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Authors: Kristopher Rufty

A Dark Autumn (7 page)

BOOK: A Dark Autumn
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Groaning, Helen threw up a hand. “Oh, fuck that boyfriend of yours. Who knows what the hell he’s doing while you’re not home. Delivering car parts my ass.” She turned back to Ricky. “Anyway… We can do things to you that most men would only dream about.”

“Helen!” For the first time since his introduction, Ricky had raised his voice. His eyes were narrowed, his brow dented. “I said

“Give me one good reason why we’re not good enough to fuck you.”

“Because I’m gay!”

Chapter Twelve

His shout had silenced them, silenced the woods. His voice reverberated through the trees, bouncing off each one until it became only a faint accent.

Helen was motionless, her mouth agape and her eyes stuck in a scowl as his words slowly smothered her.

I’m gay.

Michelle felt terrible. She liked Ricky, a lot, and hated that he had to reveal such an intimate secret just to get Helen to back off.

A short cough or harsh laugh came from Helen. “You’re wuh-what?”

Ricky sighed. “Gay. A homosexual.”

“A faggot?”

Michelle felt as if she’d been slapped. She couldn’t believe Helen had said that.

“If you have to be so blunt and coldhearted,” said Ricky. “Then yes, I’m a
That’s why I’m declining your offer. I mean no disrespect to any of you, but I’m just not that kind of guy. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, you hear that girls? He’s
.” Helen shook her head. “What’s that old saying? All the good guys are taken? Should be, all the good guys are fags.”

“Helen,” said Michelle. “Stop…”

“Stop what?” She finished off her drink and tossed the empty cup into the fire. It curled, splitting into dripping blue flames as it melted. “Let me ask you something Ricky. When did you know you were

Ricky sighed. “I’ve always known, I suppose.”

“Always? What does that even mean? You were sitting in your high chair, and your Mother was spoon-feeding you and you thought, ‘Wow, if only this was another guy’s cock I’d be in Heaven’.”

Surprisingly, Ricky laughed. “Probably. That sounds like something I might have thought. There was a boy in my neighborhood. Luke. I was about seven at the time, and we played together a
. I guess he was my best friend and my first crush. I can remember wondering what was wrong with me…because as we played with Transformer toys, or G.I. Joes, I just wanted to lean over and kiss him. He moved away, but those feelings I had never went away, they would just be replaced with a different boy in school…or from the neighborhood. Then as I got older, so did my crushes.”

“Wait, wait,” Helen interrupted. “You mean to tell me you’ve never even been with a woman?”

“No. Well…not really, no.”

“Never kissed one? Never even held hands with one?”

Ricky shook his head.

“Then how the hell do you know you’re gay if you’ve never tried?”

He shrugged. “I’ve never wanted to.”

“You’ve never wanted…” Helen threw her hands up. It looked as if she were having a difficult time processing what he was telling her. “So, since you were old enough to comprehend, you’ve wanted to be with boys?”

Ricky laughed. “Yes.”

“Have you been approached by women?”

His mood darkened. “Many times. Forcefully.”


Helen went quiet. Michelle hoped that was the end of it, and that Ricky would excuse himself, go back to his cabin, and maybe they all would forget this by the morning.

She couldn’t have been so lucky.

Helen took a deep breath. “Then prove it.”

Ricky looked confused. “Prove what?”

“Prove that you’re gay.”

“How can I prove that I’m gay? I mean… I have pictures on my cell phone of Ted and I cuddling, but my phone’s back at the cabin.”

“No, you let me do something to you, and if I don’t get a reaction, then I will believe that you’re gay.”

“No deal.”

Please Helen, just stop before you make a bigger fool of yourself and us.
She looked to Amanda and Lucy for support, but realized she wouldn’t get any. They were watching like two eager spectators.

“What have you got to be afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid of anything,” he said. “And I don’t have to prove anything to you.”

“I hear doubt in your voice.”

“There’s no doubt, and I’m done with this conversation.”

Michelle noticed the hump was still in his pants. Even after all of this its size hadn’t dwindled.

“Oh, please,” said Helen. “You’re too drunk to make it back to your cabin on your own. You’d probably fall in the lake and drown if we didn’t help you. But I’m not willing to take you home just yet. After you prove to me that you’re gay, I will.”

As if to prove her wrong, Ricky tried to stand, but his legs took to wobbling and he dropped back down.

Smirking, Helen said, “See what I mean?”

Ricky groaned.

Helen removed her jacket, dropping it across Michelle’s lap. The combined aroma of perfume, lotion and liquor wafted up from the jacket. Helen smelled like someone you’d meet at a club—sweaty, drunk and extremely horny. The shirt she wore underneath was thin with a square gap at the chest. Her breasts jutted up like two bald heads. Before anyone could ask what she was doing, Helen had grabbed her shirt at the bottom, and hiked it over her head. She tossed it on top of the jacket. Wearing only a lacey black bra, she took a breast in each hand.

Helen asked Ricky, “Like what you see?”

Ricky looked at the fire. “You’re a very beautiful woman, Helen, there’s no denying that, but I’ve told you I’m not that way.”

The bra’s material was so thin that in the haze of the campfire it was practically translucent. Helen’s turgid nipples poked against the cups. They were small, the coin around them a light brown. A perfect pair that would have had any man licking his lips, but not Ricky.

“I’m not finished,” Helen told him. “We’re getting there though. I’m not
convinced.” She reached behind her back. There was a snap, then the bra dropped onto her legs, freeing her large breasts. They hadn’t drooped or sagged in the slightest. She cupped her hands around them, massaging them, using her forefinger and thumb to rub her nipples. She gasped. When she spoke again, her voice was quivery. “Now what do you think?”

Ricky wouldn’t look. “Helen… Please. Stop this.”

“Make me.”

Ricky closed his eyes like a parent trying to remain calm with a child who’d just broken something expensive. “Don’t do this. You’re a good person…”

“Am I?” She reached over with one hand and grabbed him by the wrist. Then she pulled his hand to her breast. There was a moment of resistance, but Ricky caved, allowing her to guide his hand. She pressed his hand against her, gasping when his skin touched hers. “Your hands are so warm…”

“If I do this, will you stop?”

“I told you to prove it to me–”


As he began squeezing her breast, Helen moaned. She lowered her hands to his thigh and rubbed. Ricky pinched her nipple which made Helen cry out. She whipped her head back, moaning at the sky.

Although Helen had forced Ricky to do this, and the grimace on his face showed his disgust, Michelle couldn’t stop the rising heat between her legs. She felt something trickle out from her. Glancing to the other two across the fire, she saw the same need in their eyes as well.

Helen’s hands disappeared between Ricky’s legs. “Well, what do we have here? Feels like someone’s enjoying this after all.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

“I’m not.” He stopped. His hands pulled away from Helen’s breasts and locked on her arms. “I’m done.”

They stared at each other.

Michelle stared at Helen’s back. Even from behind she could see the anger growing.

“You’re not done.” Helen clucked her tug in a
manner, tugging at the crotch of his pants until they ripped open. A massive, engorged penis flopped out. It was swollen with Ricky’s pulse apparent in its veined flesh. The head wasn’t proportioned with the shaft, and was like an oversized mushroom cap.

The harmonized gasp from the women solidified its impressive size.

Apparently not wanting to hurt her, Ricky slapped at her hands, trying to push them away as she pawed at him. “Stop, Helen. This has gone far enough…”

“No, no, no.” Helen curled her hands around his penis. “Not yet…” She began lightly stroking it.

Dumbfounded, Michelle observed, her mouth a rounded hole, her eyes wide like spheres. She didn’t know how to stop this. She needed to do
, but could not move. It was as if her feet had sewn roots where they sat.

Neither Lucy nor Amanda was any help, either.

Finally, Ricky must have had enough. He grabbed Helen by the wrist hard enough that she yelled. Then he shoved her. She knocked against Michelle. Both of them tumbled off the log. Michelle landed on her side with Helen dropping hard on her rump, grunting when it struck the cold, unyielding ground.

“I told you to stop!” Ricky stood up, trying to hold the torn flap of his lounge pants in front of his penis. It seemed impossible from its swollen size. His knees looked ready to buckle from too much to drink. “I’m sorry I had to do that, but you wouldn’t listen.”

Wincing, Helen got to her knees. She looked up at Ricky as he scolded her. She listened only another moment before lunging. Her arms wrapped around his waist, spearing him. Ricky’s angered veneer switched to one of shock and surprise as he went down.

He landed on his back with Helen on top.

“What are you doing?” He shouted.

Ignoring him, Helen looked around. “Get his arms!” His flailing appendages struck Helen repeatedly in the face and shoulders. Turning her head, she scrunched up her neck so her arms received the brunt of the blows. “Get his goddamn arms!”

Lucy and Amanda sprung to action, each crouching by an arm, Lucy at the right, Amanda the left. They grabbed at them, but Ricky was too fast, too wild. His hips bucked against Helen, nearly throwing her off, but she squeezed his hips with her thighs, pinning his waist down.

But his legs were still free to kick, which they did.

Michelle watched in confusion and awe. It was easy for someone such as Ricky to underestimate Helen’s strength. In her jacket, she’d given the impression of a homely woman, but once it had come off, exposing her muscle-lined flesh and rocky abs, there was no mistaking her power.

The girls managed to get his arms. They pushed them to the ground, and held him by the wrists with both hands. His legs still thrashed wildly

Helen looked back at Michelle. “Sit on his legs!”

Michelle shook her head.

“Do it!”

“I can’t!”

“Do it, damn it!”

Michelle was up before she even realized it. She wasn’t sure if it was the fear of what Helen might do to her, or her own twisted exhilaration over what was happening that had caused her to act. She hugged his legs, forcing them down with her buttocks. She leaned back, putting her weight on his feet and ankles.

“Michelle, please stop them!”

That was Ricky. His pleading did not go unnoticed. Michelle heard it, but by now, it didn’t matter. She was a part of whatever this was turning into.

Helen balled her hand into a fist and socked Ricky in the jaw. He began to cry.

“Shut up,” ordered Helen. “Just shut up!” She looked around at the girls. “You got him?” All of them nodded. “Good.” Standing, Helen grabbed her belt and yanked it open. It waved and rattled as she unbuttoned her shorts. Then she hooked her thumbs through belt loops and tugged them down. When they dropped to her ankles, she stepped out of them. She stood by the fire with a hand on each hip, hairless from her eyes down. As she panted, her breasts stretched tight with each heavy breath. The fire radiated her skin as if she had been molded from gold like a trophy.

“What are you doing?” asked Lucy.

“What’s it look like?” answered Helen.

Michelle shook her head. This was immoral. Evil. Wicked. It should not be happening.
Then just let him go, make Helen stop.
She couldn’t do that. It wasn’t until now that she realized how much she truly feared Helen, how much she’d always been afraid of her.

Lucy wasn’t ready to give up. “You can’t…just…”

Helen stepped over Ricky, one foot on each side of him. “Can’t what?”

…” Lucy seemed unable to say the words.

BOOK: A Dark Autumn
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