Read A Christmas for Hope Online

Authors: Kassanna

Tags: #romance, #holiday

A Christmas for Hope (8 page)

BOOK: A Christmas for Hope
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Chapter Seven


Lucas tossed his clothes in his duffle bag then picked up the towel. He glanced at the showers and shook his head. Hope would be tired. He could take a shower at home. The idea that he considered her apartment home, he wondered if she felt the same way. She hadn’t put him out, but with Hope, he was never quite sure what she was feeling. He combed his fingers through his hair. He wanted to move her into a safer area. Hell, he wanted to marry her and give Kira his last name. Given Hope’s skittish nature though, he had to tread lightly. Getting her to open up was a slow process. He closed his eyes and rolled his head on his neck to work out the kinks. It was two weeks before Christmas; he still had time to make her see things his way.


The door swung open. Hope popped her head between the doors and swiveled it to look around the room. He waited until her gaze touched on him. She looked him up and down, her stare lingering on his bare chest. When she raised her eyes to meet his, he smiled and she disappeared behind the door. His bag forgotten, he walked toward the spot where she’d appeared, the heavy wood swung open, and he stumbled back. Hope sauntered in, a huge smile on her face, behind her the multi-colored Christmas lights flashed in a dark room.


“Guess what?” She strolled up to him in an uneven gait.


“What? And why are the lights off in the main room?”


Her smile was infectious and he couldn’t help but return it.


“There is something I have always wanted to do and since you’re here, I’m here and this section of the building is empty. Well, I thought you would be willing to help me with a little fantasy of mine.”


“That is?” He reached out to snag her around the waist and watched as she wiggled out of his space.


“Locker room sex.”


“Say again.”


“You heard me.” She shifted and moved behind a wall of lockers. “Come and find me, Lucas.” Her voice drifted away.


He walked in her direction then turned sharply and moved the opposite way. The only sound in the room was the slight squeak from the springs in his prosthetic. He pressed his back flush to the wall and eased around the corner. She was on the other end peering around the edge and no doubt looking for him. He bit back his laughter. In her condition she certainly wasn’t built for stealth. Slowly he eased up behind her.


“Hope,” he whispered and she jumped twisting around with fists raised.


“You were supposed to catch me, not sneak up on me.”


“Okay.” He shook his head trying to understand her flawed logic.


“Sorry. You caught me. So do what you will with me.” She threw her arms up and fell against him.


“I love you, you know that.” He snapped his mouth shut. It was too late to call back the words.


Her arms tightened around him and she rubbed her face against his torso. He felt dampness on his skin. Uncertainty made him look down.


“Hey, hey, why the tears? I would think my loving you is a good thing and if I’m not mistaken you’re supposed to return the sentiment.” He reared back and slid a couple of fingers under her chin to lift her face.


“Do you have any idea how complicated you’ve made things?” She gripped his wrist.


“I don’t care about the problems it causes. I care about how you feel about me. Do you love me, Hope?”


She balanced herself by holding onto him as she rose to the tips of her toes. Using her other hand she cupped his head to pull him down. He felt the zing of their kiss pull in his crotch. Almost as if the nerves were directly connected. Her belly had almost doubled in size since they’d met and as bad as he wanted to crush her against him and take what she offered, the baby came first. Glancing behind him, he took a step back and dropped to the bench, disregarding the sting from the wooden surface and tugged her down into his lap.


“That’s better. Where were w—”


She swooped in placing her lips against his before he could finish the sentence.


Lucas slipped his arms around her middle resting his hands on her hip. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the tiny stings from her teeth nipping at his lips. While allowing her to explore his mouth, he felt her hands roaming over his chest and shoulders. At that moment, he understood she needed to feel in control and he was more than happy to give her that.


Her explorations had his dick so hard it thumped against his shorts and he could no longer hold back the low grunts that were now escaping past his lips. The open mouthed kisses she was placing on his neck had him forming fists at her side. He would give her time, as much as she needed to play with his body. Her hands were everywhere and when her fingers skimmed down the center of his back he had to catch his breath before gritting his teeth. Hope pulled away from his upper body and caressed his jaw.


“I’ve never liked a man with a low beard on his chin but on you I find it very sexy.”


He opened his eyes to her solemn gaze.


“Thanks for the heads up, now I may never shave.” He felt his heart stutter in his chest when she smiled.


“Hmm.” Hope leaned in and rubbed her cheek against his.


“Hope, if you keep this up, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”


“You mean there’s a chance you could lose control?”


“Yeah.” Lucas sighed in defeat.


“Good. You’re so careful with me. I’m a woman not porcelain, I won’t break.”


“You’re eight months pregnant.”


“And? I mean seriously would it kill you to pull my hair, maybe?”


“Really, now.” He chuckled as he eased her off his lap. “Then I have one word for you.”


“Okay. I’m listening.”


“Run,” he whispered.


His chuckle turned into outright laughter as she backed away while glaring at him. He dropped forward and rested his elbows on his knees giving her time to get away. Only when he heard the screech of the hinges from the locker room door did he rise to give chase. Lucas rolled his shoulders as he pushed through the entry way to the main room. Colorful lights outlined the reception desk and different doorways that lead to other areas. Christmas tunes piped in through hidden speakers. Presents in brightly colored wrapping paper would appear and disappear beneath the tree as the lights decorating it flashed. The pine trembled and he tilted his head. A few minutes later, he continued walking, taking his time to peer behind the file cabinets.


He passed a massage station and retraced his steps, reaching out to grab the massage oil on the counter top. Twirling the bottle by the top, he tapped it on his thigh and continued his search. Lucas came out of the room on the other side of the tree where he thought he saw movement, pursing his lips at the empty space. He twisted his torso to look behind him when he caught the sight of the door swinging to the locker room.


He moved slowly, pressing through the entrance. He caught sight of her shadow as it vanished down an aisle. Narrowing his eyes, he shifted on his foot and walked in that direction. He took his time so he wouldn’t miss her, slamming the metal doors she’d opened to some of the lockers as a distraction. The clang of metal pervaded the room as he closed them one by one. Lucas shut the last door closed and there she was wedged between the banks of lockers. He dropped the bottle of oil and shook his head when Hope covered her mouth with both hands to contain her giggle.


“Found you.” He raised his hands and gripped the hem of her smock.


She arched a brow as she lifted her arms above her head. He rolled the garment up off her body and let the top fall from his fingers to the floor. Her mounds, cupped securely by her bra, had gotten bigger, practically pushing out of their confinement. He licked his lips as he slid the cups down and stared at her heavy breasts. Dipping his head, he took one taut nipple between his lips and rolled the hard nub on his tongue, while palming the other. He slid his free hand across her waist and down her back, traveling lower to grasp her ass and squeeze. The moans that his actions elicited from her had him squeezing again as he grazed his teeth on her nipple.


The way she pulled his hair and scratched his scalp spurred him to bite down harder. Her body bowed and her belly brushed his abdomen. He released the distended tip and dropped minute kisses along the top of her belly, bringing his palms to the sides of her stomach. Slowly he worked his way down the dark line that bisected her middle, sticking his tongue out to lick her belly button. Her hands slid from his hair and down to his shoulders, her nails digging into his back.


He grabbed the small container off the floor and rose from the squat, pulling her out of the space. Tangling her fingers with his, he tugged her toward the massage tables at the back of the room.


“Now, what are you doing?” Her voice was loaded with curiosity.


“I figure you’re always taking care of other people, me included. I think it’s time I took care of you.” They rounded the corner.


Before them were two rows of four black padded leather tables, shiny and clean from the wipe down they’d received before the masseuses left. Next to the tables were fluffy white towels stacked high on the adjacent counters and ready for use on the next work day. Rolling carts were parked next to the individual cabinets, their metal tops empty.


Lucas pulled Hope toward the first table and set the container he held on the counter top.


“I can’t lay on that.” She waved a hand in front of her belly.


“Lie on your side.” He grabbed her by the waist, hefting her up.


§ § §


The soft pleather swooshed, releasing air under her weight. Hope stared at the narrow cot and swiveled her head to stare at him. “Baby, I appreciate the sentiment but this isn’t big enough to hold me.”


“We really have to work on your trust issues.” Lucas walked around the table.


Deft fingers skittered over her skin and the bra straps fell loose on her arms. She slid it off and dropped it on the floor. Soft lips brushed the nape of her neck with just a hint of tickle from the scruff that surrounded his mouth. She tilted her head forward and felt the slow slide of his tongue slip down her spine. Her fingers curved around the lip of the cot, the cool metal edge cutting into her palm. His fingers left goose bumps in their wake as they slithered up her sides. Air cooled the moist trail his tongue left on her skin when he pulled away. She saw movement from the corner of her eye as he reached for the bottle that he’d been toting along with him.


The liquid poured over her shoulders was cold and she shivered. Then his hands were on her body, gliding over her skin, rubbing the tight knots of muscle in her back. The constant movement of his palms generated heat that bled into her body. She rolled her head on her neck. His hands slid around her body and he took her breast into his palms plucking at her pert nipples. A low moan slipped through her lips as he kneaded the soft tissue of her orbs. She leaned back and felt his chest support her. The hair on his chin prickled her throat as he sucked her earlobe into his mouth and bit down. Warm cream flooded the folds of her pussy.


Lucas slid his slick hands lower, rubbing her belly before pulling away. The loss of his body heat made Hope look over her shoulder. He’d unbuttoned his jeans, allowing himself room given the bulge that pressed on his zipper. She ran her hands on her thighs. He was hers and being with him still made her nervous. Pulling her lips between her teeth, she chewed on her top lip. She knew it couldn’t last. Nothing so good ever did for her.


He followed her gaze then raised his head to meet her stare; a crooked smile exposed one dimple. Lucas waggled his brows and walked around the cot to face her. “One day at a time, babe.” He pulled her lip from between her teeth, leaned in, and licked at the sting of her bruised lip. Rearing back, he gripped her hips. “I have an idea.”


“You’re killing me here.” She pressed her thighs together and the pulsating in her cleft intensified.


He helped her from the table and turned her around to place her elbows on the padded surface. His fingers glided under the elastic of her work pants and he rolled them down, dragging them off her legs. She wiggled in place. Desperation had her digging into the soft material of the cushion when he kissed the backs of her knees. Stomping her feet to keep from jogging as he slid his tongue up her thigh and nipped at her ass cheek. Her belly brushed the edge of the cot and she jerked away from the metal.


“Will you stop touching me already?” she huffed.

BOOK: A Christmas for Hope
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