A Garden of Vipers

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Authors: Jack Kerley

BOOK: A Garden of Vipers
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Praise for the Novels of Jack Kerley

A Garden of Vipers

“Kerley knows how to keep us and protagonists guessing—often incorrectly—while heightening the suspense. In less-skilled hands, the macabre events of this crime thriller might have been weighted down in melodrama, but Kerley's vivid scenery, bizarre characters, and multiple plot twists keep us turning pages ever faster.”

Library Journal

“Kerley has demonstrated a talent that runs deep and true…. His descriptions—whether of scenery or of heartbreak—are so sharp and clear as to be almost painful in their beauty. If you haven't jumped on this series yet, this is the novel and now is the time.”


The Death Collectors

“Kerley…writes like a house afire. A boundless and truly ghastly imagination that'll keep you awake long after you turn the last page.”

Kirkus Reviews
(starred review)

“Explosive…compelling…genuinely surprising…[a] haunting look into the world of the twisted…beautifully written.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch

“Complex plotting…a shotgun's force of action, a wildly exotic group of characters, and an unusual locale. As page-turners go, this is a beauty.”

Library Journal

“Kerley has lost none of the flair he demonstrated in [
The Hundredth Man
]. [He] creates a suspenseful narrative that will keep readers turning the pages.”

Omaha World-Herald

“Terrifying…. This one's another winner from a writer moving toward the top of the thriller heap.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“There is a bright future of good reading from Jack Kerley.”

Lincoln Journal-Star

“A genuinely creepy journey into madmen and their devoted followers.”


“A weird police procedural that starts with a bang and never slows down…fascinating…ghoulish…macabre. Jack Kerley writes an eye-opening grisly dark thriller.”

Midwest Book Review

The Hundredth Man

“A crackerjack plot and wonderfully original rapid-fire prose. Kerley is a writer to watch. And read.”

—David Baldacci,
New York Times
bestselling author of
The Camel Club

“Kerley writes in a thrusting style…. There's a future in this.”

The New York Times Book Review

“From its expert forensics to its explosive finale,
The Hundredth Man
is first-rate entertainment and a debut worthy of a repeat performance.”

New York Daily News

“Explosively good…a nuanced look at the dark under-belly of contemporary society that reads like a cross between Thomas Harris and F. Scott Fitzgerald.”

The Baltimore Sun

The Hundredth Man
is a cracking debut.”

Chicago Sun-Times

“A triumph—a stylish thriller with echoes of Thomas Harris's
Silence of the Lambs

The Oakland Press

“This is a pitch-perfect psychological thriller, notable for its wit, depth of characterization, gripping plot, highly effective backstories, and the richness of the world portrayed.”

Library Journal
(starred review)

“Mixing terror with psychology, motives with madness, pounding dialogue and humor…[
The Hundredth Man
] belongs on your summer reading list.”

San Antonio Express-News


The Death Collectors

The Hundredth Man



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ISBN: 978-1-1012-1226-4

Copyright © Jack Kerley, 2006

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For my children,
Amanda and John.
They make life shine.

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