A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) (36 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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He finishes my front and orders in a deep, sexual tone, “Now, turn around.”

I do as I’m told, and he applies the cream evenly all over my exposed back, working it into my arms and down the backs of my legs. The sensation of his hands groping every inch of my flesh puts me in a trance-like state.

“Mmmm,” I groan with satisfaction.

The sharp snap of his palm across my rear jolts me out of it abruptly. He pops my top back up over my breasts and kisses me on the back of my head. “Come, lunch will be served by the time we get back to the house.”

I slip my arm through the strap, adjust it, and turn back to him, snatching his extended hand. We walk back in silence.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Lost In Paradise


y the time we make it back to the veranda, a long table has been set alongside the pool and everyone is sitting about it chatting. Keira and Aubrey spot us first and the rest follow suit, becoming awkwardly silent. Pierce and Chase stand as we approach the table, which stuns me a bit. Hunt leads us to the head of the table and pulls out a chair between Chase and himself.

Okay, I’m starting to think I’m still asleep. This is a dream, right?

I hesitate and glance at him, unsure. He smirks at me and gestures to my place. I take my seat, and he scoots my chair into the table. I smile at everyone, noticing the lack of my mother’s presence.

“Where’s Elizabeth?” Hunt asks.

With his observant nature, it’s not a shocker that he noticed, too.

“She wasn’t feeling well,” Vivian answers. “A headache I believe.”

“A headache?” I repeat, scanning the group of obverted eyes. I turn to Hunt. “She didn’t even have the nerve to show. I stressed over this lunch, our conversation. Instead of facing me, what does she do? She runs from it. This is so typical.”

“Why does that sound so familiar?” he responds with an arched brow, and I sink back into my seat.

Dear god…I am my mother. I wonder how much of my traits are from Caleb?

His eyes flash into my head, those kind blue eyes, my eyes glancing back at me from that damn rearview mirror my whole life.

How could I not see it? How could she keep this from me? How could Hunt do this to me now? I’m tired of secrets.

“Ellie, are you alright?” Chase asks, rubbing my arm.

I glimpse up at his big topaz eyes and reply in a weak voice, “No, I’m not...”

“What’s wrong, Gabrielle?” Hunt places his hand on my other arm.

Oh, so you want honesty from me, but you clam up every time we mention a topic regarding you? I don’t think so.

I sit up straight and roll back my shoulders.

“Nothing,” I reply with a cool tone. “Don’t worry about it.”

He rips his hand away and stares at me, irritated. He clears his throat then replies, “Yes, well, if you’ll excuse me, I have something to attend to.”

He stiffly pushes his chair out and rises, walking away without another word.

Big baby.

Our servers walk past him on his way into the main house and present us with our meal of fresh, grilled fish on a bed of mixed greens and mango relish. We eat the light, delicious food and talk, attempting to avoid the awkward energy in the air left behind by Hunt’s vanishing act.


e’re lying by the clear water, on lounge chairs set out for us, about thirty minutes later, still Huntless. Chase is swimming with Maya, seemingly having worked out whatever issues they were having. He picks her up and tosses her high into the air. She comes crashing down into a wave, laughing and wiping her face when she comes back up.

Keira and Aubrey are lying out, thumbing through fashion magazines. Pierce and Vivian stayed up at the main house for a dip in the pool.

I watch Maya as she giggles and plays in the ocean with Chase, suddenly pausing and looking past me. I follow her gaze and spot Hunt and Elizabeth walking toward us, with his supportive arm about her shoulder.

“Here goes nothing,” Maya utters, appearing by my side. I get up and grab her hand, squeezing it hard. I just stand frozen beside her, paralyzed with the fear of the information I’m about to take in.

They stroll up to us, and she begins to reach out to us, placing her hands back at her side when we remain latched to one another.

“Chase,” Hunt says, “will you escort my sisters up to the house? I think these ladies need some privacy.” Chase guides Keira and Audrey back, once they gather their things. “I will be just down the beach if you ladies need me for anything.”

He kisses my forehead and takes his leave, heading back toward our room. We stare at her with tight lips, and she watches us back, hazel eyes wide and worried.

“Should we take a seat?” she asks with a tremble. Maya and I sit on my lounge chair, across from her. “Oh, dear, I don’t know where to start.”

“How about you start with why you never told us.” Maya chimes in.

“Marshall, Caleb, and I felt it would be best to keep it secret because we didn’t want to confuse you girls. We didn’t want you to see your father differently, such as you do now. We had planned on telling you, but…”

“When had you planned on telling us?” I ask with a tone.

“Ellie, Maya,” she says, placing a hand on each of ours. “Your father, Marshall, loved you very much. You were his daughters, his little girls. He always wanted children, especially, a daughter, and he was blessed with two. However, due to mumps when he was a child, he was unable to impregnate me. We wanted someone we could trust, someone who comes from good stock. Caleb was not only the best suited, with so many qualities we revered, but he was willing to do this most important request for us. Don’t hate him, either of them.”

“Oh, Mom,” I respond, snatching her hand in mine. “We don’t hate them…We’re confused and hurt. We feel betrayed by all of you.”

Tears well up in her eyes and her face flushes. “I’m so sorry, my sweet girls. You must believe me when I tell you, we didn’t want to hurt you…We love you both. We want nothing but the best for you girls. Marshall will always be your father, but maybe you can make a place for Caleb, too.”

“That’s a lot to ask of us,” Maya replies.

“It is,” she agrees with a few nods of her head. Suddenly, she bursts into tears, wrapping an arm about herself. “I miss him so much.”

Maya and I glance at one another then jump up and sit on either side of her, cocooning her in our arms. The tears flow freely, our cries mingling in a singular heartbreaking noise. I cry, I cry until my eyes are aflame and my throat begins to shut on itself. I finally let out all the pain, confusion, loss, anger that has held me captive in a prison of misery and doubt.


e sit and talk for an eternity. By the time we’re done, the sun is beginning to set, and our first day in paradise comes to a close. Chase, Hunt, and his family join us on the beach to watch the sun kiss the day goodnight and sink into the ocean, but not before painting the sky in brilliant fiery hues.


fter dinner and my emotional yet cleansing afternoon, I feel utterly drained. I decide to take a quick nap, refresh myself for a night alone with Hunt. I awaken to his soft kisses over my face and neck. My eyes flutter open, only to discover it’s light out. All the walls have been shut except for the one facing the ocean, letting in a warm, velvety breeze.

“Wake up, angel,” he whispers in my ear. “Time to start the day.”

“Ugh, no,” I reply, throwing the covers over my head. “I don’t want to.”

He chuckles and tosses the sheets back, exposing my naked form.

“Come on, angel. I want to show you the island, and I can’t do that if you don’t get your sleepy ass up.”

I roll out of bed with a groan and stand before him naked as a jaybird. “I set some clothes at the end of the bed and breakfast is waiting for you up at the house. When you’ve finished getting ready, meet us up there.”


“Yes, Chase and Maya will be joining us…You better get ready quickly. We’re ready and waiting on you.”

“Why didn’t you wake me sooner?”

“I thought you would appreciate the extra time to sleep. Don’t worry about taking a shower, just get dressed. I’ll see you shortly.” He kisses me on the forehead and promptly takes his leave.

I get dressed in jean shorts, a white tank top, and toss on my Converse. I throw my hair into a high, loose bun. I’m ready and walking out of our bedroom two minutes later.

I head up to the main house and find everyone sitting in the open living room chatting. My mother spots me first, greeting me with a big, dazzling smile. She rises and walks up to me with open arms. “Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?”

“Good morning, Mom. Yes, I did. You?”

“I haven’t slept so well since…” she trails off as a frown causes her face to droop.

“I know. We all miss Dad.” I console. Her eyes widen and a huge grin sweeps across her lips.

“What?” I ask with a confused but pleased look.

“Ellie,” Maya murmurs, placing my attention on her, an elated expression on her face, too, “you just called him Dad.”

I realize I did. Probably the first time since this whole ordeal began. “I guess I did. He was…He is my dad, and I will always be his little girl.”

My mom grabs my face with both hands and pulls me in for a kiss on the cheek. “Yes, you will…Alright, enough of this. Are you hungry?”

“I’m a bit hungry.”

“Breakfast is set on the counter in the kitchen,” Hunt informs me. I head over and scan all the food spread across the kitchen counter. I don’t want to be too full so I opt for a banana and orange juice. I peel it open and take a bite as I walk over to Hunt who has a pleased grin, and he slinks an arm about my shoulders. “Ready?” he asks, rubbing my bicep.

“Yep. What is everyone else doing?” I ask, taking a sip of my OJ.

“They’re going to hang down at the beach. Aubrey and Keira are already down there.”

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

“Oh, a surprise,” I reply with a kinked smirk.

“Yes, a surprise.” He leans into my ear. “Smartass.”

“Alright, lovebirds, can we get going?” Chase chimes in, and Maya giggles.

“Yeah, yeah.” I murmur, rolling my eyes, and then finish my simple breakfast. I toss the peel and cup in the trash while Hunt and Chase pick up their backpacks and toss them over their shoulders then guide us to the front door.

“Bye…Have fun.” Vivian calls out. I wave to her as Hunt scoots me out. We walk out toward the small path but turn right to a second path practically hidden by foliage. Hunt leads the pack with Maya and me in the center and Chase trailing behind.


e walk and walk and then we walk some more. The trail has become steeper and rocky, having to climb at times. We hike for what feels like forever, however, the scenery is so breathtaking, it makes the trek bearable.

“I hate hiking,” Maya utters as she almost stumbles over a rock, but Chase catches her.

Hunt turns around to check on her. “You, okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just not the greatest at sweating or getting dirty.”

He laughs, glimpsing at me with a wicked smirk, and I know just what he’s thinking. “It’s well worth it. I promise.”

“God, I hope so,” she jokes, giggling.

About ten minutes later, we’re fighting our way through thick, green shrubbery, breaking free in front of the most spectacular waterfall pouring into a turquoise lagoon. It’s perfect.

“Hunt, this is the best one yet,” I say in awe. “But, I don’t have a…”

Before I can finish speaking, Damian pulls a handful of bathing suits out of his backpack. He hands them out and says, “Ladies, you can change over there.”

He points over to a huge boulder on the other side of the lagoon. We head over and change quickly, ready to get into the refreshing water and clean all this icky sweat off. When we come out from behind our natural changing room, Hunt is laying out a blanket while Chase grabs the food out of Damian’s bag.

We head back over to them, and I comment, “Nice spread.”

“I thought we should eat before going for a much deserved swim,” Hunt states.

“And much needed,” Maya retorts.

“I think that sounds great,” I comment, rubbing my stomach. “I’m starved.”


fter we finish lunch, we get up and head to the lagoon. Readying to dip her toe in the water, Maya asks, “Do you think it’s cold?”

“There’s only one way to find out,” Chase answers, grabbing her into his arms and tossing them both into the crystal waters. She pops up shrieking and splashing him with water.

“You jerk,” she laughs out.

“Well,” I ask, “is it cold?”

“No, it’s great,” Chase assures, scooping up water and splashing it on his face.

I turn back to Damian with a huge grin.

“Feeling adventurous?” he asks with a wicked smirk.

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