A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1)
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Thinking about all of the disasters that could have befallen his apartment and knowing that, with his luck, such a thing happening was not out of the realm of possibility truly depressed him. The only thing Kevin could do in this instance was pray that those manga were all wrong.

When you're relying on a manga to determine your course in life, there's already a problem.

Stopping to check his mailbox, Kevin found several letters and what looked like a publication of some kind. He grabbed them and decided to look through them a little later while he was watching TV or something. There wouldn't be any bills or anything of that sort in there His mom paid all of her bills online, so he wouldn't have to worry about that.

On a side note, paying bills online was awesome. It was easy and environmentally friendly.

It was nearing 6:00 when he finally arrived at his apartment. Reaching the stairs Kevin lifted his bike up the steps. He was tired and the act of hauling it upstairs was a lot harder than usual. Coach Deretaine had really pushed them hard today. The aches on his muscles had aches of their own.

That was, like, twice the standard acheage. He hadn't felt this sore since the time his coach for gym had first started making them workout in the weight room. That had been brutal.

After he managed to make it upstairs, Kevin chained his bike to the railing and locked it up. Technically speaking, he wasn't really supposed to have his bike chained to the apartment railing, but no one had said anything yet, so he figured it was okay. After his bike was secured, he unlocked the door and entered with only a small amount of trepidation.

Taking off his shoes and stepping into the apartment, the first thing Kevin noticed was that nothing seemed to be out of place. There was no naked fox girl prancing around. No disaster in the making. No post apocalyptic zombies rising from the dead wanting to drink his semen...

Don't ask. No, really. Don't ask. It's better that you don't know.

The second thing he noticed was the most delectable scent wafting through the air.

Taking a deep breath, Kevin tried to determine what he was smelling. Food, definitely. And well
made food if the scent was anything to go by. Kevin considered himself a decent cook, but whatever was being cooked in his apartment at least smelled like it kicked his food to the curb. He couldn't identify what was being cooked, but he didn't really care. It smelled

Following the scent, Kevin made his way into the kitchen and found Lilian cooking dinner. He was surprised, but at the same time not. Hadn't she just made him breakfast this morning? It didn't seem out of place that she would try making him dinner as well. That, and seeing how she was the only person who had been inside this apartment since he left, it would only make sense that she was the one cooking.

What excellent skills in deduction. Kevin should think about being a detective.

Please note the sarcasm.

For several seconds, Kevin watched as the girl went about her business, humming to herself as she washed the cutting board, knife and bowls she had used to create whatever dish was currently cooking in the oven. Like the last time he had seen her, she was wearing his T-shirt and nothing else. One of her tails was also out and waving around behind her.

A part of him felt he should be glad she was at least somewhat, kind of, sort of, but not really, decent. He couldn't be, however, because that dang tail of hers was constantly lifting the shirt enough that her backside was completely exposed to his eyes every several seconds. No, he really couldn't find it in him to feel truly grateful about her state of dress.

Deciding he had watched her enough, and feeling pretty embarrassed about having spent so much time staring at her backside, Kevin decided to get her attention.

"Uh... hey... um... Lilian?" That was her name, right? Last night he had been so busy freaking out over the fact there was a beautiful, naked, fox-girl in his apartment that he hadn't really paid any attention when she introduced herself.

"Ah!" Lilian spun around in what Kevin could only guess was surprise. Guess because the moment her eyes landed on him any surprise they might have held left as her emerald green irises lit up brightly enough to power a city block for several months. "Beloved!"

Kevin's eyes widened as the girl almost literally disappeared in a burst of speed, her body a mere blur as she darted straight for him. He had read enough manga to know exactly what would come next. Yet like a train wreck, Kevin was unable to do anything in time to stop it from happening.

Credit must be given to him, however, as he at least tried.

W-wait! What are you―oof!―mmph!”

That was him trying, just in case you didn't realize that.

It happened so fast that while some part of Kevin knew what was going on, he still found himself confused. In only a split second he was lying on his back, Lilian was straddling his waist and her hands were clenching his shirt. Her lips were pressed firmly against his in a kiss that was usually only seen in movies... or hentai.

It took him a few more seconds to understand his new situation.




Kevin's eyes began to practically bulge from their sockets as his mind caught up to what his body was experiencing. Lilian was kissing him! Oh God! She was kissing him! And... and...

...Dear, sweat, merciful lord she was
kissing him. He could feel her soft, moist lips moving over his own, creating a delicious feeling that was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

Adding to this mind numbing sensation, Lilian's pink, glistening tongue was pushing its way inside of his mouth. It bumped and squirmed and wiggled, always moving inevitably deeper into his mouth, like she was trying to caress his tonsils with the tip of her tongue.

He tried to say something, anything , but there were two things that prevented this from happening.

The first might have had something to do with the fact that Lilian's
was in his
It is kind of hard to talk when someone is shoving their tongue into the far reaches of the hole you use to speak.

The second? The term is referred to as “brain overload.” To put it simply, his mind had shut down in order to prevent his brain from melting out of his ears... or something, though perhaps not quite as graphic―this wasn't anime after all.

If you want a better analogy, think of his brain as a computer that began overheating and needed to shut down in order to prevent the circuitry from melting and you will have an idea of what was happening to him.

In either event this left him completely defenseless against Lilian as she assaulted his mouth with the skills she must have learned from this Iris person who had shared her first (and presumably every other) kiss. The girl in question seemed to take great pleasure in exploring as much of his mouth as her tongue could reach. She was everywhere; licking the roof of his mouth, the inner sides of his cheeks, playing with his tongue and pushing her own as deeply into his mouth as it could possibly go. Lilian was bringing a whole new meaning to the term “tonsil hockey.”

It was probably a good thing that his mind wasn't all there at the moment. Otherwise the shock from this kiss might have actually killed him.

The amount of time that passed as Lilian took advantage of Kevin's catatonic state shall not be told. It was indeterminable. No one would ever know how long she spent exploring the inner reaches of his mouth. By the time she broke away because she had finally run out of oxygen (just how long can this girl hold her breath for anyways?), Kevin was pretty much a pile of goo.

As Lilian lay above him, her body pushing down on his and her face hovering mere inches from his own, Kevin found his mind trying, and mostly failing, to reboot after shutting down from the sensations that had bombarded him.

He had heard quite a bit about kissing. A lot of the guys he knew talked about it as if it was the greatest thing since, well, ever. A good number of his peers often bragged about how amazing a kisser their girlfriends were and how far they were willing to go. They would literally go on for hours, and all of it was very descriptive, very graphic. Some of the things Kevin had heard about kissing were enough to make him blush from the roots of his hair down to his chest.

Which honestly wasn't that difficult given that this was Kevin, but still...

Anyways, the point was, Kevin knew about kissing in theory, but this was the first time he had ever experienced a kiss like this for himself.

If his brain was working properly, he would have freely admitted that all the hype was correct, accurate down to a “T.” It truly did feel amazing. Indescribable even. The feel of Lilian's soft, lush lips pressing down on his own, the way her tongue moved and rubbed against the inside of his mouth, caressing his own tongue and creating all kinds of deliriously pleasurable sensations. There were simply no words to properly describe how wondrous it felt.

But since his brain was not properly engaged at the moment, all the aforementioned thoughts were things he would be thinking about well after the fact. They are merely being stated here for the sake of adding to story's word count.

"Welcome home, Beloved," Lilian smiled at him. Her fair cheeks were flushed a pale pink that seemed to enhance her already inhumanly gorgeous face.

Though thinking about it, it might be more accurate to say Lilian's previous activity, seeing how Kevin had been, for all intents and purposes, brain dead, during their kiss.

"Huh... uh... wha..."

In case you didn't realize it, that was Kevin. As you can undoubtedly tell from the use of monosyllables, he was still not all there. However, one must give the boy credit where it was due: at least he didn't pass out.

While Kevin was wandering in some mental wonderland, Lilian was experiencing bliss. There was a look of such rapture on her face that you'd think she'd just experienced a mind blowing orgasm. Never in her life had she felt such pleasure, not even when she and Iris had been... um, practicing! Yes, practicing! Not even when they had been practicing their kissing technique with each other had she felt such incredible pleasure, and Iris was admittedly a much better kisser than Kevin.

Which is kind of to be expected since, you know, Kevin wasn't actually reciprocating her kiss, but let's just let Lilian pretend here.

As she thought about the difference between kissing her Beloved and kissing Iris, she wondered if the reason it felt better was because he was her mate? If that was the case, then she could finally understand why some of her aunts and her servant spoke of kissing their previous mates so fondly. Was there anything better than kissing her mate?

Well, there was sex, and the aforementioned mind blowing orgasm that could only come from sex, but it was clear they would not be doing the horizontal mambo anytime soon.

That was okay though. Lilian was patient. She could wait. Besides, it is only the eighth chapter. She had a good number of chapters to go before the story ends, and that wasn't even including the next installment of the series or the various expansion packs. Lilian was sure there would be plenty more time for her to get in her mate's pants.

She sure is confident, this Lilian.

Sighing in content Lilian leaned back down, her veil of red hair falling over the two of them like a beautiful, fiery curtain. The thousands of strands shone like a brilliant flame as the lights hit them. Her incredibly long tresses pooled about the two of them as her face leaned ever closer to Kevin.

For a second it looked like she was going to kiss him again, but instead she just rested her forehead against his, seemingly taking just as much pleasure from the simple skin on skin contact as she had from raping Kevin's mouth.

"I missed you," Lilian stated, pouting a bit. Kevin didn't say anything. Or, to be more accurate, he couldn't say anything. His mind was still lost in limbo. "It was
boring here without you, Beloved." Her face then broke into the loveliest of smiles. She was clearly ignoring the fact that Kevin wasn't even paying attention, or she was just that oblivious. “I'm really glad you're back. I've cooked dinner for you." Her face took on a seductive, narrow eyed expression that would have had most men in the palm of her hands. Not Kevin, though. No. He
wasn't all there in the head. "Though if you want to skip dinner and go straight to desert, I certainly wouldn't mind... ufufufu...”

At this point enough of Kevin's mental faculties had been revived that he was able to comprehend her words. He was also more than capable of feeling her body bearing down on his.

Naturally, he blushed from the roots of his hair down to his chest.

This was another one of those moments that would be perfect for a small, audio only scuffle in which we read dialogue laden with sexual innuendo and outright eroticism, and allow our minds to conjure up all kinds of embarrassing scenarios that might be happening at that moment.

Unfortunately, The Author feels that giving the readers another one of those so soon would ruin the potential humor, so we're skipping it.

And so after a small scuffle that had a good deal of sexual innuendo and downright eroticism that ended with Lilian trying to tear off Kevin's pants and Kevin fighting with whatever waning strength he had to keep his pants on, a loud “Beep, beep! Beep, beep!' was heard from the kitchen.

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