A Firm Hand: 2 (Bound to You) (23 page)

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Authors: Fallon Blake

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: A Firm Hand: 2 (Bound to You)
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“If it isn’t the girl with the gorgeous hair,” a feminine voice spoke behind her.

Gen turned to find Indigo looking pin-up perfect in a midnight-blue wiggle dress and her hair in victory rolls. She knew it probably wasn’t proper etiquette, but greeted Indie with a hug anyway. “Indie.”

“I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Banner Faust.” The man holding her hand had a warm smile, blue-gray eyes and dimples. He was an inch or two shorter than Brian but similar in build and almost as gorgeous. Not quite, but close.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Faust.” Should she have called him by first name? She was never sure about these things.

“No need to be formal, call me Banner, please. You must be Genevieve.” He turned to Brian. “She’s beautiful. I can see why you’ve kept her hidden away.”

The tension in Brian was back with a vengeance. What the hell was going on with him?

“Brian,” Indie said a little too brightly, “I’m going to borrow your girl, if you don’t mind. There are some mini cupcakes around here that need sampling.” She gave Banner a quick kiss.

Banner grabbed her hand and pulled her to him before she could get away. The amount of love apparent in his gaze made Gen sick with envy. “Behave yourself.”

“Yes Sir,” Indie replied with a mischievous smile.

“Go socialize,” Brian said to Gen. “I’ll find you shortly.” No kiss. No playful remark. The only thing he did was switch off the vibrator, making her feel as though he’d severed their connection. The abrupt mood swings were enough to make her head spin. You’d think she’d be used to it by now. She kept hoping things would level out, that they’d find some sort of balance. No such luck.

Gen downed the rest of her wine and discarded the glass on the nearby table. She straightened her spine, lifted her chin and grabbed Indie’s hand. “Did you say something about cupcakes?”

“Yes, indeed.” Indie led her to a table of creatively displayed food. She picked up a cupcake and handed it to Gen. The bite-sized confection was pale green with delicately piped icing and iridescent sugar crystals. “Key lime with citrus cream cheese frosting.”

Flavor exploded across Gen’s tongue as soon as she popped it into her mouth. “Oh my god,” she managed through the mouthful of cake. “So good.”

“One of my specialties.” Indie grabbed a dark chocolate one. “I call these babies Black Raspberry. They’re vegan.” She ate the miniature cupcake with a look of pure pleasure.

“You made these?” Gen asked, astonished.

“Yup. Cupcakes are sort of an addiction of mine.”

“Not a bad addiction to have,” Gen said, selecting another one labeled Chai Spice.

“It is for the waistline, but what can you do?” Indie wiped her fingers on a napkin. “You doing okay?”

Apparently Gen wasn’t the only one who felt the tension between her and Brian. “I’m fine,” she answered, mustering up a smile.

“I know this isn’t the place, but you can talk to me if you need to. If anyone understands the difficulty of being in a relationship with certain types of men, it’s me.”

“It’s our job to make things difficult,” a deep timbre cut in.

“Jared Kingsley.” Indie smirked. “I was wondering when you’d grace us with your presence.”

Holy hell. Indie was right. The man
built like a god—a tall, bronze one with eyes like coffee, wavy brown hair and a smile that could disintegrate panties.

“I’m beginning to think that polite, demure girl I first met was a figment of my imagination. Who’s your friend?” Jared asked.

“This is Genevieve Hawthorn,” Indie said with a smile. “Genevieve, meet Jared Kingsley.”

Jared took Gen’s hand and brought it briefly to his lips. “Ah, Brian’s bratty new girl.”

Bratty? The grin Gen offered him was dangerously sweet. “And you must be the one everybody warned me about.”

Jared chuckled. “My reputation precedes me. I can tell you I am much worse than they say.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Gen remarked. She felt Brian before she saw him. He seemed to appear out of nowhere with Sophia at his side. He placed a possessive hand on Gen’s nape. The gesture calmed and centered her.

“I see you’ve met Genevieve,” Brian said.

Jared’s gaze raked up Gen’s form in a way that made her feel as if he had the ability to see straight through her dress. “She’s a tasty little morsel. Lippy though. Maybe you should send her to me. I’d have that mouth of hers trained in no time at all.”

“Jared, don’t scare the poor girl,” Sophia said with a scowl.

“Don’t worry,” Gen said. “It takes a lot more to scare me than a narrow-eyed stare and a few cheap words.” She nearly cringed at her own audacity. This was another Dominant she’d spoken to without care of offense. Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut?

Sophia raised a thin brow. “Oh I like her.”

“I bet she gives you plenty of reasons to discipline her,” Jared said in a hushed voice.

Brian’s eyes gleamed with wicked humor. “That she does.”

“Well, if the males are done puffing out their chests and marking their territory, I’d like to have a chat with Genevieve.” Sophia offered Gen her arm. “Shall we?”

Gen took it with trepidation. Jared may not have scared her, but this woman definitely did. “If Brian doesn’t mind.”

Brian’s jaw tightened. “Return her in the same condition, Sophia.”

What did he mean by that? It wasn’t as if Sophia was going to take Gen to a back room and flog her to death. At least Gen hoped she wasn’t.

“Of course,” Sophia said with a dismissive wave. “Indigo, keep an eye on these boys. Don’t let them get too out of hand.”

Indie laughed. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Sophia’s stride was careful and deliberate as she led them away from the others and toward a collection of black-and-white photographs. Gen wasn’t normally attracted to women, but there was something about Sophia that called to her. Her cool, discerning gaze and soft yet authoritative voice carried subtle but clear notes of dominance that Gen responded to almost unconsciously.

Gen waited quietly for the conversation to ensue. She was certain Sophia hadn’t dragged her away just to look at art.

“Brian tells me you’re a talented artist,” Sophia said, breaking the silence.

“I don’t know if I would say talented.”

“Brian doesn’t make it a habit of lying or exaggerating for that matter. I trust his judgment. If he says you’re talented then I have no reason to think otherwise. What’s your preferred medium?”

“Digital, although I like to paint from time to time.” Gen studied the beautiful photographs. The artist had made landscapes using obscure close-ups of naked body parts. Each picture represented a duality of innocuous beauty and eroticism. “I appreciate Brian’s opinion, but my work is hardly on par with what you have here in the gallery.”

“Art is all about finding your niche. With talent and training, anyone can have a career provided they can find the right market. Do you have an online portfolio?”

“Not yet,” Gen replied, embarrassed.

“I would suggest that be your first step. There’s work to be found in the digital world—everything from graphic design to more creative platforms such as book and album covers. Why don’t you give me a call when you get your portfolio set up and I’ll see if I can help you?”

Fear spiked through Gen. She’d never shown her work to someone as influential as Sophia. This woman had the power to make or break her artistic confidence with a few choice words. “Oh you don’t have to do that, Ms. Adler. I’d hate to be an imposition.”

“Nonsense. Unless of course you aren’t interested in turning your passion into a career.”

“It’s not that.”

“You don’t think you’re good enough.”

With a small sigh, Gen nodded.

“Art is much like submission—it takes courage. You strip down and put yourself on display, hoping for acceptance and praise. Maybe even love. It’s scary and uncomfortable, but the payoff is more than worth it. Take the risk, Genevieve. The best things life has to offer never come easy.”

A lump settled into Gen’s throat. Sophia’s meaning was all too clear.

Chapter Twelve


Gen’s pussy was soaked almost beyond comprehension. She squirmed on the leather seat in the back of the limo, attempting and failing to alleviate the ridiculous amount of pressure the vibrator had created within her. Release. She needed it now more than she ever had. Knowing Brian, she’d have to endure her aroused state awhile longer. Abruptly the humming stopped. For a split second, she missed it. She quickly got over that brief moment of insanity and breathed a sigh of relief.

Brian reached over and clasped her hand. “There are some things you should know before we arrive at Jared’s.”


“Since you’re a submissive, there will be certain things expected of you. He doesn’t host private parties often especially of this caliber so it’s very important that you listen to what I’m about to say. Understood?”

She nodded, not liking where this conversation was headed.

“Before I begin, I want you to understand that I personally don’t agree with this level of subservience. But Jared is the king of his castle and we will both respect the way he chooses to rule it. With that said, I think one night of slavery might prove to be fun for both of us. I’ll need every ounce of your trust though. Are you willing to give me that?”

“You already have it, Brian.” He’d had it all along. Why couldn’t he see that?

He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand as he gazed at her softly. She leaned into his touch, enjoying the small intimacy. He withdrew his hand and seemed to collect himself. “Good. You’ll be expected to undress upon arrival. Submissives at these parties are not allowed clothing. You’re not to make eye contact or speak unless you’re given permission. That means you cannot challenge Jared like you did earlier tonight. If you do, I’ll be forced to punish you and it won’t be the kind of punishment you enjoy. You’ll sit or kneel on the floor unless you’re invited onto the furniture. You’ll address Jared, Banner and myself as Sir and Sophia as Mistress.”

“Will I have to obey them as well?” she asked, concerned. Deferring to Brian was difficult enough. Adding three more Dominants into the mix made her anxious.

“If I tell you to, yes.”

“Does that include sexual service?”

God, she hoped he didn’t want that, but she also didn’t want to displease him. She knew that some Dominants considered sharing to be the ultimate expression of trust and submission. If he ordered her to fuck someone else, he would still be the one in control, the one pulling the strings. Despite how others saw it, she would feel betrayed if he commanded her to service someone else with her body.

“The only person fucking you will be me. I’m not in a sharing mood. Although, I might be inclined to let them dish out some pain. But don’t worry. I won’t allow anyone to push you past your boundaries. You are perfectly safe with me.”

She gave him a weak smile, wishing that were true. Physically, she knew beyond all doubt she was safe with Brian. As far as her heart was concerned, no one on earth was more dangerous.

“Do you have any questions?” he asked.

“Did Indie agree to all this?”

Brian chuckled. “Let Banner worry about Indie. I imagine he’ll have his hands full. Should be a very interesting evening.”

That was an understatement.

The limo passed through a huge wrought iron gate then let them out in front of a sprawling Mediterranean mansion. Gen exited the car with her mouth agape. “This is Jared’s house?”

“All eighteen thousand square feet. Jared Kingsley doesn’t believe in doing anything in half measures. It’s a bit grandiose for my taste.”

Grandiose was a good way to describe it. Dozens of lanterns cast a soft amber glow on the Spanish-tiled roof, elaborate mosaics, carved pillars and rows of archways. And that was just the exterior.

The driver handed Brian an overnight bag before bidding them good night.

“What’s in the bag?” Gen asked.

“A change of clothing for both of us, toiletries and other necessities.”

“We’re staying the night?”

Brian led them to a heavy set of French doors and rang the bell. “Yes.”

Always with the vague answers.

Jared opened the door with a sly grin. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

Brian gave an exaggerated sigh as he ushered Genevieve inside. “Quit with the dramatics. Have the others arrived yet?”

Jared chuckled. “Eager to get started, are we? Not that I can blame you as provocative as your new submissive is. I have a feeling her punishments will be many and varied. But to answer your question, no, you’re the first.”

Genevieve swallowed hard. She had a sinking feeling her night was going to be a difficult one. Hopefully she would make it through in one piece.

Jared snapped his fingers. A girl Gen had failed to notice immediately rushed to his side, eyes downcast and waiting for instruction. She was tall with long blonde hair and breasts that had to be fake. Her tan skin was offset by the blood-red of her collar and cuffs. This must be one of the Stepford slaves Indie had told her about.

“Lila, take Master Brian’s submissive up to their room and help her get settled.”

“Yes, Master,” the slave replied.

Brian handed Gen the overnight bag and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “Go wash up and change out of your dress. I’ll send for you in a little while.”

Gen followed Lila upstairs, admiring the layout of Jared’s disgustingly beautiful monstrosity of a house. Where Brian’s home was a study in modern minimalism, Jared’s was an example of contemporary grandeur given a Baroque twist. Rich colors, decorative molding and expensive art abounded. Lila led her down a long hallway and to a large room toward the end.

“Master Jared had this room specially prepared for Master Brian. I hope he finds it to his liking.”

Gen stepped through the doorway, nervously clutching the overnight bag. The spacious Moroccan-themed bedroom was larger than her entire apartment. The colors—predominately dusky orange, saffron yellow and deep pink—reminded her of an exotic spice market.

“The bathroom is to the right as well as the closet. You can undress and hang your clothing in there. A late meal will be served at ten o’clock. Wait here until Master Brian sends for you.” Lila left, closing the door behind her without sparing Gen so much as a glance. The slave’s attitude was curt, almost snotty. Apparently the sweet demeanor was only reserved for the Dominants in the house.

Gen set the bag down next to the bed and sat with a sigh, suddenly feeling like Alice down the rabbit hole. Masters, slaves, special protocols, a kinky dinner party… What had she gotten herself into?
Might as well play along.
It wasn’t as if she had another choice. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass Brian in front of his friends. She could do this. She just needed to get into the right headspace.

She went through the bag Brian had brought and retrieved her toiletries. She smiled when she noticed he’d packed her holey jeans, Winchester Tavern t-shirt and her worn flip-flops. What she wouldn’t give to throw on those clothes now and gain a sense of normalcy. Unfortunately she couldn’t have that comfort. At least she wouldn’t be the only one subjected to the slave routine. Indie would be here. She wondered what the feisty, curvy sub thought about all this.

Gen undressed, carefully hanging her dress in the closet and packing away her shoes and lingerie. Nude, she sat at the counter in the oversized bathroom and washed the makeup from her face. With tears and gags and sweat in her near future, it was best to go into this prepared. She didn’t want to end up a mascara- and lipstick-smeared mess by the end of the night.

The toy buried in her pussy left her feeling full and aroused and it was even turned on. God, relief couldn’t come fast enough. She could bring herself off before Brian requested her presence. As appealing as that thought was, she knew better than to disobey. Somehow, he would know. She was sure of it.

Satisfied with her appearance, she got up and paced the room, anxious for the evening to begin. All the waiting around made things worse. What time was it anyway?

A soft knock sounded at the door. Remembering her nudity, she hesitated for a moment. Fuck it. She squared her shoulders and boldly opened the door.

Lila stood before her, glaring down her nose as if she’d caught sight of something vile. “Master Brian expects you in the dining room in ten minutes,” she said then turned on her heel and walked down the hall without another word.

She’d neglected to tell Gen exactly where the dining room was in this huge house. Gen almost called after her, but decided against it. She’d eat her own tongue before she asked that bitch for help. She’d just have to find it on her own. It shouldn’t be too difficult. How many dining rooms could this place have anyway?

Gen headed back to the bathroom to have one last look in the mirror. She smoothed her hands over her hair, checked her teeth then gave her nipples a pinch for good measure. Ready or not…

With her pulse quickening and her senses on high alert, she went downstairs. When she reached the foyer, she heard several voices coming from farther down a hallway to her right. That direction was probably her best bet. From the glimpses she got of the room beyond, she was headed to the kitchen. Damn, wrong way. She was about to turn around when she heard something that made her halt.

“So, I met Brian Donovan’s new temporary toy.” That one sounded suspiciously like her new friend Lila. Temporary toy? Bitch.

“Who is Brian Donovan?” another female voice asked.

“Honestly, Tiffany. Sometimes I forget how green you really are. Brian Donovan is only one of the wealthiest Doms in the scene. He’s heir to some big beverage fortune.”

“Oh. How do you know his submissive is only temporary? Is she nice?”

“Nice? Who cares? I can tell you she’s nothing special. God, that red hair is atrocious. And I know she’s temporary because for one, she’s not wearing a collar.” Gen’s hand immediately flew to her naked throat. “Two, Master Brian never keeps submissives for more than a night or two. Even so, I’d sub for him any day. I hear the man is gifted when it comes to punishment. It also doesn’t hurt that he’s gorgeous.”

“Why only a night or two?”

“No one really knows. But rumor has it his first submissive died in some sort of accident. He hasn’t had a permanent one since then. Instead he uses them like tissue, wears them out then throws them away.”

Gen’s heart tripped.

“That’s so romantic. It’s like he can’t bear to replace his only love.”

“Ugh, you’re hopeless.”

Gen forced her feet to move. She backed out of the hallway, trying to choke back tears. Everything suddenly fell into place. Brian’s coldness… How he didn’t want love… It all made horrible sense. She all but stumbled into the foyer and bumped right into Indie.


Gen quickly wiped her eyes in a desperate attempt to compose herself. “Hi, Indie.”

Indie gave her a quick hug, not the least put off by their nakedness. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.”
His first submissive died in some sort of accident.
“Just…looking for the dining room.”

“I’ll show you. It’s just down the main hallway. Are you ready for this?”

Gen nodded.

“Good. I’m ready, but not happy about it. Banner has taken me to a few of Jared’s play parties, but nothing like this. The ones he holds at the end of the month are pretty casual and that’s more my thing. I don’t think I could stand all this slavey stuff on a regular basis. Banner has never been big on protocol. Thank god. According to him, this little gathering is in honor of Brian’s visit. Not sure I totally believe that. I think Jared just wanted an excuse to play Master of the Mountain. Are you sure you’re okay?”

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