A Debt From the Past (7 page)

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Authors: Beryl Matthews

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: A Debt From the Past
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‘I’m going to turn this into a school for bright but impoverished children.’

‘What? They’ll wreck the place.’ Dan studied James intently and then shook his head. ‘You’re serious.’

‘Very.’ Enthusiasm lit up his face. ‘Why should only the titled and wealthy have a good education? I’ll set up a scholarship for boys aged between ten and twelve. Anyone will be able to apply, and if they show promise, they can come here without charge.’

‘You’re crazy, James. That will cost a fortune!’

‘I’ve got one and I’m going to put it to good use.’ He grinned at Dan. ‘Of course, I’m going to need help. You’d make a first-class riding and sports master ... and perhaps a course on the law.’

A look of horror crossed Dan’s face. ‘You want me to work?’

‘It will do you good and I’ll pay you a fair wage. It won’t be as dangerous as being a spy.’

Dan gave a snort of disgust. ‘You’re intending to fill this place with young boys – and you think that won’t be dangerous? And are you going to pay yourself?’

‘Don’t be ridiculous, Dan. This school is going to be free for the boys I choose. I won’t be earning an income.’

‘Exactly! If you’re working for nothing, then so am I.’

There was a slight pause before James asked, ‘You’ll do it?’

‘How long before you can get it running?’ Dan asked, without answering the question.

‘Workmen are moving in this week, and I should be able to take in the first pupils at the start of the New Year. Ten at first, and if it’s a success, we can increase the numbers slowly. I’ve already got some fine teachers working on selecting the first intake of boys.’ James held his breath as he saw Dan trying to come to a decision. It was a revolutionary scheme and he couldn’t ask for a better man by his side.

Dan pursed his lips. ‘I’ll give you six months, James. That’s the best I can do.’

‘I’ll take it. Thank you, Dan.’

‘I still think you’re crazy. This is going to take a lot of our time, so we’d better get this business of yours cleared up as soon as possible.’

They turned sharply when they heard a sound behind them. It was Mrs Becks, and she indicated the trolley of refreshments. ‘Where would you like this, your lordship?’

‘Oh, in the library, please.’

They made their way to a huge room full of shelves from floor to ceiling crammed with books. It was only when they were settled that James noticed the boy with Mrs Becks. His eyes were fixed on them.

Seeing he’d been noticed, Mrs Becks drew him forward. ‘This is our grandson, Charlie. I hope you don’t mind him coming here, but he loves the books and wanted to see them again. The late Lord Sharland used to let him come and read whenever he wanted to, but we’ve stopped him doing it now. He has something to ask you, my lord.’

James beckoned the boy forward and waited.

Charlie looked him straight in the eyes and said, ‘I would like your permission to come here to read the books, please. I’m very careful with them and never take them away. I’ll put everything back in place and not make a mess.’

‘You are proficient at reading?’

‘Yes, my lord.’ He gazed at the shelves with longing. ‘It’ll take me years to read all of these. I have books at school, but that’s no good to me any more. It’s all baby stuff. They said they can’t teach me much more, so I’ll have to leave soon.’

‘How old are you, Charlie?’ James was impressed with this bright lad.

‘Eleven last month.’ He looked downcast. ‘I don’t want to leave. I like learning, even if I’ve heard it all before.’

‘Very well, Charlie, you may come here whenever you want to, and I’d like you to make a list of the books you read and let me know what you think of them.’

His face broke into a huge smile of relief. ‘I’ll do that, my lord. Can I look now?’

‘Of course.’ James smiled as the boy hurried over to the shelves, and then he turned his attention to the grandmother. ‘There will be workmen arriving this week, Mrs Becks. They will be connecting the well outside to supply extra water to the house. I hope there will be enough.’

The boy turned from the book he was holding in his hand. ‘That ain’t the only water. There’s a spring in the field out the back.’

‘That’s just a muddy bit of ground, Charlie,’ Mrs Becks said dismissively.

‘There’s a spring there, Gran. That’s why it’s always muddy.’ Charlie put the book back on the shelf and came to stand in front of James. ‘You get the men to dig there and they’ll find water.’

‘Show us.’

James and Dan followed the boy outside to a small, rough field, surrounded by a wooden fence. They squelched their way over to the wettest part, and James stooped down to scrape away some of the soil. When even more water began to seep to the surface, he stood up again. ‘I think you’re right, Charlie. I’ll get the men to sink another well here.’

The lad was staring at the once shiny boots, shaking with silent laughter. ‘Oh, your lordship, them boots are covered in mud.’

‘That’s nothing,’ Dan told him. ‘I’ve seen him covered from head to toe in dirt when he’s been digging in some ruin or other. He doesn’t care.’

‘Is that what you teach?’ Charlie was clearly quite at ease with these gentlemen who didn’t mind getting dirty. He approved of that.

The men glanced at each other, realizing that the boy had heard them talking in the hall. James answered. ‘I do teach archaeology, but really I’m a botanist.’

‘Cor! I’ve read that word somewhere. Is it about plants and things?’ When James nodded, Charlie turned his attention to Dan, giving him a curious look. ‘You really a spy?’

Leaning against the fence, James waited to see how his friend would deal with that question.

‘I’m not supposed to tell anyone,’ Dan whispered, making a great show of checking the area to make sure they weren’t overheard.

‘His lordship knows,’ Charlie whispered back.

‘Ah, well, he’s my friend, and we help each other out when we can.’

Charlie could hardly contain his excitement. ‘Can I be your friend? I can help. I notice things and I’ve got a good memory.’

‘I can believe that.’ Dan turned his head to wink at James. ‘What do you think, Professor? Shall we recruit this young man?’

‘He’ll have to keep this a secret. Can you do that, Charlie?’

The boy nodded vigorously.

Dan gripped Charlie’s hand and shook it. ‘That’s a deal, then. Now, you can help us by keeping your eyes open for anyone acting suspiciously around here.’

‘Ah, are you looking for someone?’

Dan nodded. ‘You let us know the moment you see anything.’

‘I’ll do that.’ Charlie tipped his head to one side. ‘Oh, Gran’s calling me.’

As Charlie tore away, Dan pursed his lips. ‘Do you think he’ll keep all that to himself?’

‘I doubt it, but if he does blurt it out, I expect people will just think it’s a young boy’s over-excited imagination.’

‘You might be right, but it won’t hurt to have us talked about. It might force our quarry out into the open.’


‘Where have you been?’ James asked in a stern voice as soon as Beth entered the drawing room.

‘I have been to order a book I wish to read – that is all.’ The lie came with ease, which was a skill Beth didn’t know she possessed. She sat down and smiled. ‘You left early so I could not ask your permission, but we took the footman with us. Did you have a pleasant morning? Shall we have the pleasure of your company at lunch?’

He cast her a suspicious glance and nodded, clearly not fooled by her agreeable manner.

‘Splendid!’ Not a bit put off, she beamed as if she had just received very welcome news. ‘We have much to discuss.’


She ignored his taciturn manner. ‘Indeed. I would deem it an honour to show you the estate and point out the plans for this year.’

‘I’m sure the manager can do that.’

‘Of course he can – he is very efficient, and you will find his advice invaluable.’

When his lordship raised his eyebrows, she added quickly, ‘Until you are thoroughly cognizant with the running of such a large and productive estate, of course.’

‘Of course.’

‘And as I am at a loss for something to do this afternoon ...’ Her smile was becoming fixed; he was making this very difficult for her, but she did not doubt that it was his intention to do so. She would have to step with care, for he would not be an easy man to fool.

‘Very well,’ he agreed suddenly. ‘You may ride with me.’

‘I shall look forward to it.’ With her smile still in place, she turned to Dan. ‘And will you be coming with us, Mr Edgemont?’

‘I’m sorry to say I have some exploring of my own to do this afternoon.’

‘Of course. It is a pleasant day for riding.’

Dan’s mouth twitched at the corners. ‘Indeed it is, and I have an animal that needs a great deal of exercise.’

Beth nodded and took in a silent breath to steady herself. She had to find out if she could still keep some control over the estate. ‘Would you like me to go through the book-keeping with you?’

James narrowed his eyes. ‘I am quite proficient at keeping accurate records.’

‘I am sure you are, but—’

He surged to his feet. ‘Do not overdo the obliging female, Beth; the role does not become you.’

Then he strode out of the room, leaving her volcanic with fury. How dare he address her in that familiar manner!

‘It is not necessary to bring your companion with you,’ he said, watching Helen mount her horse.

‘She comes everywhere with me, and always when I am in the company of a gentleman.’

‘I am your guardian, and therefore a chaperone is not required.’

She looked him straight in the eyes. ‘But I only have your word for that.’

He tipped his head back and laughed, which was such a shock that she nearly slid from her mount. She felt quite overcome by his smile. The transformation was breathtaking, but she did not have time to dwell on it as he moved off at a trot and cast a glance back at her.

‘Are you coming?’

She spurred her horse into action, and for the next two hours she showed him the Langton estate with a great deal of pride. It was impressive and she adored every acre of it.

He never said much – just an occasional nod or grunt – but his eyes swept over every field and building, examined the cattle, and then he rode on. For the first time since meeting him, she realized that there was a sharp, intelligent mind at work behind those cold eyes, and it was soon clear that he already knew a great deal about managing an estate.

When they stopped by a large, empty field, he dismounted.

‘Why is this ground not being put to use?’ he asked, as he helped her from her horse.

‘Nothing will grow in it. We have tried many things but without success. We cannot even use it for grazing.’

‘Hmm.’ He vaulted the fence, bent down and took a handful of dirt, running it through his fingers.

Beth leant over the gate. ‘As you see, the soil is too poor to do anything with. It is the only field on the entire estate we have been unable to put to good use.’

With long easy strides he began to walk across the enclosure, stopping now and again to examine something, and then he turned and came back, through the gate this time.

‘I agree that it is a scrubby piece of land, but not useless; there is a small stream running past that copse of trees. We shall put pigs here,’ he declared.

‘Pigs!’ She was horrified. ‘But we have only ever had cows, sheep and goats,’ she protested.

‘Then it is time you expanded, and this is the perfect spot.’

‘I don’t think we need to go to all that expense.’ The last thing she wanted was for this man to start making sweeping changes. ‘The estate is running at a profit, and I do not consider it wise to jeopardize that with a risky scheme.’

He gave her a cold glance. ‘It is not your decision to make.’

‘It is my property and my future!’ She was incensed by his attitude. ‘And I will not allow you to ruin it.’

With one smooth movement he lifted her up and tossed her back on to her mount. ‘For the next year you do not have a say in the running of the estate. That is my task and I will not have a piece of land going to waste when it could be put to good use.’

Then he swung himself back in the saddle and gave a derisive smile. ‘You have had your own way for far too long, Elizabeth, and you will just have to learn to trust me.’

‘How can I do that when you appear out of nowhere and proceed to take over my life?’ Her horse sensed her agitation and began to prance.

Helen, who had been waiting in the background, came to her side as Beth’s voice became raised in fury.

Beth ignored her beseeching expression, begging her to caution. ‘Who are you, anyway?’ she demanded. ‘Why did my godfather never speak of you?’

‘Perhaps I am the black sheep of the family,’ he told her, without a flicker of emotion.

‘Humph! That I can believe, and if that is the case, then it does not bode well for me.’ She was so angry now that it was impossible to stop the suspicions pouring out. ‘Where have you been hiding for years? Have you been living abroad in disgrace? Have you committed some heinous crime?’

His mouth compressed into a straight line, and his eyes glowed with anger. ‘I am legally your guardian, and that is all you need to know.’

She watched in impotent fury as he galloped away.

The next day – and still seething – Beth sought out her estate manager. ‘Pigs!’ She waved her arms about in horror, just missing Greenway by a fraction.

He took a step back to avoid the unintentional blow to his middle region.

‘You know I have an aversion to the beasts.’ She gave a delicate shudder and curled her lip in disgust.

‘That is true, but ...’ Greenway hesitated for a moment as if gathering his courage to speak to the furious girl in front of him. ‘It is all the land is fit for, and I have often considered it myself, but your father would not hear of it because of your dislike of the animals.’

She instantly became still and opened her eyes wide in astonishment. ‘You believe this to be a good idea?’

‘I don’t know his lordship’s plans yet, but it could make sound business sense.’ He took another step back, just to be on the safe side.

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