A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets

Read A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets
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Evernight Publishing


Copyright© 2013 Jenika Snow

ISBN: 978-1-77130-606-5

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part

of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in

the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual

events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


To my mom, my number one fan. I'll always hear your voice in my head telling me how proud you

were of me, and how you went out of your way to talk about my accomplishments to anyone that

would listen. This book, and every other one I write, is for you. I miss you, and will always love you.


Wylde Bears, 2

Jenika Snow

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Ten years ago

“Damn, Mina, you are working it so fucking good.” Ford tightened his grip on her hips as she

bounced up and down on his cock. Looking up into her face, he could see the disinterest in her

expression. It was the same look she had worn for the last several months, and one that had him

internally questioning a lot of things, but not actually vocalizing them to her. Pushing those thoughts

aside, he focused on her bouncing tits. Her dark hair looked like spilled ink in the moonlight as it

spread across her breasts. He was transfixed by the sight of the shaking, huge mounds and her tight,

red nipples.

Although he wanted her to open her eyes and look at him she wouldn’t, not even when he

groaned out for her to do so. This had been the norm for far longer than he cared to admit, and

although he needed to sit down and talk to her about what was going on, he couldn’t bring himself to

do it. But dammit he was a bear shifter, fearless and powerful, yet he couldn’t even talk to his

girlfriend about what in the fuck was up with her. Moments later he found his release, but when it

appeared she was struggling to reach hers, Ford reached between her thighs, found her clit, and started

rubbing it back and forth. After a few seconds she cried out and came, but it had been forced, and

ruined the whole fucking experience. Collapsing on top of him, her fast, hectic breathing was

anything but authentic, and he just about lost his shit right then. Her warm, humid breath brushed

along his chest, and all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her, but he clenched his fists and

reined in his needs. Until he knew what was up with her he needed to keep his shit together. After

several moments she rolled off of him. He didn’t miss the almost bored sigh she let out. Seconds later

she was off the bed and walking to the bathroom without so much as a backward glance in his

direction. Ford folded his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling. The glow from his security

lights outside cast a golden hue across the spackled ceiling. A lot of shit went through his mind, but it

always came back to Mina. He had asked her to marry him more times than he cared to admit. But her

answer was always the same: she just wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment. It didn’t matter that

they had been high school sweethearts, or that they had been together for six years, or that he loved

her more than he had ever fucking loved anything on this damn planet. She was changing, had been for

a long fucking time, and he had turned a blind eye for far too long.

He tried, though, fuck did he try, but nothing he ever did seemed to work. She was so damn

distant it made his teeth ache from grinding them so much. “You know how much I love you?” He

called out to her, his voice void of emotion because what was the point? Like the last few times he’d

told her, and every fucking time after that he was greeted with silence. It was always silence, and that

broke his heart just a little bit more. His thoughts drifted to better times, happier ones that didn’t have

him questioning everything, and having the gut feeling that Mina wasn’t honest with him. After seeing

her in the halls of their high school it had been the clichéd love at first sight. It wasn’t unusual for a

shifter to be with a human, but it was more dangerous than if he was with a female of his own species.

But all of that didn’t matter because he loved her more than anything else. Lately he had been

questioning if she was truly invested in this relationship anymore.

She came out of the bathroom dressed and grabbed her purse off the floor. “I gotta run, Ford.”

She said it without even looking at him. Her make-up was freshly applied, and he caught the scent of

the perfume she’d just spritzed on. It pissed him off even more. It was the middle of the fucking night,

and she was leaving once again. He wasn’t a fucking fool, not when she was all dolled up like she was

going to go hop on someone else’s dick.

“Mina, we need to talk.” This conversation had been a long time coming. Without looking at

him she adjusted her skirt and made an annoyed sound in the back of her throat. When she glanced up

at him he saw a hint of indifference and boredom.

“About what? I kind of need to get out of here, Ford. Can we talk tomorrow?” Her tone was

somewhat apathetic, but he wouldn’t be put off, not by her or her fucking attitude. She went back to

straightening her outfit. “I mean, I came over after you all but begged me even though I had stuff to


“In the middle of the fucking night, Mina?”

Shit had just hit the fan. His blood was boiling, and everything inside of him urge to shift, to

go outside and find something to fucking hit, preferably a big-ass male that could give as well as he

could take. He stood, ripped the condom off, and tossed it in the trash. He would have felt more

comfortable getting cleaned up before he confronted her, but fuck it. She wanted to act like a bitch,

well fine, he could act like the asshole she had been calling him for the last few months. “I want to

know what the fuck is going on.”

Her look was quizzical, and he gritted his teeth, hearing them grinding together at her lack of


“Who is it?” It was the slightest shift of her eyes and the increase of her pulse that told him all

he needed to know. “Fucking tell me who the hell he is, Mina.” They held each other’s stare for a

prolonged moment. She didn’t answer, and he felt his claws unsheathe as his emotions took control.

“Tell me what his fucking name is so we can move past this bullshit.” He wanted to hunt down the

bastard, tear his limbs from his body, and feast on his blood. His bear was a hungry fucker, and what

better way to quench his animal’s thirst than to kill the asshole that was fucking his girlfriend?

“Ford.” She breathed out heavily, and the pained expression she gave him appeared

sympathetic, but he could fucking smell how unsympathetic she really was. A low growl left him, and

he took satisfaction when her eyes widened. Oh, he wouldn’t hurt her, would never harm a female, but

he wanted to make sure she knew he wasn’t fucking around. “I just don’t think this is the right time

for something like this, especially when you’re about to go off the deep end.”

“Tell me, Mina.” His low voice vibrated the walls, but Mina stared at him unfazed. “How long

have you been fucking around on me?” He held up his hand. “And don’t lie to me, Mina.”

“Ford.” She walked to the edge of the bed and sat down. It pissed him off even more that she

stayed so damn calm. Grabbing his jeans off the floor and shoving his legs through them, he forced

himself not to shift. His anger was volcanic right now, because even if she hadn’t come out and said

she was screwing around on him, he could smell the truth coming off her in waves. “Will you please

relax and let me talk to you like we are actually civilized human beings and not crazed animals?” Ford

didn’t bother correcting her on the fact he wasn’t a fucking human being, not completely anyway. He

was an animal, one that was volatile at the moment.

He did agree with her on one thing though, and that was the fact he needed to calm the fuck

down, because as it was he was going to tear the room apart. He started pacing, but moments later

forced himself to stop and stare at her. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” She broke eye

contact and started smoothing her hands down her tweed-fucking-skirt. Clenching and unclenching his

fists, he waited for her to continue even though he knew damn well what she was going to say, what

she’d already said.

“Spit it the fuck out, Mina. For months you’ve strung me along, but now is your chance to let it

all out, get it off your fucking chest and be done with me.” She looked up at him and didn’t bother

hiding her surprise. “That is what you ultimately want, right? To be rid of me?” She shook her head,

but he kept right on going. “If not, then why do any of this shit? Why string me along?” The words

just kept coming out of him, but they felt damn good. She may not have said it yet, but he could smell

her betrayal. It was like rotting meat, and it was then he realized she had hidden her deceit so well

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