A Dom for Patti (6 page)

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Authors: Elodie Parkes

BOOK: A Dom for Patti
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Chapter Ten


doorbell rang continuously until he yanked it wide open. “What the hell.” Then
he saw it was Blake. “Come in. What’s going on its ten-thirty? I’m in the
shower.” He secured the towel around his waist tighter and took the smaller one
from around his neck to rub at his hair.

led the way down his hallway.

saw her. I met her—Patti. She was at the shoot tonight.”

froze. “What? Did you tell her I’ve been looking for her?”

shook his head emphatically. “I didn’t get a chance. She thought I was you and stormed

“Stormed off.
Why was she at the shoot?”

brother walked past Cameron into the kitchen and started making instant coffee.

works for the fashion magazine doing the feature on Rhonda Starr’s new collection.
I looked at their Web site on the net and she’s on the list of staff there.
Don’t look so worried … you can call her Monday. That’s progress, isn’t it?”

sat on one of the chairs at the kitchen table. “Thanks for coming over to tell

slid a mug of coffee along to him. “I thought I should tell you in person. I
was a bit worried that I’d not had the chance to tell her who I am and made
things worse. She was so distressed. I think she loves you, Cam.” He sat
opposite with his own cup of coffee.

ran his fingers through his damp hair to take it from his forehead. “I guess
there were no personal phone numbers on the Web site.”

grinned. “’Course not. Not many companies do that. There’s an email address,
but it’s at the magazine. You could email her prior to calling, that way she’ll
maybe listen to you. She thinks I’m you. That’s got to be the problem …
somehow. Though who knows

just get some clothes … switch the TV
they’ll be
running highlights from the game earlier.” He ran upstairs and pulled on jeans
and a T-shirt.

drank their coffee with half an eye on the sports highlights. Blake told
Cameron all about the modeling shoot.

asked him again exactly what Patti had said and made him repeat the whole

an hour later, Blake stood. “I should get going. You’re still coming to The
Club tomorrow, I hope. She might be there.”

escorted Blake to the front door. “Yes, I am. I hope she’s there.”


fitness center was busy until nine-thirty on Saturday. Both brothers had
brought a change of clothes, showering and dressing to go out in the facilities
at the club.

left the center first, to pick up Amanda.

checked with his staff that there was no one left in the center and they
secured the place. The cleaners would be in at six the next morning and some of
the staff at seven, but Cameron had arranged to work Sunday afternoon that
weekend. If Patti was at the club and they fixed up the mess between them, then
he didn’t want to have to rush off if he spent the night with her.

drove to The Club half sure she’d be there and half-afraid she wouldn’t. He
parked in the big car lot at the back of The Club and walked down the side path
to the entrance, his thoughts swirling. Cameron rehearsed what he’d say to Patti––if
she were there––as he went through to the main room.

music greeted him. The light held a rosy glow from the candles on the tables
towards the periphery of the dance floor. Cameron’s gaze raked the over the
people. There was no sign of Patti, but Blake and Amanda sat at a table. Cameron
walked over to them.


was with Dominic in the same booth they’d used before on the mezzanine floor, but
this time there was no sex.

listened as Patti asked him if he would introduce her to a Dom who might take
her on as his Sub regularly. He smiled kindly. “Even as a Master, I’m not
really a dating service, but I will keep your request in mind. You’re asking
for something that I might not have the power to provide. Think about your
motive, and in the meantime, you know many of the Masters will scene with you
if you need it. Patti, I have to go now. I’ll be in the surveillance room for
an hour.” He stood.

looked up into his eyes. “Thank you, Sir. You’ve been very kind to me.” She
bowed her head.

Dominic had gone, she took a deep breath and walked over to the balcony to
watch the dancers for a time. She swept the dance floor with a sad gaze and
started in surprise as she saw Cameron and a woman glued together in a
simulation of fucking to the beat of the dance music. Shockingly, the woman
wore a collar, a pretty, slim collar with the sparkle of diamonds every so
often embedded in the leather.

reached out and slipped his fingers through the ring where a leash could be
clipped. He brought the woman’s face to his and kissed her.

went hot and then cold. He was truly lost to her, but the worst thing was his
declarations and actions in the park made the loss worse.
I should have reported him after all
. She made her way down the
stairs, and with her head bowed, she walked rapidly around the darkened edge of
the room. Tears threatened and Patti sniffed them away. Suddenly, when
unceremoniously grabbed and lifted over a man’s shoulder, the shock stopped her
from doing anything except making a small squeak. As she was carried along
toward the private rooms, he smacked her ass.


voice was a little familiar. He was tall and she clutched at his jacket
instinctively afraid of falling. He held her firmly, his strength evident in
his muscular shoulders and arm under her body. It was useless to fight and she
raised her head to check if anyone was watching this spectacle. The private
rooms were under surveillance and so if he were about to murder her, Master
Dominic would see and save her.

smack landed on her ass. Her dress was up around her hips from her struggle and
the man’s hand contacted her bare buttocks again after the smack. He ran his
fingers up the slit of her ass.

treacherous shiver of pleasure went through her, and yet, because this was
hardly civilized behavior for The Club, she gave the man a kick with the toe of
her pointed shoe, making contact with a hard thigh.

it, Patti. It’s Cameron. I have to talk to you. I need answers.”

stilled with surprise. “Cameron … but I just saw you on the dance floor with your
Sub.” She cricked her neck
to gaze back at the dance floor as the man who said he was Cameron turned into
the corridor where the private rooms were.

did not
the reply.

luck gave her a view of the other Cameron with his Sub as two couples shifted
to the change in the music track.

man slid her down the front of his hard body.

at me.” He brought her head up with a firm hand under her chin.

stared into the handsome face of the Dom she’d craved for more than six weeks.

They’re twins … they’re twins…

joy flew through her and brought a wave of relief and a smile. Patti’s heart
pounded. “I thought … I thought …”

gave her a dangerous look. “Wait.” He scooped her up, his arm around her waist
and under her ass to clasp her to his chest. Cameron turned and strode down the
corridor. He set her down to open the door to a private room. Then took her
hand and marched her in there.

eyes darkened as he faced her and he frowned. “I’m turning the audio off … is
that acceptable?”


shook his head and brought his face close to hers. “Fucking
me.” Then he kissed her.

took the kiss as if her life depended on it. She soaked up the softness of his
lips and the rasp from the shade of stubble on his handsome jaw. Her whole body
responded to the kiss and a melting sensation went through her.

drew away.

spoke with a shaking voice. “Yes, I’m happy with just visual, Sir.”

me Cameron or be spanked.” He moved to the control panel and adjusted the
surveillance. It was impossible to turn off both, but he muted the audio. He walked
swiftly back to Patti and grasped her hand, leading her to the long, padded, bed-like
bench on one side of the room where he pulled her to sit on his knee.

happened? I arrived to meet you as we arranged and you never showed up. Damn
it, Patti, I’ve been looking for you for weeks. I hope I didn’t give you too
much of a scare just now, but I didn’t want you running off without hearing
what I have to say. You ran away from Blake before he could tell you we’re
brothers, twins. I think you need a spanking for doing that. He told me you
thought he was me. So, let’s hear it, what happened?”

struggled with the need to hug Cameron close. She drifted her hands along his
half-afraid he’d pull away. “I did come
to meet you, but a friend told me you had a Sub, Amanda, and you were an item—had
been all year. I thought you’d lied to me and didn’t want me after all. It hurt
a lot because the time with you here and in the park was so great. I went home.
I couldn’t face being here and stayed away.”

held her face. He gazed into her eyes. “You came here tonight even though you’d
run from Blake.”

dropped her gaze. “I came to see Master Dominic. He helped me this week when I
was a mess.”

jerked her chin up so that he looked into her eyes again. “Helped you—do you
mean he scened with you?”

lost the joy that had flooded her. She answered in a small voice. “Yes. I
needed it badly and I thought we were over. I thought you’d tossed me aside. He
gave me release, but he didn’t take it himself. Please understand.”

sigh scared her a little. Was he about to reject her?

he crushed her to his chest grasping a handful of her hair to pull her head
back. His kiss plundered her mouth. The soft merge of his lips changed to a
possessive thrust of his tongue.

closed her eyes and slid her tongue against his. She pressed her body hard
against his chest for comfort. She pushed her arms up around his neck, her
pussy clenching as the kiss sent streaks of desire down her stomach.

drew away. He stroked her face with his fingertips. “I do understand. I can’t
blame you for seeking comfort, but now you’ll be my Sub, and you’ll receive
what you need from me. I want you tonight. I want you naked. I want you tied so
that you don’t run … and understand, I mean what I say this time. You may
express pleasure. You may ask for what you need
except to come. I’ll take care of that when I’m happy that you realize how much
I care for you. Use your safeword if you need to.” He stood and set her on her
feet. “Look at me, Pet.”

gazed at him. She saw a gorgeous man with a wild look in his eyes, his intense
gaze burning into her. She was wet through between her legs with desire and
already desperate for his attention. She saw true tenderness in his expression and
she knew he cared for her.

He cares as much as he said he did in
the park … he cares for me as much as I do for him …

walked to the table where a variety of toys were laid out, and came back to her
with silk scarves.

waited, her breath coming in gasps.

kissed along her shoulder as he unfastened her dress and pushed it down her
hips to pool in a black satin swirl around her feet. He bent his head to her
breasts and bit gently on each nipple until they peaked. “I do love the way you
often go without a bra or panties.”

moaned softly, swaying toward him.

brought her hands together.

sighed with pleasure as he tied her wrists and then ran his fingers up her
stomach and ribs to pinch her nipples. The slight sting disappeared as he
licked each breast with a low groan.

picked her up and took her to the bench where he laid her down and opened her
legs wide. Grasping her panties, he tore them easily down the sides where the
lace ribbons on them were narrowest.

must not move and you may not come until I say so. Do you understand?”

whispered her answer, her eyes almost closed with lust. Relief––Cameron
her––mixed with her desire.
“Yes, Sir.”

he nuzzled between her legs a moan burst from her, and then he thrust his
tongue into her pussy. Her breath hitched and she jerked uncontrollably.

drew back from her. “Sweet, you’re not to move.” He plunged a finger into her
creaming pussy and smiled. “I will need to punish you if you move again.”

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