A Game of Cat & Mouse (24 page)

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Authors: Astrid Cielo

BOOK: A Game of Cat & Mouse
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Miranda watched as everyone filed into the event center, and a sense of déjà vu washed over her. Aspen waved from her seat in the back. She still looked depressed, but there was more color in her cheeks. Evelyn sat beside her, no doubt gossiping about the recent events in the pride. Essence stood talking with Caleb.

After their dizzying lovemaking session, Caleb had broken the news about Essence being the new alpha female. Miranda was jealous of her for a minute before she realized that, no matter whom the alpha female was, she would still be his mate.

“Attention, everyone! Let’s get this started because I know most of you want to get back home.” Caleb’s booming voice echoed through the room, quieting the dull roar of voices. Miranda sat beside Zackary, wishing she could stand beside Caleb.

“So, you still want to be alpha female, right?” Zackary’s whisper tickled her ear.

She looked over at the hazel-eyed male and nodded. He smiled.

“Yeah, but there is no way for me to beat a cougar. Besides, I like Essence, and I don’t want to fight her.”

Zackary patted her on the shoulder

before he whispered, “It takes more than strength to be a leader. You have to want it, and Essence doesn’t. When Caleb asks if anyone disagrees with Essence being alpha female, you need to say that you do.”

“But I don’t want to fight her,” Miranda said between her teeth.

“Look, Miranda, do you want this or not?”

Miranda couldn’t believe she was doing this. She turned her attention back to Caleb and realized she’d almost missed her chance.

“Is there anyone who doesn’t agree with Essence Jacobs being alpha female?”

Miranda took a deep breath and stood, but she was frozen in place with the whole pride looking at her. What the hell was she thinking? I want to be together with Caleb in all things, that’s what.

Miranda almost fell when Zackary

pushed her toward the front. She looked back at Zackary and gave him a look. He just grinned unrepentantly.

“I challenge Essence Jacobs for alpha female status.” Essence let out a breath, and Miranda believed it to be a sigh of relief.

“I forfeit that challenge, thereby

granting the status of alpha female to Miranda Sullivan,” Miranda stared at Caleb. Essence came toward her and hugged her. Miranda couldn’t believe it.

“Why?” Miranda asked when Essence

released her.

“Because I don’t want it. Besides, you’ve done more for this pride in a couple of weeks than I’ve seen in three years. I’m with Zackary in the belief that the strongest physically isn’t always the best leader.”

Miranda wiped at the tear that tried to flow down her face and took her place beside her mate. It felt good to be back with him, no matter how foolish it seemed to feel more connected now that she was alpha female again. Caleb kissed her, and once again, she blushed when the pride applauded.

Caleb turned back to the pride and made the announcements. He told them the status of Brenna and asked volunteers to go check out the pride in her hometown.

They would send those volunteers at the end of the month.

“I would also like to make a couple of special announcements. After this, we’ll be dismissed. After careful consideration and speaking with Miranda, I’ve come to the decision that Zackary Phillips will be the new beta of the Pinewood Creek Pride.”

Miranda laughed when she saw

Zackary’s surprise. Essence hugged her brother and pushed him toward the front.

Caleb grasped him in a hug, and when he was done with him, Zackary turned to Miranda and hugged her. Miranda laughed as Zackary spun her around before setting her back down. Caleb kissed her and looked at Zackary suspiciously.

“Stop it, Caleb. He’s just excited about the position,” Miranda whispered, and Caleb looked down at her just a little bit sheepishly. “Go on with your other announcement. I think everyone is ready to go home, and I think I need some whatever.” Caleb’s eyes darkened in arousal, and he kissed her briefly on the lips before he released her to turn back to the pride.

“We also have a pride member who has expressed interest in returning to school.

We are happy to say we have enough

money in the pride college fund to send Essence Jacobs back to school for the degree of her choice.”

Miranda watched the shock that filled Essence’s face before the tears fell.

Gunner, who’d been playing quietly, stood up and climbed into his mother’s lap.

Miranda thought it was so sweet when he kissed his mother’s cheeks. Essence held her kitten close and mouthed “thank you”

to Caleb.

Later, Miranda stood watching the tub fill with water. She sighed in contentment when Caleb wrapped his arms around her, burrowing his hands inside the linen robe she wore to cup her breasts. Miranda leaned back against his chest and moaned as he thumbed her nipples into peaks. His hands left her breasts to undo the sash that held her robe together. Miranda let the robe fall from her body and pool at her feet.

“Are you wet for me?” Caleb asked, his breath teasing her ear. Miranda nodded, and Caleb bit her neck. Miranda cried out, but whether in pain or pleasure, she was not sure.

“Answer me, Miranda.” Arousal flooded her channel at the authority in his voice.

Miranda squeezed her legs together, enjoying the slight pressure on her clit.

“I’m wet for you,” she said breathlessly.

Caleb trailed one hand from her waist back to her breasts, pinching the nipples alternately between his fingers. She wrapped her arms around his neck to play in his hair as his other hand trailed down her abdomen to circle her clit. She cried out, and her hips bucked forward, seeking contact with his fingers. Caleb obliged by plunging two fingers into her aching sheath. Miranda lost herself in riding his fingers and cried out in frustration when he removed his fingers abruptly.

“Bend forward and hold onto the tub.”

Miranda did as he asked and tried to impale herself on the shaft he teased her clit with. He grabbed hold of her hips and prevented her from further movement.

“Caleb! Please!”

Caleb pulled back to align himself with her sheath. He slammed into her, and Miranda could swear she saw stars. “Oh my God!” Miranda screamed as he started to thrust, each stroke hitting a place inside of her that made her question her

stability. Oh, how she loved the feel of his dick inside her, claiming her all over again.

She’d had sex and enjoyed it, but she’d been mistaken about making love. She’d never made love before Caleb, and she realized that now as he slammed in and out of her, making her pleasure soar higher and higher.

Caleb trailed his hand down to her

mound and pinched her clit. Miranda’s scream echoed throughout the bathroom as she came, her legs giving out in the onslaught of her pleasure. Caleb picked her up and removed his still-hard shaft from her quivering sheath.

“Hold on, baby,” Caleb said, his voice laced with arousal.

He carried her to the vanity sink and placed her there before slamming deep inside again. Miranda hissed at the feel of him barreling through her sensitive tissues. He used one hand to hold her hips steady for his thrusting and the other to cup her face. He took her mouth, his tongue delving into her mouth in time to his thrusts. Miranda could feel her pleasure start to rise again as he continued to pound into her over and over.

Caleb abruptly pulled away.

“No, no no!”

“I have to taste you, Miranda,” he said, his tone gruff and his eyes glowing. He spread her legs wide and attacked her core like a maniac, his tongue spearing into her sex to lap at her arousal. He took stabbing forays at her clit, and she clasped her fingers in his hair, her hips moving to rub her mound against his mouth. It didn’t take long for her to crash over the edge again, becoming a boneless mass that sank against the cool counter.

Caleb stood, his mouth glistening with her juices, and took her mouth as he entered her sheath again with the same passionate abandon. Miranda was content to let him find his release, lazily dueling her tongue with his when that familiar sensation tingled through her.

“Come again, Miranda,” Caleb said, the cords of his neck straining as he moved deep inside of her.

She trailed her hand down to her clit and circled it with her fingers, surprised by the quick and sudden orgasm that tore through her. Caleb shouted as he filled her with his semen, his own orgasm causing him to collapse onto her.

Miranda petted his back as his breathing eased back to normal. Caleb kissed her so gently it almost made her cry before he said, “I love you, Miranda.”

“I love you too.”

The splashing of water intruded on their moment, and Caleb cursed as he withdrew to turn the water off. Miranda laughed and found she couldn’t stop laughing at the exasperated face Caleb made. Soon they were sitting in the tub and laughing together.

After their bath, Miranda felt clean and thoroughly loved as she curled into Caleb’s side and let sleep claim her.


Wesley Chambers shook hands with the

male and female that arrived to transport Brenna James to the Shifter Council.

“We’re sorry it took us so long, but we had another matter to attend to prior to our arrival,” the male said.

If Wesley’s nose was correct, the man was a leopard shifter. The small Asian female merely bowed. Wesley led them into the holding cell where Brenna sat staring at the far wall.

“Come on, Brenna. Your ride is here,”

Wesley said, and she turned her blue eyes on him. It still astounded him how young and innocent she looked, but it didn’t alter his decision. She deserved to pay for her crimes. She came peacefully, the orange of the jumpsuit making her appear pale, despite her tanned skin.

“I am Zain Singleton, and this is my partner, Fai Yen Zhang. We will deliver you to the Shifter Council. Do you understand your charges?”

Brenna looked to Wesley and then to the pair in front of her with a confused look, as if she needed to say something.

“You must speak what is in your heart,”

Fai Yen said, her dark brown eyes

regarding Brenna with curiosity.

“He won’t believe me.” Brenna hung her head in defeat. Wesley wondered what was going on.

“He will not have a chance to believe if you don’t tell him.” Brenna took a deep breath and then nodded. She turned to Wesley.

“I didn’t burn down Miranda’s house.”

Wesley didn’t believe her words. Was this her last ditch effort to save herself?

“See? He didn’t believe me,” Brenna said as she turned back to Fai Yen.

“But you have tried. There was no way for you to try harder. Am I right?” Brenna looked away and then looked back at Wesley with a determination he’d not seen in her.

“Look, I wanted Miranda’s spot, not her life. Although I won’t lie, I intended to kill her as part of the challenge. If I had incidentally killed her in the fire then I would’ve been back to square one.”

What if she were telling the truth about the fire?

“Who did start the fire?” Brenna

shrugged, and Wesley pressed on. “Why tell me now, especially when you don’t think I’ll believe you?”

“Miranda was kind to me; even after all I’ve done, she sat and asked me why. She listened when I talked. I have made many mistakes in my life, but I can never change if I don’t take the initiative. Besides, I’ll probably be killed for the deaths of an alpha and alpha female.”

Wesley nodded, and Brenna went

without protest.

Wesley wiped his eyes and looked at his watch, groaning at the one thirty that greeted him. He stopped midway to his car, his conscience flaring to life. Instead of leaving, he went back to his desk and thumbed through the file. The answer stared at him, and Wesley could’ve slapped himself for missing something so obvious.

Wesley grabbed his phone and dialed Caleb’s number. He got the voice mail.

“Damn it,” he said as he realized he would have to pay a visit to Cougar Creek and its alpha.

Chapter 23

Caleb startled awake, but he met

nothing but silence. He lay silent for a moment listening for what could’ve woken him up. When he heard nothing he

relaxed. Miranda snuggled closer to his chest, and he smiled. Tomorrow she would start her first day as a teacher, and he would return to work. Things would be normal for a change. Caleb had worried that Essence would want to be the alpha female, and while he liked her, his cougar wanted Miranda to be his alpha female.

He knew that, deep down, though she would never say it, Miranda wanted to be alpha female because she truly cared. But he’d seen that she would have stepped down, so that Essence could keep the status.

Miranda had changed his life so much in the course of the time he’d known her.

From the beginning, he’d been smitten with her, and each day just kept getting better. Caleb drifted in and out of sleep, not quite making it to the blissful unconsciousness of REM sleep. The smell of smoke made him sit up. Miranda made a noise of distress and sat up, rubbing at her eyes.

“What is it, Caleb?” She inhaled deeply, confirming what her senses probably already knew but did not want to accept as truth. “Is that smoke?”

Miranda’s panicked statement spurred him to action. He jumped from the bed and opened the bedroom door to a sea of flames. Miranda screamed, and Caleb closed the door.

“Come on, Miranda,” he said as he threw the chair in the corner at the window, shattering the glass. Caleb grabbed the comforter from the bed and spread it over the window then motioned for Miranda.

“When you get out, run to Amanda’s house and call the fire department.” Miranda looked around in a haze of panic, and Caleb grabbed her chin to force her attention on him. “Miranda, I need you to stay with me, okay?”

Miranda nodded, and Caleb repeated his instructions. When she nodded her

understanding, he hoisted her down to the ground. He walked to the bedroom door and cursed when his hand burnt on contact with the doorknob. Caleb grabbed a few clothes for them both then jumped out of the window himself, landing gracefully on his feet.

He’d started to run to catch up with Miranda when her scream caused his blood to run cold. “Miranda!” He saw her first, and the fear in her big brown eyes worked his cougar into a frenzy. As he got close enough to see what had caused her to scream, Caleb couldn’t believe it. His almost white-blonde hair shined in the moonlight, and his green eyes glowed, but what held Caleb’s attention was the gun he held pointed at Miranda’s head.

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