A Chamber of Delights (18 page)

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Authors: Katrina Young

BOOK: A Chamber of Delights
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When they were rested from their exertions in chastising the man, they dried with fluffy towels and stood over their host and loosed his arms. With Sophie and Melindi
at his sides he massaged between their legs, while Gael fed him grapes. They giggled from the champagne and from his fondling as he worked their vulvas with his thumbs and curled his fingers in their anal rings. They poured champagne into his navel and supped it out. They washed his cock with it and licked its head until it stood erect.

Gael straddled him and pulled his penis up. She eased herself down on to it, closing her eyes as she felt its heat buried deeply in her body. Flexing her toes she sprang, making him take her at the pace that she dictated, feeling the head of his champagne-wetted shaft rippling in her tunnel.

As his fingers worked, Melindi came with little whimpers of delight.

Sophie came next, her breasts pushed out as she lowered herself on his probing thumb.

Both of them squatted and rose upon his thumbs to prolong their orgasmic throes.

Gael had a little tremor and closed herself tightly on his cock. But, when he flexed his hips and drove up strongly, she slipped off him and masturbated him slowly with the very tips of her fingers while she rubbed her vulva on his hairy scrotum.

He fountained strongly once again.

They massaged his thick emission into his sac and penis. Each rubbed her vulva over it to smear herself with its slipperiness. Then each girl glazed his torso as she stretched herself over it to glide her open vulva on his skin. They ran his arms between their legs, to leave him slick and scented with their nectar. Then they left him in the darkness and quietly shut the door.

Fully Stretched

days went quickly. Gael was working at full stretch, planning two more parties. One was to take place at Melindi’s house with a list of special guests. The other was to be at the castle of an earl.

The afternoon was balmy as she walked the leafy gardens, searching for Todd Flanders. He had not bothered her since the morning after the party, and she wondered if he had forgotten his intention to have her whenever and however he wanted. Of course, she would not let him. He was an arrogant pig and there was no way she would allow him to think she was excited by his threat.

She called out in the stable yard, hoping that he was somewhere within earshot. ‘Todd? Todd, where the hell are you?’

‘I’m here.’ The voice came from the hay-loft door, just above her head.

‘Come down here. I want to talk to you.’ She looked up against the light.

He leaned out and stared down on her. ‘Have you come to fulfil my fantasy, miss?’ he grinned.

‘No, I have not. Now come down here at once. I’m not going to shout up to you.’

He shrugged and turned to go. ‘Either come up or leave me to my work in peace.’

‘I said come down, or find another job.’

‘Don’t threaten me with that old line,’ he smirked and went back in.

She stormed up the ladder, her loose skirt billowing behind her. This time she was going to dismiss him. She would not stand such insolence from a servant.

As her head emerged through the trapdoor, she didn’t see Flanders standing behind her with a horse rein. She was not quick enough to stop him slipping it over her head and shoulders to pull it tight. He kicked the trapdoor shut and pulled her to himself. Breathing over her shoulder, he whispered, ‘Have you come to apologise for leading me on?’ He kissed her neck and made her tremble.

As she spun around to face him, her eyes glared, but her stomach fluttered wildly. When his mouth came down on hers, she went to pieces. Her lips began to work his lips. Her tongue-tip met his as he thrust it into her mouth. Helpless in the tightened rein, she began to pant.

He pressed his shaft against her mount as he kissed her. ‘So, you have come to fulfil my fantasy.’

She pulled away. ‘No – I have not. Now, untie me. I’m not playing your stupid games.’

He sat on a bale of hay and smirked at her, holding the rein firmly. ‘But when you let your guests confess their sins and fantasies, miss, you promised they’d be fulfilled.’

‘You were not invited to that party. Go and fetch your things. You’re fired.’

‘I’m what, miss?’

‘I said you’re dismissed.’

He shrugged. ‘Then I’d better have my fun with you first, hadn’t I?’

‘Touch me and I’ll . . .’ She stopped as he rose. Taking a step backward she tripped over a coil of rope and fell into a pile of hay. Looking up at him towering
over her, her body began to tremble. She closed her eyes. When she opened them he had slung a rope over a beam and was making a loop at one end.

Now she was alarmed. ‘What the hell are you doing that for?’

‘I’m fulfilling the fantasy I confessed, miss. I told you I would.’

She scanned her memory frantically but could not recall a thing. Her excitement when he had held her tightly in the chapel had taken precedence over all else.

‘Surely you remember how I told you how I would like to string you up by the ankles and lick between your legs.’

She did recall that now. And she remembered how it had sent the strangest kind of thrill racing through her. Part of her had always liked to feel helpless as a man had played with her. The excitement must have shown in her eyes as he smiled widely.

‘There you are, I knew you remembered.’ He quickly slipped the loop over her ankle and pulled the rope. To Gael’s alarm her leg rose in the air. A second loop was tied as she made a token struggle, quite unable to escape from the first one.

‘Let me down, you bastard. I’ll have you arrested!’ Her heart was thumping hard as he grinned at her and shook his head.

‘You won’t make a fuss unless you want a scandal in the neighbourhood, miss.’

She glowered. ‘You wouldn’t dare. ‘I’ll have you –’

He put his finger to his lips and smirked. ‘Don’t say anything you’ll regret, miss. Just say sorry to me for the way you tricked me into fucking Sophie when I thought it was you I was doing.’

‘I’ll burn in hell before I ever say sorry to you.’

He hoisted her higher so that her skirt fell back. She wore no panties, and as her legs parted, he could look right down into her most secret parts. She wriggled
again but it only served to make her labia open and close, a sight she knew he would take great delight in. She was right. He knelt in the hay and examined her, her bottom level with his crotch.

Resting with her neck and shoulders in the hay, she could do nothing but hang there.

He ran a finger through her groove, exclaiming, ‘Now, that’s nice. Very nice indeed. I didn’t see it properly in the darkness of the chapel. Shall I lick it or would you rather have it rubbed?’

She tried to shut her legs but could not. He’d set the ropes too far apart.

He smoothed her pubis with the flat of his hand, then ran it down the inside of her thigh. ‘And you’ve got lovely legs, miss. Do you like them kissed?’ He ran a line of kisses from her knee into her crotch.

‘Stop it. Stop it this instant.’ She wriggled but it only gave her more stimulation.

He grinned. ‘Say sorry for what you did to me.’

‘Get lost.’

‘OK. I’ll go home and leave you strung up here.’

‘You wouldn’t dare.’ She glared up at him.

Now he grinned boyishly. ‘I will unless you say how terribly sorry you are for leading a poor innocent fellow on.’

‘“Innocent”,’ she snorted. ‘My God, you should have seen yourself at the lakeside with Sophie.’

‘She likes being tied up.’

‘Well, I don’t. Let me down.’ Gael struggled to no avail and it simply made him smile.

He ran his finger through her furrow.

She was wet with excitement and anticipation, and could do nothing to hide the fact. He raised his finger to his nose and scented it.

‘So you’re not turned on by being tied up?’

‘I said, get lost, you pig. You might think you can do what you like with me, but don’t kid yourself I’ll enjoy it.’

He put his mouth to her vulva and kissed. His lips were hot on the flesh of the inner lips, his breath warm on her anus. It made her tremble violently. Her clitoris rose as he licked it and made it stand. He ran his tongue repeatedly through the hollows of her groin and bit the taut skin.

She shuddered and took a deep breath.

He parted her labia gently with his fingertips and pushed his tongue between them, wriggling it around so that it gave her such a pleasurable feeling she could not suppress a moan.

‘Bastard,’ she hissed through clenched teeth.

‘But you like it, don’t you? Your ditty’s standing up asking for more. And you’re so slippery inside I’m surprised you’re not begging for my cock.’

‘Your imagination’s running away with you, Flanders.’

He ran his tongue-tip through her furrow and made her moan again. ‘Then why are you making do-it-some-more noises?’


‘And you’re nothing but a temptress.’ He bit her loin.

‘What the hell is that supposed to mean?’

He licked her deeply, from the taut bridge between her anus and her vulva, and slowly up to her clitoris. The flat of his tongue pushed the lips of her sex widely aside as it ploughed through them.

‘I asked you what you meant by calling me a temptress.’ She tried to shut her legs but could not.

‘I meant that if you hadn’t made eyes at me since the first minute you entered my gardens, and hadn’t played with my cock in the scullery I wouldn’t be playing with your pussy now.’ He ran his hands over her flanks and scored her with his nails. It made her gasp.

‘I’ll get my revenge, Flanders,’ she gasped as he bit her playfully in the groin.

‘Good. I’ll look forward to that.’ He reached down
and drew aside her blouse, pulled at her nipples and made her breasts go taut. His neck rested on the hot flesh of her vulva as he peered down at her.

‘It might be sooner than you think, Flanders.’ She wriggled against him, feeling the hard knot of his adam’s apple working on her clitoris.

‘Good,’ he said wistfully as he withdrew and sucked on her clitoris to make it swell. ‘Good. I like a challenge from a woman.’

‘I’ll tie you up and see how you like it, you conceited pig.’

He grinned from between her legs, his mouth wet with her nectar, his eyes alight. ‘I don’t think you’ve got the strength to tie me up, miss. But, if you do manage to, you can do anything you want with me.’

Gael’s pulse raced. The plan she had in mind required that he be tied up. But how could she do it against his strength?

The working of his lips on her sex lips and the sucking of her nub began to take its toll on her resolve not to respond to his domination of her. She began to work her hips to make the movement of his mouth upon her sex much more pronounced.

He dropped his shorts and knelt again between her legs, his penis stiff, clearly aroused from the way that she was trussed and quite helpless. Now his penis rested in her groove, his testicles tickling her skin. He ran his hands up and down her thighs, pulling her on to himself, making her rub him as she swung against him.

This made the underside of his shaft wet. She felt herself slipping on it as he pushed it through her groove. She began to writhe, her climax close, her need to get relief fast becoming too great to withhold. She threw away her resolve to resist him.

He stood up, naked before her, looking down into her crotch, his penis rearing above it. Then he moved around her, straddled her, his bottom to her face, his ankles against her shoulders.

She looked up through his legs, just managing to see his balls between his tight thighs. And then he laid his penis in between her legs and began to rub her gently.

Had her hands not been tied, she would have raked the brown skin of his back with her nails. She would have slipped a hand through his legs and taken his balls and pulled his foreskin tight as the tempo of his delightful rubbing sped up.

His thumbs parted her widely, pressing into the hollows of her loins. Then she felt a finger in her anus and tightened it reflexively.

He rubbed and probed together.

She writhed, partly on his phallus, but mostly on his finger.

He drove his thumbnails deep into her groin and made her gasp.

‘Say you’re sorry that you led me on,’ he hissed over his shoulder as he worked, making her labia hot with the friction.

‘I told you, I shall never say sorry to you.’

He slapped her bottom hard. ‘Then I’ll leave you to the rats.’ He stepped away and stood back, the huge shaft of his cock wet with her juice.

Her heart sank. ‘You wouldn’t dare leave me here.’

He grinned and moved towards the trapdoor. ‘Say that you’re sorry for the trick you played on me.’

‘You loved every second of it. You could have got away any time you’d wanted to.’

He shrugged again and raised the trap to leave, still naked, his penis springing with each step. As he descended the ladder, he stopped, his cockshaft just visible, jutting up above the floor.

Gael realised that he did intend to leave her. She thought quickly. She could shout and hope that Sophie would hear her. But then the girl would be angry when she saw her mistress hanging from the beam, her vulva bared, her breasts hanging out. The maid would know
that Flanders had done it, but she would conclude that Gael had wanted him to. And she couldn’t do with Sophie being petulant again.

‘All right,’ she called out to Flanders as his face dipped below the trapdoor. ‘I’m sorry I tricked you. Now cut me down, you bastard.’

He came back slowly, standing over her, horny and magnificent. ‘Not good enough, miss. Say it as if you really mean it.’ He put a bare foot on one breast and worked it in small circles. Then he took a harness strap and lashed her belly. As she heaved, the sole of his foot rubbed hard against one breast. Her other breast bounced.

She swallowed her pride. ‘I’m very sorry. There, I’ve said it. Now let me go.’

‘Say you’re sorry that you took my shorts down and sucked my cock to make me think you wanted me to fuck you.’

She shook her head hard.

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