A Crying Shame (45 page)

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Authors: William W. Johnstone

BOOK: A Crying Shame
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We sit on it, sir.”
For how long?”
For just as long as it takes, sir.”
Takes to do what, Mike? Come on ... stop pitty-patting about this; be more specific.”
Mike sighed heavily. It was times like these that made him wonder why he had ever got into police work.
Mike? God help us if the press gets wind of any cover-up. What about that fart-head, Blackwell?”
He's satisfied—for the time being, at least. As much as he's ever satisified.”
He hates your guts, Mike.”
Tell me about it.”
And mine. Screw him! Mike . . . you want a team from the state police?”
Yes. Sundra believes it would be best to get one from out of our district. Keep our troopers out of it for a time, so we don't create suspicions.”
Good idea. I'll have Jeansonne send you his best tach team.”
Then Mike laid it all on the line for the governor, going into detail about Paul Breaux's suspicions about the Links.
There was a long, very heavy silence from Baton Rouge. When Governor Parker spoke, he shouted the words. Mike held the receiver about six inches from his ear.
Good jumping Christ! You mean ... you're telling me ... you believe they're producing human
Parker didn't wait for Mike's reply.
Mike . . . you really believe all you've just told me?” There was a definite note of pure desperation in Parker's voice.

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