A Divine Revelation of Angels (21 page)

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Authors: Mary K. Baxter

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BOOK: A Divine Revelation of Angels
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9.When we sincerely dedicate someone or something to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and anoint the person or thing with oil, we are saying, “This is God’s territory.” When spiritual enemies try to come, they have to back up because that “territory” has been dedicated to God.

10.Answers will vary.

Chapter Seven: Angels and God’s Word

1.The fire represented pulpits where God’s true Word was being preached, where those who preached revered and honored God, wanted things “done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40), and exhibited the love of Christ. When God’s Word is preached, His people are purified, and His Spirit is with His ministers to bring deliverance and the fulfillment of His Word in people’s lives.

2.To “rebuild the altars of God” means to preach the truth and walk in God’s ways.

3.We are to acknowledge that God is holy and righteous; tell Him the truth about our lives, confessing our sins so He can set us free through Christ; repent of our ungodly ways; and make a new commitment to Him. When we do this, He will purify and deliver us.

4.It was meant to convey that, what God has said in His Word, He will accomplish.

5.“Great shall be the peace of your children” (Isaiah 54:13). “[God] will also bless the fruit of your womb” (Deuteronomy 7:13).

6.God’s Word is “the sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17) and defeats the enemy.

7.Ezekiel 12:25 says, “For I am the Lord. I speak, and the word which I speak will come to pass.” Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

8.Answers will vary.

9.Answers will vary.

10.Answers will vary.

Chapter Eight: Angels and God’s Fire

1.God’s fire is a fire of 1) revival, purification, and healing for His people, and (2) judgment for those who reject Him.

2.It means to remove sin and disobedience from our lives and allow the character and Spirit of Christ to rule in our hearts.

3.They are feeling fire or heat from the power of God, which is “burning out” their diseases and sicknesses.

4.The plumb line was a symbolic way of indicating that God was measuring the lives of the Israelites to see if they were spiritually upright.

5.justice and righteousness: “I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the [plumb line]” (Isaiah 28:17).

6.We need to be devoted to God with all our hearts. He does not want people to experience judgment but to repent and turn to Him through Christ before it is too late. We cannot allow the devil to distract us from hearing and obeying the truth. Our lives can be measured as righteous only as we receive the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness through the atonement He provided for us when He died on the cross, and as we remain in His righteousness through faith and obedience to Him. We are not to take sin lightly. We should allow God to purge us with His fire and to cleanse us by His holy Word so we will be prepared for the coming of the Lord.

7.We can begin to harden our hearts against God.

8.First, moving away from the righteousness and holiness of Christ causes openings to be created in our spiritual hedge of protection. Second, openings are also created in our anointing from God, and, pretty soon, we become corrupt, with the enemy attacking us every way he can. We can then become filled with lies and sin.

9.deliver; save; loves; cares about

10.Answers will vary.

11.Answers will vary, but should include the following: Admit my sin to God, confess and repent of my sins, and receive God’s forgiveness and cleansing through Christ. Commit to living according to God’s Word, seek God with all my heart, and hide God’s Word in my heart (memorizing, meditating on, and treasuring His Word). Finally, walk according to God’s Spirit and ways.

12.Answers will vary.

Chapter Nine: Angels and Deliverance

1.God will deliver us, and we will glorify Him (Psalm 50:15).

2.God’s presence, the power of the Cross (what Jesus accomplished for us in the Atonement), and God’s compassion.

3.The author gained even greater respect for what Jesus went through and for the love God showed us in sending His Son Jesus to give us eternal life. She realized that, while we are on this earth, we have to continue to tear down Satan’s kingdom through the Word of God. We have to continue to do the things that God would have us to do. The vision also gave her unbelievable joy. Through it, God encouraged her and reminded her that “surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows” (Isaiah 53:4). He assured her that her relatives could be set free. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:31).

4.First, those who are ministering to the person have to continue to pray for him. They also have to counsel him, teaching him that, after a person is delivered, he can’t be involved any longer with the things that bound him in the first place. Second, the person seeking deliverance can’t be double-minded about it. He has to decide if he really wants to adore Jesus and serve Him, or if he wants to follow the things of the world and the devil. If the person wants to taste the goodness of God and the world at the same time, there is a fatal conflict in his heart that has to be resolved. He needs to find a good church that believes in Jesus Christ and His deliverance. Next, he must obey the Word of God. He also needs to keep away from sinful things that drag him down. In addition, he should stay close to the heart of God. The person should worship, serve, and praise God, and, through every situation, trust that God will give him the victory.


6.First, the person must stay honest in his soul before God, repenting of his sins and asking God to forgive and help him. Second, he must be sure to forgive other people for any wrongs they have committed against him. The Word of God says we must forgive anyone who has harmed or hurt us so that the heavenly Father will forgive us. Jesus said in Matthew 6:14–15, “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

7.God first sent His angels to deliver that country from the demon of idolatry and from the worship of idols because of the earnest prayers of His people. This enabled the eyes and ears of the citizens of that nation to be open the Gospel so they could receive salvation.


9.We must have a genuine relationship with the Lord so that we use His name with true reverence and faith.

10.First, Satan is only a created being, while God is divine and eternal. The devil is neither omnipotent, omniscient, nor omnipresent, as God is. Second, the Lord Jesus Christ is always stronger than the devil or any of his demons. The Bible says He “has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him” (1 Peter 3:22). In addition, God has multitudes of angels to carry out His works and plans. Regardless of how many demons the devil has, God’s holy angels are more in number.

11.Answers will vary.

Chapter Ten: Angels and Prayer

1.We can worship God because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, through which He has reconciled us to God and restored our relationship with Him. In addition, worship is possible only as we offer the Lord our own sacrifices—sacrifices of praise.

2.The prayers of the saints are offered by an angel along with incense on the altar of heaven that is before the throne of God. This mixture of prayers and incense ascends before Him.

3.The angels help answer prayers for (1) salvation, (2) healing, (3) miracles, and (4) deliverance.

4.Mary Baxter was taught (1) how to pray through the Scriptures, (2) how to bind and loose (see Matthew 18:18), (3) how to plead the precious blood of Jesus, and (4) how to rely on the Word of God.

5.We shouldn’t pray just once a day and then forget about it. When the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray, we should pray right then, regardless of where we are. In addition, the apostle Paul taught believers to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) in the Spirit.

6.The prayers of believers are very important to God. Through the prayers of those who believe His Word, God commissions His angels to come and work with us, and He brings salvation, healing, and deliverance to people.

7.Answers will vary.

8.Answers will vary.

9.Answers will vary.

Chapter Eleven: The Meaning of Angels

1.The study of angels provides us with a wonderful opportunity to come to know God and His ways better. In addition, our knowledge of God’s special messengers and how He works through them can help to enlighten our doubts, solidify our beliefs, comfort us in sorrow, and give us peace. The ministry of angels on our behalf reveals that God loves us and is continually working to help us. This knowledge can bring us comfort and joy.

2.As we learn about angels, we are not to place our focus on celestial beings themselves but on almighty God and the power and grace He manifests through His servants, the angels.


4.action; purposes

5.Six truths for loving and serving God are the importance of (1) worship, (2) believing, (3) discernment, (4) obedience, (5) perseverance, and (6) prayer.


7.Learning about the ministry of angels on our behalf should give us confidence in God’s love and power, and encourage our hearts that God is with us, no matter what we’re going through.

8.We should concentrate on loving and serving God.

9.We must fill our hearts and minds with God’s Word and test the spirits. (See 1 John 4:1–3.)

10.Answers will vary.

11.Mercy and truth will meet together in our hearts when we worship God in “spirit and truth” (John 4:23–24), when we love God with all our hearts, souls, strength, and minds (Luke 10:27), and when we yield to God and live a holy life—body, mind, and spirit. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:23.)

12.Answers will vary.

13.faith and patience

14.Romans 8:26–27 says that when we do not know how to pray for someone or something, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with deep groans that cannot be expressed in human terms, but which God understands. The Spirit prays for the saints according to the will of God.

15. angels; men

About the Author

Mary Katherine Baxter was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. While she was still young, her mother taught her about Jesus Christ and His salvation. At the age of nineteen, she was born again.

In 1976, while she was living in Belleville, Michigan, Jesus appeared to her in human form, as well as in visions and revelations. During those visits, He revealed to her the depths, degrees, levels, and torments of lost souls in hell, telling her that this message is for the whole world. Since that time, she has received many visitations from the Lord. In God’s wisdom, to give balance to her message, she has also received many visions, dreams, and revelations of heaven, angels, and the end of time.

On Mary’s tours of hell, she walked with Jesus and talked with many people. Jesus showed her what happens to unrepentant souls when they die and what happens to servants of God when they do not remain obedient to their calling, go back into a life of sin, and refuse to repent.

Mary was ordained as a minister in 1983 at a Full Gospel church in Taylor, Michigan. Ministers, leaders, and saints of the Lord around the world speak very highly of her and her ministry. The movement of the Holy Spirit is emphasized in all her services, and many miracles have occurred in them. The gifts of the Holy Spirit with demonstrations of power are manifested in her meetings as the Spirit of God leads and empowers her.

Mary loves the Lord with everything she has—all her heart, mind, soul, and strength. She is truly a dedicated handmaiden of the Lord, and she desires above all to be a soulwinner for Jesus Christ. From the headquarters of Divine Revelation, Inc., her Florida-based ministry, this anointed evangelist continues to travel the world, telling her story of heaven and hell and her revelatory visits from the Lord.

For speaking engagements, please contact:

Evangelist Mary K. Baxter

Divine Revelation, Inc.

P.O. Box 121524

West Melbourne, FL 32912-1524

e-mail: [email protected]


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