A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1)
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Starting from her tail, traveling down to the base of her backside and going all the way up her spine before reversing direction and making it's way down to her toes, Lilian's body shuddered.

It was not fear. Not this time. It was anger. This monster had hurt her mate. He had to pay.

"You..." Lilian whispered harshly. "You hurt my mate... you hurt my Beloved..."

"What was that?"
Chris growled. When Lilian didn't answer, he took a step forward... and promptly received a ball of compressed light to the face.
"Bitch! I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

"The only person who's going to die here is you!" Lilian snarled, her features shifting. Her face became longer, her nose taking on a more streamlined, muzzle-like form. Three whiskers materialized on each cheek and a sharp looking pair of canines were easily visible jutting out from her upper lip. Even her fingers changed a bit, gaining a nasty looking set of claws. "I'm going to kill you for hurting my mate!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

Famous last words. The moment Chris opened his big mouth, his world erupted in a blaze of light, and from that moment on, the only thing he knew was pain.

For the sake of the readers and the ego of men everywhere, the epic beat down Lilian gave to Chris shall not be mentioned. Just know that the beatdown he received would have made men everywhere shudder in fear and slowly inch away from the nearest female just in case they decided to follow suit.

And so, several minutes and one incredibly epic ass kicking later, Lilian was standing over her fallen foe, who looked like someone had thrown him into the sun and it spat him back out. His now hairless skin was burnt and black. Blood was leaking from several massive cracks on his body and his skin looked more like an overcooked steak than skin. What's more, there were several spots on his body that had burst like overripe fruit. Imagine a lemon left out in the summer heat for several weeks. Now imagine that lemon being shot at point blank range multiple times by a 9mm pistol, then stuck in an oven at 350 degrees for several hours and you'd have an accurate image of what Chris looked like. Not a very appealing picture is it?

Lilian was breathing heavily. Her face once again looked more human and her hands no longer clawed. She stood over the unconscious and twitching body as it groaned and whimpered pitifully, emerald eyes glaring down at the damn dog that had attacked her and her mate.

A ragged breath drew her attention away from her fallen foe and back to the reason she had unleashed her prodigious ass kicking ability on Chris to begin with.


She rushed over to Kevin and dropped to her knees, her hands glowing with a bright healing light (she just now remembered she was a Kitsune and had healing powers). She pressed them against the wounds on her Beloved's chest, unmindful of the blood that was caking to her skin.

Slowly but surely, the wounds began healing, muscles reforming and skin knitting back together. It was a strange sight, sort of like watching someone sewing, only without someone actually there to sew.

For many minutes, too many in Lilian's opinion, she crouched there, willing her powers to heal her mate. Eventually, the wounds became nothing more than thin red lines that only leaked a little bit of blood.

It wasn't the best of patch jobs, her mother, matriarch, and older siblings could do better, but it was a right sight better than before. At least now her Beloved wasn't in any danger of bleeding out. She could heal the rest of his wounds after she got him home.

"Come on, Beloved." Lilian's two tails wrapped gently around Kevin and proceeded to lift him up like he weighed less than a feather. "We're going home."

As she walked out of the alley, Lilian calmly and none too gently stepped on Chris' head. The Inu Yōkai whimpered as his face made an indent in the cement from the youki reinforced heel stomp.

Yeah, Lilian was vindictive like that.


Chapter 17: Lessons of the Past

Kevin woke up to the familiar sight of his bedroom ceiling and the by now familiar weight on his chest. He blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the room's lighting. It wasn't all that bright out, but it was still nowhere the perpetual blackness of unconsciousness and therefore required some getting used to.

A glance out the window revealed it was nearing night. Dusk had set long ago and the world was now cast in twilight. Heavens canvas had been painted in a pale glow of dark purples and blood reds as the sun hid itself behind a mountain range. The sparse amount of light it provided just barely penetrated the thick, parted curtains into his room.

With his bearings now set, the blond-haired, blue-eyed, high school sophomore glanced down at the “weight” on his chest. He was not surprised to see the mass of red hair that belonged to Lilian. You could even go so far as to say he had been expecting it.

It was impossible to see her face, hidden as it was by her hair. Only the crown of her head was visible. He couldn't see much of the rest of her body either, but that didn't mean much. Kevin could feel the way she was wrapped around him. Her arms were holding him tightly, as if afraid he would disappear if she let go, and her legs had latched around his left thigh in a grip of herculean proportions. It was a very good thing he had strong leg muscles, or his thigh would have looked like a tube of toothpaste that had been squeezed by one of those fabled Super Sayains he often read about in his manga.

Lilian's face was pressed against his chest. Each breath she took sent shivers down his spine and created goose bumps on his skin as the hot air she released with every exhale hit the naked flesh of his pectorals.

And that was to say nothing of her generous bust. Pressed against his stomach as they were it was impossible not to feel them, and each time she breathed the pair of large mounds seemed to squash into his chest even more, creating a pleasant yet highly embarrassing sensation that Kevin would rather not think about. The only good thing he could take from their position was that Lilian was at least wearing a shirt, which was surprising as she had never bothered before.

Doing his best to ignore the girl cuddling with him, Kevin took this time to try and figure out how he got back to his room. He remembered Chris and learning that the beefy junior was not human. He remembered getting chased and being cornered in an alley with Lilian by said Inu Yōkai. He remembered feeling indescribable pain, and then nothing. It was most unfortunate, but he couldn't recall what had happened after that or how he got back home.

It may have had something to do with the fact he had been unconscious and therefore wouldn't have any recollection of getting home. Just a guess.

He tried shifting a bit, wanting to get more comfortable, yet for some reason his body did not seem to be working properly. He couldn't move much, if at all. It might have something to do with how tired he was. There was an unusual kind of exhaustion he had never felt before. It was difficult to properly describe, but if necessary he would probably have to say it felt similar to how those zombies in Resident Evil felt after rising from the dead.

You know, if reanimated corpses were capable of feeling.

He even wanted someone to put a bullet in his head just so the headache that was currently splitting his skull in half would go away.

"Mmm..." Kevin stilled as a moan escaped the girl using him as her body pillow. A part of him was very afraid of how she would react upon realizing he was awake. Another part had already predicted how she would react and was dreading it. Hopefully, if he remained perfectly still she wouldn't stir anymore and go back to sleep.

Luck was not on his side it seemed. The girl stirred again, mumbling something incomprehensible and lifted her head.

Sleepy green eyes blinked blearily as they met light blue. After several seconds those lethargic, half lidded eyes widened, as the girl they belonged to realized he was awake. To complete this adorable picture of astonishment, the girl's mouth parted in a tiny “o” of surprise.

"Umm..." Kevin looked at the surprised girl unsurely. What do you say to someone who woke up on your chest after the two of you had been chased by an Inu Yōkai and nearly killed after said dog went Freddy Kruger on you? "Hi?"

That, apparently. How eloquent.

"B-beloved?" she whispered in shock, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "You...you're okay..."

"Y-yeah, I'm ― H-hey! What are you...?"

All words left him as the young Kitsune pressed her face against his chest and large drops of water fell upon on his bare skin. Lilian was crying. The tears ran from her eyes, dripping down her cheeks to fall on his skin, making a trail down the flesh of his torso before dripping onto the bed, soaking the sheets underneath him.

"You're really, really okay! I-I was so worried! And scared! You were bleeding all over the place and you weren't moving! I thought you were dead! I didn't... I couldn't..."

Kevin felt increasingly uncomfortable as the red head cried into his chest. No. That was an understatement. He felt downright awful. Tears and this girl just did not mix. Actually, tears and any girl did not mix as far as he was concerned. It was just made ten times worse because this particular girl was someone he knew most intimately, much as he might wish otherwise.

"Uh... look... I uh, I don't really know what's going on, but I'm fine, see?" Kevin tried to reassure the girl by patting her head. Tried being the keyword here. His arms felt like someone had injected several tons of liquidized lead into them. He couldn't even lift his hand, much less use it to pat Lilian reassuringly on the head. The most he got out of his arm was a twitch. Not that this stopped him from trying to make the red-haired beauty stop crying. "So could you... uh... could you please stop crying? Please?"

Yes, he was pleading with a girl to stop crying. Kevin was kind of pathetic like that. On another note, Eric would be most disappointed that his friend had not taken advantage of this situation to offer the girl some... ahem... succor.

Actually he would probably be glad since it meant Eric still had a chance to take Lilian's virginity.



Yeah. Right. As if
would ever happen.


Scene Break.


Several miles away, Eric was at his home, alone. His parents were still at work. Well, his dad was likely at the nearest bar with some friends and his mom was at work, but that didn't matter much for this story. The point was, Eric was alone, sitting on the couch, playing video games.

You probably find it strange that he was playing video games instead of watching porn or something. Don't forget that even perverts need some down time from perving, especially after a day filled with disappointment.


Anyway, it happened just as he was about to strip a girl of her clothes in his newest
(eroge is the Japanese word for video game porn, in case you were wondering). There was no warning. He just stopped playing and dropped the controller as feelings of intense jealousy overtook him.

A moment later Eric was on his feet, shaking an angry fist at the heavens as he cried tears of mixed anger and pride.

"Damn you, Kevin Swift!"


We now bring you back to your regular program.


I'm sorry.” Lilian sat up on Kevin's waist, her lovely thighs straddling his hips. Not that she was aware of this, busy as she was sniffling and getting the last bit of tears out of her system, but Kevin sure was.

He supposed he should just be glad she was actually dressed this time. Sure, she was only wearing what looked like a pair of white, lace panties and a large t-shirt that looked way better on her than it ever did on him, but at least it was something.

He decided not to say anything about her choice of clothes or complain about their compromising position. At least this time. It was clear that his red-haired roommate had gone through a traumatic experience while he had been unconscious. The tears she cried may have helped him realize this. In any case, since she was clearly feeling very emotional right now, he decided just lie there and give the girl some time compose herself.

"I didn't mean to cry all over you," Lilian mumbled as she wiped a few errant tears from her cheeks.

"Ah, no," Kevin was quick to assure the girl. He was just nice like that. "It's not that it's bad or anything. It's just, ah, I just don't really like seeing a girl cry... you know?"

Lilian perked up, her tears seemingly forgotten so she could scrutinize him properly. Her gaze narrowed in contemplation and her lips twitched slightly. The near 180 degree switch was enough to startle him.

"Oh? So you dislike it when a girl cries in front of you?" There was something about the tone in Lilian's voice that made the hairs on the back of his neck prickle. He didn't know what it was. He just knew it didn't bode well for him. "Does it make you... uncomfortable, perhaps?"

"Uh... yeah, a little, I guess."

"Ufufufu, that's good to know. Very good indeed."

Kevin gave the girl on top of him a weird look. "I know I already asked this before, but what's up with that weird laugh?"

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