A Feast of Souls: Araneae Nation, Book 2 (2 page)

BOOK: A Feast of Souls: Araneae Nation, Book 2
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“I could hardly ambush you from the front,” Vaughn muttered.

“What did you hear?” A reedy voice sliced through my ears.

When Rhys and Lourdes parted, I noticed this was indeed a full council meeting. Three clan elders sat behind an ornate table on a raised dais. To their right sat two of Lourdes’s brothers. Armand, her heir until she bore children of her own, gave me a polite smile. His amethyst eyes gleamed as he appraised me. His features were sharp, regal. Armand wore his status and wealth with ease.

To his right sat Henri, whose blue eyes danced with amusement. His face was leaner, that of a young male coming into his own. At a glance, Henri’s tawny hair seemed to be the only feature he shared with his older brother. I noticed Henri rolled several golden coins between his fingers.

I shook my head at him. Henri’s hands were never still.

Standing before the council, with her back to me, was Pascale. I recognized her blonde hair.

“Well?” The same elder’s voice made me wince. “I asked what you heard.”

“Nothing I wasn’t already aware of, just a mention of Pascale’s crimes.”

“That’s all? Nothing else?” He glowered at me. “No plans of ours? Are you quite sure?”

The male closest to him raised his hand. “Elder Jean, Mana made an honest mistake. She is the niece of the Salticidae maven and the cousin of our new paladin. Her clansmen are allies of ours.” He stared down his nose at Jean. “She deserves our respect and the benefit of the doubt.”

“Elder Celso,” Jean intoned, “your mercy will be the downfall of this council.”

The final male remained silent, but his brows climbed at that remark.

“Elders, in the interest of not drawing further attention to these proceedings, I request Mana remain until our final votes are cast.” Lourdes indicated a chair. “Sit. We won’t be much longer.”

“With all due respect, Maven, consider what we’re here to decide. Consider what we hope to accomplish,” Jean spluttered. “You invite this female, with no stake in Araneidae business to—”

“That is where you are wrong. Mana knows our gold fills her clan’s coffers during summer months when drought ravages her people. She would never risk the loss of those funds nor would she endanger her clan by betraying ours.” Lourdes dared him with her icy stare. “Besides the fact I am in her debt. I vouch for her reputation and give my word as maven she is loyal to this clan.”

My mouth fell open and the words tumbled free. “You owe me nothing, Maven.”

“My husband’s life is not nothing.” A ragged breath shuddered from Lourdes’s lungs. “You saved Rhys’s life. There is no greater debt than the one I owe you for healing him.” Lourdes’s shoulders relaxed as she exhaled. “You left your home to travel here and tend to him in the ways of your people. I haven’t forgotten your kindness. Until I can repay you, yes, I am in your debt.”

I bowed my head. “It is as you wish, Maven.”

I took a seat, and fabric rustled as she turned from me. “Now, as to the matter of our vote…”

While the cadence of tapping feet and muttered complaints spiked the droning conversation, I kept my head lowered so I intruded on the council proceedings as little as possible. I had never wished so hard to be as incorporeal as the spirits I sometimes hunted. Ah, to sink into oblivion…

“Chin up.” The scent of balsam and male filled my nose. The chair beside mine creaked as a heavy frame settled in with a slow exhale. “You might as well pay attention since you’re here.”

Ignoring the sly voice whispering temptation in my ear, I tucked my feet under my chair and hoped Vaughn grew tired of my company and left. The motion snagged his attention, and a blush crept up my neck. At home, in Beltania, common shoes made sense for our dusty roads or in case of being caught out of doors in summer showers. Likewise even our best gowns frayed from use.

Only since arriving in Erania had I begun to feel as common as my footwear.

Pain surged behind my breastbone. Females here lived in luxury underground except during the token months when the weather allowed them to occupy the aboveground city. Even then, the roads were paved and the buildings carved from stone rather than made from stacked mud brick.

Forget the lavish appointments, no marvels of architecture compared to home in my eyes. I had been born the daughter of a varanus farmer. Give me grass and fields and sunlight any day.

“You realize what they’re discussing affects you as well?”

Evading Vaughn became harder when he sat beside me, and the warmth from his body made me lean closer. Gods I tired of the constant dark and chill of this miserable city, cold as its riches.

The moment these proceedings ended, I intended to reacquaint my head with my pillow.

“Since my name is not Pascale, I don’t see how their discussion is any of my business.”

I risked glancing his way. His jaw was square, his face a jumble of angles that somehow fit. His eyes promised the best sort of mischief. How had I forgotten the slight curl to his ebony hair?

He clicked his tongue. “If you had paid attention, you’d have heard the part about how your maven agreed to offer Pascale asylum in exchange for hefty compensation from the Araneidae.” My shoulders sagged at that. “For Pascale’s part in the crimes committed against her parents, she has been sentenced to indentured servitude for a period of two years. If Lourdes’s relieved smile is anything to go by, the council passed the vote and you now have a new Beltanian neighbor.”

While it wasn’t my place to question my maven, I tasted bitterness at our clan being viewed this way. Harboring a murderer in exchange for gold? I prayed this incident didn’t begin a trend. I had received no mail during my stay, a fact I had lamented, but perhaps now I knew the reason.

Negotiation had taken precedence over familial courtesy. Besides Old Father, my aunt was the only person who might have written me. Sikya was my last blood-related family outside of Rhys.

Hurt at being denied the comfort of even a single letter from home ignited my temper.

“I’m pleased for Lourdes’s sake. I’m glad a mutually beneficial arrangement was reached.”

“Why do I doubt that’s what you’re thinking?” Vaughn tipped my chin up with his finger. “I saw that flash of pride, that glint of anger. What thoughts whir in that beautiful head of yours?”

His compliment made my cheeks sting. “I
happy for Lourdes.”

I wished only that the Araneidae considered more than their best interests in such matters.

“Liar.” His grin was wicked. “I could grow to appreciate that about you.”

Unsure if I should feel pleased or chastised, I startled when a gavel smashed the moment.

Pascale was led past us. Upon her exit, the council rose for closing prayers.

Vaughn fisted my sleeve and kept me from standing. I frowned at him. “Isn’t it over?”

“No.” His expression darkened as he studied the door. “The fun is just beginning.”

My gaze followed his. “What do you mean?”

“Who do you suppose they chose to escort Pascale to Beltania?”


He nodded. “Me.”

“It makes sense.” Despite my fondest wish to be free of Vaughn’s presence. “You agreed to escort me home in three days’ time. I can see why the council would ask you to bring her along.”

“Pascale is an Araneidae heiress,” he said, lips quirking, “who is responsible for the death of the Theridiidae clan’s heir. Despite the fact he was killed in self-defense, despite the fact his clan broke their vows of allegiance to the Araneidae, and despite the fact he engineered Pascale’s role in her parents’ deaths, Maven Colleen is playing the part of victim. She sees Pascale as the party responsible for her beloved son’s death. She wants revenge, she wants blood, and she’ll have it.”

Foreboding slithered down my spine. “You’re warning me.”

“I’m informing you of the risks.” His voice lowered. “Lourdes and Rhys have a trip planned in four weeks’ time. Stay. Enjoy Araneidae hospitality. Travel with the clan heads will be safer.”

“You care about my safety?”

“For some reason, little mouse, I find the idea of you no longer scurrying down passageways disturbing.” He frowned as if the sentiment caught him by surprise. “Consider this conversation a friendly warning. Pascale must be my priority. Lourdes’s clan is allied with mine. Yours is not.”

My pride smarted again. As if I needed a reminder of how inconsequential I was to them.

“While I appreciate your counsel, I do, I have been gone from home too long.” I noticed the council members filing past us in neat rows. “Now, if you don’t mind, I still feel unsettled. I’d like to return to my room and get some rest.” I touched his arm. “I’ll travel with you as planned.”

Gods knew I wouldn’t last four more weeks here.

“There you are.” Henri paused at Vaughn’s shoulder. “I wondered where Lourdes hid you.”

“I apologize for disrupting the proceedings.” I cut Vaughn a look. “It wasn’t my intention.”

“The alternative never crossed my mind.” Henri gave a small smile. “I’m glad you’re here.”

Mollified, I asked, “Was there something you needed?”

“I have an idea, a theory really, I wanted to discuss with you. About the dayflower seeds you gave me. If you have a spare moment, would you consider accompanying me to my laboratory?” He snapped his fingers. “I forgot about the party. I’m sure you would rather return than go with—”

.” I cleared my throat. “I mean, I had my fill of the party earlier.”

“Excellent.” Henri beamed at me. “Let’s go then. I don’t want to keep you out too late.”

Returning his smile was automatic. His enthusiasm was infectious. I joined him in the aisle.

“I thought you felt unwell.” Vaughn shifted in his seat. “Weren’t you heading to bed?”

“Mana?” Henri turned to me. “It’s nothing that won’t keep until tomorrow.”

“I have a lingering headache, but conversation would be a welcome distraction.”

“In that case,” he said, offering me his arm, “prepare to have all thoughts of pain diverted.”

I looped my arm through his with a grin. All Araneidae should be as warm as this male.

“There’s a more, um, private route to my laboratory.” He led the way. “We’ll use it.”

“All right.” I was unsurprised to learn there were tunnels exclusive to Araneidae clan heads and their families, but I was flattered Henri chose to share them with me. “Avoiding the party?”

“Yes.” He cocked his head. “I hear music, so the dancing will have started by now.” His grin was lopsided. “My feet can’t handle the northland jig. I was rather relieved to heed the council’s summons. I, um, kept an eye out for your arrival. You were late.” When I flinched, he corrected, “I came early, then the summons was issued. We likely passed one another and I didn’t realize.”

Flushed with warmth at his understanding, I admitted, “You’ve piqued my curiosity.”

His brows rose, and I sensed his thoughts had wandered. “Oh?”

“A handsome male,” I teased, patting his arm. “Dark halls and the promises of distraction?”

.” Blood rushed into his cheeks. “I should have thought—I didn’t think—that is, this isn’t what you think it is. I wanted to—” He dropped my arm and faced me. “I’ve bungled this.”

“It’s fine,” I rushed to assure him. “I have no reputation among your clan to tarnish.”

“You’re kind to say so, but your reputation is impeccable and my actions may sully it.” His color rose until his aura lit the hallway, casting the pinkish hue of attraction around him. “I know it’s forward to ask, but you’re returning home soon, and I’m out of time for proper niceties.” His head lifted slowly, and an emotion I labeled hope ensnared me in his gaze. “Can you forgive my impertinence for asking if your affections have been engaged, even a little, during your stay?”

My face heated when his aura spiked red. “I have no particular attachment to any male.”

“Good.” His exhale caressed my cheek. “I enjoyed our time together. I hope that you can say the same. It is…
to find a female as well-read and studied as you—” a grin, “—so far north.”

Dread leached the warmth from my skin. “What are you asking me?”

“I’d like your permission to write you.” He was so earnest I struggled against the immediate denial perched on my tongue. He was an heir. Interest in me was a boon for my clan. “Unless…”

I found myself saying, “I’m flattered you asked.”

“But you don’t feel as I do.” His gaze lowered. “Your clan believes in soul mates.”

“We do.”

“And I’m not yours.”

Rather than admit I had a mental block where mine was concerned, I spoke from my heart. “No.” I almost wished I could accept less than a perfect match, but I couldn’t. “You aren’t.”

For a while, the only sound in the hall was our footsteps, and even they were far too quiet.

“Ah. We’ve arrived.” His voice boomed in the sudden lull. “Watch your step.” He crossed a cluttered threshold and kicked debris, gesturing I should follow him. “Please, forgive the mess.”

I heeded his warning too late and stumbled. The room was packed with crates of some kind.

BOOK: A Feast of Souls: Araneae Nation, Book 2
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