A Christmas Surprise (5 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: A Christmas Surprise
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He was close. Almost time. He knew the cops would get involved at this point. He didn't count on a deputy staying with her all the time. This angered him, but he knew what to do. He was gonna sit back and let things die down again. Make her start to feel safe, that would make the deputy go, and then he was going to have a very Merry Christmas after all. Payback was the best gift.



Chapter Five


It had been two weeks since anything had happened, and Sandi was going stir crazy. During the day, she was allowed to go down and work in the restaurant with Danny constantly watching her. The nights were getting harder. At first, it was fun. They watched movies from her DVD collection or shows they liked on TV. They laughed and joked like old friends, sometimes they even made out a little. When Danny had a shift, his brother Miles or one of the other deputies would come to watch over her. It was getting old fast.

Whoever it was that had done those things was gone, it was over. She was convinced that it was all over. She wanted her life back, and she was going to get it. She went to the one person who she knew could help her escape her prison. The one person who knew the Sherriff and his deputies well enough to get them to back off and if not, then to escape them.



Jade sat in the back office with Traci as they poured over ideas for the reception. Since they were little they had planned a double wedding together. They even had the old scrapbook out they had put together way back when, it was full of cutouts from magazines. They giggled as they looked at the dresses and decorations they had picked out at a young age for their wedding.

"What were we thinking? Fuchsia is not a color scheme!" Jade giggled as Traci pointed to the gaudy bridesmaids’ dresses as well.

"It seems we were going to go with the bright orange bridesmaids’ dresses and the neon green tablecloths!" Traci busted out laughing. She couldn't believe the bright colors they had picked out. It was obvious that the neon colors had been the fashion back then.
Well, they weren’t now
. Although she did think the bride’s dress she had picked out was cute but not what she wanted today.

"Man, we had issues," Jade said shaking her head.

Traci agreed. Then she got serious and looked at Jade. "So, what are we going to do about Sandi? I spoke to her this morning, and she was so down. Nothing has happened in over two weeks, and the boys won't let it go, or rather, won't let her go."

Jade grunted, "They never do. What we have here is a case of my brothers not knowing when to chill. Again. Danny is wound tight, and he doesn't even realize they are both so in love with each other, they don't even see anyone else around them. Zach said he has tried to talk to him, but Danny says that nothing has changed. He's in such denial."

"Sandi needs a break, a girls' night out. When and where? And how do we get her away from Danny?" Traci asked.

For the next hour, the wedding was set aside, and the girls hashed out their plan. Sandi was breakin’ out.



It was Friday night, and the JT's was hopping. Jade had booked a band from Denver that was popular, and it seemed everyone had turned out to hear them. Sandi was helping bus tables and taking orders in between. At one point, Jade and Traci got her attention and asked her to take a break with them in the back. Jade told Danny it was a girls only. He shrugged and went back out to sit with Jared and Zach, who were laughing and drinking a beer.

Sandi went into Jade and Traci's office and collapsed on the couch. "Man, it’s busy tonight. My feet are killing me!"

"Sandi, I don't think we tell you often enough how much we appreciate you and what you do for us. You are so wonderful. We have never made a better decision than to make you manager. You were the best choice. Thank you," Traci told her as she sat on the couch next to her.

Jade leaned on the desk facing the two girls, and said, "I second that, you are the best! I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't come along. You have allowed me to have time with my man, which is most important, in his training and Traci has time with Jared, ew, not going there," she said with a wink.

"You guys are too much," Sandi said. "It was fate when I broke down here and found you two. You are my best friends, and I love you and I’m so happy that you both have finally found happiness." Although she meant every word she said, she felt a twinge when she said it. She wanted to be happy like her friends, she wanted forever with her man. That wasn’t to be it seemed.

"Well, we are here to help. We know that with all the crazy business you have been having, being cooped up can drive you nuts. Don't forget what I went through not that long ago. I know how it is," Traci said. Everyone knew now that she could handle herself after what happened to her, she was one tough cookie with a flame!

"Yeah, we have a plan to give you some time out," Jade told her. "We are going to sneak you to Denver with us, so we can let loose and have some fun. Frank and Evan are even going to come, too."

Sandi grinned when she heard that she might get a night of freedom. She loved Frank and Evan as well. She was so excited to be able to go out and have some fun with her friends. "That's great, what do you mean, plan? Doesn't Jared and Danny know about this?" She saw Jade grimace and look at Traci.

Traci answered, "Well, not exactly. They are still trying to find out who did this to you. We can tell you are going stir crazy and thought a little sneak out couldn't hurt. So what do you say, are you in?"

Sandi thought about it for a moment and then said, "Oh, I am so in, when, where, and how?"

Both girls laughed and Jade replied, "Well, here's how we see it..."

They talked for the next fifteen minutes about the plan, including how they would get to Denver and back. Frank and Evan were going to pick them up so the girls only had to distract one of the other deputies. Once they had everything worked out, Sandi went back out to work the tables, and the girls went to their men. Distraction was key. The night was set, tomorrow Sandi would be free.



Sandi finished closing and then turned to see Danny checking the lock on the entrance door.

When he turned, he said, "Ready?"

It seemed they had fallen into a routine of sorts, so she did what she always did and nodded. He walked towards her and placed his hand in the small of her back, guiding her out of the back door. She turned, locked the back door with her key, and then began to go up the stairs with Danny following behind her. When they got to her door, she stepped back knowing he liked to go first and check it out. Inwardly she snorted, as if anything had changed from every other night for the past two weeks, no one was there. She walked in when he motioned ‘all clear’ and went into the kitchen to get some aspirin and a glass of water. After taking the medicine, she went to her room to put on her comfy clothes and get ready for bed. She couldn't go to bed yet, she had a discussion she had to have first.

She walked into the living room, and Danny was sitting on the couch with his head laid against the back of it. "We need to talk," she said without preamble.

He lifted his head up and looked right at her. "Don't even say it. We are not getting into this tonight, sunshine. You know the deal, until he is caught someone will be with you at all times."

She stomped her foot and then said, "This is ludicrous! Nothing has happened in over two weeks! I am a grown woman, damn it! I am tired of this shit, it's not necessary at this point. There are other issues in this town that all of you should be dealing with, like helping your brother find the people after Paige."

"We are doing all we can to keep everyone in this town safe and that includes you, sunshine. Don't worry, we will find him soon, and then you will be free of me." Danny was stunned when he said that, he didn’t like the feeling that went through him. He knew that in the last two weeks he had learned a lot about Sandi he hadn't known before. She was fun to be around for one thing, he didn't get irritated with her like he thought might happen after being around a woman 24/7. He felt like they had grown close, like friends, well, maybe friends with a little benefit.

"I know you are," Sandi said bringing Danny's attention back to the conversation. "But I want my life back, such as it was, I want to be able to go out and walk around town, shop, do whatever. Whoever did this is long gone." She paced back and forth in front of him. She knew this couldn't go on much longer, being this close to Danny was driving her crazy.

Danny stood up, walked to her, placed his hands on her shoulders, and flashed her one of his boyish grins. "You getting tired of me, sunshine? Want me to go? That hurts."

"You know that’s not what I mean, Danny, and you know this isn’t good for us. You need to be out there looking for the next girl to schlep around, and I need my freedom," she replied with a shake of her head. She needed to go to bed but with Danny's hands on her, she was on fire.

Danny studied her face for a moment and then said, "Is that what you think? I want to go out and find some girl? That couldn't be farther from the truth, I don't want another girl. I mean, I am fine with you at the moment. I don't need to go out."

She began to turn as if to go, Danny didn't want her to go. He leaned in and lightly brushed his lips over hers.

She turned her face up instantly. Danny brought his lips down on hers and kissed her the way he’d wanted to from the moment he’d met her. No more sweetness, no more dancing around the subject, this was it, what he wanted, he devoured her. His mouth ate at hers hungrily, his tongue invading the moment she opened her lips. He swept in and tangled their tongues together in a merry dance. He wanted her like he hadn’t wanted anyone before. All the gorgeous women he’d fucked in the past couldn’t hold a candle to the way she made him feel, as if he was the only man in the world.

Before he knew it he was pushing her back against the bed until they fell together tangled in each other’s arms. He pulled at their clothes until they were deliciously naked, moving together to feel each other’s bodies.

He let his hands find her breasts, and his mouth followed close behind. He popped a pink nipple in his mouth and sucked, delighting in the way she groaned and moved beneath him. His hips pumped against hers.

“Danny,” she moaned his name again and again.

“Do you want me, sugar?” He needed to hear her say it.

“Oh yeah.” Her eyes pleaded with him.

He pulled back so he could get a good look at her, and her eyes widened as she took in his cock.

“Wow,” Sandi said in a breathy little voice that did amazing things for his ego. Her small hand came out and touched him. He stared at the sight. He had always been fascinated with her hands. Now they ran across his cock, making him feel more alive than he had in a long time.

“Danny, I’m on the pill,” she whispered.

It was all he needed. He’d had a physical and hadn’t ever had sex without a condom before. He wanted her with nothing in between them. He pushed her hands away and lined his cock up with her soaked pussy. He pulled her legs around his hips to open her up and started to push his way in.

Tight. She was so tight around him. She was a vise on his cock. He had to move carefully, advancing and retreating in a maddening dance. He wanted so badly to shove himself in balls deep, but he wouldn’t hurt her for the world. It was her first time, but he couldn’t think beyond the fact that he finally was inside her.

“It feels so good, Danny.” Her nails found the bare skin of his ass and sank in, urging him on.

“It feels right,” he heard himself say. He shoved against her and sighed, as he finally was as deep as he could go. Hot, delicious pussy surrounded every inch of his cock. He held himself steady, allowing her to accept him. The muscles of her pussy quivered around his cock.

Sandi’s throaty plea cut through the silence. “If you don’t move soon, I’m going to kick your ass.”

He was more than willing to give her what she wanted. Danny pulled out until just the head of his cock rested in her pussy and then slammed back in. And he was off. All thoughts besides fucking her were blasted from his brain. She was everything in that moment. He was surrounded with her. The touch of her skin against his, the smell of their passion mingling together, the sound of her breath as she pushed against him, and became increasing aroused. It was basic, out of control, and perfect. She was everything he’d ever wanted.

“Oh, Danny, Danny. It feels so…I…” she stopped trying to talk. Every muscle in her body seemed to tighten, and she cried out. Her legs clamped down on his hips, her pelvis thrust up.

Danny followed her. He let himself go. He pounded away at her until his balls drew up, and it was impossible to hold off the inevitable. He came in a ball of flames. He pumped into her, thinking the whole time that there was never going to be anyone as good as Sandi again in his life.

He fell forward, shocked at how his heart was still pounding. This was supposed to be a simple affair, but he wasn’t satisfied. He wanted something more, something he’d never had before. Shit, he knew what it was, but he was not going to say the words.

“I love you,” her words were whispered as her fingers sank into his hair. He felt her lips on his head as she slowly drifted to sleep.

Danny lay there, unwilling to wake her, but his mind raced all night.

What the hell had he done?

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