A Christmas Bride (27 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: A Christmas Bride
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“I’d like that.”

Kayleen settled in the open cooking area. The women gathered there, talking and laughing. She couldn’t follow many of the conversations, but that was all right. She would get more fluent with time.

She liked the way the women all worked together, with no obvious hierarchy. How the children came and went, dashing to a parent when they felt the need for attention. How easily they were picked up and hugged, how quick the smiles.

The tribe was an extended family—in some ways similar to her experiences in the orphanage. The group pulled together for the greater good. The difference was one would always belong to the tribe.

Roots, she thought enviously. Roots that traveled along. What would that be like?

She thought about her mother, back at the palace. They were supposed to be family, but Darlene was a stranger to her. Kayleen only had vague memories of her aunts and her grandmother, but then she’d forgotten on purpose. What was the point of remembering long days of being left alone, of being hungry and frightened?

She heard giggles and saw Zarina whispering to one of the young women. There were gestures and the next thing Kayleen knew, she was being pulled into a tent.

“We don’t do this very much,” Zarina told her. “It is only to be used on special occasions. With power comes responsibility.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Zarina opened a trunk and dug around, then pulled out several lengths of sheer veil.

“The trick is to maintain the mystery,” Zarina told her as she passed over the fabric. “It’s about confidence, not talent. No man can resist a woman who dances for him. So you can’t feel self-conscious or worry about how you look. You must know in your heart that he wants you with a desperation that leaves him weak. You are in charge. You decide. He begs and you give in.”

Kayleen took a step back. “If you’re saying what I think you’re saying...”

“After dinner, we will send As’ad to a private tent. You will be there. You will dance for him.” Zarina smiled. “It’s a memory he’ll hold on to for the rest of his life.”

As much as Kayleen wanted to be accepted by the women of the tribe, she was terrified at the thought of trying to seduce As’ad.

“I don’t know how to dance. I’m not good at this.”

“You are the woman he wishes to marry. You know all you need to. As for the dancing...it is easy. Come, I will show you.”

Zarina tossed the fabric onto a pile of pillows, then shrugged out of her robes. Underneath she wore a sleeveless tank top and cropped pants. A simple, modern outfit that would work perfectly in the desert.

“Lower your center of gravity while keeping your back straight. Rock your hips until you feel the movement, then begin to rotate them.”

Zarina demonstrated, making it look easy. Kayleen tried to do as she said, but felt awkward.

But she didn’t give up and after a few minutes, she had the hip movement down. Next she learned to hold her arms out to the side, moving them gracefully.

“Very good,” Zarina told her. “Now turn slowly. You want to dance for a minute or two, turn, then remove one of the veils.”

Kayleen skidded to a stop. “I can’t dance naked.”

“You won’t have to. No man can resist the dance of the veils. You will remove two, maybe three, then he will remove the rest.”

“What if he thinks I look stupid?”

“He won’t. He’ll think he’s the luckiest man alive. Now let us prepare you for the evening.”

Unsure she was really going to be able to do this, Kayleen followed Zarina to another tent where there were several women waiting. She was stripped down to her underwear and sat patiently as henna was applied to her hands and feet.

“It’s the temporary kind,” Zarina told her. “A sugar-based dye that will wash off in a week or so.”

Kayleen stared at the intricate design and knew she wouldn’t mind if it lasted longer.

Next she was “dressed” in layers of veils. They were wound around her, woven together until they appeared to be a seamless garment. They were sheer, but in enough volume to only hint at what was below.

Zarina applied makeup, using a dark pencil to outline Kayleen’s eyes and a red stain on her lips.

“Better than lipstick,” the other woman told her. “It won’t come off.”

Her hair was pulled back and up through a beaded headpiece. Dozens of bracelets fit on each wrist. The final touch was a pair of dangling earrings that nearly touched her shoulders.

When they were finished, Zarina led her to a mirror. Kayleen stared at the image, knowing it couldn’t possibly be her. She looked
She’d never been exotic in her life. She also looked sexy and mysterious.

“I will leave you here for a few minutes to practice, then come for you,” Zarina told her. “Believe in yourself. With this dance, you can snare As’ad’s heart so that he can never be free again. What wife doesn’t want that?”

Good question, Kayleen thought when she was alone. Nerves writhed in her stomach, but she ignored them. Having As’ad respect her wasn’t enough. She wanted more—she wanted him to love her.

He had to see she was more than just someone to take care of the girls or an innocent he’d slept with. Their engagement might have begun due to circumstances other than love, but it didn’t have to stay that way.

She’d already given him her heart—now she had to claim his. Which meant being equal to a prince.

Could she? Kayleen had spent her whole life in the shadows, lurking in the background, not making waves, desperate for what she wanted, but afraid to step up and take it. It was time to be different. If she wanted to love a prince, she would have to claim him. She would have to show him she was so much more than he imagined. Her upbringing had given her an inner strength. She would use that power to achieve her heart’s desire.

With a last look at herself, she walked to the front of the tent to wait for Zarina. She wasn’t afraid. She was going to bring As’ad to his knees and make him beg. And that was just for starters.

* * *


WHILE AS’AD ENJOYED the company of Sharif, he was disappointed in the evening. He’d brought Kayleen to the desert so they could share the experience. But she had been whisked away and a polite guest did not ask why.

As the strong coffee was served at the end of the meal, he glanced at his watch and calculated how long he would have to wait until they could politely take their leave. Perhaps he and Kayleen could go into town for a couple of hours. There were a few nightclubs that were intimate and had small, crowded dance floors. He liked the idea of holding her close.

Zarina approached and bowed. “Prince As’ad, would you please come with me?”

As’ad looked at his host. “Do I trust your daughter?”

Sharif laughed. “As if I know her plans. Zarina, what do you want with the prince?”

“Nothing that will displease him.”

As’ad excused himself and followed her. Night had fallen and the stars hung low in the sky. He thought briefly of his brother Kateb, and wondered when he would next return to the palace. If he came in time, he could attend the wedding. As’ad would like to have all his brothers there for the ceremony. And to point out that he would no longer have to listen to their father’s complaints that they had yet to all find brides.

Zarina wove her way through the tents, pausing at one in the back, almost on its own.

“In here, sir,” she said, holding open the flap. “I wish you a good evening.”

As’ad ducked inside. The tent was dim, with only a few lights. There was an open space covered with rugs, and a pile of cushions in front of him.

“If you will please be seated.”

The request came from a dark corner. He recognized Kayleen’s voice. A quiet tent, seclusion and the company of a beautiful woman, he thought as he lowered himself to the cushions. The evening had improved considerably.

Music began. The melody was more traditional than contemporary, as were the instruments. An interesting choice, he thought, as Kayleen stepped out of the shadows. It was his last rational thought for a very long time.

She wore veils. Dozens and dozens of sheer lengths of fabric covered her body. Yet there were flashes of skin—her waist, her legs, a bit of arm.

Her face looked the same, yet different, with her eyes suddenly dark and intriguing. Jewels glittered from her wrists and her ears; her skin shimmered in the dim light. She was the woman he knew yet a woman he had never known. Even before she began to move, he wanted her.

She moved her arms gracefully. He saw the henna on her skin and dropped his gaze to her bare feet. It was there, as well. The patterns were oddly erotic on her fair skin.

She moved her hips back and forth, turned and a single veil dropped to the rug.

It showed him nothing more. She was too well-wrapped. But when it hit, his chest tightened. Blood heated and raced through him, heading to his groin, where it settled impatiently. The desire was instant, powerful and pulsing.

He knew of the dance, had heard it described, but had never experienced it himself. He’d heard men talk of the power of being seduced in such a way by a woman and had privately thought them weak. But now, as Kayleen danced in time with the music, he knew he had been wrong. There was something primal in her movements, something that called only him.

She turned again and another veil fell.

It was all he could do to stay seated. He wanted to jump to his feet, pull her close and take her. He wanted to be inside of her, feeling her heat, pleasuring them both. Heat grew until he burned. And still she danced.

Her hips moved back and forth, her arms fluttered. This time when she turned, he knew the veil would fall, anticipated it, looked greedily to see more of her. A tug and it fluttered to the ground.

She turned back. He saw a hint of curve, the lace of her bra, and he was lost. He sprang to his feet and crossed to her. After he grabbed her around the waist, he pulled her against him and kissed her.

He told himself to hold back, that she wouldn’t appreciate his passion, but despite his forceful kiss, she met him with the same intensity. She plunged her tongue into his mouth, taking as much as she gave.

Kayleen was shaking, both from nerves and from need. Zarina had been right. Despite her uncertainty, she’d managed to bring a prince to his knees. Or at least his feet, which was just as good.

She’d seen the need in As’ad’s eyes, had watched him get aroused. He was already hard and straining. Even as they kissed, he pulled at the veils covering her, swearing with impatience when one tangled and would not budge.

“How many are there?” he asked, his voice thick with frustration and sexual arousal.

“A lot.”

She reached for his shirt and began to unbutton that.

“Too slow,” he told her and ripped the shirt open, then shrugged out of it. Seconds later he’d removed the rest of his clothes. Then he was naked and reaching for her.

His eagerness thrilled her. She was already damp and swollen, ready to be taken. To show him, she reached between them and stroked his arousal. He groaned as his maleness flexed in her hand.

“I want you,” he breathed in her ear. “I want you now.”

His words turned her to liquid. “Then take me.”

He stared into her eyes. “Kayleen.”

“I am to be your wife, As’ad. Take me.”

He lowered her to the cushions and pushed the veils aside. After pulling down her panties, he slid his fingers between her legs.

“You want me,” he told her as he rubbed against her swollen center.


He smiled, then continued to touch her. She pushed his hand away.

“Be in me,” she told him. “Claim me.”

His breath caught, then he did as she asked. He settled between her knees and pushed inside of her.

She always forgot how large he was, how he filled her and made her ache with need. Normally he was slow and gentle, but tonight he pushed inside as if driven. The passion excited her.

He thrust deeply, groaning, his arousal moving her in a way she’d never experienced before. Her muscles began to tense and she closed her eyes to enjoy the ride.

He took her hard and fast, as if daring her to keep up. She accepted him easily, letting each plunging, rubbing pulse take her higher and higher. She pulled her knees back, then locked her legs around his hips, drawing him in deeper.

Faster and more, pushing and straining until her release was only a heartbeat away.

He spoke her name. She looked up and saw him watching her.

“You are mine.”

Three simple words, but they were enough to send her spiraling out of control. She lost herself in her release, screaming as the pleasure claimed her. He pushed in twice more, then groaned the end of his journey.

The waves of their pleasure joined them and they clung to each other until the earth stopped moving and their bodies were finally at rest.

* * *


KAYLEEN LET HERSELF into her suite shortly after midnight. She felt happy and content and as if she could float. Or do the whole veil dance again!

Rather than turn on a light, she crossed to the balcony and stepped out into the night. The air had a slight chill, but she didn’t care. All she had to do was think about how much As’ad had wanted her and she got all hot inside.

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