A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) (50 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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We awkwardly smirk at her while Hunt cradles me into his side. Chase suddenly appears behind Maya, smiling lovingly down at her. When he looks up at me, his jaw practically hits the floor.

“Gabrielle,” he murmurs, “you look stunning.”

“Thank you…You don’t look too shabby yourself.”

In a teasingly cocky manner, he grabs onto the lapels of his jacket, opening it up and taking a suave turn. We all chuckle.

“The guests have started arriving,” Maya informs us.

“I should get down there and greet our guests,” Hunt says, kissing me on the temple and taking his leave. He glances over at me, smirking that delicious, kinked smirk, and then disappears down the stairs.

“Are you ready, Ellie?” Maya asks. But, something feels off, something just doesn’t feel…right.

“No…Will you do me a favor?”

“Of course, anything.”

“Will you…bring Caleb up here?”

Her eyes get wide with excitement. “Oh, Ellie, yes. Give me a moment.”

She grabs Chase’s hand and practically drags him down the stairs behind her. I pace, nervously awaiting a moment I knew had to come sooner rather than later, and now seems just as good a time as any.

“Gabrielle?” Caleb’s strong yet tender voice comes from behind me at the stairs. I turn around and find him dressed in a beautiful black suit with a purple tie like Hunt’s. His kind blue eyes, my eyes, beam back at me with clear apprehension.

“You finally called me Gabrielle,” I murmur, unsure of what else to say now that he’s standing before me. What do you say when the man who you’ve come to trust like a father, actually is your father?

“It felt inappropriate to call you anything else considering.”

“What the hell am I supposed to call you?” I snap.

I can see the hurt in his eyes, but I don’t care. It doesn’t compare to the hurt all of this has caused me.

“Caleb will be fine,” he replies in a soft, deep voice. But, I can tell it wouldn’t be for him.

“It doesn’t seem right,” I state, shrugging my shoulders.

“You get used to it.”

Suddenly, I feel extremely hurt by this, by the idea that he didn’t attempt to tell Maya and I. I feel swindled.

“Didn’t you ever want to tell us?” I ask with tears stinging my eyes, pooling at the bottom until they spill out. “Didn’t you want to be a part of my life, our lives?”

“Of course I did,” he says, eyes watery, chin wobbling slightly.

“Why didn’t you, then? If I’d known, maybe things would’ve been different.” I toss my arms up into the air with frustration, unable to control the overwhelming feelings rushing through me.

“We didn’t want to confuse you,” he explains. “It was a complicated situation that a child couldn’t possibly have comprehended.”

“I’m confused now! At least, if I had known then, I wouldn’t be dealing with this now, when everything is already so complicated in my life.” I sigh, already feeling emotionally drained.

“Gabrielle, my poor girl,” he says with a tremble, taking a step toward me with his arms out. I hesitate before running at him, tears breaking free, and leap into his arms, wrapping mine about his neck tightly. I don’t say a word. I simply cry and hold him as he pets my back and sways us in place, softly shushing away my sadness until I’ve relaxed.

“Where do we go from here?” I finally inquire, my cheek resting on his chest while he continues to sooth me.

“I’m not entirely sure, babygirl.” The endearment, though a bit strange to hear from his mouth, warms my heart. Then, a thought comes into my head that I feel guilty for thinking, for even considering. I tense about him, and he must notice something is off because he asks, “What’s wrong, Ellie?”

I lift my head up and look at him with a faint smile. “I...I was thinking that maybe…you would walk me down the aisle?”

The look of sheer joy in his gentle blue eyes says it all. “Oh, yes. Yes, I’d be honored to give you away. But,” He pauses, the look of joy fading from his face, “are you sure that’s what you want?”

“I think it’s what my father would want, it’s what I want,” I reply, tears taking me over again. I’m an emotional wreck today, and I haven’t even walked down the aisle yet.


nce we’ve talked a bit longer, promising to sit down with Maya, he takes his leave, and I use the rare opportunity to breathe and process everything that just happened. Unfortunately, it’s short-lived when I hear Jules yelling at the top of her lungs downstairs. I grab up the skirt of my dress, kick off my heels, and run out of my room, bolting for the first floor.

I hit the last step in the entryway, noticing the front door is open and Jules at the top step of the porch, practically hissing at someone. I walk out and spot the person at the mercy of Jules’ sharp tongue.

Walker? Really? Can’t I catch a break?

“What are you doing here, Walk?” I inquire, catching both of their attention.

“Wow,” he murmurs softly when he sets sight on me.

“I was just telling him he needs to leave,” Jules says between gritted teeth, staring at him with contempt, but he ignores her.

“Gigi, love, I just want to talk to ye,” he answers with his brogue. He’s dressed in a black and white plaid button up and jeans, his worn boots unlaced. He looks disheveled, a bit lost.

“I can have him escorted off the property,” Jules says, crossing her arms and giving him a snide look. “I’m sure Liam and Chase would be more than happy to do it.”

“No, it’s fine, Jules. Will you give us a moment?”

She glares at him then gives me a concerned look. “Are you sure, Ellie?”

“Yeah, just give us a few moments. I’ve got this,” I assure her, placing my hand on her shoulder.

“Alright,” she says warily, “but I won’t be far if you need me.”

She walks past me and heads into the house, leaving the door open.

I turn back to Walk who appears a bit uneasy and head down to him on the stone pathway.

“Ya really do look beautiful,” he says in a soft voice.

“Thank you. But, what are you doing here, Walker? I told you, you aren’t invited.”

“I just want to be a part of yer happy day, Gigi.” The look in his eyes kills me.

“I don’t know if that’s…”

“What is he doing here?” Hunt interrupts me. I glance behind me, finding him there, stiff and on edge, staring at Walker with utter contempt.

“I was speakin’ to Gigi,” Walker states, looking at me, ignoring Hunt completely.

“Don’t call her that,” Hunt snarls, fists clenching tightly at his sides. “I thought I warned you not to show your fucking face here the other day.”

“I call her whatever I please,” Walk says snidely.

“Walker,” I hiss, and Hunt takes a step forward, but I place my hand on his chest, catching his attention.

“Not today,” I pleadingly whisper, “not here, please.”

He glimpses down into my eyes then to my dress, wrestling with his rage. I can see it in his eyes, in his stiff body.

“How can you defend him, Elle?” He appears hurt.

“I agree,” Jules suddenly blurts out behind Hunt, standing at the door. I shoot her a you-aren’t-helping glare, and she shrugs her shoulders, obviously unhappy about Walk’s unexpected appearance.

“I’m not defending him,” I explain, turning my focus back on Hunt. “I just don’t want drama. Can’t we have one day without a struggle?”

He appears torn by his need to make me happy and his desire to pummel Walker to a bloody pulp. But, being the exemplary man he is, he overcomes his demons and manages to shove that rage down deep.

“Is this what you want, Gabrielle, you want him here?”

“I want to be happy,” I reply, stepping into him and wrapping my arms about his waist. “I want this to be the happiest day of our lives, stress-free.”

He smiles down at me half-heartedly, sweeping his fingers over my forehead and down my cheek.

“Alright, angel, if this would make you happy, I suppose he can attend.” He kisses me on the temple then turns his attention on Walker with a cold glare. “If you so much as sneeze wrong, I’ll have your ass thrown out…permanently.”

Suddenly, as if he knew he was needed, Liam is by Hunt’s side. “Would you like me to escort him to his seat, sir?”

“Yes, Banks, thank you,” Hunt says with a nod and releases me, heading back into the house. Liam walks down to Walker, gesturing his hand and leading him over to the side of the house where guests enter. Walk watches me the whole time, with a heartbreaking look in his eyes. I turn around with a sigh and head back inside. Jules is waiting for me in the entryway, with a sympathetic smile on her ridiculously stunning face.

“Are you alright?” she inquires, tossing an arm over my shoulder.

“Yeah,” I reply, throwing my arm over her shoulder. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Chapter Thirty-One

Tying The Knot


his is it. I’m finally going to possess the one thing I’ve ever wanted in this world, my reason to breathe, to exist. She’s everything I ever wanted, needed.

I wait anxiously to see her walk toward me, toward our future. I can only see the lush garden foliage and twinkling lights speckled throughout, but I can feel her. I feel her overwhelming presence radiating from its depths, moving closer with every erratic beat of my heart, deafeningly drumming in my ears.

Suddenly, I get a glimpse of white moving through the bushes of the lush garden, and my heart stops when she appears at the beginning of the aisle. Everything halts in its tracks, time ceases to be, and the world fades away around us. She is the only thing.

Here is the woman I want to wake to everyday for the rest of my life. That angelic face will be the last face I ever look upon when my eyes shut for the final time.

My eyes burn, my throat shuts, and my lips tighten as I fight tears back. But, it’s a pointless battle. When she looks up into my eyes, I gasp, and the salty devils break through, quietly spilling down my cheeks.

Chase places his hand on my shoulder, giving me the support just a few months back, I would never had expected from him.




stand at the edge of the garden path, waiting for the moment I can be near Hunt, grasping tightly to Caleb and my bouquet of vivid purple lilies. Then, I hear my cue as violins begin to play one of my favorite songs, ‘Hoppipola’ by Sigur Rós. It inspires hope, which is very fitting.

The cool air of twilight, my favorite time of day, brushes past my face. I breathe in deeply through my nose, smelling the jasmine thick in the summer night air, slowly exhaling out my mouth before I step onto the stone pathway, clenching tightly to Caleb’s arm until my nails dig in. I feel the overwhelming need to cry with every step I take toward Damian and our future together. The garden foliage is dense and bright with shimmering lights guiding my way.

As we inch toward the end of the lush garden, my heart drums a swift beat, and my knees feel weak, as if I’m standing at the edge of some vast, dark abyss. I suppose in some way, I am. The panic of the unknown knots my stomach and rises up my throat, making it impossible to breathe.

In an instant, the disheartening feeling of loneliness vanishes, when my eyes set on Damian, the man of my dreams, waiting under those large oak trees where we professed our love and happiness. The massive giants are filled with glowing chandeliers and antique glass lanterns, with fairy lights hanging like Spanish moss.

Gradually, everyone turns and stands when they spy me approaching. It’s a sea of smiles and overjoyed tears, but my eyes are plastered on Damian, moving toward him as if by some divine force willing me to do so. As I creep closer, I see the glitter in his emerald eyes as tears well up, the quiver of his bottom lip as he fights them back, the way he quickly wipes them away when they break free.

Chase seems to notice, sympathetically patting him on the back. Hunt can’t take his eyes off me, not for a second, all of his love beaming back at me from their emerald depths. I feel as if he’s seeing me, his bride, for the first time.

As I take my final steps toward him, I inhale deeply, preparing myself for the overwhelming moment my hand touches his. He reaches out to me, and I grasp firmly onto him as he guides me to my spot at his side.

The guests take their seats and the ceremony proceeds. The pastor speaks to everyone, welcoming them to this glorious occasion of two souls becoming one. He goes on, but, honestly, I’m so nervous, I don’t even hear what he’s saying. I feel my hands tremble and a light sheen of sweat dampen my entire body. I’m not nervous about marrying Hunt, but I am terrified about screwing something up and ruining the ceremony. I just wait for my cue to turn to Hunt. We decided to have the pastor do the traditional vows, keeping the ones recited last night for us. I can only pray that I don’t mess-up the vows.

After what seems a lifetime, the moment finally came to turn to Hunt, my Hunt, and pronounce my love for him in front of those closest to me…And, more than a few guests, I don’t know from a hill of beans.

I turn to him and take his hands in mine, noticing that they’re clammy and shaking as well. He’s just as nervous as I am, and it actually relaxes me. I think he realizes it too because he tightens his grip and smiles reassuringly at me. The pastor begins to speak the vows, “Do you, Damian Nathaniel Hunt, take Gabrielle Sophia Hyde to be your lawfully wedded wife…”

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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