A Contract Bride's Triple Surprise (7 page)

Read A Contract Bride's Triple Surprise Online

Authors: Reece Butler

Tags: #Menage Everlasting, #Menage a Quatre (m/m/m/f), #Inc., #Siren-BookStrand

BOOK: A Contract Bride's Triple Surprise
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When she didn’t move, he curled his longest finger. It pressed against her tight little asshole. Who would budge first? She didn’t let him go, so he wiggled it, pushing against her tight hole. Still, she didn’t release him.

He reached a long arm around her hip and pulled her toward his finger. She shivered when it penetrated through her hole. He pulsed it in and out, just enough to give her an idea of what it was all about. She liked the drawing of three men, did she? How close had she looked?

“One of the men fills her pussy,” he whispered. He used her bad ear on purpose. “When he pulls back, another fills her ass. Like my finger, only bigger. Deeper.”

She shuddered but otherwise didn’t move.

“They work together, filling her back and front. Making her so wild she knows nothing else but their touch. The third man plays with her breasts or, if she’s really eager, she sucks his cock.”

Her chest heaved as she sucked air in and pressed it out.

“A pussy is made for a man’s cock. But your ass is special.”

He pushed through to the first knuckle. All he needed was an inch to convince her.

“See how much more you feel?”

He twisted his finger, flexing it at the same time. She kept up enough pressure, clenching her butt cheeks to let him know she wanted his right hand there. He moved his left to her pussy. Using the same long, strong finger, he played with her clit. She moaned.

“You want to have two men in you, don’t you, Amy?”

He continued to work her, front and back, imitating what he spoke of while she decided whether to answer him or not. He pushed deeper, to his second knuckle. She tilted her ass to give him more access.


“Yes,” she panted. “But it’s wrong!”

He rewarded her answer by caressing her clit. She’d come twice already, yet her pussy begged for more.

“Nothing that feels good is wrong, as long as no one is hurt. I would never let a stranger touch you.” He kissed her ear and nibbled down her throat. She tilted her head to encourage him. “But Nevin is my brother.”


“We’re a lot alike, Nev and me. We share a bedroom. Now that I’m married, he’ll feel left out if he’s not invited to join us.”

He moved so the heel of his hand rubbed her clit and his fingers pressed into her pussy. She trembled under his hands. If she hadn’t been holding onto the edge of the tub, she might have collapsed at his feet.

“Nevin is an ass man, and you have one fine ass, Amy.”

He twisted that finger, slowly pulsing in and out. She panted even faster. He sped up both hands. If he hadn’t just come twice, there was no way in hell he could have kept control like this.

“Someday, when you’re ready, I’d like to see you ride my cock. You’ll lean over to take Nevin in your ass.” She moaned as he worked her, front and back. “You’ll be so hot you’ll buck against him, demanding what you want. We’ll make you come hard, then we’ll explode deep inside you, front and back.”

She shook as he pressed deeper, faster. He curled his fingers up against the front of her pussy, searching for that soft, spongy place. When she gasped, he knew he’d found it.

“You want that, Amy? You want to take both of us?” She groaned and shook. “Tell the truth, Amy. Yes or no?”

She threw her head back. “Yes!”

“That’s it, princess.”

He pressed hard against her clit with the heel of his hand and damn near lifted her off her feet as he probed. She convulsed and fell apart in his arms. He couldn’t tell the color of the orgasmic flush that erupted over her breasts. He held her as she shuddered then gently released her to sit in the cool water.

He was breathing damn near as hard as she. If anyone looked at him, they’d be shocked at the shit-eating grin that he knew covered his face. Hell, Gil would wonder what had happened to turn stone-face Ross into Nevin.

She lay back in the tub, eyes shut, breasts heaving. She was such a tiny thing that she barely took up any space. He gauged the level of water and decided it was close enough. He put his hands under her arms and lifted her to her feet. She gave him a dazed look but managed to stand. He stepped in behind her, sat down, and eased her into his lap.

He congratulated himself on his eye. The water was at least half an inch from overflowing. He tugged her against him. She relaxed, limp as a wet shirt. When he moved his arms to wash his hands, her breasts bobbed in the water. He pressed one underwater and released it. It rose and floated once more. He chuckled.

The tub at home was not much bigger than this one. He’d speak with John Tanner in the morning. He wanted one twice the size, with a drain in the bottom. They were thinking of expanding the house, and a bathroom was something he would insist on. Once he explained to Nevin why, he was sure he’d get two votes.

“Sleep now,” murmured Amelia.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her snug. When he was sure she was asleep, he kissed the top of her head. If three explosions hadn’t proven to Amelia that she should stay with him, he didn’t know what would. He rested his hand on her belly. Had they already created a child? It took Gil and Prue over two years to start Hope. She was sickly, though. Beth’s son James was born nine months after they were forced to marry.

He’d forgotten that neither Beth nor Trace chose each other. Looking at them now, with Trace’s son James going full speed and Beth working on giving Simon a daughter, no one would know they’d had a rocky start.

But he wasn’t like Trace. They both had a few rough years, but Trace didn’t have a blood oath hanging over his head. Ross could dream all he liked, but a happy-ever-after like the Elliotts had wasn’t in his cards. He’d do his duty and start a babe with Amelia and enjoy every damn minute of it. That didn’t mean he loved her as Trace did Beth.

Once Amelia saw Nevin and he saw her bare ass, the two of them would be thick as thieves. Nev would seduce her with flowers, words, and kisses. He was a smooth talker, something Ross admired but couldn’t do. While those two snuggled together, he’d take care of his duty to his tribe.

But first, he had to do his duty to the Clan, and that meant Amelia bringing his son into the world. If he survived killing the three men who stained his soul, maybe Amelia would accept him back. If not, he’d lost nothing.

He stood up and gathered Amelia in his arms. She settled against his chest as if she trusted him with her life. He liked having her there, but he couldn’t let her know that. He laid her in the bed and dried her off, then rolled her to the other side of the bed. By the time he was ready to sleep, his side might not be damp.

He stood at the window for a long time, his mind blank.

Chapter Six

Amelia lay on her right side, still half asleep. Parts of her body she’d never known existed ached. They didn’t hurt so much as demand she not forget them. Ross had shown her things that, even half asleep, made her blush. Surely, some of what she remembered doing was a dream. No man would share his wife with his brother.

Except Trace Elliott.

Prue had said in pen and ink that Beth shared herself with all three Elliott men. She’d had wild dreams for many nights after receiving that letter. Since she wasn’t really sure what one man did with a woman, she was hazy on the idea of three.

Then she found that book. After staring at the pictures until her lamp grew dim, she’d slammed the book shut. She’d wrapped it in a couple of petticoats, locked it in her valise, and gone to bed. Ever since, she’d been travelling and had to sit, fully dressed, on hard benches. When she fell into the hotel bed, she’d barely touched her breast before she fell asleep.

Tonight, Ross had shown her that the dreams she’d thought so wicked were nothing compared to what a determined man could do. She flushed at what he’d done with her. Not only had he made her cry out in bed, but he’d done things with his hands while she stood up in a tub, for goodness’ sake! She couldn’t remember what they spoke of, only that she wanted whatever he promised. She’d come close to never knowing this pleasure. Not just the touch that made her scream, but the arms now holding her snug against his warm back.

If this is what her sister felt, no wonder Prue didn’t want to return East. Her sister might have lived a few lonely years longer if she moved far from Montana winters, but it wouldn’t make up for the glorious but shorter life with her Gillis.

Would Ross care for her as Gillis had Prue? If her husband wanted only her ability to work and produce heirs, perhaps Nevin or Gillis would become a friend to her. She sighed. It wasn’t something she would learn tonight or for many weeks.

Giving up on sleeping, she opened her eyes. The moon shone straight in, allowing enough light to see by. Ross mumbled something and pulled her close, his left hand grasping her right breast. He felt solid and secure, a bulkhead against the world.

She looked at the arm holding her. A brown, mostly hairless arm. When she saw his dark skin earlier, she thought it was a trick of the light. The moon shone full on the arm resting against her body. She was white. He was…not.

Why would a Scotsman named Ross MacDougal be dark? He shifted, and the moonlight flooded his body. He was far darker than any tan. She glanced down to confirm he was the same color all over. She could see him taking off his shirt to work, but not his pants. Even the exhausted cock lying against his thigh was dark.

While Prue said Gillis had red hair sprouting from almost everywhere, Ross had very little. Other than his head and under his arms, the only hair she’d noticed was the curls that hid the base of his cock. Dark skin and little body hair.

His mother must be an Indian.

She swallowed as the thought hit her. Sight unseen, she’d married an Indian. She breathed deep in her belly to slow her racing heart. No wonder he’d agreed to meet her in the dark. She glanced over her shoulder. His strong face was handsome with a proud nose and high cheekbones. Both could have come from his Scottish father or Indian mother. He was nothing like her fiancé, the two-legged swine.

But why didn’t Prue tell her about Ross? Did they think she would prefer to live as Cousin Oral’s servant, facing his cutting tongue, anger, and fists? To live in her own home and see him lord it over her?

Ross was better than so many men she’d met before her accident or seen on her journey. The marriage contract she signed said “for better or worse.” From what she’d seen from the window of the Bride Train, she could do worse. Far, far worse.

She knew he was in the room before she woke from her nap. A vibration surrounded him. It made her skin prickle as if a wild August thunderstorm would soon erupt. She’d never spoken to anyone as rudely as she had to him. She’d even ordered him from her room! Instead of raging and beating her as Father would have, he calmly kept on doing what he wanted. Then he did things with her she hadn’t known existed. He made her crave things with an intensity she hoped never faded.

He was her husband, and she would care for him as best she could. God willing, she might have a couple of sons. Maybe then she could believe she had a home that wouldn’t be taken from her. But that was years in the future. She would live as she had for so long—one day at a time. But now, she had wonderful nights to look forward to.

Decision made, she exhaled and settled back against her husband. She was almost asleep when his slow breathing changed. She felt his heart pound against her shoulder. He tried to pull back, but she held tight. Her white fingers stood out against his dark arm.

“The moon’s out, husband, and I can see as well as you now.”

“Then you know I’m a half-breed. My mother is Bannock.”

The words, spat out like a curse, erupted from behind her. “Half-breed” was an ugly word. Her children would be browner than she. She would love them no matter what. She said what her father, fiancé, and others had told her for years.

“And I’m an ugly woman.”

He suddenly pushed her to her back and stared down. Her heart thudded at the sight. Moonlight brushed against his high cheekbones and strong nose. Both could have come from the Scots side of the family. The golden-brown skin was from his mother’s people.

“You’re beautiful in my eyes. No one else matters,” he growled.

She reached up her hand to touch his cheek. She knew the fierceness in his expression was to protect her, not attack. The strength of his muscles proved he could do both very well.

“Your father should thank your mother’s people for the improvement.” She smiled, wanting to banish his scowl. “I expect Gillis burns in the sun. I suspect I will as well if I’m not careful. You, however, don’t need to cover yourself for protection. And neither will our children.”

“Our children.”

She could imagine how people would see his lack of expression as frightening. She knew he used it to hide his feelings. She did the same with her father.

“I signed a contract to marry a MacDougal of the MD ranch. Your signature is also on that paper. If this is a typical small town, everyone knows you are here with me. Though only we know for sure we’ve, um, consummated our marriage.” Heat crept over her chest at the reminder. His lip twitched. His eyes tracked her naked skin.

“The window’s open,” he said, purring like a well-fed mountain lion. “They know. You screamed my name when you came the first time. And the second.”

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