Read A Dominant Man Online

Authors: Lena Black

A Dominant Man (44 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Man
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He releases me, spins me around, and yanks the neckline of my dress down under my breasts, heaving them up. His nimble fingers twine and twist the hypersensitive pink tips, hardening in his pinching grip. My back arcs and bare ass grinds into his hardy cock, still tucked away in his slacks. I sway against him slowly, and his length grows harder along the split of my rear. I cannot wait for him to claim it.

“I’m so fucking hard for you. Are you wet for me, angel?” He slides his hands down my torso and cups my sex in his palm, gliding his middle finger along my soaked lips. “Mmmm. You’re always ready for me. I’m going to fuck this sweet cunt of yours so hard,” he murmurs in my ear and then bites roughly on the lobe.

He guides me over to the couch, hands still groping stridently.

“Sit on the couch with your legs spread as far apart as they’ll go.” I do as commanded, and Hunt stands over me, studying attentively, licking his lips. “I want you to pleasure yourself. I want you to show me how you make yourself cum.”

He sits in a chair opposite the couch and leans back, casually assessing my panting, sprawled out body.

“I want you to make me cum. I want you to touch me,” I plead.

“Oh, I’ll make you fucking cum, but first
, I want you to show me how you get yourself off.” His eyes are shadowy pools of emerald, his lips parted slightly. I close my eyes and start kneading my breasts. “Open your pretty eyes. I want to see them. I want them to see me.”

They fly open as I begin my descent down my torso. I caress and rub, grab and grope. I slowly make my way down to
my pulsing V, adrenaline rushing straight through me, causing everything to vibrate and my hairs stand at attention.

His eyes bore into me, to the very core of me. He’s watching me absorbedly, hands running up and down the length of his thighs, tongue drifting lazily over his sumptuous lips. I want them on me desperately. I crave
for his mouth’s dark magic to put me under their spell.

The thought of him pleasuring me takes control. I explore myself as if I were Columbus and my body, the new world. My hands sashay greedily down my trembling thighs as I imagine him on me, in me, taking me so completely that I never come back down.

I massage my thighs eagerly, slithering slowly up the inner soft flesh until I reach the part of me that yearns for his deep, thrusting touch. I glide my fingers over the smooth, moist lips, dipping slightly and grazing the slick pink knot of nerves just right. I spasm at the overwhelming pleasure as it sweeps across me, and I moan approvingly.

Hunt is biting his lower lip while a hand caresses the length of his stiff cock running along his thigh. The sight of this sexual being gratifying himself because of the desire he possesses for me is intoxicating, even more so than the alcohol flowing through my veins.

I can’t take it and touch myself. I rub the knot softly and moan, delighted by the feel of my own carnal caress. I shut my eyes as the eroticism of the moment overcomes me, and I hear Hunt’s deep growl. An instant later
, his tongue is on me, devouring me with a ravenous fury that sucks the breath right out of me. My hands fly into his hair and fingers clasp aggressively. His tongue flicks and swivels with precision, declaring me as his own without having to say a word.

He scoops his hands under my rear and hauls me up to his mouth, giving me a deep, erotic kiss on my clit, suckling and humming as he eats his dessert. I writhe and squirm as my orgasm builds inside me until I cannot hold on, and I unravel around him, my body arcing and winding as I savagely cum.

“Hunt,” I cry out.

He doesn’t wait for me to finish coming down before he slams into me, sheathing himself to the base. I enfold him with my legs, and he wraps his arms about my waist, hauling me up. He strides over to the glass wall and smashes me up against it, my bare rear pressing into the icy cold glass.

“So, public sex turns you on. Is this public enough for you?” he murmurs against my slack mouth, his breath filling my lungs as I inhale him.

I groan and crash my lips into his. “Yes. Fuck me,” I mumble through the kiss.

He pounds into me voraciously, thumping me into the cool, vibrating glass, which causes my hypersensitive clit to pulsate to the beat of the music. My body jolts into it with every hard thrash of his perfect cock, filling me up. I use the wall as leverage and meet his ardent blows to my tensing cleft. He growls and pumps harder, making me bounce wildly onto him. His tip hits the back occasionally, causing jagged moans to explode from me.

He pulls out, sets me down, and spins me. I bend over, planting my hands on the glass, and he crashes back into me with a force that sends me jerking forward. I use my hands to push back onto him, and he clamps his onto my breasts. I observe oblivious dancing patrons and friends while he takes my slit vigorously, unmatched by any before and still it’s not enough.

“Spank me,” I order, “Hard.” His hand releases a breast and comes down on my ass with a swift snap. “Again. Don’t stop until I cum,” I growl.

He does as I command, pounding h
is solid dick into me, wreaking havoc on my raw ass. It fulfills the need, and I cum with a screaming moan. He follows suit, pumping me full of his warm, rushing nectar. My whole body goes limp, and Hunt cuddles me into him. I gasp for air as convulsing waves spread through me.

“I want more,” I groan.

“Later, angel, I have something special in store for you. This was a quickie to take the edge off, our fix. I couldn’t take it any longer. Now we can enjoy the evening rather than focus on the urges.” He kisses the back of my head and clenches me tightly. “Would you like to rejoin your friends?”

“Yes, that would be nice.”

We hold each other for a few moments, allowing reality to sink back in, then tidy up and head back down to our group on the dance floor.


e dance, drink, and have an exceptional time. Once we’ve had our fill, we all head back toward the lounge to relax, talk and have a few more drinks before calling it a night. Hunt and I are the last of our posse. As we follow them over to our private entrance, we’re halted in our tracks by a sweet voice behind us.

“Hello, Master.”

Hunt spins around and stares at the stunning brunette with a cold, distant gaze.

Brooke,” he says stiffly, his eyes are cold. I’ve never seen them so emotionless, so distant.

“It’s good to see you,” she comments with a shy smirk, eyes cast down.

“What are you doing here?” he asks curtly.

“I didn’t know you would be here,” she says timidly.

All I can do is gawk. I look her over and notice her clothes. She is wearing a loose, flowing top with dark skinny jeans and black flats. I realize she looks a bit like Olivia, same coloring and willowy beauty. She is tall and slender as well. In other words, she is the polar opposite of me. The only similarity we share are our large blue eyes, which turn their focus on me.

Evans.” She extends a hand out to me confidently, total turn-around from the trembling girl a few seconds ago. Apparently, he gets that reaction from all his girls. I’m relieved I’m not the only one.

I take her extended hand firmly and shake. “Gabrielle Hyde, but you can call me Ellie.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ellie.”

When we break our contact, I feel a folded piece of paper tucked into my palm and slip it into my clutch before Hunt notices.
“Likewise. Any girl of Hunt’s, etc.”

We giggle and smile at one another.

“I suppose you would like to rejoin your friends now,” Hunt suggests.

“Yes. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself,” she quietly murmurs. “It was lovely, Ellie. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

I reply with a sympathetic smile, “You do the same, Brooke.”

She turns and strides back to her friends at the bar. Hunt roughly snatches my hand and leads us back to the lounge quickly. I sit with the girls, chatting it up, and take the opportunity to check the folded slip of paper. It reads.


If you bring the questions, I’ll supply the answers.

Meet me in the girl’s room in fifteen minutes.


I crumple the note and toss it back in my purse. Hunt seems to notice me, so I smile sweetly at him and blow a kiss. He relaxes and goes back to the conversation with Chase and Shane.

Fifteen minutes later, I excuse myself.
Jules and Sloan offer to escort me, but I tell them I’m good and head to the restroom. When I get there, I find her sitting on a plush couch in a waiting area. She smiles up at me, and I walk over to her.

“Please, take a seat.” She gestures to the empty space next to her, and I oblige.

“Thank you.”

“I know we don’t have much time, so I’ll be quick and get straight to the point. I’m sure you’re curious about Damian’s subs, how he behaved with us. I know I was when I first met him.” She furrows her brows and looks at me inquisitively. “Do you have any questions?”

I have a million. The problem is. Where do I start?

“What was he like?”

“He is stern, authoritative, and cold, but he’s also the most generous and considerate Dom I’ve served.”

“What did he like to do to you or you to him?”

“He enjoyed walking me around on a leash and collar, having me stand beside him with a drink in my hand until he asked for it, or watching me do my household chores completely naked. To name a few. I was his slave twenty-four/seven, doing anything he expected of me. When I didn’t do something expected of me…well, let’s just say he was big on obedience and punishment. His favorite form was orgasm denial.”

“Yeah, I got a taste of that gem today.”

“What was your crime?” she asks with a crooked smile and an intrigued gleam in her eye.

“Screaming like a mad woman in his office and refusing to stop once asked.”

“Yeah, that’s Damian.” She shakes her head to herself, appearing to be reminiscing over a particular incident.

She comes back from wherever she’s just been and continues, “He’s a good man, better than he gives himself credit for. When we were together, my mother became terribly ill, and I had to fly back home to see her. He not only paid for my first class trip and accommodations, but he footed the entire hospital bill, aftercare, and mortgage on their house. He took care of everything, so she could focus on getting better, which she did. All thanks to him.”


“Yeah, generous doesn’t come close to his kindness, but his dark side can be just as extreme.”

“When did you end?”

“We ended about a year ago after two years of servitude.”

“You were with him for two years?” I ask the question dripping with astonishment.

“Yes, his longest to date.”

“Do you know how many others?”

“Yes. Seven.”

“Seven?” I repeat back to myself.

“Yes. Damian is the long-term monogamist type.”

“Do you know any of them?”

“Yes, I know a few.”

“I’m curious. What do you do for a living?”

“That’s an interesting question.”

“I wonder what type of woman would choose to be a submissive.”

“I’m a lawyer.”

“A lawyer? I would think a woman in such a position would prefer to be Dominant.”

“You would, but the appeal of being a sub is giving up control to someone else. When your whole life consists of endless decisions, unavoidable responsibilities, balancing friends, family, and long, hectic workweeks, the idea of relinquishing power can be alluring. Everything is taken care of, including your pleasure.”

“I can see the appeal.” I sigh staring down at my fidgeting fingers.

“You aren’t like us, are you?”
she asks in a way that sounds more like a statement.

“No, I’m not. Why do you ask?”

“Well, Damian would never allow us to speak without permission, let alone yell at him. You seem to possess privileges I never had. What are you to him, if you don’t mind me asking?”

I don’t mind her asking. I feel oddly comfortable telling her things I couldn’t talk about with even

“No, I don’t mind. I’m his girlfriend with submissive benefits. However, I’ve been considering giving him more power over me. I’m just not sure I can give up my independence.”

“I hear you. I was the same way when I started participating in this lifestyle, but once I let go and enjoyed the experience, I loved it. It isn’t for everyone, but I highly recommend you at least try. Who knows?”

“I have a hard time with control because of my past.”

I can’t believe I just told her that.

“Ex?” Being a lawyer, she seems to understand instantly. I think I found a kindred spirit in this erotic stranger from Damian’s recent, dark past.

“Yes,” I murmur.

“There is no need to feel shy around me. I won’t judge you or your past. We all have skeletons in our closets.”

“I suppose we do. Did Hunt ever show you his?”

BOOK: A Dominant Man
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