A Decent December

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Authors: D.C. McMillen

Tags: #erotic romance

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Romance by D.C. McMillen


After finding her louse of a
boyfriend playing hide the sausage with a local deli clerk, Nina
moves to Toronto. Determined to swear off men for a yet to be
determined amount of time, she shells $60 for a Hitachi Magic Wand
and calls it a night. When her abnormally handsome neighbour, Ned,
takes a liking to her English bull dog, Betty, however, Nina
realizes that December just might be the hottest month of the




A Decent December

by D.C. McMillen


Published by MuseItUp Publishing at Smashwords


Copyright 2012


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A Decent

D.C. McMillen


December is supposed to be the month of wrap ups, of endings.
The year comes to a close, and it gets you to thinking about ending
old habits. About closing doors and filing all the shit that’s
happened to you over the course of the year under ‘S’ in the old
mental filing cabinet. This December, however, turned out to be a
month of discoveries.

First, I discovered my asshole boyfriend in bed with Lorna, a
bag of almost-twice-my-age from the grocery store where Al worked.
Next, I discovered a new city. My company had been on me to
relocate to their new office for months and, after finding Al
playing hide the sausage with that leather-skinned deli clerk, I
could no longer think of a reason not to move to Toronto. So, I
packed up Betty, my English Bull dog with a severe under bite, and
high-tailed it to Ontario.

The next big discovery I made was the actual magic that is the
Hitachi Magic Wand. I’d been putting off shelling out the sixty
bucks for that little toy for over a year. Since I’d sworn off men,
however, and had yet to make any friends in Toronto to distract me
from my distinct lack of quality orgasms, I decided to give it a
go. Wowzers, am I glad I did! That thing gets me from zero
in about
three and a half minutes. Two minutes if I switch it to the high
speed, which is very convenient for me if I don’t want to miss
Conan’s opening monologue. Yep, Mr. Hitachi became part of my late
night routine.

Finally, I discovered Ned. Ned is my super hot neighbour. He
loves Betty and every time we cross paths in the hallway of our
building, he spends five minutes fawning over her. I spend an equal
amount of time chastising my heart for making these ridiculous
pitter-pattering type flips against my ribcage. I mean, I’m a grown
woman, for God’s sake. These physiological responses to cute boys
were supposed to end in grade school.

While I admired Ned from afar, he admired Betty from up close.
He even offered his services as a dog walker, if I ever found
myself in a bind. Of course, I was positive Ned’s interest in me
began and ended with my dog. That did not stop me from fantasizing
about the man taking the place of old Mr. Hitachi once in a while.
Alas, I resigned myself to playing second fiddle to Betty. That is,
until one frigid day just a week after I arrived in

Nina! Hey, wait up!”

I turned to see Ned dodge a couple cars as he jogged across
the street. Even in an unflattering track suit, he was lithe and
attractive. As he caught up to me, a chocolate brown lock fell
across his forehead. Thankfully, he brushed it away with his hand
before my willpower ran out and I did it for him.

Taking Betty for a walk? I was going to go for a jog, but a
walk sounds nice, too. Mind if I join you?”

Sure, that’d be fun. Especially for Betty.” At that we both
looked down. Betty had already assumed belly rub position, lying
across Ned’s feet. He bent down to oblige. When he stood again, she
rolled over with all the grace of a turtle scrambling to right
itself after being flipped on its shell.

As we walked in the direction of the Harbourfront, I
concentrated on trying to come up with something clever to say.
Then I realised my face was probably screwed into a knot, like it
does when I’m concentrating on things. So I then began
concentrating on not bunching my features while concentrating on
something interesting to say. Needless to say, I did not come up
with any gems so I breathed a sigh of relief when he asked what I
did for a living. So simple! Why didn’t I think of that

I work with interior designers to procure
artwork for corporations. Mostly they rent as opposed to purchase
so I schedule the rotation of the pieces.”
Congratulations, Nina! You strung together a cohesive
sentence. Wait, it did make sense, right?
mentally repeated my answer and concluded that, yes, I did

Wow, that’s great! Do you procure pieces as well?” he asked,
and I melted a little at the sound of his deep, rumbling

Sure, I’m always on the lookout for more art.”

I own a small gallery in the Distillery District. I
concentrate almost entirely on up and coming Canadian artists. You
should stop by and check it out.”

I’ll do that,” I said. My heart swelled a little.

I have an exhibit on right now featuring Mitchell Chan. Have
you heard of him?”

Yeah, sure. Isn’t he studying at School of the Art Institute
of Chicago? He was awarded a scholarship there, right?”

That’s him! Wow, we have a lot in common.”

Um, yeah, we sure do.” My heart started up with that stupid
pitter-patter thing again.

Hey, do you want to go for coffee? The Pawsway just down the
street allows you to bring your dog inside.”

It does? There are so many things I have to discover about

Yeah? Why don’t I show you around? Say, Friday night? We can
start at my gallery and have dinner at the Boiler House just around
the corner. You definitely need to check out the Distillery

And just like that, Ned and I started dating. At least, I
think we were dating. I mean, we never really made out or anything,
we just sort of went places together.

In fact, over the last couple of weeks in December, Ned took
Toronto. I discovered the Distillery District, Cabbage Town, High
Park, Kensington Market, and Spadina. We ate
Yogen Früz
at the Eaton Centre and
visited Hemingway’s in Yorkville. Unfortunately, he had to go home
for the Christmas holidays but promised to take me to Vaughan Mills
in January.

While he was gone, to the middle of nowheresville in Northern
Ontario according to him, I missed Ned terribly. I tried not to
think about the fact he hadn’t hit on me yet. I mean, maybe it was
Just because every schmuck I ever dated tried to get in my pants on
the first date did not mean I should expect the same from Ned.
Gorgeous, not-at-all thinning haired, no beer bellied Ned. Wowzers.
I swear over the Christmas break, I almost blew the motor on poor
old Mr. Hitachi.

Betty and I flew back to Vancouver to spend Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day with my friends. I told them all about the fabulous
neighbour, Ned, including the fact he had yet to so much as kiss
me. My heart ached more than a little over his absence. I really
missed him. After I finally finished my incessant ramblings about
the man, my friends took a vote on whether he was my boyfriend or
just my buddy. They came up about fifty-fifty, so my vote was
supposed to be the tie breaker. Unfortunately, I felt hollow and
dry. Self-doubt and melancholy, likely brought on by the void
caused by the small part of me that Ned took with him to Northern
Ontario, made me think I was a fool for even hoping Ned’s interest
in me stemmed any further than his love for my dog. As if
punctuating her profound effect on people, Betty let out a loud
snore as she rolled over. My friends all giggled at her unladylike

I returned to Toronto with a weight on my chest. I missed Ned.
He didn’t miss me. Of this I was sure.

On the evening of December thirtieth, there was a soft knock
on my door. It was so soft, in fact, I wondered if I imagined it.
Unfolding my penguin print flannel covered legs, I was about to
investigate when the knock sounded again, louder and more
insistent. The knocking continued until I answered the door,
swinging it open with the power of a gale force wind.

?” I yelled.
“Oh, um, hi.”

I’m sorry, did I get you at a bad time?”

No, no. Don’t be silly.” I mean, sure I was
standing in front of the most gorgeous man in our building whilst
wearing purple flannel pyjamas with skateboarding penguins on them,
thick framed glasses, and a messy ponytail piled atop my head. At
least I had removed the wax from my upper lip about ten minutes
would you like to come in?”

Yes,” he said, picking up a large duffel bag.

Wait. Before I let you in, what’s in the bag? You don’t have a
chainsaw and hefty bags in there, do you? I mean, you don’t strike
me as the axe murdering type but I have made errors in judgement of
character before.”

Ned dropped the bag and wrapped his arms around my waist. His
full, boyish lips found mine and just like that he was kissing me.
It took a few moments for me to overcome my shock before I actually
started kissing him back. He stopped and stepped away.

I’m sorry, Nina. Did you not want me to... I mean, I just
missed you so much. If you don’t feel the same—”

It was my turn to cut him off. I did this by jumping on him,
wrapping my legs around his slim waist, and covering his lips with
my own. His hands slipped under my thighs as he kicked his bag
inside the apartment. We moved blindly about until he slammed the
door with his heel and whipped me around. My back rested against
the cool wood. I groaned as his lips left mine to scrape across my
chin, jaw, and neck.

His hand found my breast and I was sure he could feel my heart
pounding against my rib cage.

I was so determined to take it slow with you, Nina. But I
can’t get you out of my head. I felt empty without you over the

I was shocked and delighted his feelings mirrored mine. And
then more intense emotions took over as he squeezed my nipple.
Reaching for the hem of my oversized shirt, I pulled it upward. He
caught it and helped me get it over my head before dropping it on
the floor by his bag. Again his hand found my breast, but this time
flesh contacted with flesh and my entire body tensed at the
sensation. Now I wanted more. I wanted to feel his breath, his
lips, his teeth on my nipple. I wanted his chest pressed against

The bedroom is that way,” I breathed the words.

Carrying and kissing me the entire way, he wobbled across the
small apartment until we arrived at the bedroom. Together we fell
onto my bed. That’s when clothes started flying. Briefly I
considered the fact it was going to be a pain to gather all the
clothing later. That was my last rational thought.

His hands and lips were everywhere. I ran my own fingers along
his well formed abs and flat tummy. As my nails lightly scraped his
pubic hair he sucked in his breath and stilled his movements. I
dipped my hand lower and softly touched his velvety soft head. He
gasped and his forehead fell into the crook of my neck. My hand
closed over the thick shaft and I swear I felt him tremble. Slowly,
firmly I pumped my fist up and down against his hard cock, enjoying
the sound of his quickening breath in my ear. Cupping his balls
with my other hand, I felt them tighten.

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