A Forgotten Kitten (Sea-anan Saga Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: A Forgotten Kitten (Sea-anan Saga Book 2)
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“I am not leaving!”

Mike was losing his patience. He grabbed a hold of Sev’s arm. “I said you are.”

Two bags were dropped. Sev’s left hand made to strike Mike’s grip, his right to strike Mike on his right shoulder. Both of his lightening moves were dodged.

Mike stood an arm’s length away from the heated cat, laughing. “I told you. You’re not faster than I am. I played with you the last time, but I tire of games very quickly. And I rarely play the same game twice.”

Sev let out a challenging growl.

Mike smiled broader. “Growl at me all you like, but you are not boarding my brother’s ship.” His smile vanished. “And you are
going near my cousin again.” Gray ice relayed unspoken knowledge.

“No one comes between my mate and me, not even a Seacat!” Sev took a step forward.

“That’s it!”

Sev stopped, confused.

“That’s the reason why they’re no longer your friends. That’s the reason why you’re here so early trying to board our White Star. They told you that you couldn’t be with her, didn’t they?”

Sev clamped down on his teeth.

“Well, I’ll be.” Mike shook his head. “You still can’t come with us, though.”

“Try and stop me.”

“You are the Lord of the Seacats, Sev. You can’t pack up and leave this planet.”

“You are wrong on two accounts.”

Mike’s forehead wrinkled.

“Not only can I pack up and leave if my mate is departing from this world, but I am no longer the King of Oceanica.”

Mike’s head jerked back as if someone had slapped him across the face. “What did you just say?”

Sev stood toe to toe with the young warrior who was two inches shorter than he was. “I said, not only am I departing with you, but I’m no longer king.”

“How is that?”

“It’s simple. I renounced my throne.”

Mike’s eyes could not have opened wider. “You gave up the throne of Oceanica?”

Sev nodded once.

“Because they wouldn’t let you take Areo as your mate?”


Mike frowned in confusion.

“There is no law stating I cannot take a mate. I could have easily taken Areo to my bed and mated with her if that was my choice. They never would have protested that.”

The grip Mike had on his sword tightened. He gave Sev a killer look.

“I renounced my throne because they did not accept her as my

Mike was shocked. “Your…
he coughed.

“You know the law. I was the king, the upholder of that law. I had to choose a pureblood and create a life, an heir. That’s something I couldn’t do. My heart belongs to a half-blood feline. If I ever create a life, it will be with her and no one else. And we both know they will never place a feline of mixed blood on the throne.”

“Oh, I know that for certain.”

“That’s why I’m here. Areo will not be taken from me a second time. Not by you. Not by them. Not by anyone.” Sev dropped the third bag he carried on his shoulder and braced himself for combat.

Mike gravely weighed Sev’s actions and words. “What you’re saying is that you are giving up your role as ruler of this planet for a woman.”

“No.” Sev paused. “I have consciously renounced my title as ruler of Oceanica. I have relinquished my birthright. I have handed over my Seacat insignia and my sword to the newly appointed ruler. And I have done all this for the female who is my soulmate. If I had anything else to give, I would do so gladly if it meant that I could spend several lifetimes by her side.”

Mike gaped at Sev. He had never believed Sev would grow up and keep his promise not to turn his back on Areo or let her go to another man. His family had felt it was a childhood crush. They had believed that when Sev and Areo matured, it would be over. And with Oceana’s destruction, they had thought Sev was dead. Now after meeting the woman Areo had become, along with his amnesia, Sev still wanted her. This was the last thing Mike had expected to hear.

Could he really love her? Is he really Areo’s soulmate, or is he just…
Mike’s eyelids lowered suspiciously. “How many women have you been with?”

Taken off guard, Sev stared in response. As the meaning dawned on him, he answered, “Do not confuse love with lust, Mike. I do not lust after anyone. But I do love Areo.”

“Do you really?”

“Have I not proven myself enough?”

Mike did not respond.

“Let me board, and I will show you and everyone who doubts me just how much we were meant to be together.”

Amazingly, with only a moment’s hesitation, Mike stepped aside to allow Sev to board. Without saying another word, Sev picked up his bags and calmly headed up the plank.

Before he reached the entrance, Mike’s words of warning rang loud and clear. “I am allowing you to board, Sev, but don’t think you’re out of the woods yet. Areo has a very—and I mean a
large family. And amongst all the men, I am the easiest one to get
along with. Don’t think for a second that this trip of yours is going to be a picnic in the park.”

Sev faced him.

“We have for many, many years lived with the memories of Oceana and its citizens in our hearts. None of us has forgotten the hospitality bestowed upon us by the king. Being the son of that
blessed, righteous
king will not make things easier on you. Tread carefully, cat, or you will be banned from ever laying your eyes on her again.”

“Then you will have to kill me and make certain that I am dead, because that is the only way anyone will ever take Areo from my side again.” Sev entered the ship.

Mike stared at the entranceway.
I wonder how the others are going to react when they find out I allowed Oren’s son to return home with us.
He chuckled.
Better than when they find out the reason why.
He raised his sword over his right shoulder and slipped it into its casing. He thought of Areo’s mental link to her twin and shook his head. “Mathew must have flipped.”

“I’m sure he did.”

Mike spun around. “Jugar? What are you doing here?” He noticed the bags Jugar was carrying and moaned. “Don’t tell me. You want to come with us as well.”

“I made a promise to your sire that I would keep an eye on that kitten. Which means that wherever he goes, I go.”

“But he’s no longer a kitten, godfather. And he claims to be in love with Areo.”

“I know. For the past year I’ve tried everything short of tying Areo up and hiding her in a cave to keep those two apart.”

A lopsided grin appeared on Mike’s face. “I hate to be the one to tell you this, but, uh, you failed.”

Feigning shock, Jugar replied, “No! Whatever gave you that idea?”

Mike chuckled.

“When is liftoff?”

“As soon as I shut the doors. I was making my last rounds when I found you know who sneaking on board.”

“I see.”

“If you’re coming with us, then who’s the new ruler?” asked Mike during their climb.

Jugar handed a bag to him. “Why do you ask me that?”

figure you were the best candidate for leadership after Sev. But if you’re here, then who’s the king?”


“Miko!” Laughing, Mike closed the doors. “Sev isn’t going to like that.”

“His displeasure will be nothing compared to Miko’s or the other Seacats’ reactions when they wake up and find out.”

Mike laughed harder.

Areo leaned against her chamber’s locked doors. She felt the ship move underneath her feet. Her eyes filled with a new torrent of tears. The ship dipped on a turn. Areo covered her face and crumbled to the ground.

Outside, Sev leaned his forehead against the closed doors and listened to the sound of Areo’s sobs. They caused him great pain. Straightening up, he rang the bell.

“Go away!” she cried. The bell continued to ring. Her crying eventually slowed. After a handful of more rings, she decided to open the door. “I said, go away!”

Sev stepped inside her room, replying, “Never.” He dropped his bags and yanked her into his embrace.

Her greedy mouth granted Sev access with no resistance. Sev gently lowered her onto the floor and opened her robe. With her help, he removed his belt and opened his pants.

“Don’t try leaving me again, female,” he vehemently stated in her ear. “You are my wife, my soulmate!” He pushed inside her, making Areo gasp. “You are never to leave me. Never!”

Sev’s thrusts were forceful, demanding that Areo acknowledge him. When she did not, he thrust even harder. Areo never answered. Not in the way Sev wanted, though she did match him in
urgency. By the time Sev realized that Areo’s need surpassed his for her, he was flung over and straddled.

Areo ripped open his shirt and rubbed her torso across his chest. Sev sharply inhaled. With each stroke of her hardened nipples over his, his gaze grew darker. Areo licked his areola and pulled it into her mouth. Sev groaned at the sensual sensations. Snaking his fingers into her hair, he held her firmly in place, not wanting her to stop. Areo sucked, bit, and licked every inch of one pectoral muscle before traveling to the next. Sev flexed for her, and a smile curved her lips.

Areo clawed at each mound while she growled and purred, exciting him further. “I love how big and strong you’ve become.”

Sev was relieved to hear it. Areo rubbed her breasts down his torso and stopped over his ribbed stomach. Sev’s heart pounded in his chest while Areo’s pink tongue traced each peak and valley. Currents of electricity raced along his spine. A moan tore from his throat. He spotted Areo sneaking little peeks up at him. It seems she enjoyed torturing him as much as he did her. She crept lower and Sev’s eyes grew bigger.

He loved the feel of Areo’s fingers raking over his hips and thighs. He raised his hips so she could pull his pants lower. Every muscle tensed as she traced his arousal with the tip of her nose. Her hot breath on his sensitive skin made him flinch. He closely watched her lips follow the outline of him. He saw her nails leaving ten red streaks on the inner side of his thighs. Sev immediately thought of his soulscars, and another shiver coursed through him.

Areo nudged his legs apart and dipped her face under him. Her sweet little nose lifted him so she could kiss all his secret, hidden places. Sev’s lips curved in a smile. Without warning, Areo encased him in her wet, steaming mouth.

Sev bucked. “Great Onssa, what are you doing?” A loud groan escaped him. Areo’s head moved up and down as she gently sucked and wrapped her tongue around his erection. Sev twisted her long hair around his fists to make certain she did not stop. “Yes, Areo.”

The pleasures Areo bestowed him were out of this world. Sev purred. His need flared and skyrocketed. He was about to lose control.

He tried to pull Areo’s flaming mouth off, but she refused. “Areo, no! Stop! Stop!” His eyes lit up. His grip in her hair tightened, as did the muscles around his face. “Areo.”

Areo was too good. Sev followed the drips that flowed from her mouth down the length of him. Her tongue chased after them before they went too far. She encased him again and sent more juices down his tool. Her tongue stroked his tip. Her mouth firmly sucked him.

Sev felt his manhood swelling in her sultry moistness. “Areo.” He guided her mouth as his hips moved faster. “Yes!”

From underneath her lashes, Areo watched his head fall back. His moans made her soul rejoice. Having Sev move his deliciously long, thick rod in her mouth made her giddy with happiness. This was what she had sought when she had set out to seduce him. She had wanted to make this magnificent man want her and no other. Areo needed to imprint herself in Sev’s subconscious so that whenever Sev took his wife, he would unwillingly think of her. She wanted to ensure he would never forget her a second time.

Areo sensed Sev was near completion. She wrapped her arms around his hips and sucked a bit harder, increasing her speed. Sev threw his head back. He released a loud roar and bucked into her greedy mouth. Areo drank every drop he offered her. In the end, she lifted her head and heatedly peered into Sev’s soul.

A breathless Sev leaned on his elbows and ogled at the enchanting beauty who licked her lips as if she had tasted ambrosia, the food of the gods.

Her eyelids drifted halfway down. “Now I truly have you within me.” She sensually purred.

Sev plopped back down.

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