A Clash of Kings (124 page)

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Authors: George R. R. Martin

BOOK: A Clash of Kings
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—JACKS, QUENT, SHADD, guardsmen under Mollen’s command,

—SER WENDEL MANDERLY, second son to the Lord of White Harbor,

—PATREK MALLISTER, heir to Seagard,

—DACEY MORMONT, eldest daughter of Lady Maege and heir to BearIsland,

—JON UMBER, called the SMALLJON,


—his squire, OLYVAR FREY, eighteen,

—the household at Riverrun:

—MAESTER LUWIN, counselor, healer, and tutor,

—SER DESMOND GRELL, master-at-arms,

—SER ROBIN RYGER, captain of the guard,


—UTHERYDES WAYN, steward of Riverrun,


—the household at Winterfell:

—MAESTER LUWIN, counselor, healer, and tutor,

—SER RODRIK CASSEL, master-at-arms,

—BETH, his young daughter,

—WALDER FREY, called BIG WALDER, a ward of Lady Catelyn, eight years of age,

—WALDER FREY, called LITTLE WALDER, a ward of Lady Catelyn, also eight,

—SEPTON CHAYLE, keeper of the castle sept and library,

—JOSETH, master of horse,

—BANDY and SHYRA, his twin daughters,

—FARLEN, kennelmaster,

—PALLA, a kennel girl,

—OLD NAN, storyteller, once a wet nurse, now very aged,

—HODOR, her great-grandson, a simpleminded stableboy,

—GAGE, the cook,

—TURNIP, a pot girl and scullion,

—OSHA, a wildling woman taken captive in the wolfswood, serving as kitchen drudge,

—MIKKEN, smith and armorer,


—CALON, TOM, children of guardsmen,

—his lords bannermen and commanders:

—(with Robb at Riverrun)

—JON UMBER, called the GREATJON,

—RICKARD KARSTARK, Lord of Karhold,

—GALBART GLOVER, of Deepwood Motte,

—MAEGE MORMONT, Lady of BearIsland,

—SER STEVRON FREY, eldest son of Lord Walder Frey and heir to the Twins,

—Ser Stevron’s eldest son, SER RYMAN FREY,

—Ser Ryman’s son, BLACK WALDER FREY,

—MARTYN RIVERS, a bastard son of Lord Walder Frey,

—(with Roose Bolton’s host at the Twins),

—ROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort, commanding the larger part of the northern host,

—ROBETT GLOVER, of Deepwood Motte,

—WALDER FREY, Lord of the Crossing,

—SER HEIMAN TALLHART, of Torrhen’s Square,


â”prisoners of Lord Tywin Lannister),


â”ARRION KARSTARK, sole surviving son of Lord Rickard,

â”ER WYLIS MANDERLY, heir to WhiteHarbor,


â”in the field or at their own castles),

â”YMAN DARRY, a boy of eight,

â”HELLA WHENT, Lady of Harrenhal, dispossessed of her castle by Lord Tywin Lannister,

â”ASON MALLISTER, Lord of Seagard,

â”ONOS BRACKEN, Lord of the Stone Hedge,

â”YTOS BLACKWOOD, Lord of Raventree,




â”is lord bannermen and castellans in the north:

â”YMAN MANDERLY, Lord of WhiteHarbor,

â”OWLAND REED of Greywater Watch, a crannogman,

â”owlandâ™ daughter, MEERA, a maid of fifteen,

â”owlandâ™ son, JOJEN, a boy of thirteen,

â”ADY DONELLA HORNWOOD, a widow and grieving mother,

â”LEY CERWYN, Lord Medgerâ™ heir, a boy of fourteen,

â”EOBALD TALLHART, younger brother to Ser Helman, castellan at Torrhenâ™ Square,

â”eobaldâ™ wife, BERENA of House Hornwood,

â”eobaldâ™ son, BRANDON, a boy of fourteen,

â”eobaldâ™ son, BEREN, a boy of ten,

â”er Helmanâ™ son, BENFRED, heir to Torrhenâ™ Square,

â”er Helmanâ™ daughter, EDDARA, a maid of nine,

â”ADY SYBELLE, wife to Robett Glover, holding Deepwood Motte in his absence,

â”obettâ™ son, GAWEN, three, heir to Deepwood,

â”obettâ™ daughter, ERENA, a babe of one,

â”ARENCE SNOW, a bastard son of Lord Hornwood, aged twelve, ward of Galbart Glover,

â”ORS CROWFOOD and HOTHER WHORESBANE of House Umber, uncles to the Greatjon,

â”ADY LYESSA FLINT, mother to Robin,

â”NDREW LOCKE, Lord of Oldcastle, an old man.

The banner of the King in the North remains as it has for thousands of years: the grey direwolf of the Starks of Winterfell, running across an ice-white field.

The Queen
Across The Water

DAENERYS TARGARYEN, called Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons,
of the Dothraki, and First of Her Name, sole surviving child of King Aerys II Targaryen by his sister/wife, Queen Rhaella, a widow at fourteen years,

â”er new-hatched dragons, DROGON, VISERION, RHAEGAL,

â”er brothers:

â”RHAEGAR}, Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, slain by King Robert on the Trident,

â”RHAENYS}, Rhaegarâ™ daughter by Elia of Dorne, murdered during the Sack of Kingâ™ Landing,

â”AEGON}, Rhaegarâ™ son by Elia of Dorne, murdered during the Sack of Kingâ™ Landing,

â”VISERYS}, styling himself King Viserys, the Third of His Name, called the Beggar King, slain in Vaes Dothrak by the hand of Khal Drogo,

â”er husband {DROGO}, a
of the Dothraki, died of wounds gone bad,

â”RHAEGO}, stillborn son of Daenerys and Khal Drogo, slain in the womb by Mirri Maz Duur,

â”er Queensguard:

â”ER JORAH MORMONT, an exile knight, once Lord of Bear Island,

and bloodrider, the whip,

and bloodrider, the bow,

and bloodrider, the

â”er handmaids:

â”RRI, a Dothraki girl,

â”HIQUI, a Dothraki girl,

â”OREAH, a Lyseni slave, formerly a whore,

â”he three seekers:

â”ARO XHOAN DAXOS, a merchant prince of Qarth,

â”YAT PREE, a warlock of Qarth,

â”UAITHE, a masked shadowbinder of Asshai,

â”LLYRIO MOPATIS, a magister of the Free City of Pentos, who arranged to wed Daenerys to Khal Drogo and conspired to restore Viserys to the Iron Throne.

The banner of the Targaryens is the banner of Aegon the Conqueror, who conquered six of Seven Kingdoms, founded the dynasty, and made the Iron Throne from the swords of his conquered enemies: a three-headed dragon, red on black.

House Arryn

House Arryn declared for none of the rival claimants at the outbreak of the war, and kept its strength back to protect the Eyrie and the Vale of Arryn. The Arryn sigil is the moon-and-falcon, white, upon a sky-blue field. The Arryn words are
As High As Honor

ROBERT ARRYN, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East, a sickly boy of eight years,

—his mother, LADY LYSA, of House Tully, third wife and widow of {Lord Jon Arryn}, late Hand of the King, and sister to Catelyn Stark,

—his household:

—MAESTER COLEMON, counselor, healer, and tutor,

—SER MARWYN BELMORE, captain of guards,

—LORD NESTOR ROYCE, High Steward of the Vale,

—Lord Nestor’s son, SER ALBAR,

—MYA STONE, a bastard girl in his service, natural daughter of King Robert,

—MORD, a brutal gaoler,

—MARILLION, a young singer,

—his lords bannermen, suitors, and retainers:


—Lord Yohn’s eldest son, SER ANDAR,

—Lord Yohn’s second son, SER ROBAR, in service to King Renly, Robar the Red of the Rainbow Guard,

—Lord Yohn’s youngest son, {SER WAYMAR}, a man of the Night’s Watch, lost beyond the Wall,

—LORD NESTOR ROYCE, brother of Lord Yohn, High Steward of the Vale,

—Lord Nestor’s son and heir, SER ALBAR,

—Lord Nestor’s daughter, MYRANDA,

—SER LYN CORBRAY, a suitor to Lady Lysa,

—MYCHEL REDFORT, his squire,


—Lady Anya’s eldest son and heir, SER MORTON, a suitor to Lady Lysa,

—Lady Anya’s second son, SER DONNEL, the Knight of the Gate,

—EON HUNTER, Lord of Longbow Hall, an old man, and a suitor to Lady Lysa.

House Florent

The Florents of Brightwater Keep are sworn bannermen to Highgarden, and followed the Tyrells in declaring for King Renly. They also k1ept a foot in the other camp, however, since Stannis’s queen is a Florent, and her uncle the castellan of Dragonstone. The sigil of House Florent shows a fox head in a circle of flowers.

ALESTER FLORENT, Lord of Brightwater,

—his wife, LADY MELARA, of House Crane,

—their children:

—ALEKYNE, heir to Brightwater,

—MELESSA, wed to Lord Randyll Tarly,

—RHEA, wed to Lord Leyton Hightower,

—his siblings:

—SER AXELL, castellan of Dragonstone,

—{SER RYAM}, died in a fall from a horse,

—Ser Ryam’s daughter, QUEEN SELYSE, wed to King Stannis,

—Ser Ryam’s eldest son and heir, SER IMRY,

—Ser Ryam’s second son, SER ERREN,


—Colin’s daughter, DELENA, wed to SER HOSMAN NORCROSS,

—Delena’s son, EDRIC STORM, a bastard fathered by King Robert,

—Delena’s son, ALESTER NORCROSS,

—Delena’s son, RENLY NORCROSS,

—Colin’s son, MAESTER OMER, in service at Old Oak,

—Colin’s son, MERRELL, a squire on the Arbor,

—his sister, RYLENE, wed to Ser Rycherd Crane.

House Frey

Powerful, wealthy, and numerous, the Freys are bannermen to House Tully, their swords sworn to the service of Riverrun, but they have not always been diligent in performing their duty. When Robert Baratheon met Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident, the Freys did not arrive until the battle was done, and thereafter Lord Hoster Tully always called Lord Walder “the Late Lord Frey.” Lord Frey agreed to support the cause of the King in the North only after Robb Stark agreed to a betrothal, promising to marry one of his daughters or granddaughters after the war was done. Lord Walder has known ninety-one name days, but only recently took his eighth wife, a girl seventy years his junior. It is said of him that he is the only lord in the Seven Kingdoms who could field an army out of his breeches.

WALDER FREY, Lord of the Crossing,

—by his first wife, {LADY PERRA, of House Royce}:

—SER STEVRON, heir to the Twins,

—m. {Corenna Swann, died of a wasting illness},

—Stevron’s eldest son, SER RYMAN,

—Ryman’s son, EDWYN1, wed to Janyce Hunter,

—Edwyn’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of eight,

—Ryman’s son, WALDER, called BLACK WALDER,

—Ryman’s son, PETYR, called PETYR PIMPLE,

—m. Mylenda Caron,

—Petyr’s daughter, PERRA, a girl of five,

—m. {Jeyne Lydden, died in a fall from a horse},

—Stevron’s son, AEGON, a halfwit called JINGLEBELL,

—Stevron’s daughter, {MAEGELLE, died in childbed},

—m. Ser Dafyn Vance,

—Maegelle’s daughter, MARIANNE, a maiden,

—Maegelle’s son, WALDER VANCE, a squire,

—Maegelle’s son, PATREK VANCE,

—m. {Marsella Waynwood, died in childbed},

—Stevron’s son, WALTON, w. Deana Hardyng,

—Walton’s son, STEFFON, called THE SWEET,

—Walton’s daughter, WALDA, called FAIR WALDA,

—Walton’s son, BRYAN, a squire,

—SER EMMON, m. Genna of House Lannister,

—Emmon’s son, SER CLEOS, m. Jeyne Darry,

—Cleos’s son, TYWIN, a squire of eleven,

—Cleos’s son, WILLEM, a page at Ashemark,

—Emmon’s son, SER LYONEL, m. Melesa Crakehall,

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