was

She and Justin had been married over seven
years and although they didn’t have a traditional or
perfect marriage, they were in fact married and she
knew that he loved her as much as she loved him
but she was not going to beg him to stay.

Sasha phoned her mother and Callie abruptly
hung up on her. Sasha phoned her back thinking
there was a bad connection and her mother blurted
out to her, “Tramp!”

Justin had phoned her mother and told her
everything and Sasha felt he had no right to do this
because she had always planned to tell her mother
the truth about her profession in her own time.

But her mother was devastated and so was
Sasha. She couldn’t believe that Justin would
stoop so low!

After all they had been through together and
had tolerated his
with other
women and yet, he would betray her in this way.

But now, she
to keep her
patching things up with her mother.
Sasha wondered how she would explain to her
mother that she had decided to be a Call Girl
because she wanted to make a good life for both of
them in the exact same way that Callie had done
for the both of them so long ago.
This is what had made the entire situation so
sad because Sasha
desired to be
Even though she knew what her mother did
for a living, she still admired her and was thankful
for everything she had done for her.
In some ways, Sasha’s profession was due to
the fact that her father had decided not to be a part
of her life.
She has always been looking for a father figure
even in her husband Justin who had disappointed
her and chosen to leave her rather than try to work
things out with her.
Callie listened quietly as Sasha tried to explain
and justify why she lied to her but in the end all of
it didn’t matter.
Callie’s heart was broken! She loved Sasha and
it wasn’t even that she had chosen the profession
that she had chosen as much as it was the fact that
she lied about it.
What’s worse, the many friends that Callie had
bragged to about Sasha may have known the truth
because there were a lot of nosy people in their old
Callie was embarrassed about this more than
anything but she managed to say, “I Love You” to
Sasha and hung up.
It was the last time Sasha would be able to talk
with her mother, who fell dead from a heart attack
that night.
Sasha made funeral arrangements and had her
mother buried nicely. Justin didn’t come to the
funeral to support Sasha but he did send flowers.
He later tried phoning to give his condolences
but Sasha wanted nothing more to do with him.
She realizes now that she had been married to
dream and that she had accepted Justin’s
behavior of seeing other women because she felt
badly about her profession.
Now, she could see things more clearly and
realizes that they
never really
It was an arrangement that they both
pretended to be a marriage.
Now that she no longer had her mother, there
was nothing else to lie about. She needed to face
her demons and figure out what really had caused
her to choose the profession that she had chosen
to enter.
She had blamed her mother and her missing
father but she knows that everyone has a choice
and she made hers.
It was time for her to be a real woman and take
responsibility for the problems she created and she
was now ready to do this. It would require her to
go into the Manteca Inn for the last time to tell
Tula that she is resigning from her job.
Tula had been at the funeral in support of
Sasha so she understood how hard Sasha was
taking her mother’s death so she asked Sasha to
take a couple of days to think about her decision.
However, Sasha indicated that this was the end
for her and she would be moving on with her life
in another area but she hadn’t decided how she
would do it.
just knew
that she
needed to do
something magnificent in her life where she could
make a positive impact in others life.
She had always talked to other girls at the
Manteca about her desire to do something to help
women hold onto their men.
Sasha felt that sharing what she had learned
from being in her profession would probably be
helpful to many women.
Some of her clients had discussed personal
aspects of their lives with her including what they
desired to have done by their wives and it was not
Yet, Sasha had not been able to hold onto her
own man so she reasoned that she needed to do
something else.
She didn’t have to worry about money because
she had a nice savings that she had accumulated
from her profession and she also had her home
because Justin had decided to relinquish any rights
to it.
that she
was in a
good financial
position made Sasha feel good and provided some
comfort to her but she missed her mother terribly
and desired to do something to honor her mother’s
It wouldn’t erase all the years that she had lied
to her mother but it would make her feel good that
she was doing something worthwhile.
lot about running a
business from Tula because there are some things
that are applicable in all types of businesses and
Sasha believed she had those skills.
She believed the best use of her experience
would be a career where she could provide help
and support to troubled teen girls.
She desired to help misguided girls stay on the
right path and avoid looking for an easy way to
make money.
She put up $150,000 of her own money to
launch “On the Right Track,”
school for
misguided girls
who are
destined for
because of their poor choices.
Sasha believes strongly that although the Call
environment, it is not a good choice for young
Not that she criticized the profession because
for the most part, Sasha had made a good living
from it but she wanted girls that attended her
school to realize and understand that they have
more options in life and they don’t merely have to
settle for lying on their backs to make a good
Sasha developed and presented a business plan
to the City
Montclair. The
plan identified
strategies and the advantages of
her school
program for the community.
She was able to show that by utilizing and
assisting her financially with her program, the City
would be able to reduce the cost that was currently
incurred for locking up young girls for solicitation,
drug use and other issues.
Ultimately, the City of Montclair liked Sasha's
plan and decided to help fund the program because
it was great for the community and the City.
But Sasha wasn’t able to immediately shake her
profession because when people found out that an
ex-Call Girl was heading up the program, they
protested and argued that Sasha was the last person
that the City should partner with to help young
Nevertheless, Sasha ultimately won the battle
because she was able to quickly prove that her
program was benefitting the community and saving
money for the community.
One day a gentleman came to the school to
enroll his daughter in the program.
He was a
single parent and according to him his daughter
was out of control so he thought that Sasha would
be able to provide him with the support he needed.
Immediately, there was
great attraction
between Tony Leppo and Sasha but for now the
focus needed to be on his daughter Tyler.
Tyler reminds Sasha of herself when she was
her age because Sasha was doing some of the same
things that Tyler is now doing including driving her
father crazy. But in Sasha’s case, she was giving
grief to her mother.
Tony told Sasha that Tyler likes to stay out late
and she enjoys showing off her beautiful body in
skimpy outfits.
Tyler looks much older than her age so she is
attracting the wrong element and mostly older men
who mean her no good.
In fact, some of the Professors at her school
behave as though they can’t control themselves
around Tyler.
Sasha knows exactly what to do and it starts
with helping to raise Tyler’s self-esteem.
Having a beautiful face and body doesn’t
mean that a person has self-worth so Sasha will
work closely with Tyler on this need first and then
work to determine what's really going on with
There is an on-site psychologist that will help
unearth some of the issues going on in all the girls’
Some things are common with all of them
including lack of self-esteem and mother or father
issues that have not been resolved.
While all this is going on, Tony makes it a
point to show up every day to support his daughter
but Sasha is aware that part of the reason Tony is
coming to the school every day is because he wants
to see her.
At this point, no telephone numbers have been
exchanged and Sasha prefers to keep it this way
because her ultimate goal is
to help Tony's
So far, the only thing going on between Sasha
and Tony is an occasional smile. But sometimes
when Tony drops Tyler off at the school, he makes
it a point to thank Sasha for the work she is doing
with Tyler.
Each program is six weeks long and some
sessions are longer because each girl has different
Tony is quietly hoping that everything goes
completes the program; he is secretly planning a
nice dinner with Sasha.
When the six weeks are up, Tyler graduates
from the program with five other girls who were
able to get their issues on the table and partially
They will require ongoing counseling before
they can get to a good place but they will have
access to the onsite psychologists to help them
transition successfully out of the program.
The after support will involve helping the girls
find jobs and helping them get through school
and any
other support they
At the graduation, Tony approached Sasha to
say thank you and he asked her out to dinner.
Sasha told Tony that she didn't think that it was
appropriate for
dinner with him
because it will not look good to Tyler.
"Well, she
now and she
obeying the rules of the house," Tony responded.
“Yes, but trust me on this one, she isn’t out of
the woods yet, and I don’t want her to suffer a
setback," Sasha responded adamantly.
Tony agreed but he told Sasha that he hoped that
she would give him a rain check.
“A rain check it is, when the time is right,”
Sasha agreed.
Over the next few months, Tyler established a
close relationship with Sasha.
occurred naturally due to Sasha’s honesty about
her past.
As a result, all of the girls felt comfortable
sharing personal information
about themselves
with Sasha.
However, Sasha was still not sure if Tyler
would understand or even accept her dating her
One day, after one of Tyler’s tutoring sessions,
Tyler told Sasha that she would love it if she would
date her father.
Tyler had grown to like Sasha a lot and she is
aware that her father has strong feelings for Sasha.
Initially, Tyler was angry about the attraction
between Sasha and her father but she told Sasha
that she now realizes that her father deserves to
special in his
because her
mother had deserted them long ago.
Tyler explained that she had been fearful that if
her father and Sasha were to get together, he
would desert her as well.
But she explained that
she no longer have those feelings.
Sasha reassures Tyler that she would never do
anything to come between Tyler and her father
because her first priority is to provide Tyler and
the other girls with the support they need to do
well in school and in their life.
Sasha reasserts to Tyler that she will always put
her welfare before any feelings that she has for her
The Call Girl profession sounds glamorous to
Tyler so she wanted to know more why Sasha
believes it to be a bad choice for girls.
Sasha felt it was necessary to provide Tyler
with more personal information about her life as a
understand the negative effects it had on her life as
well as lying about it.
"Tyler, I think everyone deserves to choose the
profession that is right for them but in my case, it
was a desperate choice and an easy way out, Sasha
"It was way too easy for me to give into the
lucrative money and I failed to understand how my
profession would negatively affect others, like my
Dear Mother."
after finding
out about me,
dropped dead from a heart attack because I had
repeatedly lied to her. I never told her about my
true profession. Simply, I misled my mother!"
"My husband also found out and in fact, he
was the one to tell my mother about it."
"But it doesn’t matter who told who what at
this point but I could have made better choices
and that’s what I want for you and the other girls
in the program."
"Don’t take what you perceive to be the easy
way out,” Sasha cautioned. She wanted Tyler to
understand that appearances aren’t always what
they appear to be.
“I still think you and my father would be great
together, Tyler responded sounding so grown up.
She was clearly not the same girl that had enrolled
in the program six weeks ago.
Sasha didn't want to give Tyler false hopes so
she simply said, "When and if the time is right for
me and your father, it will happen on its own."
"In the meantime, I am happy to be living a life
that is relatively simple and less complicated."

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