A Christmas to Love You

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Authors: Megan Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Holidays

BOOK: A Christmas to Love You
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Copyright © 2014 by Megan Smith Production LLC.

All Rights Reserved.


This book may not be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.


Cover Design:
Sommer Stein, Perfect Pear Creative




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“Maybe Christmas,” the Grinch though, “doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas,…perhaps… means a little bit more.”


~ Dr. Seuss


Chapter One - MacKenzie McCormick

Chapter Two - Hunter McCormick

Chapter Three - Hailey Taylor

Chapter Four - Mason Cahill

Cnapter Five - Chloe Cahill

Cnapter Six - Jackson Cahill

Cbapter Seven - Elle Cahill

Chapter Eight - Andrew Cahill

Chapter Nine - Elle Cahill

Chapter Ten - Sadie McCormick

Chapter Eleven - Coooper Cahill

Chapter Twelve - Jaylinn McComick

Other Books by Megan Smith

Sneak Peek at Finding Ours




“CC,” Hunter yells up the stairs. I pull a shirt over my head quickly trying to get dressed. I should have been up two hours ago but my remarkable husband let me sleep in since he had today off and now I’m rushing around trying to get out of the house so we can go Christmas shopping for the kids. His mom, Sadie, said that she would come over and watch them for us so we can try and finish up. We won’t get it all done but at least we can finish the kids and then all we will have to worry about are my parents and his mom.

“Coming,” I yell back looking under the bed for my other black knee high boot but it’s not there. “Damn it.” I mutter to myself climbing to my feet and hobbling with my one boot on over to the closet.

“Ugh,” I say throwing shoes over my shoulder to Hunter’s side of the closet. It now officially looks like a tornado came through here. “Where the hell is it?” I say throwing the last shoe over my shoulder. I sit down on my ass and lean against the dresser in defeat. “I know I saw it in here.”

I hear giggling behind me and turn my head to find my sexy as sin husband holding our daughter in his arms with one of her little legs in my boot.

“Looking for this?” Hunter says with a smirk on his face holding our daughter’s leg out in front of him.

“Seriously?” I know I should have checked Olivia’s room, the one-year-old diva herself is already stealing my shoes. Huffing, I look around my closet at the mess I’ve made.

Hunter chuckles and it sends tingles down my spine, annoyance quickly fades away. “She came crawling into the living room with it on. I figured since you weren’t down there yet and I could hear stomping around that you were probably looking for it.”

I slip the boot off of Olivia’s little leg and start to tickle her. “You little munchkin, you’re going to make your mommy go crazy.”

Olivia laughs and wiggles away from me. Hunter lifts her and puts her on his shoulders. “Don’t worry, princess, daddy will save you.”

I roll my eyes and push Hunter away. “Don’t worry daddy will save you.” I mock him.

He laughs. “Jealous, baby?”

“Ha, jealous? Never. I got my baby boy downstairs.” I pick up my boot and slip it on then grab my jacket off the bed. I should probably make the bed but then think better of it and decide to say screw it and leave it a mess.

Ryder comes running into our room. “Where you goin’?” Ryder asks.

I reach down picking Ryder up. “Mommy and daddy are running out for a little bit. Grandma Sadie is going to stay with you.”

The doorbell dings at the perfect time. “See, there she is now. Want to go let her in?”

Ryder squirms until I let him down and then the second his feet hit the floor he is running to the door. Thankfully, he hasn’t figured out that you have to unlock both the handle and deadbolt before the door will open but I have to give him an A for effort as he tries.

I glance over my shoulder and see that sexy as hell dimple on Hunter’s right cheek as he smirks at me knowing full well that I just got dissed by my baby boy for excitement of seeing his grandma who will smother him and spoil them both rotten the entire time she is here.

I huff. “Are you ready yet?”

Hunter sets Olivia down on the bed and stalks over to me where he takes my jacket from my arms and holds it out for me to slip my arms into it. Hunter turns me around to face him. Those bright blue eyes of his turns me to mush. He reaches down and zippers my jacket for me then leans down and right before he kisses me he whispers. “I’m always ready for you, CC, and if mom hadn’t just shown up, I’d show you exactly how quickly I can get you ready.”

And now I need to change my panties. With my heart thumping erratically he kisses me, the slow, drugging kisses that I fucking love. Our sex life has been pretty non-existent now that we have a two year old and an almost one year old. I wouldn’t change a second of what we have for anything in the world but I miss my damn husband. Hunter leaves early in the morning and that’s when we normally get our alone time as long as we don’t have one of the kids in our bed, which is a hit or miss on any given night. Hunter’s pretty good at knowing when I need him so even in those early mornings that he has to get up for work he wakes me and asks me to shower with him. It may only be twenty minutes but those twenty minutes are enough for me, for us. The rest of the day is filled with getting Ryder to preschool, entertaining Olivia, school work, cooking, cleaning, baths and bedtime. By the time the kids are asleep I’m exhausted and so is Hunter from working. We try at least once a month to have a date night. Some of those nights consist of sleeping and nothing else and sometimes those nights consist of those heart-stopping moments that never feel long enough.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish, lover boy.” I say kissing his lips once more.

I go to take a step back but Hunter reaches out and pulls me back to him, chest to chest. “I never have a problem finishing, CC.” Then he lowers his lips to mine and reminds me that he never does have a problem with anything that he does to me but we have to get out of here or we’ll never leave and as much as I don’t want to we

“Mommy!” Ryder yells from downstairs and the doorbell dings again.

“Shit,” I say tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “You distracted me and your poor mom is outside waiting for us to let her in.”

Hunter’s face splits into a wide grin. He is proud of himself for making me forget what I was doing.

“Go let your mom in. Olivia and I will meet you downstairs in a second.” I reach down and grab Olivia. Hunter nods and heads downstairs to let his mom in. I need a second to get myself under control before I pounce on my poor husband in front of his mother and embarrass myself. You’d think after all this time that I’d be able to control myself but that man just has that something that gets me all fired up whenever he looks at me.

I step into the bathroom and place Olivia down on the sink and fix her ponytail. “What am I going to do with your daddy, huh?”

She tries to grab the brush from me and squirms. She hates when anyone but Hunter touches her hair. After I get it fixed up I pick her back up and head downstairs.

Olivia and I meet everyone in the living room where I can set Olivia down and know she’s safe with all the baby gates in place. Hunter and his mom are whispering in the corner and Ryder is playing with his trucks banging them into the couch. When Hunter and his mom notice me they both smile. I return it hesitantly not liking the looks on their faces, you know the cat that got the canary sort of look. Sadie hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. “Looking as stunning as ever.”

I eye her suspiciously. Something is going on but I can’t put my finger on it just yet. When Ryder notices I’m in the room he runs over to me and wraps his little arms around my legs. “Love you mommy.”

I bend down so I’m eye level. “Love you too, Monkey.”

“Ready to go?” Hunter asks with Olivia in his arms.

I stand up on my tiptoes and kiss her forehead. “Love you, Liv.”

Hunter kisses Olivia on her forehead before placing her down next to her brother. “Bye buddy, I’ll see you later.”

“Bye dad.” Ryder says already back to playing with his trucks.

“Bye mom.” Hunter says over his shoulder ushering me out of the living room.

When we get to the front door I notice two bags, our overnight bags to be specific. With my eyebrows raised I ask, “Are we going somewhere?”

Hunter nods while reaching down for the bags. “Yup, we’re going to Atlantic City for the weekend. Mom’s staying over with the kids.”

My jaw damn near hits the floor. Hunter and I rarely spend the night away from the kids much less an entire weekend. “Really?”

Hunter leans down and captures my lips once more melting me to the core. “Yes babe, really. Merry Christmas to us.”

I cannot believe Hunter planned this on his own, for me, for us. All I see is loads of sex with this man over the next twenty-four hours. Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.

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